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Community Composition and Functional Feeding Groups of Aquatic Insects According to Stream Order from the Gapyeong Creek in Gyeonggi-do, Korea (경기도 가평천의 하순에 따른 수서곤충 군집조성과 섭식기능군)

  • Won, Doo-Hee;Hoang, Duc-Huy;Jin, Young-Hun;Hwang, Jeong-Mi;Bae, Yeon-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.36 no.1 s.102
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2003
  • Community composition and functional feeding groups of aquatic insects according to stream order were investigated from the Gapyeong Creek, a typical mid-sized Korean stream in Gyeonggi -do, Korea, in April 2000. For field investigations, the main watercourse and three major tributaries of the stream that belong to stream order ll to Vll were divided into reaches (ca. 14 km in distance). Aquatic insects were sampled from one or two sites each reach (total 30 sites) using a Surber sampler (50×50cm, mesh 0.75 mm). As a result of the quantitative samplings(two Surber samplings at riffle and pool/run per site; total 2×30=60 Surber samplings) and additional qualitative samplings, a total of 164 species of aquatic insects in 103 genera, 54 families, and 8 orders were collected from the stream. Those aquatic insects were composed of Trichoptera (56spp.: 34.1%), Ephemeroptera (43 spp.: 26.2%), Diptera (25spp.: 15.2%), Plecoptera (23 spp.: 14.0%), Coleoptera (6 spp.: 3.7%), Odonata (6 spp.:3.7%), Hemiptera (3 spp.: 1.8%), and Megaloptera (2 spp.: 1.2%); EPT-group (122 spp.:74.4%) or EPT-group plus Diptera (147 spp.: 89.6%) occupied most of the aquatic insect community; relatively larger number of species occurred in the mid-stream reaches (order III-Vl). The quantitative samplings throughout the study sites yielded a total of 26,286 individuals of aquatic insects (1362522 inds./0.5 m2, mean 906.4inds./0.5 m2) that belongs to Ephemeroptera (11,994 inds.: 45.6%), Diptera (8730 inds.:33.2%), Trichoptera (4123 inds.: 15.7%), Plecoptera (1213 inds.: 4.6%), Coleoptera (204 inds.: 0.8%), Odonata (13 inds.: 0.05%), Megaloptera (5 inds.: 0.02%), and Hemiptera (4inds.: inds.: 0.02%); average number of individuals of aquatic insects increased as the stream order increased: average numbers of individuals of Bllecoptera and Trichoptera decreased and increased, respectively, as the stream order increased. Tolerant species such as Chironomidae spp., Uracanthella rufa and Hydropsychidae spp. were particularly abundant in the down stream reaches (order Vll) . Species diversity indices (H`) and dominance indices (Dl) were relatively higher and lower, respectively, in the mid-stream reaches (order IVVI). Shredders occupied the smallest partand collector-gatherers were most abundant among the functional feeding groups(FFGs); collector-filterers considerably increased in the down stream reaches (orders Vl and VII); scrappers were relatively evenly distributed throughout the stream reaches: predators were relatively more abundant in the uppermost stream reaches(order ll) . Overall, the characteristics of aquatic insect comminity and FFGs in the Gapyeong Creek are largely similar to those in the normal streams of temperate deciduous forest in the northern hemisphere that is explained by the river confineum concept.

On the vibration influence to the running power plant facilities when the foundation excavated of the cautious blasting works. (노천굴착에서 발파진동의 크기를 감량 시키기 위한 정밀파실험식)

