• 제목/요약/키워드: multiple-culture family

검색결과 95건 처리시간 0.023초

청소년시설이용에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 탐색적 연구 (A Exploratory Study on The Determinants of Youth Facilities Visits)

  • 김신영
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2023
  • 이 연구는 중.고등학교 재학 중인 청소년들의 청소년시설 이용수준에 영향을 미치는 요인을 개인, 가족, 학교 층위의 다양한 변수들에 대한 검토를 통해 밝혀내는 것을 목표로 한다. 이 연구는 「2021 아동·청소년 인권실태조사」 자료를 분석한다. 이 연구가 분석하는 자료는 국책연구기관과 전문 조사기관에 의해 수집된 전국단위 자료이며 이는 분석결과의 일반화 수준을 최고 수준으로 담보하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 분석결과를 종합하자면, 먼저 청소년시설 이용 수준은 전체적으로 매우 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 청소년의 시설 이용에 강건하게(robust) 영향을 미치는 변수는 '응답자연령'과 '인권관련지식정보'였다. 즉 나이가 어리고 인권에 대한 지식이나 정보가 관심이나 정보가 많은 청소년이 청소년시설에 적극적임을 알 수 있다. 가족 및 학교 차원 변수들에서는 욕이나 체벌의 경험정도 및 인권침해 경험의 정도가 청소년 시설 이용에 정(+)적인 영향을 미치고 있으며 이는 청소년 시설이 소위 인권위기상황 청소년들에게 일종의 쉘터(shelter)의 기능을 수행하고 있다고 짐작해 볼 수 있는 대목이다. 청소년시설이용을 주제로 한 연구들은 축적된 연구물 자체도 많지 않거니와, 대부분의 연구들이 특정 지역의 청소년시설 이용에 대한 기술적 연구에 국한되어있다. 따라서 이 연구가 구성하는 모형은 이론적 숙고와 문헌검토에 기반했다라기 보다는 연구자의 직관과 자료활용가능성을 고려하여 구성하였음을 밝힌다.

만성통증 환자의 통증 조절 (Chronic pain control in patients with rheumatoid arthritis)

  • 은영
    • 근관절건강학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.17-40
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    • 1995
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is the one of the chronic diseases, one of its major symptoms is a chronic pain. Despite developing medical treatment and surgical techniques, it is suggested that to control the pain is the goal of the treatment. But pain is an inner experience and even those closest to the patient cannot truly observe its progress or share in its suffering. The National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine's report on Pain and Disability concluded that there is no objective measure of pain-(exactly) no pain thermometer-nor can there ever be one, because the experience of pain is inseparable from personal perception and social influence such as culture. To explore chronic pain experience is to understand the process and property of the patient's perception of pain through the response to pain, the coping with pain, and the adaptation to pain. Therefore a qualitative study was conducted in order to gain an understanding of pain experience of patients with RA in korea. I used naturalistic inquiry as a research methodology, which had 5 axioms, the first is that realities are multiple, constructed, and holistic, the second is that knower and known are interactive, inseparable, the third is only time and context bound working hypotheses(idiographic statements) are possible, the forth is all entities are in a state of mutual simultaneous shaping, so that it is impossible to distinguish causes from effects and the last is that inquiry is value-bound. Purposive sampling was conducted as a sampling. 20 subjects who experienced pain over 10 years, lived in middle-sized city and big city in Korea, and 17 women and 3 men. The subject's age was from 32 to 62 (average 48.8), all were married, living with their spouse and children, except two-one divorced and the other widow before they became ill. I collected data using In depth structured interview. I had interviews two or three times with each subject, and the interviews were conducted at each subject's home. Each interview lasted about two hours an average. A recording was taken with the consent of the subject. I used inductive data analysis-such as unitizing and categorizing. unitizing is a process of coding, whereby raw data are systematically transformed and aggregated into units. Categorizing is a process wherby previously unitized data are organized into categories that provide descriptive or inferential information about the context or setting from which the units were derived. This process is used constant comparative method. The pain controlling process is composed of behavior of pain control. The behaviors of pain control are rearranging of ADL, hiddening role conflict, balancing treatment, and changing social relation. Rearranging of ADL includes diet management, sleep management, and the adjustment of daily life activities. The subjects try to rearrange their daily activities by modified style of motions, rearranging time span & range of activities, using auxillary facilities, and getting help in order to keep on the pace of daily life. Hiddening role conflict means to reduce conflicts between sick role and their role as a family member. In this process, the subjects use two modes, one is to control the pain complaints, and the other is to internalize the value which is to stay home is good for caring her children and being a good mother. To control pain complaints is done by 'enduring', 'understanding' the other family members, or making them undersood in order to reduce pain. Balancing treatment is composed of two aspects. One is to keep the pain within the endurable level, the other is to keep in touch with medical personnel in order to get the information of treatment and emotional support. Changing social relation is made by information seeking and sharing, formation of mutual support relation, and finally simplification of social relationships. The subjects simplify their social relationships by refraining from relations with someone who makes them physically and psychologically strained. In particular the subjects are apt to avoid contact with in-laws, and the change of relation to in-laws results in lessening the family boundary. In the course of this process, they confront the crisis of family confict result in family dissolution. This crisis is related to the threat of self-existence. Findings from this study contribute to understanding the chronic pain experience. To advance this study, we should compare this result with other cases in different cultural contexts. I think to interpret these results, korean cultural background should be considered. Especially the different family concept, more broader family members and kinship network, and the traditional medical knowledge influences patients' behavior.

