• Title/Summary/Keyword: nutrition education program

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The Development and Effect-Evaluation of Nutrition Education Program for Preschool Children in Children Centers (탁아기관 유아를 위한 영양교육 프로그램의 개발 및 효과평가)

  • 양일선;김은경;채인숙
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 1995
  • This study was designed to : (a) develop the nutrition education program for preschool children (b) actually apply the program in the child-care center and evaluate its educational effects by a Non-equivalent control group design. Nutrition education program was developed on the basis of the conceptual framework which consisted of nutrition nutrients. food handling, life cycle and social.psychological needs. Also the program was devised to contribute children's motor, social, emotional and sensory developments. Nutrition achievement test(NAT) based on the table of specifications coinciding with the conceptual framework and was utilized to evaluate the nutrition education program. Subjects consisted of 42 preschool children, with 22 in control group and 20 in treatment group. All the subject completed a pretest and a posttest and the posttest means between control and treatment groups were compared. The control group had a score of 15.08 and the treatment group, 16.76 and the difference was not significant The treatment group's pre and post test means were 14.20 and 16.76, and showed the difference to be significant (p$\leq$0.05).

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The Effect of Sodium Reduction Education Program of a Public Health Center on the Blood Pressure, Blood Biochemical Profile and Sodium Intake of Hypertensive Adults (고혈압 환자 대상 저나트륨 식생활에 대한 보건소 영양교육이 혈압, 혈액 성상 및 나트륨섭취에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Eun Jin;Son, Sook Mee;Kwon, Jong-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.752-771
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of sodium reduction education program of a public health center on the blood pressure, blood biochemical profile and sodium intake of hypertensive adults. The program continued for 16 weeks with an 8-week nutrition education and an 8-week follow-up to forty two subjects, 6 males and 36 females aged 46 to 80 years. Subjects received nutrition education including lectures, activities, cooking classes and nutrition counseling. Physical fitness, management of stress, and nutrition counseling were provided during the follow-up. The program was evaluated three times, before and after the nutrition education, and after the follow-up. Systolic blood pressure (p < 0.0001) and diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.001) were decreased after completion of the program. Body weight (p < 0.005), percent body fat (p < 0.005) and body mass index (p < 0.001) were decreased, too. There were no significant differences in blood glucose, HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides, while elevated levels of total cholesterol (p < 0.001) and LDL-cholesterol (p < 0.001) appeared after the program completion. Decreased intakes of vitamin A (p < 0.05), ${\beta}$-carotene (p < 0.001) and sodium (p < 0.001) were observed. Consumption frequency of noodles, soups, stews, kimchi, fishes/shellfish, seasoned vegetables, and salted seafoods/pickles (p < 0.05~p < 0.001) were decreased, while that of all food groups were not changed during the follow-up. Total score of nutrition knowledge related to sodium intake and hypertension (p < 0.001), and that of dietary behavior associated with high sodium intakes were changed positively (p < 0.001) only during the nutrition education. This sodium reduction education program, including the follow-up study showed positive effects on the blood pressure, sodium intake, nutrition knowledge and dietary behavior of hypertensive adults.

Blood Pressure, Sodium Intake and Dietary Behavior Changes by Session Attendance on Salt Reduction Education Program for Pre-hypertensive Adults in a Public Health Center (보건소를 방문한 경계성 고혈압 환자의 저염식생활 영양교육 참여정도에 따른 혈압, 나트륨 섭취 및 식행동 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Eun-Jin;Kwon, Jong-Sook;Ahn, So-Hyun;Son, Sook Mee
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.626-643
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed to evaluate the differences in blood pressure, sodium intake and dietary behavior changes according to the extent of session attendance on sodium reduction education program for pre-hypertensive adults in a public health center. Sodium reduction education program consisted of 8 sessions for 8 weeks. Fifty three patients who completed the pre and post nutritional assessments were classified into 2 groups according to the session attendance rate. Nineteen participants who attended the education program 3 times or less (${\leq}3$) were categorized into the less attendance (LA) group and 34 participants attended 4 times or more (${\geq}4$) into the more attendance (MA) group. Blood pressure, anthropometric measurements, serum lipid profile, nutrient intakes including sodium, nutrition knowledge and dietary behavior score were assessed before and after the nutrition education program. Mean sodium intakes (p<0.001), systolic/diastolic blood pressure (p<0.001), and weight (p<0.001) were significantly decreased in the MA group after sodium reduction education program. Compared to the MA group, mean sodium intakes, systolic/diastolic blood pressure were not significantly changed after the education program even with significantly increased nutrition knowledge (p<0.05) and dietary behavior score (p<0.01) in the LA group. It appears that pre-hypertensive adults need to attend the sodium reduction education program for at least 4 times or more to gain beneficial effects from the intervention. Positive feedback of healthcare team or offering more cooking classes may be needed to raise the attendance rate in the sodium reduction education program.