  • Huh Ginn
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 1991
  • The cautious blasting works had been used with emulsion explosion electric M/S delay caps. Drill depth was from 3m to 6m with Crawler Drill ϕ70mm on the calcalious sand stone (soft -modelate -semi hard Rock). The total numbers of test blast were 88. Scale distance were induced 15.52-60.32. It was applied to propagation Law in blasting vibration as follows. Propagtion Law in Blasting Vibration V=K(DWb)n were V : Peak partical velocity(cm/sec) D : Distance between explosion and recording sites(m) W : Maximum charge per delay-period of eight milliseconds or more (kg) K : Ground transmission constant, empirically determind on the Rocks, Explosive and drilling pattern ets. b : Charge exponents n : Reduced exponents where the quantity DWb is known as the scale distance. Above equation is worked by the U.S Bureau of Mines to determine peak particle velocity. The propagation Law can be catagorized in three groups. Cubic root Scaling charge per delay Square root Scaling of charge per delay Site-specific Scaling of charge Per delay Plots of peak particle velocity versus distoance were made on log-log coordinates. The data are grouped by test and P.P.V. The linear grouping of the data permits their representation by an equation of the form ; $V=K(\frac{D}{W^{\frac{1}{3}})^{-n}$ The value of K(41 or 124) and n(1.41 or 1.66) were determined for each set of data by the method of least squores. Statistical tests showed that a common slope, n, could be used for all data of a given components. Charge and reduction exponents carried out by multiple regressional analysis. It's divided into under loom over loom distance because the frequency is verified by the distance from blast site. Empirical equation of cautious blasting vibration is as follows. Over 30m ------- under l00m 41(D/sqrt[2]W)1.41A Over 100m 121(D/sqrt[3]W)1.66B where ; V is peak particle velocity In cm / sec D is distance in m and W, maximLlm charge weight per day in kg K value on the above equation has to be more specified for further understaring about the effect of explosives, Rock strength. And Drilling pattern on the vibration levels, it is necessary to carry out more tests.

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The Reserch on Actual Condition of Crime of Arson Which Occurs in Korea and Its Countermeasures (방화범죄의 실태와 그 대책 - 관심도와 동기의 다양화에 대한 대응 -)

  • Choi, Jong-Tae
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.1
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    • pp.371-408
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    • 1997
  • This article is the reserch on actual condition of crime of arson which occurs in Korea and its countermeasures. The the presented problem in this article are that (1) we have generally very low rate concern about the crime of arson contrary to realistic problems of rapid increase of crime of arson (2) as such criminal motives became so diverse as to the economic or criminal purpose unlike characteristic and mental deficiency of old days, and to countermeasure these problems effectively it presentation the necessity of systemantic research. Based on analysis of reality of arson, the tendency of this arson in Korea in the ratio of increase is said to be higher than those in violence crime or general fire rate. and further its rate is far more greater than those of the U.S.A. and Japan. Arson is considered to be a method of using fire as crime and in case of presently residence to be the abject, it is a public offense crime which aqccompany fatality in human life. This is the well It now fact to all of us. And further in order to presentation to the crime of arson, strictness of criminal law (criminal law No, 164 and 169, and fire protection law No. 110 and 111) and classification of arsonist as felony are institutionary reinforced to punish with certainty of possibility, Therefore, as tendency of arson has been increased compared to other nations, it is necessary to supplement strategical policy to bring out overall concerns of the seriousness of risk and damage of arson, which have been resulted from the lack of understanding. In characteristics analysis of crime of arson, (1) It is now reveald that, in the past such crime rate appeared far more within the boundary of town or city areas in the past, presently increased rate of arsons in rural areas are far more than in the town or small city areas, thereby showing characteristics of crime of arson extending nation wide. (2) general timetable of arson shows that night more than day time rate, and reveald that is trait behavior in secrecy.(3) arsonists are usually arrested at site or by victim or report of third person(82,9%).Investigation activities or self surrenders rate only 11.2%. The time span of arrest is normally the same day of arson and at times it takes more than one year to arrest. This reveals its necessity to prepare for long period of time for arrest, (4) age rate of arson is in their thirties mostly as compared to homicide, robbery and adultery, and considerable numbers of arsons are in old age of over fifties. It reveals age rate is increased (5) Over half of the arsonists are below the junior high school (6) the rate of convicts by thier records is based on first offenders primarily and secondly more than 4 time convicts. This apparently shows necessity of effective correctional education policy for their social assimilation together with re-investigation of human education at the primary and secondary education system in thier life. The examples of motivation for arosnits, such as personal animosity, fury, monetary swindle, luscious purpose and other aims of destroying of proof, and other social resistance, violence including ways of threatening, beside the motives of individual defects, are diverse and arsonic suicide and specifically suicidal accompany together keenly manifested. When we take this fact with the criminal theory, it really reveals arsons of crime are increasing and its casualities are serious and a point as a way of suicide is the anomie theory of Durkheim and comensurate with the theory of that of Merton, Specifically in the arson of industrial complex, it is revealed that one with revolutionary motive or revolting motive would do the arsonic act. For the policy of prevention of arsons, professional research work in organizational cooperation for preventive activities is conducted in municipal or city wise functions in the name of Parson Taskforces and beside a variety of research institutes in federal government have been operating effectively to countermeasure in many fields of research. Franch and Sweden beside the U.S. set up a overall operation of fire prevention research funtions and have obtained very successful result. Japan also put their research likewise for countermeasure. In this research as a way of preventive fire policy, first, it is necessary to accomodate the legal preventitive activities for fire prevention in judicial side and as an administrative side, (1) precise statistic management of crime of arson (2) establishment of professional research functions or a corporate (3) improvement of system for cooperative structural team for investigation of fires and menpower organization of professional members. Secondly, social mentality in individual prospect, recognition of fires by arson and youth education of such effect, educational program for development and practical promotion. Thirdly, in view of environmental side, the ways of actual performance by programming with the establishment of cooperative advancement in local social function elements with administrative office, habitants, school facilities and newspapers measures (2) establishment of personal protection where weak menpowers are displayed in special fire prevention measures. These measures are presented for prevention of crime of arson. The control of crime and prevention shall be prepared as a means of self defence by the principle of self responsibility Specifically arsonists usually aims at the comparatively weak control of fire prevention is prevalent and it is therefore necessary to prepare individual facilities with their spontaneous management of fire prevention instead of public municipal funtures of local geverment. As Clifford L. Karchmer asserted instead of concerns about who would commit arson, what portion of area would be the target of the arson. It is effective to minister spontaveously the fire prevention measure in his facility with the consideration of characteristics of arson. On the other hand, it is necessary for the concerned personnel of local goverment and groups to distribute to the local society in timely manner for new information about the fire prevention, thus contribute to effective result of fire prevention result. In consideration of these factors, it is inevitable to never let coincide with the phemonemon of arsons in similar or mimic features as recognized that these could prevail just an epedemic as a strong imitational attitude. In processing of policy to encounter these problems, it is necessary to place priority of city policy to enhancement of overall concerns toward the definitive essense of crime of arson.

