• Title/Summary/Keyword: nuclear fuel rod

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Current Status and Projection of Spent Nuclear Fuel for Geological Disposal System Design (심지층 처분시스템 설계를 위한 사용후핵연료 현황 분석 및 예측)

  • Cho, Dong-Keun;Choi, Jong-Won;Hahn, Pil-Soo
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 2006
  • Inventories, and characteristics such as dimension, fuel rod array, weight, $^{235}U$ enrichment, and discharge burnup of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) generated from existing and planed nuclear power plants based on National 2nd Basic Plan for Electric Power Demand and Supply were investigated and projected to support geological disposal system design. The historical and projected inventory by the end 2057 is expected to be 20,500 and 14,800MTU for PWR and CANDU spent nuclear fuel, respectively. The quantity of SNF with initial $^{235}U$ enrichment of 4.5 wt.% and below was shown to be 96.5% in total. Average burnup of SNF revealed $\sim36$ GWD/MTU and $\sim40$ GWD/MTU for the period of 1994-1999 and 2000-2003, respectively. It is expected that the average burnup of SNF will be $\sim45$ GWD/MTU at the end of 2000's. From the comprehensive study, it was concluded that the imaginary SNF with $16\times16$ Korean Standard Fuel Assembly, cross section of $21.4cm\times21.4cm$, length of 453cm, mass of 672 kg, initial $^{235}U$ enrichment of 4.5 wt.%, discharge burnup of 55 GWD/MTU could cover almost all SNFs to be produced by 2057.

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Comparison of first criticality prediction and experiment of the Jordan research and training reactor (JRTR)

  • Kim, Kyung-O.;Jun, Byung Jin;Lee, Byungchul;Park, Sang-Jun;Roh, Gyuhong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.14-18
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    • 2020
  • Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has carried out various neutronics experiments in the commissioning stage of the Jordan Research and Training Reactor (JRTR), and this paper introduces the results of first criticality prediction and experiment for the JRTR. The Monte Carlo Code for Advanced Reactor Design and analysis (McCARD) with the ENDF/B-VII.0 nuclear library was used for prediction calculations in the process of the first criticality approach, which was performed to provide reference for the first criticality experiment. In the experiment, fuel loading was carried out by measuring the inverse multiplication factor (1/M) to predict the number of fuel assemblies at the first criticality, and the first critical was reached on April 25, 2016. Comparing the first criticality prediction and experiment, the calculated and measured CAR (Control Absorber Rod) heights for the first criticality were 575 mm and 570.5 mm, respectively, that is, the difference between the two results was approximately 5 mm. From this result, it was confirmed that JRTR manufacturing and various experiments had successfully progressed as designed.

Thermal Analysis on the Spent Fuel Shipping Cask for a PWR Fuel Assembly (PWR 사용후 핵연료 수송용기에 대한 열해석)

  • Hee Yung Kang;Eun Ho Kwack;Byung Jin Son
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.248-255
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    • 1983
  • The thermal analysis on the spent fuel shipping cask for a PWR fuel assembly is performed. Under the normal and fire-accident conditions the temperature distribution through a multilayer cask calculated in compliance with 10 CFR Part 71. A KNU 5&6 spent fuel assembly is assumed to be the decay heat source, which has the maximum discharge turnup of 45, 000MWD/MTU and has been stored in the spent fuel storage pool for 300 days. As a result of thermal analysis, the maximum cladding temperature in case of dry cavity under fire-accident conditions is calculated to be 455$^{\circ}C$. This value is much less than the limiting value specified in 10 CFR Part 50.46. It indicates that no fuel rod cladding rupture could occur under fire-accident conditions. It was also found that no melting of lead would take place in the major shield region.

