• Title/Summary/Keyword: national history

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Reliability of Covariates in Baseline Survey of a Cohort Study: Epidemiological Investigation on Cancer Risk Among Residents Who Reside Near the Nuclear Power Plants in Korea (코호트 기반 조사 공변수 자료의 신뢰도 평가 연구: 원전주변지역주민 역학조사연구)

  • Bae, Sang-Hyuk;Park, Bo-Young;Li, Zhong-Min;Ahn, Yoon-Ok
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: We evaluated the reliability of the possible covariates of the baseline survey data collected for the Epidemiological Investigation on Cancer Risk Among Residents Who Reside Near the Nuclear Power Plants in Korea. Methods: Follow-up surveys were conducted for 477 participants of the cohort at less than 1 year after the initial survey. The mean interval between the initial and follow-up surveys was 282.5 days. Possible covariates were identified by analyzing the correlations with the exposure variable and associations with the outcome variables for all the variables. Logistic regression analysis with stepwise selection was further conducted among the possible covariates to select variables that have covariance with other variables. We considered that these variables can be representing other variables. Seven variables for the males and 3 variables for the females, which had covariance with other possible covariates, were selected as representative variables. The Kappa index of each variable was calculated. Results: For the males, the Kappa indexes were as follow; family history of cancer was 0.64, family history of liver diseases in parents and siblings was 0.56, family history of hypertension in parents and siblings was 0.51, family history of liver diseases was 0.50, family history of hypertension was 0.44, a history of chronic liver diseases was 0.53 and history of pulmonary tuberculosis was 0.36. For females, the Kappa indexes were as follow; family history of cancer was 0.58, family history of hypertension in parents and siblings was 0.56 and family history of hypertension was 0.47. Conclusions: Most of the possible covariates showed good to moderate agreement.

An Analysis of Location Management Cost by Predictive Location Update Policy in Mobile Cellular Networks (이동통신망에서 예측 위치 등록 정책을 통한 위치관리 비용 감소 효과 분석)

  • Ko, Han-Seong;Hong, Jung-Sik;Chang, In-Kap;Lie, Chang-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.160-171
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    • 2008
  • MU's mobility patterns can be found from a movement history data. The prediction accuracy and model complexity depend on the degree of application of history data. The more data we use, the more accurate the prediction is. As a result, the location management cost is reduced, but complexity of the model increases. In this paper, we classify MU's mobility patterns into four types. For each type, we find the respective optimal number of application of history data, and predictive location area by using the simulation. The optimal numbers of four types are shown to be different. When we use more than three application of history data, the simulation time and data storage are shown to increase very steeply.

Development of a Dynamic Geometry Environment to Collect Learning History Data

  • Mun, Kill-Sung;Han, Beom-Soo;Han, Kyung-Soo;Ahn, Jeong-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.375-384
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    • 2007
  • As teachings that use the ICT are more popular, many studies on the dynamic geometry environment(DGE) are under way. An important factor emphasized in the studies is to practical use learning activities of learners. In this study, we first define the learning history data in DGE. Second we develop a prototype of the DGE that is able to collect and analyze the learning history data automatically. The environment enables not only to grasp leaning history but also to create and manage new learning objects.

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The Sub-history and its meaning in Independence War of Spain against Napoleonic France - Focused on Episodios nacionales and Numancia

  • Lim, Juin
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.24
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2011
  • This article examines the historical view of Benito $P{\acute{e}}rez$ $Gald{\acute{o}}s$ in his historical novel named "Zaragoza" and "$C{\acute{a}}novas$" by comparing with Numancia of Cervantes. In front of the national survival crisis, $Gald{\acute{o}}s$ recognizes that it is necessary that Spain should recover humanity and morality on basis of the krausist ideal. The krausists warned subjective idealism, stressing on free-will and moral conscience in a harmonious balance of rationality. Without refusing patriotism, they warned egoistic patriotism deformed by national selfishness or nationalism. Giner de los Ríos insisted on a necessity of harmonizing national inclination and universal one. $Gald{\acute{o}}s$ emphasizes that the identity of Spain is not possession of privileged class but sweat and tears of the mass of people in daily life. He represents Efemera as the ideal history on the basis of Unamuno's 'intrahistoria', by which, instead of $Luk{\acute{a}}cs^{\prime}$ progressive history, we can peep into a historical poetics of human free nature and vividness of discontinuous and endless shifting. According to the sub-history, we come to the conclusion that $Gald{\acute{o}}s$ and Cervantes would lay emphasis on sub-history, aiming to essence of Spanish soul originated from national landscape and people's daily life.

Mapping World History in Korea

  • HWANGBO, Yeongjo
    • Asian review of World Histories
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.235-253
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    • 2015
  • It has been about twenty years since world history in a new sense was introduced to Korean academia. At first, it was the educators who showed a lot of interest in world history. But, before long, world/global history came to exert an important influence on history research and teaching in Korea. Even though certain unfavorable conditions still exist, the need for world/global history is growing and a number of academic institutes and scholars are putting in a great deal of effort to advance it in Korea. Here, we examine the changing meanings of world history on the basis of the history of concepts and provide a general idea of its introduction and diffusion in historiography and history education in Korea.