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Expression of Phospholipase C Isozymes in Human Lung Cancer Tissues (인체 폐암조직에서 Phospholipase C 동위효소의 발현양상)

  • Hwang, Sung-Chul;Mah, Kyung-Ae;Choi, So-Yeon;Oh, Yoon-Jung;Choi, Young-In;Kim, Deog-Ki;Lee, Hyung-Noh;Choi, Young-Hwa;Park, Kwang-Ju;Lee, Yi-Hyeong;Lee, Kyi-Beom;Ha, Mahn-Joon;Bae, Yoon-Su
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.310-322
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    • 2000
  • Background : Phospholipase C(PLC) plays an important role in cellular signal transduction and is thought to be critical in cellular growth, differentiation and transformation of certain malignancies. Two second messengers produced from the enzymatic action of PLC are diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate (IP3). These two second messengers are important in down stream signal activation of protein kinase C and intracellular calcium elevation. In addition, functional domains of the PLC isozymes, such as Src homology 2 (SH2) domain, Src homology 3 (SH3) domain, and pleckstrin homology (PH) domain play crucial roles in protein translocation, lipid membrane modificailon and intracellular memrane trafficking which occur during various mitogenic processes. We have previously reported the presence of PLC-γ1, γ2, β1, β3, and δ1 isozymes in normal human lung tissue and tyrosine-kinase-independent activation of phospholipase C-γ isozymes by tau protein and AHNAK. We had also found that the expression of AHNAK protein was markedly increased in various mstologic types of lung can∞r tissues as compared to the normallungs. However, the report concerning expression of various PLC isozymes in lung canærs and other lung diseases is lacking. Therefore, in this study we examined the expression of PLC isozymes in the paired surgical specimens taken from lung cancer patients. Methods : Surgically resected lung cancer tissue samples taken from thirty seven patients and their paired normal control lungs from the same patients, The expression of various PLC isozymes were studied. Western blot analysis of the tissue extracts for the PLC isozymes and immunohistochemistry was performed on typical samples for localization of the isozyme. Results : In 16 of 18 squamous cell carcinomas, the expression of PLC-γ1 was increased. PLC-γ1 was also found to be increased in all of 15 adenocarcinoma patients. In most of the non-small cell lung cancer tissues we had examined, expression of PLC-δ1 was decreased. However, the expression of PLC-δ1 was markedly increased in 3 adenocarcinomas and 3 squamous carcinomas. Although the numbers were small, in all 4 cases of small cell lung cancer tissues, the expression of PLC-δ1 was nearly absent. Conclusion : We found increased expression of PLC-γ1 isozyme in lung cancer tissues. Results of this study, taken together with our earlier findings of AHNAK protein-a putative PLD-γ, activator-over-expression, and the changes observed in PLC-δ1 in primary human lung cancers may provide a possible insight into the derranged calcium-inositol signaling pathways leading to the lung malignancies.

