• Title/Summary/Keyword: network (ANN)

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Multiple Defect Diagnostics of Gas Turbine Engine using Real Coded GA and Artificial Neural Network (실수코드 유전알고리즘과 인공신경망을 이용한 가스터빈 엔진의 복합 결함 진단 연구)

  • Seo, Dong-Hyuck;Jang, Jun-Young;Roh, Tae-Seong;Choi, Dong-Whan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 2008
  • In this study, Real Coded Genetic Algorithm(RCGA) and Artificial Neural Network(ANN) are used for developing the defect diagnostics of the aircraft turbo-shaft engine. ANN accompanied with large amount data has a most serious problem to fall in the local minima. Because of this weak point, it becomes very difficult to obtain good convergence ratio and high accuracy. To solve this problem, GA based ANN has been suggested. GA is able to search the global minima better than ANN. GA based ANN has shown the RMS defect error of 5% less in single and dual defect cases.

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A hybrid artificial intelligence and IOT for investigation dynamic modeling of nano-system

  • Ren, Wei;Wu, Xiaochen;Cai, Rufeng
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2022
  • In the present study, a hybrid model of artificial neural network (ANN) and internet of things (IoT) is proposed to overcome the difficulties in deriving governing equations and numerical solutions of the dynamical behavior of the nano-systems. Nano-structures manifest size-dependent behavior in response to static and dynamic loadings. Nonlocal and length-scale parameters alongside with other geometrical, loading and material parameters are taken as input parameters of an ANN to observe the natural frequency and damping behavior of micro sensors made from nanocomposite material with piezoelectric layers. The behavior of a micro-beam is simulated using famous numerical methods in literature under base vibrations. The ANN was further trained to correlate the output vibrations to the base vibration. Afterwards, using IoT, the electrical potential conducted in the sensors are collected and converted to numerical data in an embedded mini-computer and transferred to a server for further calculations and decision by ANN. The ANN calculates the base vibration behavior with is crucial in mechanical systems. The speed and accuracy of the ANN in determining base excitation behavior are the strengths of this network which could be further employed by engineers and scientists.

An ANN-based Intelligent Spectrum Sensing Algorithm for Space-based Satellite Networks

  • Xiujian Yang;Lina Wang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.980-998
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    • 2023
  • In Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks, satellites operate fast and the inter-satellite link change period is short. In order to sense the spectrum state in LEO satellite networks in real-time, a space-based satellite network intelligent spectrum sensing algorithm based on artificial neural network (ANN) is proposed, while Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites are introduced to make fast and effective judgments on the spectrum state of LEO satellites by using their stronger arithmetic power. Firstly, the visibility constraints between LEO satellites and GEO satellites are analyzed to derive the inter-satellite link building matrix and complete the inter-satellite link situational awareness. Secondly, an ANN-based energy detection (ANN-ED) algorithm is proposed based on the traditional energy detection algorithm and artificial neural network. The ANN module is used to determine the spectrum state and optimize the traditional energy detection algorithm. GEO satellites are used to fuse the information sensed by LEO satellites and then give the spectrum decision, thereby realizing the inter-satellite spectrum state sensing. Finally, the sensing quality is evaluated by the analysis of sensing delay and sensing energy consumption. The simulation results show that our proposed algorithm has lower complexity, the sensing delay and sensing energy consumption compared with the traditional energy detection method.

ANN Sensorless Control of Induction Motor Dirve with AFLC (AFLC에 의한 유도전동기 드라이브의 ANN 센서리스 제어)

  • Chung, Dong-Hwa;Nam, Su-Myeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2006
  • This paper is proposed for a artificial neural network(ANN) sensorless control based on the vector controlled induction motor drive, or proposes a adaptive fuzzy teaming control(AFLC). The fuzzy logic principle is first utilized for the control rotor speed. AFLC scheme is then proposed in which the adaptation mechanism is executed using fuzzy logic. Also, this paper is proposed for a method of the estimation of speed of induction motor using ANN Controller. The back propagation neural network technique is used to provide a real time adaptive estimation of the motor speed. The error between the desired state variable and the actual one is back-propagated to adjust the rotor speed, so that the actual state variable coincide with the desired one. The back propagation mechanism is easy to derive and the estimated speed tracks precisely the actual motor speed. This paper is proposed the analysis results to verify the effectiveness of the new method.

Hybrid SVM/ANN Algorithm for Efficient Indoor Positioning Determination in WLAN Environment (WLAN 환경에서 효율적인 실내측위 결정을 위한 혼합 SVM/ANN 알고리즘)

  • Kwon, Yong-Man;Lee, Jang-Jae
    • Journal of Integrative Natural Science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.238-242
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    • 2011
  • For any pattern matching based algorithm in WLAN environment, the characteristics of signal to noise ratio(SNR) to multiple access points(APs) are utilized to establish database in the training phase, and in the estimation phase, the actual two dimensional coordinates of mobile unit(MU) are estimated based on the comparison between the new recorded SNR and fingerprints stored in database. The system that uses the artificial neural network(ANN) falls in a local minima when it learns many nonlinear data, and its classification accuracy ratio becomes low. To make up for this risk, the SVM/ANN hybrid algorithm is proposed in this paper. The proposed algorithm is the method that ANN learns selectively after clustering the SNR data by SVM, then more improved performance estimation can be obtained than using ANN only and The proposed algorithm can make the higher classification accuracy by decreasing the nonlinearity of the massive data during the training procedure. Experimental results indicate that the proposed SVM/ANN hybrid algorithm generally outperforms ANN algorithm.

