• Title/Summary/Keyword: nutrition education effect

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Altitude training as a powerful corrective intervention in correctin insulin resistance

  • Chen, Shu-Man;Kuo, Chia-Hua
    • Korean Journal of Exercise Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2012
  • Oxygen is the final acceptor of electron transport from fat and carbohydrate oxidation, which is the rate-limiting factor for cellular ATP production. Under altitude hypoxia condition, energy reliance on anaerobic glycolysis increases to compensate for the shortfall caused by reduced fatty acid oxidation [1]. Therefore, training at altitude is expected to strongly influence the human metabolic system, and has the potential to be designed as a non-pharmacological or recreational intervention regimen for correcting diabetes or related metabolic problems. However, most people cannot accommodate high altitude exposure above 4500 M due to acute mountain sickness (AMS) and insulin resistance corresponding to a increased levels of the stress hormones cortisol and catecholamine [2]. Thus, less stringent conditions were evaluated to determine whether glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity could be improved by moderate altitude exposure (below 4000 M). In 2003, we and another group in Austria reported that short-term moderate altitude exposure plus endurance-related physical activity significantly improves glucose tolerance (not fasting glucose) in humans [3,4], which is associated with the improvement in the whole-body insulin sensitivity [5]. With daily hiking at an altitude of approximately 4000 M, glucose tolerance can still be improved but fasting glucose was slightly elevated. Individuals vary widely in their response to altitude challenge. In particular, the improvement in glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity by prolonged altitude hiking activity is not apparent in those individuals with low baseline DHEA-S concentration [6]. In addition, hematopoietic adaptation against altitude hypoxia can also be impaired in individuals with low DHEA-S. In short-lived mammals like rodents, the DHEA-S level is barely detectable since their adrenal cortex does not appear to produce this steroid [7]. In this model, exercise training recovery under prolonged hypoxia exposure (14-15% oxygen, 8 h per day for 6 weeks) can still improve insulin sensitivity, secondary to an effective suppression of adiposity [8]. Genetically obese rats exhibit hyperinsulinemia (sign of insulin resistance) with up-regulated baseline levels of AMP-activated protein kinase and AS160 phosphorylation in skeletal muscle compared to lean rats. After prolonged hypoxia training, this abnormality can be reversed concomitant with an approximately 50% increase in GLUT4 protein expression. Additionally, prolonged moderate hypoxia training results in decreased diffusion distance of muscle fiber (reduced cross-sectional area) without affecting muscle weight. In humans, moderate hypoxia increases postprandial blood distribution towards skeletal muscle during a training recovery. This physiological response plays a role in the redistribution of fuel storage among important energy storage sites and may explain its potent effect on changing body composition. Conclusion: Prolonged moderate altitude hypoxia (rangingfrom 1700 to 2400 M), but not acute high attitude hypoxia (above 4000 M), can effectively improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance for humans and antagonizes the obese phenotype in animals with a genetic defect. In humans, the magnitude of the improvementvaries widely and correlates with baseline plasma DHEA-S levels. Compared to training at sea-level, training at altitude effectively decreases fat mass in parallel with increased muscle mass. This change may be associated with increased perfusion of insulin and fuel towards skeletal muscle that favors muscle competing postprandial fuel in circulation against adipose tissues.