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Cooperation Strategy in the Business Ecosystem and Its Healthiness: Case of Win - Win Growth of Samsung Electronics and Partnering Companies (기업생태계 상생전략과 기업건강성효과: 삼성전자와 협력업체의 상생경영사례를 중심으로)

  • Sung, Changyong;Kim, Ki-Chan;In, Sungyong
    • The Journal of Small Business Innovation
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.19-39
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    • 2016
  • With increasing adoption of smart products and complexity, companies have shifted their strategies from stand alone and competitive strategies to business ecosystem oriented and cooperative strategies. The win-win growth of business refers to corporate efforts undertaken by companies to pursue the healthiness of business between conglomerates and partnering companies such as suppliers for mutual prosperity and a long-term corporate soundness based on their business ecosystem and cooperative strategies. This study is designed to validate a theoretical proposition that the win-win growth strategy of Samsung Electronics and cooperative efforts among companies can create a healthy business ecosystem, based on results of case studies and surveys. In this study, a level of global market access of small and mid-sized companies is adopted as the key achievement index. The foreign market entry is considered as one of vulnerabilities in the ecosystem of small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs). For SMEs, the global market access based on the research and development (R&D) has become the critical component in the process of transforming them into global small giants. The results of case studies and surveys are analyzed mainly based on a model of a virtuous cycle of Creativity, Opportunity, Productivity, and Proactivity (the COPP model) that features the characteristics of the healthiness of a business ecosystem. In the COPP model, a virtuous circle of profits made by the first three factors and Proactivity, which is the manifestation of entrepreneurship that proactively invests and reacts to the changing business environment of the future, enhances the healthiness of a given business ecosystem. With the application of the COPP model, this study finds major achievements of the win-win growth of Samsung Electronics as follows. First, Opportunity plays a role as a parameter in the relations of Creativity, Productivity, and creating profits. Namely, as companies export more (with more Opportunity), they are more likely to link their R&D efforts to Productivity and profitability. However, companies that do not export tend to fail to link their R&D investment to profitability. Second, this study finds that companies with huge investment on R&D for the future, which is the result of Proactivity, tend to hold a large number of patents (Creativity). And companies with significant numbers of patents tend to be large exporters as well (Opportunity), and companies with a large amount of exports tend to record high profitability (Productivity and profitability), and thus forms the virtuous cycle of the COPP model. In addition, to access global markets for sustainable growth, SMEs need to build and strengthen their competitiveness. This study concludes that companies with a high level of proactivity to invest for the future can create a virtuous circle of Creativity, Opportunity, Productivity, and Proactivity, thereby providing a strategic implication that SMEs should invest time and resources in forming such a virtuous cycle which is a sure way for the SMEs to grow into global small giants.