Development of a Theory Based Nutrition Education Program for Childbearing Aged Women in Korea (행동이론에 근거한 가임여성 대상 영양교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Oh Se-Young;Kim Kyung-A;You Hye-Eun;Chung Hae-Rang
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.725-733
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    • 2004
  • It was well received that well grounded behavioral theories were important in the development of effective nutrition education programs, but there are only a few programs available for Korean women. The objective of this study was to develop nutrition education programs for childbearing-aged women in Korea. Based on the findings of the needs assessment for the program and theoretical backgrounds, we developed behaviorally oriented tailored nutrition education program including motivation (MT), modifying (MD) and maintenance (MA) stages. The key concepts of the stages were motivation promotion for MT, increasing behavioral capabilities for MD, and strengthening self-management and building favorable environmental condition for MA. The education program was intended to be need in individual nutrition counseling, but it could be well used for group education by developing materials using the relevant contents. The primary users of the program were nutrition educators, however it could be also used by clients as needed. The introductory chapter provided dietary assessment tools and nutrition education tips. MT chapter included subjects such as nutritional status screening, costs of inappropriate nutrition and weight management, benefits of eating right, and activities for motivation promotion. MD stage chapter dealt with topics of healthy weight, knowledges and skills for better eating habits and physical activity status, and activities related to setting tailored behavioral objectives. MA stage focused on facilitating self management skills and building helping relationships. Each stage underlined activities using various educational tools in order to promote active participation of the client (s). For better use of this program, it was recommended to conduct program validation study.

Implementation and Evaluaion of Nutrition Education Program for Elementary School Children

  • Kim, Kyungwon;Mingyeong Chung
    • Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.146-158
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to develop, implement and evaluate a nutrition education program for elementary school children. Subjects consisted of 47 children in the 6th grade in Seoul, Korea. They received five sessions of nutrition education from June to July, 1999. Topics for nutrition education included function of nutrients, food sources of nutrients, balanced diet, meal planning, and adequate energy intake. Each session lasted 40 minutes. To evaluate program effectiveness, one group pretest-posttest design was used. Subjects were given a pretest and a posttest on nutrition knowledge, eating attitudes, eating behavior, and dietary intake. All data were statistically analyzed mainly using the paired t-test and $\chi$$^2$-test. There was a significant difference between pretest and posttest score on nutrition knowledge(p<0.001), subscales of nutrition knowledge including food sources of nutrients, function of nutrients, and balanced diet(p<0.001). These changes in nutrition knowledge were also shown both in boys(p<0.001) and in girls(p<0.001). Eating attitudes, subscales of eating attitudes, and eating behavior were not significantly changed after nutrition education, although some changes were observed in these variables. Dietary intakes were not significantly were not significantly changed after nutrition education for all subjects ; however, different patterns in dietary intakes were observed when examined by sex. There was an increase in nutrient intakes among boys, while there was a significant decrease in nutrient intakes among girls after program implementation. Especially, it was noted that girls had diets deficient in iron, calcium, and vitamin A, even after nutrition education. It was concluded that a five-week nutrition education program can improve nutrition knowledge or some dietary intake, but this might not be enough to induce changes in food attitudes, eating behavior or dietary intakes. It might be necessary to incorporate diverse approaches, targeting sub-groups of children, and follow-up in nutrition education for elementary school children. (J Community Nutrition 2(2) : 146∼158, 2000)