Effects of Different Exercise Intensity on Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), and Biochemical Variables in Obese and NIDDM Patients (운동 강도의 차이가 제2형 당뇨병 환자와 비만인의 초과산소 섭취량, 안정 시 대사량 및 생화학적 변인에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwak, Yi-Sub;Ku, Woo-Young;Yoo, Byung-In;Jin, Young-Wan;Choi, Kyung-Suk;Cho, Joon-Yong;Woo, Jin-Hee;Hwang, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.1455-1463
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of various exercise intensity on Excess post exercise energy expenditure (EPEE), Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR),thyroid hormonal changes and biochemical variables in obese and NIDDM patients. The subject of the present study were divided into four groups and four periods: trained (T; n=10), control (C; n=10), obese (O; n=10) and NIDDM (N; n=10) group. And the periods were divided as follows; Resting (RE), Maximal (MA), High intensity (HI), and Low intensity (LI). There was significant difference in RMR among different intensity of exercise. in the T (p<0.05) not in the C, O, and N groups. however, there was no significant different percent body fat among all groups. In the energy expenditure, there was significant different among C, O, N groups compare to T in HIEE (high intensity exercise energy expenditure), LIEE (low intensity exercise energy expenditure), HIEEPE (high intensity exercise energy expenditure post exercise) and LIEEPE (low intensity exercise expenditure post exercise). In the hormonal level, there was significant different in T4 level in the T group at LI period and there was also significant difference in T4, Free T3, & Free T4 levels in T group at LI period, however there was no significant different in the O and N groups except LI period. In the fatigue variables, there was significant different in lactate and ammonia levels in the N group in the period of HI compare to C. The present cross-sectional study was design to investigate the relationship between exercise intensity and RMR in four groups. The focus of this investigation was to compare RMR in aerobically trained (T), control (C), obese (O) and NIDDM (N) group. The relationship among RMR, exercise intensity and percent body fat would best be investigated using Meta Lyzer 3B, MMX3B and body composition analyzer. Each subject completed measurement of percent body fat, RMR, hormone in the period of maximal oxygen uptake exercise (MA), high intensity exercise (HI), and low intensity exercise (LI). From the results, High and Low intensity of exercise, there was a trend for an increased RMR (kcal/day) in the trained groups and control group (in case of LI) not for the obese and N groups. This is best explained not by the reduced percent body fat but by the highly induced energy expenditure (during exercise and post exercise energy expenditure) and increased T4, Free T3, and Free T4 hormonal levels in the low intensity exercise for the T group and sometimes C group.

Analysis of Mediating Effects of Eating Habits on the Relationship between Stress and Depression in the Elderly (노인의 스트레스와 우울 간의 관계에서 식습관의 매개 효과 분석)

  • Tak, Sang Sook;Lee, Geo Lyong
    • Journal of Naturopathy
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2022
  • Background: It is necessary to understand the correlation between stress and depression according to eating habits in the elderly. Purposes: To empirically verify the mediating effect of eating habits in the relationship between stress and depression in the elderly. Methods: we distributed an 'online questionnaire' to men and women aged 60 or more living in large cities, medium, and small-sized cities in Korea using Google questionnaires, and 365 replies were collected and used for analysis. Results: First, we found that stress in the elderly directly affected depression. In summary, an increment in the stress level of the elderly induces an increment in the depression level. Second, the eating habits of the elderly indirectly mediated the relationship between stress and depression. Conclusions: This study is meaningful in that it has verified eating habits have a mediating effect on the relationship between stress and depression in the elderly, and healthy eating habits of individuals can reduce depression. Therefore, counseling institution must check their daily eating habits when counseling the degree of depression of the elderly. In addition, eating habits are affected by stress, and it is necessary to grasp the individual stress index for the elderly who has terrible eating habits. Furthermore, it is needed to provide continuous nutrition education in institutions and communities to have proper eating habits.

Health Behavioral Factors Affecting Depression in Patients with Chronic Disease (만성질환자의 우울에 영향을 미치는 보건 행태 요인)

