• Title/Summary/Keyword: nature and architectural space

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On the Architectural Reception of the Concept "Modèles Culturels" - focusing on the discourses of Bernard Huet's group - ("문화모델" 개념의 건축적 수용 과정에 관한 연구 - 베르나르 위엣 그룹의 논의를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Woo
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2019
  • This research deals with context and process of the reception of the sociological concept of "$mod{\grave{e}}les$ culturels" by French architects gathered around Bernard Huet in the late 1960s and the early 1970s. While this concept had its own shortcomings as sociological tool, its reception by some architects in collaboration with sociologists produced a series of meaningful debates when the role of inhabitants in collective housing design was a common issue. Through the analysis this research could situate the architectural reception of the $Mod{\grave{e}}les$ culturels in comparison with other then competing tendencies such as "flexibility tendency" and Design methods movement. It argues that the most significant meaning of the reception of $mod{\grave{e}}les$ culturels lies in its advanced and critical view on the relations and hiatus between the "social space" of the inhabitants characterized in particular by its topological nature and the "architectural space" of the architects characterized by its Euclidian geometrical nature.

A Study on the Planning Characteristics of a Healing Complex applying the Concept of Healing - Focusing on major complexes that have been constructed and operated in Korea - (치유개념을 적용한 치유단지의 계획특성 연구 - 국내 조성되어 운영되고 있는 주요 단지를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hoon;Chai, Choul-Gyun
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2019
  • There are more and more citizens suffering from severe fatigue, and they wish to escape from it and spend their leisure time for healing. As a result, buildings and complexes are being constructed nationwide with healing as their theme. Particularly, they tend to build facilities with concepts like a spa, beauty, healing, meditation, nature, or forest healing. The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of healing environment and the nationwide tendencies of building facilities with healing as their theme and also investigate the planning characteristics of complexes and architecture with three representative complexes as examples. Complexes intended for healing have immersion into nature being freed from one's routine as their concept. When planning the flow of human traffic within the complexes, they try to obtain the autonomy of choice as well as the diversity of space and experiential factors in order to provide opportunities for experiencing nature. In the complexes selected for a case study here, they have planned the factors of physical environment that are associated with one another based on architectural education programs using red clay, programs specializing poetry, and healing programs using food. Typically, this is centered around outdoor experiential space, indoor meditation and education space, or fitness space. Also, it is characterized by the planning of physical environment and the complex operation of programs. Particularly, public space is divided into communal space, resting space, and health and treatment space, and health/resting space is mainly intended for health and exercise, for example, fitness, spas, or jjimjilbang (Korean dry saunas). Also, it is characterized by the planning of pitched roofs harmonized with nature and also facade planning that can positively adopt the factors of natural environment.

A Study for Walls as Space boudary elements of Changdeok-gung Garden (창덕궁 후원부의 공간경계요소(담장)에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Jeong-Sik;Cho, Jin-Dong
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to investigate the physical characteristics and architectural ornaments of the walls (DamJang) and their bordering area that defines the Rear Garden of Changdeok-gung, one of the Royal Palaces in Seoul. This area, centered on Buyong-ji(부용지) and Aeryeon-ji(애련지), features the morphological diversity of buildings, walls, gates and stone bases in the palace. The findings are summarized as follows: First, DamJang, as a basic architectural element for the space organization, takes a set of various forms featuring different construction materials while responding positively to the physiographic nature of the surroundings; Second, DamJang along with their gates, also features different types of ornamental expressions which also suggest the hierarchy of its building and space; Third, typical of the traditional garden design in Korea are a group of DamJang standing as independent structures mostly around Buyong-ji and Aeryeon-ji whose finishing conditions also differ based on the nature of the space; Fourth, among commonly observed examples of DamJang in the Rear Garden and Changdeok-gung palace-wide, is a 'T' shaped wall whose heights and materials function as a design element for the garden.

Existential Ideas in Wright's Notion of Nature (라이트의 자연관 속의 실존적 사고)

  • Lee, Jae-Young
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2018
  • In this study, existential thoughts in Frank Lloyd Wright's notion of nature were investigated. Wright, a modern architect, presented the idea of creating organic architecture in harmony with nature. His naturalistic romanticism is considered to be the original inspiration for his concept of organic architecture. However, his understanding of architecture in harmony with nature stems from existential ideas in his notion of nature, including humanity. The proposed study analyzes his existential beliefs through his speeches and writings in four categories-love of nature, thoughts of abstract and concrete, nature as being intrinsic and "becoming," and thoughts on science and art. Our analyses reveal that, on the one hand, Wright was inspired by thoughts of naturalistic romanticism born from his disillusionment with city life and an urge to seek life in nature, while, on the other, he also believed that real nature is intrinsic to humans and manifests itself in the very core of their being. He sought to unite humanity, as the interior of nature, with its physical environment, as the exterior of nature. His notion of nature is a "becoming" one that changes with time and space, and varies based on individual humans. In line with these thoughts, Wright sought to create forms not only with respect to mathematical dimensions, but also in consideration of human significance. He considered art and architecture to be born out of an integral thought as a process of humanization. To him, nature is interpreted by humans.