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Comparison of the Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of Optimised Fuel Assembly with That of Standard Fuel Assembly (최적 핵연료집합체와 표준 핵연료집합체의 열수력학적 특성비교)

  • Paik, Hyun-Jong;Rim, Chang-Saeng;Park, Goon-Cherl
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.66-74
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    • 1990
  • The thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the 17$\times$17 OFA (Optimized Fuel Assembly) used in the KNU 7&8 are analyzed and compared with that of the 17$\times$17 SFA (Standard Fuel Assembly) loaded in the KNU 5&6. The thermal-hydraulic characteristics analyzed are minimum DNBR, fuel centerline temperature and exit void fraction at normal operation and design over power transient. Additionally, local linear rod power, which will cause fuel centerline melting, is calculated. The DNBR sensitivity calculations are performed with respect to the reactor operating parameters. COBRA-IV-I code is used for these calculations. The modified W-3 correltion and the drift-flux model are applied for the critical heat flux calculation and the void fraction calculation, respectively. From the calculated results, it has been found that the possibility of DNB occurrence is higher in the OFA than in the SFA. The other hand, the local linear power resulting in fuel centerline moiling of the OFA is nearly equal to that of the SFA.

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Temperature Coefficient of Reactioity (원자로의 반응도와 온도계수)

  • 노윤래
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1966
  • The stability and safety of operation of a reactor is determined mainly by the sign and magnitude of its reactivity responses to temperature changes. Reactors are subject to temperature fluctuations due to the changes in reactor power and ambient temperature. These temperature fluctuations cause reactivity disturbances through changes in the nuclear and physical properties of the core. Because of these important phenomena by the temperature effects, a large portion of study and testing on a reactor design has been conducted. In this experiment the overall temperature coefficient of the TRIGA MARK-II reactor is measured. The basic procedure is to change the tgemperature of the water moderator, and from the movements of a newly recalibrated control rod(this is necessary due to the effects of fuel burn-up and control rod depression) required to mintain criticality, the reactivity worth of the temperature change is determined. From this measurement, the overall temperature coefficient seems to be smoothly varying, almost a linear function of temperature, and a value of approximately -0.267${\c}$/$^{\circ}C$ can be obtained for an average temperature range from $17.6^{\circ}C$ to $32.5^{\circ}C$.

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Study of the Secondary Flow Effect on the Turbulent Flow Characteristics in Fuel Rod Bundles (핵연료봉 주위의 난류 유동장 특성에 미치는 이차 유동의 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Kye-Bock;Jang, Ho-Cheol;Lee, Sang-Keun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.345-354
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    • 1994
  • Numerical Predictions including secondary flows have been Performed for fully developed turbulent single-phase rod bundle flows. The k-$\varepsilon$ turbulence model(two equation model) for the isotropic eddy viscosity, together with an algebraic stress model for generating secondary velocities, enabled the prediction of mean axial velocities, secondary velocities, and turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent stresses. Comparisons with experiment hate shown that the influence of secondary motion on mean flow and turbulence is dearly evident. The convective transport effects of secondary flow on the velocity field have been identified.

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Design of an integrated multiple-single-channel analyzer

  • Jie Yang;Xiaofei Gu;Shuxiang Lu;Guoheng Zheng
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.7
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    • pp.2557-2562
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    • 2024
  • A type of integrated multiple-single-channel analyzer (IMSCA) is described. The IMSCA works with an input pulse of 2-20 pC, and it can be directly connected to a scintillation detector, which eliminates the need for a linear amplifier. It consists of 64 input ports, so 1-64 detectors can be set by users according to different requirements. Two energy regions for each input channel can be simultaneously analyzed. Another advantage of the IMSCA is that it integrates with a high-speed pulse signal acquisition card and transmits data to the computer through the network. The maximum pulse through-rate is 1.4 MHz, and linearity can reach 0.1%. This IMSCA has been successfully used in enrichment detecting of nuclear fuel rod.