  • Sun-Mee Kim
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.305-314
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of health behavioral factors such as general characteristics, lifestyle and disease characteristics on depression in patients with chronic diseases. To this end, among 7,359 people who participated in the 8th National Health and Nutrition Survey conducted from 2019 to 2020, chi-square test analysis between health behavior factors and depression for 1980 people aged 19 years or older with chronic diseases and no missing values in the basic survey items was performed. After that, binary logistic regression analysis was performed with the factors that were significant as independent variables. As a result of the analysis, depression was 1.49 times higher in women than men (CI: 1.086~2.044), and was 1.828 higher in smokers than in non-smokers (CI: 1.285~2.561). And the higher the income level, the lower the depression. In particular, the odds ratio was 28.034 (CI: 13.132~59.849) in 'not stressful' versus 'very stressed', which had the greatest effect when the intensity of stress was very high. And the influence of subjective health cognition and sleeping hours was also relatively high. This study is meaningful in that it identified the priority of health behavior factors that should be practiced to improve depression in patients with chronic diseases. And since the number of comorbidity was not significant in the occurrence of depression, it would be necessary to identify the extent to which each type of chronic disease affects depression and to suggest policy alternatives tailored to each patient group.

Changes in Korean Consumers' Perception on Food Preservatives by a Risk Communication Booklet

  • Kim, Suna;Kim, Ji-Sun;Kang, Hee-Jin;Lee, Gunyoung;Lim, Ho Soo;Yun, Sang Soon;Kim, Jeong-Weon
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.417-426
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    • 2018
  • Food preservatives are very important food additives for the biological and chemical safety of processed foods. The purposes of this study were to investigate Korean consumer's perception and information needs on food preservatives, to develop an educational booklet as a risk communication material on food preservatives, and to assess the educational effect of the developed booklet. To understand perception on food preservatives, a self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted by 381 parents having elementary school students at Seoul and Geoynggi area in Korea. Based on the survey results, brain storming of the authors along with consultation from the professionals, we developed a risk communication booklet about food preservatives. It was exposed to 35 parents of elementary school children, and their evaluation was collected by using a questionnaire and analyzed statistically. Respondents considered food safety (44.8%) as the most important factor while purchasing processed foods. They still perceived food additives as the most hazardous one (41.5%), and among those, food preservatives were the most concerned (45.9%). Total 67.7% of the respondents considered the consumption of food preservatives as hazardous or very hazardous. However, 90.6% of respondents did not have any educational experience about food additives and food preservatives. Based on their information needs, a science-based booklet consisting of the definition, classification, safety, intake, and management of food preservatives was developed. When the booklet titled as 'Food preservatives, Just Know Them!' was exposed to the parents via elementary school teacher, their negative perceptions on food additives and food preservatives were changed positively by increasing the understanding level on preservatives from 18.9% to 90.9% and obtaining 72.7% positive answers on their safety. Therefore, it could be used as an effective risk communication material on food preservatives.

Effect of Artificial Menopause on Diagnosis of Common Cancers in Women: Focusing on Thyroid Cancer, Breast Cancer, and Cervical Cancer (인공폐경이 여성의 다빈도암 진단에 미치는 영향: 갑상선암, 유방암, 자궁경부암을 중심으로)

  • Hyun-Jung Jung;Ji-Kyeong Park
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of artificial menopause on the diagnosis of thyroid cancer, breast cancer, and cervical cancer, and to provide basic data for cancer prevention and early diagnosis in women. Methods: Analysis was conducted using raw data from the 2011-2020 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Among the 79,262 people surveyed in the 2011-2020 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 10,207 people were selected as the final research subjects, excluding men, those under 18 years old, those over 80 years old, those who did not participate in the health survey, those with missing data, and those who were not in menopause. Among them, 248 people were diagnosed with thyroid cancer (2.7%), 225 people were diagnosed with breast cancer (2.5%), and 143 people were diagnosed with cervical cancer (21.5%). Results: First, there appeared to be differences between the thyroid cancer diagnosed group and the non-diagnosed group depending on educational level, childbirth experience, and menopause type. Second, there appeared to be differences between the breast cancer diagnosis group and the non-diagnosis group depending on educational level, menopause age, pregnancy experience, childbirth experience, subjective health status, and menopause type. Third, there appeared to be differences between the cervical cancer diagnosis group and the non-diagnosis group depending on menopause age, subjective health status, and menopause type. Fourth, compared to natural menopause, in the case of artificial menopause, the diagnosis probability of women increased by 2.010 times for thyroid cancer, 3.872 times for breast cancer, and 14.902 times for cervical cancer. Conclusion: For thyroid cancer, breast cancer, and cervical cancer, the probability of cancer diagnosis increases in the case of artificial menopause compared to natural menopause, so it is considered important to avoid experiencing artificial menopause to prevent cancer.