A Study on the Characteristics of Organic Design of Alvar Aalto (알바 알토(Alvar Aalto)의 유기적 디자인 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 이종선
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.12
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 1997
  • Alvar Aalto has pursued National Romanticism, cultural art movement in scandinavian peninsula, organic concepts of growth and suitability, comprehensive view of nature including a possibility of coexistance of human-being and the nature well harmonized. For instance, his design expressed local features of the nature, human emotions instead of geometical arts and mathematical principles. It is noteworthy today that he built up the identity with satrical architecture vocabularies, different from modern arch-itechtural idiology. The characte-ristics of his design related to interior architecture are collectively as follows; The first, Space discontinuity of the interior and exterior, gradual process by joints which are inclined to collage with many shapes in plan and section of the space and such joints are adjusted by sensual ways and stressed with inner collectivity in his works. The second, He pursued the architectural orderfor modern irreqularity, various changes and sensual harmonies. As result, free curved line, fan shape and irregular modeling were individually expressed by technics of natural features and national characteristics of Finland. The third, Organic synthesis. A harmony through med-ums in its space, materials and space effectiveness relations are made and expressed for mixed design especially harmonized of all the materials he planned, entire harmony with total design, itemized details, materials and furnitures in entire space. The fourth, The interest of the nature based on his sense harmonized with nature made him mainly use native materials, lumbers and red bricks masonry and showed and arranged various interior sky light and grazed in to let natural light in, harmony with garden to sensually cohere to the nature and courtyard, etcetera. His major subject are to direct architectural developments through the nature and human-being in his works. At this point, it is considered that his direction of the locality and independence as a human-being made the concepts of organic space structure possible.

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A Study on the Spacial Expression Characteristics of Koreaness in Contemporary Interior Design (현대 실내디자인에 나타나는 한국성의 공간적 표현특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joo-Hye
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.34
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    • pp.20-28
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    • 2002
  • Tradition is defined as cultural qualities of a regional social group a race, which is transmitted from generation to generation through history. Its contents include human behavior as well as the outcomes from the human behavior and a culture is materialized by means of fullfil fundamental aspiration, in order to co-exist human being and society.This research has considered an architectural space which both show a Korean traditional architecture and modern architectural space, incliding Korean nature under a sort of cultural expression.Also, expressive qualities which are shown within a space as a medium, there is more consideration of method to embody Korean nature into an interior space.There is a subject related to traditional expression of what the real essence of tradition is. In addition, it is a matter of what the method of expression is in order to accomodate, inherit and express the pulse of tradition.

Ecological Features appearing in Korean Traditional Architecture and Landscape Architecture (한국 전통건축과 랜드스케이프 건축에 나타난 생태학적 특성)

  • Lee, Young-Mi;Cheon, Deuk-Youm
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.14 no.4 s.44
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    • pp.101-115
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    • 2005
  • The main aim of this research is centered on the relation between nature and humans, and is to study the ecological characteristics appearing both in Landscape Architecture, one of the currents of ecological architecture as the architectural solution on the relation between humans and nature, and in our traditional architecture. Through this study, we were able to see that our traditional architecture was influenced by our ancestor's view of nature, and that the foremost feature of our ancestor's view of nature on our traditional architecture is not conflicting with nature, but, instead it is complying with it through seeking harmony with nature. Also we could see that our ancestor's view of nature is similar to Landscape Architecture having come to the fore toward the tendency of modern ecological paradigm in that it is the representation seeking the organic view of nature pursuing the oneness among artificial structure, humans, and nature. That is, we could figure out that various ecological features appearing in modem Landscape Architecture had been represented for a long long time, in a natural fashion, In the manner of space makeup in our traditional architecture. This is the characteristic of our ecological thinking system understanding nature and humans at the same context, and it has come down not only to our everyday living but to the manner of architectural solutions as well. Through this research, we could reconsider the modern value of ecological architecture inherent in our traditional architecture.