Design Optimization of Duplex Burnable Poison Rods and Feasibility Evaluation for Core Design (이중구조 가연성독봉 설계안의 최적화 및 노심 핵설계 타당성 평가)

  • Yoon Seok-Kyun;Lee Dae-Jin;Kim Myung-Hyun
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.242-258
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    • 2004
  • The duplex burnable poison absorbers concept was suggested by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. This BP rod is composed of inner region of natural U-Gd$_2$O$_3$ and outer shell of enriched UO$_2$-Er$_2$O$_3$. It is expected that this burnable absorber has same reactivity control capability with gadolinia burnable absorber used in extened fuel cycle. In order to evaluate the nuclear feasibility of duplex BPs, the nuclear design characteristics were compared with that of four types of burnable absorbers; gadolinia, erbia, IFBA, dysprosia duplex BP on 24 months fuel cycle for Korean Standard Nuclear Power plants. According to the evaluation results of nuclear characteristics, the duplex BPs were better than other BPs on k-infinitives, reactivity holddown worth (RHW), pin power peaking and moderator temperature coefficient (MTC). The possibility of nuclear core design was also confirmed based on the optimized fuel assemblies which were searched for a sensitivity analysis. Characteristics of core design with duplex BPs was compared with that of reference core with gadolinia BPs for cycle length, power peaking and MTC. The duplex BP core had a little longer cycle length by 4 to 7 days because of increased amount of fissile in enriched uranium at the outer shell of duplex BP In case of power peaking F$\_$Q/ of duplex BP core was reduced from 1.5773 to 1.5335. MTC was also less -0.48 pcm/C than that of reference core. Finally, evaluation of fuel cycle economy was performed for the manufacturing feasibility test and fuel cost evaluation with duplex BPs. Fuel cycle economy of duplex BP core almost was equivalent with that of gadolinia BP core.

Investigation on effect of surface properties on droplet impact cooling of cladding surfaces

  • Wang, Zefeng;Qu, Wenhai;Xiong, Jinbiao;Zhong, Mingjun;Yang, Yanhua
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.508-519
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    • 2020
  • During transients or accidents, the reactor core is uncovered, and droplets entrained above the quench front collides with the uncovered fuel rod surface. Droplet impact cooling can reduce the peak cladding temperature. Besides zirconium-based cladding, versatile accidental tolerant fuel (ATF) claddings, including FeCrAl, have been proposed to increase the accident coping time. In order to investigate the effect of surface properties on droplet impact cooling of cladding surfaces, the droplet impact phenomena are photographed on the FeCrAl and zircaloy-4 (Zr-4) surfaces under different conditions. On the oxidized FeCrAl surface, the Leidenfrost phenomenon is not observed even when the surface temperature is as high as 550 ℃ with We > 30. Comparison of the impact behaviors observed on different materials shows that nucleate and transition boiling is more intensive on surfaces with larger thermal conductivity. The Leidenfrost point temperature (LPT) decreases with the solid thermal effusivity (${\sqrt{k{\rho}C_p}}$). However, the CHF temperature is relatively insensitive to the surface oxidation and Weber number. Droplet spreading diameter is analyzed quantitatively in the film boiling stage. Based on the energy balance a correlation is proposed for droplet maximum spreading factor. A mechanistic model is also developed for the LPT based on homogeneous nucleation theory.

Implementation of functional expansion tally method and order selection strategy in Monte Carlo code RMC

  • Wang, Zhenyu;Liu, Shichang;She, Ding;Su, Yang;Chen, Yixue
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.430-438
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    • 2021
  • The spatial distribution of neutron flux or reaction rate was calculated by cell or mesh tally in traditional Monte Carlo simulation. However, either cell or mesh tally leads to the increase of memory consumption and simulation time. In this paper, the function expansion tally (FET) method was developed in Reactor Monte Carlo code RMC to solve this problem. The FET method was applied to the tallies of neutron flux distributions of uranium block and PWR fuel rod models. Legendre polynomials were used in the axial direction, while Zernike polynomials were used in the radial direction. The results of flux, calculation time and memory consumption of different expansion orders were investigated, and compared with the mesh tally. Results showed that the continuous distribution of flux can be obtained by FET method. The flux distributions were consistent with that of mesh tally, while the memory consumption and simulation time can be effectively reduced. Finally, the convergence analysis of coefficients of polynomials were performed, and the selection strategy of FET order was proposed based on the statistics uncertainty of the coefficients. The proposed method can help to determine the order of FET, which was meaningful for the efficiency and accuracy of FET method.