Prediction of creep in concrete using genetic programming hybridized with ANN

  • Hodhod, Osama A.;Said, Tamer E.;Ataya, Abdulaziz M.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.513-523
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    • 2018
  • Time dependent strain due to creep is a significant factor in structural design. Multi-gene genetic programming (MGGP) and artificial neural network (ANN) are used to develop two models for prediction of creep compliance in concrete. The first model was developed by MGGP technique and the second model by hybridized MGGP-ANN. In the MGGP-ANN, the ANN is working in parallel with MGGP to predict errors in MGGP model. A total of 187 experimental data sets that contain 4242 data points are filtered from the NU-ITI database. These data are used in developing the MGGP and MGGP-ANN models. These models contain six input variables which are: average compressive strength at 28 days, relative humidity, volume to surface ratio, cement type, age at start of loading and age at the creep measurement. Practical equation based on MGGP was developed. A parametric study carried out with a group of hypothetical data generated among the range of data used to check the generalization ability of MGGP and MGGP-ANN models. To confirm validity of MGGP and MGGP-ANN models; two creep prediction code models (ACI209 and CEB), two empirical models (B3 and GL 2000) are used to compare their results with NU-ITI database.

Soft computing-based estimation of ultimate axial load of rectangular concrete-filled steel tubes

  • Asteris, Panagiotis G.;Lemonis, Minas E.;Nguyen, Thuy-Anh;Le, Hiep Van;Pham, Binh Thai
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.471-491
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we estimate the ultimate load of rectangular concrete-filled steel tubes (CFST) by developing a novel hybrid predictive model (ANN-BCMO) which is a combination of balancing composite motion optimization (BCMO) - a very new optimization technique and artificial neural network (ANN). For this aim, an experimental database consisting of 422 datasets is used for the development and validation of the ANN-BCMO model. Variables in the database are related with the geometrical characteristics of the structural members, and the mechanical properties of the constituent materials (steel and concrete). Validation of the hybrid ANN-BCMO model is carried out by applying standard statistical criteria such as root mean square error (RMSE), coefficient of determination (R2), and mean absolute error (MAE). In addition, the selection of appropriate values for parameters of the hybrid ANN-BCMO is conducted and its robustness is evaluated and compared with the conventional ANN techniques. The results reveal that the new hybrid ANN-BCMO model is a promising tool for prediction of the ultimate load of rectangular CFST, and prove the effective role of BCMO as a powerful algorithm in optimizing and improving the capability of the ANN predictor.

Using Artificial Neural Network in the reverse design of a composite sandwich structure

  • Mortda M. Sahib;Gyorgy Kovacs
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.85 no.5
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    • pp.635-644
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    • 2023
  • The design of honeycomb sandwich structures is often challenging because these structures can be tailored from a variety of possible cores and face sheets configurations, therefore, the design of sandwich structures is characterized as a time-consuming and complex task. A data-driven computational approach that integrates the analytical method and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is developed by the authors to rapidly predict the design of sandwich structures for a targeted maximum structural deflection. The elaborated ANN reverse design approach is applied to obtain the thickness of the sandwich core, the thickness of the laminated face sheets, and safety factors for composite sandwich structure. The required data for building ANN model were obtained using the governing equations of sandwich components in conjunction with the Monte Carlo Method. Then, the functional relationship between the input and output features was created using the neural network Backpropagation (BP) algorithm. The input variables were the dimensions of the sandwich structure, the applied load, the core density, and the maximum deflection, which was the reverse input given by the designer. The outstanding performance of reverse ANN model revealed through a low value of mean square error (MSE) together with the coefficient of determination (R2) close to the unity. Furthermore, the output of the model was in good agreement with the analytical solution with a maximum error 4.7%. The combination of reverse concept and ANN may provide a potentially novel approach in designing of sandwich structures. The main added value of this study is the elaboration of a reverse ANN model, which provides a low computational technique as well as savestime in the design or redesign of sandwich structures compared to analytical and finite element approaches.

An Artificial Neural Network for Biomass Estimation from Automatic pH Control Signal

  • Hur, Won;Chung, Yoon-Keun
    • Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:BBE
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.351-356
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    • 2006
  • This study developed an artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate the growth of microorganisms during a fermentation process. The ANN relies solely on the cumulative consumption of alkali and the buffer capacity, which were measured on-line from the on/off control signal and pH values through automatic pH control. The two input variables were monitored on-line from a series of different batch cultivations and used to train the ANN to estimate biomass. The ANN was refined by optimizing the network structure and by adopting various algorithms for its training. The software estimator successfully generated growth profiles that showed good agreement with the measured biomass of separate batch cultures carried out between at 25 and $35^{\circ}C$.

An apt material model for drying shrinkage and specific creep of HPC using artificial neural network

  • Gedam, Banti A.;Bhandari, N.M.;Upadhyay, Akhil
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.97-113
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    • 2014
  • In the present work appropriate concrete material models have been proposed to predict drying shrinkage and specific creep of High-performance concrete (HPC) using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The ANN models are trained, tested and validated using 106 different experimental measured set of data collected from different literatures. The developed models consist of 12 input parameters which include quantities of ingredients namely ordinary Portland cement, fly ash, silica fume, ground granulated blast-furnace slag, water, and other aggregate to cement ratio, volume to surface area ratio, compressive strength at age of loading, relative humidity, age of drying commencement and age of concrete. The Feed-forward backpropagation networks with Levenberg-Marquardt training function are chosen for proposed ANN models and same implemented on MATLAB platform. The results shows that the proposed ANN models are more rational as well as computationally more efficient to predict time-dependent properties of drying shrinkage and specific creep of HPC with high level accuracy.