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A Study on the Sustainable Characteristics of Sustainable Architectural Space viewed in the Eco-Aesthetic perspective - Focusing on korean traditional residential space - (생태 미학적 관점에서 본 지속가능한 건축 공간 특성에 관한 연구 - 한국 전통 주거 공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Eun-Ji;Kim, Kai-Chun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2012
  • Ecosystem and environment have been a serious challenge facing the modern society. It's been the new paradigm from ecological view of the world and the alternative based on Orientalism. From the Oriental standpoint, ecological aesthetics and sustainable architecture are no longer new, which then servers the background of this study. The nature and the space, the life where the human is harmonized and integrated and the wish to make the balance through that life are the basic philosophy which the Orientalism has pursued. Based on such a basic concept, the study is intended to review the connectivity, expression approach and the features in Korean traditional residential space based on previous studies on ecological aesthetics and sustainable architecture. Such attempt is meaningful in seeking the possibility of presenting the new frame as well as forming the various views to the traditional space and spatial recognition. The nature was categorized into tangible element and intangible element and also direct approach and indirect approach before evaluating the characteristics. Sustainable architecture is not the concept to simply maintain or sustain the environment, but plays more important role in economical aspect. Traditional space accommodates the nature and circulation principle and the circulation in the nature controls the energy and enhances the efficiency, playing significant role. The nature itself serves the alternative energy and has the aesthetic element in such a way of concealing itself. This study is intended to analyze the Byulseo Jeongwon which formed many relations with the nature and the residential space, thereby identifying the expression characteristics of eco-aesthetic sustainable architect. This study offers the answers with regard to the coexistence of the expression characteristics of sustainable architecture with the nature, space and the human from eco aesthetic viewpoint as well as the solution in dealing with the ecological and environmental challenges. Furthermore, it suggested the possibility that the traditional space would possibly be succeedable in new and creative way and sought the way for coexistence among the nature, space and human and eco aesthetics, and finally paved the pivotal foundation as the sustainable design alternative in future.

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A Study on the Charactertics of Ecological Architectural Space of Frei Otto (프라이 오토(Frei Otto)의 건축에 나타난 생태학적 공간특성에 관한 연구)

  • 최경실
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.11
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 1997
  • In the process of modermization the problem of environment destruction has become a worldwide issue. And now this problem is a concern for all branches of science, including that of architectural desigv. This thesis tries to find the meaning of ecological architectural space, one that encreases the organic relationship, and communication, between architectrual space and urban environmental space, between human beings and architecture, and between human beings and their environment. As an example, we will take a look at the architectural space-design of Frei Otto, who offers diverse creative ecological architectural forms. His concept of architecture has the critical character when compared with the traditionan conventional concept of architecture. The ecological characteristics of his architectural spacedesign can be summarized as follows: The first characteristic is his ample use of natural objects in the architectural structure. An ample use of living things like trees and plants as well as of inanimate thing like water, wind as architectural elements enhances the functional efficiency of architecture. The second characteristic is its ecological architectural system, which saves energy faciliates ventilation by changing the position and direction of the building, by systematically applying the materials, and by efficiently arranging the inner space. The third characteristic is the dematerialization of architecture and the use of materials that are economical and appropriate for the circulation system of nature. The use of natural elements and recycling natural objects, makes it possible to reuse materials of the destroyed building. In short, the ecological architecture of Frei Otto, which shows the relation between human beings and architecture, presents diverse possibilities of the archtectural space as a complex natural system, which is more than a simple combination of separatge elements.

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A Study on the Outdoor Space Planning of Child Care Facility for Ecological Education (영유아보육시설의 생태교육 활성화를 위한 외부공간계획에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Su;Nam, Hae-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2020
  • The trend emphasizes children-oriented, play-oriented ecological education programs for children's ecological education. And most of these nature -friendly and eco-friendly education takes place outdoors. Therefore, outdoor space planning is important in childcare facilities. This case study aims to analyze the actual conditions of outdoor spaces in daycare centers and to provide standard data for outdoor space planning. In order to provide basic data on the improvement direction and planning standards of outdoor spaces, this present study conducted the composition, utilization status and related problems of outdoor spaces for nature -friendly ecological education in childcare facilities. Accordingly, outdoor space planning for ecological education should consider outdoor space characteristics such as free and easy accessibility between indoor and outdoor spaces, openness of space, flexibility, dynamic/static space, and nature affinity. Therefore, for an ecological education environment, children should be able to freely approach nature and play in the natural environment without any restrictions and artificial controls. Also, in urban areas, natural environment such as parks and open spaces should be considered as outdoor play spaces for children.