Comparison of food and nutrient intake between weekday and weekend for elementary and middle school students by gender in Busan and some parts of Kyungsangnamdo (부산 및 경상남도 일부 지역 초등학생과 중학생의 성별에 따른 주중과 주말의 식품 및 영양소 섭취 실태 비교)

  • Kim, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.332-345
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of elementary and middle school students by gender with an emphasis on comparison of nutritional intake between weekday and weekend. Survey construct included one 24-hour diet recall and two diet records, short food frequency questionnaire, and anthropometry. Eating behaviors and nutritional intake were largely different for four groups divided by age and gender: ME, FE, MM, and FM. Frequency of consumption of healthful foods was significantly higher in the ME and FE groups. The highest and lowest scores for frequency of eating with parents were observed in the FE and FM groups, respectively. The amount of consumption of food groups was lower on weekends than on weekdays and this trend was more prominent in elementary schoolers compared with middle schoolers. In terms of food group consumption as well as energy and nutrient intake, the ME group showed the greatest differences between weekday and weekend, followed by FE, MM, and FM, in descending order. A significantly higher amount of potassium, phosphorus, and calcium was consumed on weekdays than on the weekend in the ME and FE groups. The amount of energy and nutrient intake was smallest in the FM group; however, the difference between weekday and weekend was minimal as well. In comparison of the subjects' energy and nutrient intake with their Korean Dietary Reference Intakes values (%KDRI), the MM group showed the most undesirable results for energy, protein, dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin $B_1$, vitamin $B_2$, niacin, vitamin $B_6$, calcium, and zinc. Overall, findings indicated that nutritional intake status may differ between weekday and weekend for elementary and middle schoolers by gender, suggesting that youth may benefit from nutritional education programs that stress the impact of gender and weekend effect on their dietary intake.

Effects of Dietary Protein and Energy on the Growth and Body Composition of Growing Rats (단백질과 에너지 수준이 흰쥐의 성장 및 체조성에 미치는 영향)

  • Chang, Y.K.;Han, I.K.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 1982
  • In order to investigate the effect of dietary protein and energy on growing female and male rats, Sprague-Dawley 90 female rats and 54 male rats of 3 weeks old weighing approximately 70-80g and 65-75g, respectively, were subjected to feeding trials for 8 weeks and then subsquently to metabolic trials for 2 weeks. Three dietary energy levels (3200, 3600, 4000 kcal ME/kg) were employed and each energy level contained three protein levels (15, 25, 35% of 3600 kcal ME/kg) and three fat levels (10, 20, 40% of 3600 kcal ME/kg) by addition of an appropriate amount of carbohydrate and the following results were obtained. The body weight gain of female rats was highest for LPHE ration but that of male rats was highest for LPME ration. The weight gains both of female and male rats were not affected by the level of protein. Food efficiencies both of female and male rats was affected by the level of protein, whereas that of male rats was not. Protein efficiencies of female and male rats were highest at low protein level and tended to decrease as the level of protein increased, but that of female rats was highest at high energy level, while that of male rats was highest at medium energy level. The analysis of the body composition after feeding trials for 8 weeks has shown that the contents of body water and protein were not affected by protein level both in female and male rats. The content of body fat increased remarkably as the protein and energy levels increased in case of female rats, but it was not affected by the protein and energy levels in case of male rats. From the above-mentioned experimental results it may be con eluded that the best formula of diet of growing female rats may be composed of low protein (13%) and high energy levels (4000 kcal/kg) whereas that for male rats may be composed of low protein (13%) and medium energy levels (3600 kcal/kg), since all the efficiencies of food, protein and energy have shown to be best at these levels.