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Malacological Studies on Parafossarulus manchouricus(Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) in Korea (한국산(韓國産) 왜우렁(Parafossarulus manchouricus)의 패류학적(貝類學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Chung, Pyung-Rim
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.24-50
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    • 1985
  • Five different populations of Parafossarulus manchouricus (Chongpyung, Chinju and Kunsan, Korea; and Japan and Taiwan), a population of Bitbynia (Gabbia) misella (Gongju, Korea) and two different populations of Bithynta tentaculata (Michigan, U.S.A. and Bodensee, Germany) were compared in regard to eff-laying characteristics, morphology, chromosome cytology, natural infections of parasites and ecology of habitats. A satisfactory culture method was devised for laboratory rearing of the snails. Tropical fish food (Terra SML) and powdered green leaves (Ceralife) were used as the main food sources for the snails. Benthic diatoms such as Navicula and Gomphonema from the periphyton were also essential for satisfactory growth, especially for the baby snails. The aquaria were stabilized with small stones from a local stream. Young P. manchouricus snails grew to adult size in about 54 days after hatching. They laid eggs 150-156 days after hatching. The whole cycle (birth to egg-laying) took approximately 5 months. The three species of bithyniid snails are iteroparous and lay eggs once a year. There were no major morphological differences in the shells of genera or subgenera studied here. They did exhibit the following rather minor differences. The shell of Parafossarulus has spirally raised ridges, and its apex is usually eroded; the other two genera lack these characteristics. The shell of B. (Gabbia) misella is small, nor exceeding 7.5 mm in length, while the shells of the other two species are larger, being more than 10 mm in length. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the protoconch of P. manchouricus reveals nearly smooth sculpture with small, low, spiral wrinkles. This sculpture is quite different from that of the Hydrobiidae, a family to which the bithyniids are frequently assigned. Scanning electron microscopy of the radulae of the three bithyniid species showed that their radular morphologies are very similar, but there are some small differences, which may be species-specific. There were some statistical differences in shell heights between the Korean and the other populations of P. manchouricus, and between this species and the other two bithyniids as well. The shell differences between the several populations of Korean P. manchouricus may be related to environment. Edtails of the chromosome cycle of these bithyniid snails are similar to those reported for other snails. No specific differences were observed in the chromosome cycle between the various species and populations of snails employed in this study. Reporred for the first time in molluscs are two darkly stained "nucleolar organizers" during pachyterne stages of meiosis. Two different chromosome numbers were observed in the three bithyniid species: n=17 in B. tentaculata and P. manchouricus, and n=18 in B. (G.) misella. no sex chromosomes or supernumerary chromosomes were seen. There were no morphological differences in karyotypes of three Korean strains of P. manchouricus. The infection rates of cercariae of Clonorchis sinensis in Chinju and Kunsan strains of P. manchouricus were 0.14% and 1.25%, respectively. However, Clonorchis cercariae were found in Chongpyung strain of P. manchouriceu and Gongju strain of B. (G.) misella. The habitats of P. manchouricus around Jinyang Lake were relatively clean without any heavy pollution of aquatic microorganisms and organic materials during the period of this study. The levels of dissolved oxygen (D.O.) and biochemical oxygen demand (B.O.D.) of the water specimens sampled from the study areas ranged from 6.0 to 9.6 ppm and from 0.4 to 1.6 ppm, respectively. Eight metalic constituents from the water samples were also assayed, and all metalic ions detercted were remarkably low below the legal criteria. However, calcium ion in the water samples from the habitats of P. manchouricus was considerably higher than others.

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Recognition and attitude to functional division between physicians and pharmacists of practising physicians and pharmacists in Taegu city (대구시 개원의사와 개국약사의 의약분업에 대한 인식과 태도)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik;Yoon, Nung-Ki;Suh, Suk-Kwon;Park, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.26 no.1 s.41
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 1993
  • Mail questionnaire was administrated to 370 practising physicians and 388 pharmacists in Taegu city selected by systematic sampling to examine utilization states and opinion of pharmacy under medical care insurance programme and the attitude to the functional division between physicians and pharmacists from April to May 1992. Regarding the opinion on the outcome of drug-store under medical insurance, 71.2 percent of practicing physician answered faliure but 13.4 percent of practicing pharmacists answered failure in contrast. Fifty percent of practicing physician asserted introducing functional division between physician and pharmacist while 66.9 percent of practicing pharmacist answered drug-store under medical insurance itself is sucessful programme. Average daily numbers of preparation of medicine was 32.2 case. Percentage of utilization of drug-store under medical issurance to average daily cases of preparing of medicine was 20 percent, percentage of utilization with physician's prescription was 0.7 percent. And 58.7 percent of practicing physician experienced outside the institute prescription. Regarding the opinion on the pros and cons of enforcing functional division between physician and pharmacist, 59.2 percent of practicing physician prefered pros and 17.7 percent cons, but 38 percent of practicing pharmacist prefered pros and 45.5 percent cons. And pharmacist knew better the content of functional division between physician and pharmacist than physician. As a reason for pros of enforcing functional division between physician and pharmacist, practicing physician emphasized to prevent misuse or abuse of medicine but practicing pharmacist emphasized to display physician and pharmacist's professional ability. And as an opinion on implementation style of functional division between physician and pharmacist in pros respondents, practicing physician favored mandatory enforcement (52.3%), while practicing pharmacist favored partial incomplete functional division (81.7%). As the method of prescription if functional division between physician and pharmacist will be enforced, both practicing physician and pharmacist prefered generic name (44.0%, 89%) mostly, but physician prefered brand name (35.3%) secondly. Regarding the reason for not implementing functional division between physician and pharmacist up to date, both physician and pharmacist answered problem of business right between physician and pharmacist, followed by lack of recognition, and interest of people and lack of the govermental willness. Regarding the opinion on prior decision of condition for enforcing functional division between physician and pharmacist, practicing physician and pharmacist named uneven distribution of medical facilities and drug-store between rural and urban, inequality of physician and pharmacist manpower and the problem of manpower demand and supply mostly, and practicing physician pointed out establishing attitude of acceptance on the part of pharmacist and practicing pharmacist favored establishing attitude of acceptance on the part of physician, which was different attitudes between physician and pharmacist. Following conclusion was reached ; 1. Current drug-store under medical insurance program yield insufficient outcome, so we should consider program conversion from drug-store under medical insurance program to functional division between physician and pharmacist. 2. There were problem of business right and conflicts between physician and pharmacist at enforcing functional division between physician and pharmacist, so the goverment should search for formulating plan to resolve the problem and have neutral willness for the protection of the national health.