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Implementation and Evaluation of Nutrition Capacity Training Program for Dietitians and Related Professionals Working at Customized Home Visiting Health Services (방문건강관리사업 담당 영양사와 연계전문인력을 위한 영양부문 교육 프로그램 운영과 평가)

  • Kim, Sook Bae;Yoon, Jin Sook;Kim, Kyung Won
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of the study was to implement and evaluate a nutrition capacity training program for dietitians and other professionals working at customized home visiting health services (CHVHS). This program focused on nutrition services for hypertension or diabetes mellitus patients including topics regarding CHVHS, and composed of 10 sessions with lectures, discussion and practice. Dietitians (n = 54) and other professionals (n = 20) participated in the program and completed the questionnaire to assess their understanding of nutritional management, nutrition services and CHVHS before and after the program, and to examine program satisfaction and education needs. Subjects were mostly women (98.6%) and college or university graduates (93.2%). Total score (p < 0.001), as well as all items (p < 0.001 or p < 0.01) of understanding regarding nutritional management, nutrition services and CHVHS, were significantly increased after the program both in dietitians and in other professionals. Subjects were generally satisfied with the program, showing more satisfaction with items regarding subject's participation, acquiring new knowledge, usefulness of the program for CHVHS, and education materials. In future nutrition capacity training programs, subjects wanted to have classes regarding nutrition services for specific chronic diseases, development of education materials, methods for dietary life education, modifying eating habits and so on. Other professionals compared to dietitians, showed higher education needs in meal management (p < 0.01) and nutrition counseling skills (p < 0.05). This study showed the effectiveness of a nutrition capacity training program for home-visiting dietitians and other professionals, and suggests the need and direction for future nutrition capacity training programs.

Study on Development of a Nutrition Education Program Model for Foreign Worker Patients (외국인 근로자 환자의 영양 교육 프로그램 모델 개발을 위한 연구)

  • Kwon, Jong-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.649-658
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    • 2010
  • This study was performed to develop a nutrition education program model for foreign worker patients. Questionnaire and interview were carried out for collecting quantitative and qualitative information from subjects, respectively. All subjects were foreign worker patients who could speak Korean, composed of 75 Chinese, 4 Mongolians and 1 American, aged from 22 to 73 years old. Among the subjects, 36 subjects had gastrointestinal disease(GD), 16 had coronary heart disease(CHD), 6 had diabetes, 6 had liver disease(LD) and the others had various different diseases. List of recommended and restricted foods for foreign workers to prevent GD and CHD were obtained from interviews with the subjects. A nutrition education program model for foreign worker patients having GD and CHD were developed, and small group education method was recommended. The contents of the program include cause and common symptom and basic nutrition care for the patients, choice of foods and cooking methods, behavioral modification, importance of medication and list of foods recommended and restricted for the patients.

Development and Effects' Analysis of Nutrition Education Program for Diabetes Mellitus at Community Health Center - Focused on Individual Daily Energy Requirements and Food Exchange Units - (당뇨병 성인 대상 보건소 영양교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과 분석 - 개인별 맞춤 하루 필요 에너지 및 식품군 단위수 교육을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Ji-Yoon;Kim, Sook-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.485-497
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of the developed nutrition education program focused on individual daily energy requirements and food exchange units using Food Exchange System for diabetes mellitus at a community health center. Developed the nutrition education program, four weeks' nutrition education including provided twice individual meal as diet therapy (2 hour/lesson/week, 4 week), was provided to 20 diabetic elderly (12 male, 8 female, 50-75 yrs): 1st lesson "Introduction: management of diabetes mellitus", 2nd lesson "6 Food groups and sources of 6 food groups", 3rd lesson "Individual daily energy requirements and food exchange units", and 4th lesson "Food choice for diabetes mellitus". For effects' analysis of the developed program, we assessed the changes in anthropometric characteristics; biochemical characteristics and nutrient intakes using 24 hr recall method. Effects of the developed nutrition education program were as follows: weight was significantly decreased, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) were significantly decreased, and distribution of subjects in BUN and HbA1c was significantly changed. In protein : fat : carbohydrate (PFC) ratio, it was significantly changed from 15.98 : 16.30 : 66.69 to 17.51 : 18.94 : 64.10. In evaluation of nutrient intakes by Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRI), protein, fiber, fat, vitamin E, niacin, folic acid, calcium and zinc were shown significantly positive changes in distribution of subjects according to intake level. The index of nutrition quality (INQ), nutrition adequacy ratio (NAR) and mean nutrition adequacy ratio (MAR) were significantly increased. In conclusion, the developed 4 weeks' nutrition education program focused on individual daily energy requirements and food exchange units using Food Exchange System for diabetes mellitus at community health center may improve the symptom of diabetes mellitus.