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Development and Evaluation of Consumer Educational Contents on Safety Management of Imported Foods for Female College Students in Seoul (수입식품 안전관리에 관한 소비자 교육 컨텐츠 개발 및 교육효과 조사 - 서울시에 거주하는 여대생 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Ji-In;Kang, Eun-Jin;Cho, Mi-Young;Choi, Gye-Sun;Hong, Young-Pyo;Seo, Kab-Jong;Kim, Gun-Hee
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the consumer recognition with regard to the safety management for imported foods. In order to evaluate the effect of the prgram on consumer education, the program was practiced for 89 female college students in Seoul, Korea. The participants were given an instruction with materials on imported food safety, including the safety management of imported foods and their distribution. The results showed that the participants achieved a greater understanding of imported foods. In particular, they had firmly grasped the importance of expiration date in selecting imported foods. Before the instruction, 50.6% of total participants blamed the Korean government for the problems arising from imported foods; only 18.0% placed the blame on individuals or businesses importing from foreign countries. After the instruction, 39.3% had blamed the individuals or businesses importing from foreign countries. Furthermore, 36.0% had disapproved of the foods that are imported from China before the instruction, while 32.6% found objectionable the views on the illegally distributed foods; 29.2% criticized the junk foods that target children (after the instruction). In addition, the level of participant satisfaction via-a-vis imported foods safety supervision had improved from $2.76{\pm}1.59$(before the instruction) to $3.37{\pm}1.58$(after the instruction). The results indicate that consumers are concerned with the imported foods that contain adulterated or forbidden substances and the illegally distributed foods from foreign countries. Thus, consistent and informative educational programs on imported food safety could help consumers in choosing safer products, resulting in an improvement in the consumer confidence with respect to imported foods.

Effects of Hot Water Soluble Extract from Green Tea on the Lipid Metabolism and Antioxidant Effect in Rats fed Animal or Vegetable Protein and a Hypercholesterol Diet (녹차 열수추출물이 동$\cdot$식물성 단백질과 고콜레스테롤을 급여한 흰쥐의 지질대사와 항산화효과에 미치는 영향)

  • Won, Hyang-Rye;Rhie, Seung-Gyo;Park, Dong-Yean
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2005
  • The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of hot water soluble extract from green tea on the components of serum and the liver and the antioxidative effects in accordance with the different protein types. For this purpose, four experimental groups were set up. As for the protein source casein, isolated soy protein was supplemented to the rats, together with hot water soluble extract from green tea. Four experimental groups kept eight Sprague-Dawley rats respectively. The CP group was supplemented with casein only, the CG group was supplemented with casein and hot water soluble extract from green tea, the ISP group was supplemented with isolated soy protein only, and the ISG group was supplemented with the isolated soy protein with hot water soluble extract from green tea. After 4 weeks of feeding with experimental diet, the levels of serum and liver lipid and antioxidant enzyme activity and TBARS in the liver were measured. The results are; 1. Weight gain and FER were higher in the casein group than in the isolated soy protein group in general. In the casein group, the weight gain and FER were reduced significantly when hot water soluble extract from green tea was supplemented (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in feed intake. 2. In general, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in the serum were higher in the casein group than in the isolated soy protein group, however just the concentration of LDL-cholesterol in the casein group was significantly lower when the hot water soluble extract from green tea was supplemented (P < 0.05). 3. Triglycerides in the liver were higher in the casein group than in the isolated soy protein group general, however when hot water soluble extract from green teas was supplemented only in the isolated soy protein group, the content of triglyceride in liver was significantly lower (P < 0.05). 4. There was no significant difference in antioxidant enzyme activity in the liver in all the groups, however the content of TBARS was low only in the casein group when hot water soluble extract from green tea was supplemented (P < 0.05).

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