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Effects of Strains and Enviromental Factors on Economic Traits in Korean Native Chicken (한국재래닭의 경제 형질에 미치는 계통 및 환경의 효과)

  • Sang, Byeong-Don;Choi, Cheol-Hwan;Kim, Hak-Gyu;Kim, Si-Dong;Jang, Byeong-Gwi;Na, Jae-Cheon;Yu, Dong-Jo;Lee, Sang-Jin;;Lee, Jun-Heon
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to estimate the effects of strain and generation on the major production performances of Korean native chicken. The data were collected from 11,583 birds of the 7 generations over the year 1995 through 2001 at National Livestock Research Institute, Korea. Results obtained were summarized as follows: The body weights at 150 and 270 days of age were 1,557.7 and 1880.7, 1,471.7 and 1,738.2, 1,393.5 and 1,694.9, 1,591.2 and 1,910.0, 1,545.6 and 1,763.6g in Red Brown, Yellow Brown, Gray Brown, Black, and White strains, respectively. The Coefficient of Variations (CVs) of the body weights at 150 and 270 days of age were 9.65~13.79% and 13.29~15.16%. The ages at first egg were 150.0, 148.3, 149.5, 152,8 and 147.7 days in Red Brown, Yellow Brown, Gray Brown, Black and White strains, respectively and the CVs were between 9.33 and 10.11%. The egg weights at the first egg and 270 days of age were 33.2 and 50.8, 32.2 and 49.2, 32.2 and 49.1, 33.0 and 50.0, 30.7 and 47.8g respectively. The CVs of the egg weights of the first egg and at 270 days of age were 13.54~15.27% and 6.93~7.36%. The numbers of eggs produced by 270 days of age were 77.0, 79.3, 77.3, 73,7, 75.4, respectively, and observed CVs were between 29.98~36.99%. The significant strain effects were investigated in all the major economic traits in Korean native chicken. The significant strain effects were investigated in all the major economic traits in Korean native chicken. The highest least square (LS) means of the body weights at 150 and 270 days of age were observed in Black strain as 1,594.38 and 1,911.57g. The earliest LS mean of the ages at first egg was 146.88days in White strain. The heaviest LS means of egg weights at the first egg and 270 days of age were observed in Red Brown strain as 32.20 and 50.74g. The LS mean of the largest number of egg production was 79.50 eggs in Yellow Brown strain. Also, The significant generation effects were investigated in all the major economic traits. The highest LS means of the body weights at 150 and 270 days of age were observed in the generation 3 as 1,599.74 and 1,905.01g. The earliest LS mean of the age at first egg was 143.31 days in 4th generation. The heaviest LS means of egg weights at the first egg and 270 days of age were observed in 7th and 5th generation as 35.68 and 50.42g. The LS means of the largest number of egg production was 78.53 eggs in generation 6. In general, light body weight, short time for the age at first egg, heavy egg weight, and large number of egg production were observed as the generation proceeded.