An Hwak's Study on Joseon and the Discovery of Civilization (안확의 '조선' 연구와 문명의 발견)

  • Lee, Haeng-hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.52
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    • pp.213-241
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    • 2017
  • The systematic research on the Joseon history under Japanese imperialism in the 1920s, including that of the Joseon History Compilation Committee, was one of the stratagems that Japan employed to perpetuate the colonization of Joseon. The 'renovation of national traits', one of the three cultural measures taken by Japanese imperialism after the 1919 Independence Movement, was an attempt to degrade Joseon's nationality as extraneous, dependent, factional, and uncivilized. Against this, Koreans tried to create their own tradition that could prove Joseon's uniqueness and independence. The purpose of their study on ancient history, which became animated in the 1920s, was not to escape from the reality of Joseon into the idealized past, but to construct the history of Korean people anew. In this context, Dangun could refer to cultural identity as the communal origin of the nation, and this invented identity could lead to the healing of the injured subject. An Hwak's attempt was part of this efforts to call out myth as history. He suggests that Joseon's national traits are superior even to the Western civilization in several ways, and his vast plan to set up Joseon's cultural uniqueness and identity as history of universal civilization bore fruit in the History of Joseon Civilization. With cultural research for figuring out Joseon's national peculiarity and identity and historiography for revealing Joseon's national potential, he makes it possible for people to imagine various agents in the Joseon's past as belonging to a single nation with an identical history. Through his study on Joseon, he fought back the Japanese colonial view of history and tried to exalt national consciousness. Asserting independent and rational individuals as agency of civilization and culture though firm in the national perspective, he eventually went a way quite different from that of Japanese history of culture.

The Characteristics to Establish Guidelines in History Textbooks (한국사 서술 방향의 '표준화' 시도와 그 문제점)

  • Choi, ByungTaek
    • Korean Educational Research Journal
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2017
  • The third national curriculum had the characteristics to establish guidelines in history textbooks with the basic direction to implement the charter of national Education. At that time, the object of the history education was 'the harmony with the development of the individuals and national development' which was the same that the authorized government aimed at. But the characters and the purpose were repeated without any criticism. Since the third national curriculum was presented in Korean education, the aims of education proposed the 'Korean style democracy'. Essential aims of education are more important than any political issues because academic research is not reflected on nationalism. This trend which is flowing in the education of Korea was strengthened through the education authorities in the statements of 'Deployment of the Governing' or 'guidelines': Especially, the idea and the history education. Despite the curriculum has been amended several times, these problems are not to be gotten rid of. The recently revised curriculum guidelines for history textbook description should improve and find the way to develope the history thinking of students.

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Is it Adequate to Determine Acetaminophen Toxicity Solely on Patients' History? An Analysis on Clinical Manifestation of Intoxication Patients with Positive Serum Acetaminophen Concentrations (환자의 아세트아미노펜 중독 여부를 환자진술 만으로 확인하는 것이 타당한가?: 혈중에서 아세트아미노펜이 검출된 환자의 임상 양상 분석)

  • Kim, Jee Hyun;Jeong, Won-joon;Ryu, Seung;Cho, Yong Chul;Moon, Jang Hyuck;Choi, Hyun Soo;Yang, Song Hee;Chung, Hee Sun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.94-100
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Acute acetaminophen intoxication is a common occurrence that can cause lethal complications. In most domestic emergency departments, clinicians tend to treat acetaminophen intoxication based on patients' history alone, simply due to the lack of a rapid acetaminophen laboratory test. We performed a 20-month study of intoxication patients to determine the correlation between the history of patients and serum laboratory tests for acetaminophen. Methods: We took blood samples from 280 intoxication patients to evaluate whether laboratory findings detected traces of acetaminophen in the sample. Patients were then treated according to their history. Laboratory results came out after patients' discharge. Agreement between patients' history and laboratory results were analyzed. Results: Among the 280 intoxicated patients enrolled, 38 patients had positive serum acetaminophen concentrations; 18 out of 38 patients did not represent a history suggesting acetaminophen intoxication. One patient without the history showed toxic serum acetaminophen concentration. Among the patients with the history, two patients with toxic serum acetaminophen concentration did not receive N-acetylcysteine (NAC) treatment due to their low reported doses, while other 2 patients without significant serum acetaminophen concentration did receive NAC treatment due to their high reported doses. Conclusion: This study showed a good overall agreement between history and laboratory test results. However, some cases showed inconsistencies between their history and laboratory test results. Therefore, in treating intoxication patients, a laboratory test of acetaminophen with rapid results should be available in most domestic emergency departments.

The History for Pharmacy in Korea (한국약학사)

  • Shim, Chang-Koo;Nam, Young-Hee;Chung, Sung-Wook;Hwang, Seong-Mee
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.361-382
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    • 2007
  • The history of pharmacy in Korea from the era of 'Dangun Mythology' to today was reviewed briefly with special emphases on the beginning of pharmacy education, introduction of modern pharmacy education, establishment of modern educational institutions, and the evolution of the education system to a new 6-year pharmacy program.

Environmental Education Contents Embedded in Exhibits of Natural History Museums (자연사박물관의 전시에 반영된 환경교육 내용 요소 분석)

  • Jung, Won-Young;Park, Eun-Ji;Lee, Joo-Youn;Kim, Chan-Jong;Park, Ji-Eun
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.92-106
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    • 2009
  • We assumed that natural history museums have rooms for functioning as institutions for the environmental education, especially in aspects of multi-disciplinary, informal education. So we set goals of this research as finding 1) how much environmental education contents are reflected in exhibits of natural history museums, and 2) what those characteristics in aspects of dimension, range, and topic are. First, we developed a framework for analyzing of environmental education contents. Second, we applied the framework to seven major natural history museums. As the result, environmental education contents are reflected by 69.1% totally. Especially, the 'knowledge' dimension covered mostly, and among them the range of 'elements of Ecosystem' occupied more than other ranges. With inferring our results, we suggested that characteristics of natural history museums in environmental education are followed; spatial-temporal expansion of bio-diversity concept, visualizing impacts of human activity against nature.

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