The Effects of a Nutrition Education Program for Hypertensive Female Elderly at the Public Health Center (고혈압 여자 노인 대상의 보건소 영양교육 효과 분석)

  • Yim, Kyeong-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.640-652
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    • 2008
  • Hypertension is among the most common and important risk factors for stroke, heart attack, and heart failure which is considered to be the leading cause of death in Korea. The prevalence rate of hypertension in Korea is 27.9%, according to the 2006 Korea National Health and Nutrition Survey. Since non-pharmacologic nutrition education is recommended as the first step in the management of hypertension, evaluation of nutrition program is needed to form strategies for improving patients' dietary adherence. This study was designed to evaluate the overall effectiveness of a hypertension nutrition education program (HNEP) for reducing the salt intake, at a public health center located in Gyunggi-province. The HNEP was offered for 16 weeks from May to September in 2007. Nutrition education activities included cooking classes, food preparation demonstrations, physical fitness programs, salty taste preference test sessions, games, case-study presentations, planning and evaluation of menus, etc. Forty patients participated fully in the program which had 47 female enrollees. Data about nutrient intake (24-hour recall), nutrition knowledge, food behavior were collected before (baseline) and after the program. Changes after program completion indicated the following: 1) diastolic blood pressure was decreased (p < 0.05), 2) sodium (salt) intake was also decreased (p < 0.01), especially baseline high salt intake group, 3) nutrition knowledge was improved (p<0.001), 4) dietary behaviors for maintaining a low salt diet was improved (p < 0.001), 5) participants preferred cooking class from nutrition education methods. As a conclusion, it appears that a nutrition education program for hypertensive female elderly for reducing the salt intake might effectively decrease blood pressure and salt intake. It also improves nutrition knowledge, dietary behavior, and finally adherence to a recommendable low-sodium diet.

Development of Computer-Aided Nutritional Education Program for the School Children (초등학생의 올바른 식습관 형성을 위한 영양교육 사이트 개발)

  • 허은실;이경혜
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.35 no.7
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    • pp.791-799
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    • 2002
  • The performance of educational program for preventive nutrition is more beneficial for children than for the adults based on the cost reduction and the effect of this education. Also children's education helps them to grow and to live as a healthy adult. The purpose of this study is to solve the nutritional problem in children by developing nutrition education program for children and correct their nutritional problems. The characteristics of this program (www.food79.net) are the customized program for grade level based on the level of learning ability, the various education method such as game, cooking practice, and quiz, animation, and the self educated method by managing children's meal management as the result. The contents of this site are constructed not only for children but also for parents, the teachers and the school dietitians to increasing educational effect. The children room consists of food tower, nutrition kingdom, calculation of obesity index, food information, nutrient exploration, cooking world, and evaluation of dietary life. In the room for dietitian and teachers include the contents of the easy gymnastics, nutrition counseling methods, the teaching plans for nutrition education, and the information interchange corner. The third room for parents is constructed of nutrition evaluation, food 114, correction of living habits, and free discussion. Through this site, we are expecting to contribute to national health promotion by correcting the food habits of children.