Myocardial Tracer Uptake in SPECT Images after Direct Intracoronary Injection Of TI-201: Comparison with Stress-Reinjection Images (관동맥내 주사 TI-201 SPECT에서 심근 분절의 섭취: 부하-재주사 TI-201 영상과의 비교)

  • Seo, Ji-Hyoung;Kang, Seong-Min;Bae, Jin-Ho;Lee, Yong-Jin;Lee, Sang-Woo;Yoo, Jeong-Soo;Ahn, Byeong-Cheol;Cho, Yong-Geun;Lee, Jae-Tae
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: To investigate the feasibility of TI-201 SPECT with intra coronary injection (lC-I) in the detection of viable myocardium, we have performed SPECT imaging after direct intracoronary injection of TI-201 and images were compared with those of stress-reinjection (Re-I) SPECT. Methods: Fourteen coronary artery disease patients (male 11, mean age 54 years) who had myocardial infarction or demonstrated left ventricular wall motion abnormality on echocardiography were enrolled. Three mCi of TI-201 was injected into both coronary arteries during angiography and images were acquired between 6- and 24-hour after injection. Reinjection imaging with 1 mCi of TI-201 was performed at 4-hour after adenosine stress imaging with 3 mCi of TI-201. Images were interpreted according to 4-grade visual scoring system (grade 0-3). Segments with mild to moderated uptake (grade 1), and upgraded more than one score with reinjection, and were defined as viable myocardium. Results: Image quality was poor in two cases with IC-I. Numbers of non-viable segments were 60 (23.8%) with IC-I, and 38 (15.1%) with Re-I, respectively. Overall agreement for perfusion grade per myocardial segment in each IC-I and Re-I was 76.5%. Overall agreement for viable segment between IC-I and Re-I was 90.5%. Only one out of 38 segments interpreted as non-viable with Re-I were interpretated as viable with IC-I. And 23 out of 214 segments interpreted as viable with Re-I were interpreted as non-viable with IC-I. Conclusion: Intracoronary TI-201 SPECT seemed to be not advantageous over stress-rest reinjection imaging in the assessment of myocardial viability, mainly due to low count statistics at 6-hour or 24-hour delayed time points. The feasibility of intracoronary TI- 201 SPECT is considered to be limited.

Depression of Immune Response by Newcastle Disease Virus Infection (Newcastle병(病) 바이러스감염(感染)에 의(依)한 면역반응억제(免疫反應抑制))

  • Kim, Hwan-Jong;Ha, Tai-You
    • The Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 1979
  • The immunosuppressive activity of newcastle disease virus(NDV) and some possible role of interferon(C-IF) in viral suppression of immune response were evaluated by SRBC-induced delayed-type hypersensitivity(DTH), rosette formation in spleen cells, number of lymphocytes in peripheral blood, hemagglutinin and hemolysin response to SRBC in ICR mice sensitized with SRBC. When NDV was inoculated before or after sensitization of mouse with SRBC, virus caused a marked inhibition of DTH, and its depressive effect was dependent on the time of virus inoculation in relation to SRBC sensitization or challenge. Rosette formation of spleen cells was significantly reduced by NDV infection. The degree of the depression of rosette formation was more prominent in mice inoculated before sensitization than after sensitization and could be related to the amount of serum interferon induced by the virus. Humoral response to SRBC of virus infected mouse was significantly depressed when NDV was inoculated 24 or 48 hours before sensitization. However, there was no difference in the response when the virus was inoculated 9 hour before and at the same time of sensitization or even after that. Lymphocytes in peripheral blood of mice were markedly diminished in numbers when NDV was inoculated 48 and 24 hour before sensitization with SRBC, but they were slightly augmented when the virus was inoculated 9 hour before and at the same time of sensitization. When UV-inactivated or heat-inactivated NDV was injected to the mouse at the same time of sensitization with SRBC, DTH and rosette formation of spleen cells were slightly depressed. DTH and rosette formation in mice treated with crude-IF were generally depressed as com pared with those of control mice. These studies suggest that the NDV causes a significant depression of cell-mediated immunity, whereas the humoral immune response is not inhibited markedly, and that the depression of immune response by NDV infection may be caused by interferon produced by NDV and direct viral activity.

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