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삶의 만족도와 정서적 안녕감에 대한 영역 만족도의 상대적 예측력: 한국과 캐나다 대학생 비교 연구 (The relative contribution of domain satisfaction on life satisfaction and hedonic balance: A comparative study of Korean and Canadian university students)

  • 김현지;이화령;서은국
    • 한국심리학회지 : 문화 및 사회문제
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.303-327
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    • 2020
  • 영역 만족도와 삶의 만족도의 상관관계에 대한 연구는 많이 진행되어 왔다. 하지만 다양한 영역 만족도를 종합적으로 고려하여 개별 영역 만족도가 삶의 만족도 및 정서적 안녕감 각각에 미치는 영향력을 살펴본 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 게다가 관련 연구들은 대부분 서구 문화권에서 진행되어 왔으며 문화비교 연구는 많이 이뤄지지 않았다. 이에 본 연구에서는 각 영역 만족도(건강한 라이프스타일, 가족관계, 외모, 재정상황, 학업 성적에 대한 만족도)가 개인의 삶의 만족도 및 정서적 안녕감과 어떤 관계를 가지는지 살펴봄과 동시에, 문화별로 어떤 특정 영역이 삶의 만족도와 정서적 안녕감을 더 잘 예측하는지 한국과 캐나다 두 문화권의 대학생 참가자들을 대상으로 알아보았다. 그 결과, 두 문화에서 다섯 영역의 만족도는 삶의 만족도 및 정서적 안녕감과 정적 상관관계를 보였다. 흥미롭게도, 다섯 영역을 종합적으로 고려했을 때, 문화별로 삶의 만족도와 정서적 안녕감을 예측하는 가장 중요한 요인들에 차이가 있었다. 한국인의 경우 건강한 라이프스타일이 삶의 만족도와 정서적 안녕감을 가장 잘 설명하는 요인으로 나타났다. 반면, 유럽계 캐나다인의 경우 외모 만족도가 삶의 만족도와 정서적 안녕감 모두를 예측하는 가장 중요한 요인으로 나타났으며, 다음으로는 건강한 라이프스타일 만족도가 행복 요소들을 가장 잘 설명하였다. 본 연구 결과는 개인의 주관적 안녕감의 예측에 있어, 문화 공통적으로 영향을 끼치는 삶의 영역이 있으며, 더불어 문화의 특성에 따라 더 좋은 예측력을 가지는 삶의 영역도 있음을 보여준다.

배발생캘러스 배양에 의한 칼라 식물체 재분화 체계 확립 (Establishment of a regeneration system for the production of Calla plants (Zantedeschia spp.) via embryogenic callus culture)

  • 한인송;김종보
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.32-36
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    • 2019
  • 칼라는 천남성과에 속하는 단자엽식물이다. 칼라 신품종이 출시되고 나서 상업적 이용을 위해서는 효율적인 번식체계가 필요하다. 기존 칼라에서 분주나 분구등으로 번식이 이루어졌지만 효율이 낮아서 빠르고 효율적인 번식체계의 개발이 필요한 실정이다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위해서 칼라 'Gag-si' 품종의 경정조직이 포함된 줄기절편체들을 다양한 농도의 오옥신과 사이토키닌이 첨가된 MS배지에 배양하여 배발생캘러스, 신초 및 다신초를 유도하고자 하였다. 그 결과, MS배지에 $0.5mg{\cdot}L^{-1}\;NAA$$1.5mg{\cdot}L^{-1}\;BA$가 첨가된 배지에서 약 25%의 배발생캘러스 형성율을 보여주었다. 재분화실험에서는 $0.5mg{\cdot}L^{-1}\;IAA$$2.0mg{\cdot}L^{-1}\;BA$가 첨가된 MS배지에서 85 ~ 90%의 신초 형성율을 보여주었으며, 다신초의 경우는 같은 농도에서 약 40%의 형성율을 나타내었다. 본 연구에서 오옥신과 사이토키닌의 호르몬 조합이 배발생캘러스, 신초 및 다신초 유도에 있어서 긍정적인 효과를 나타내었다. 본 연구에 기술된 재분화 체계는 향후 칼라 육종프로그램 발전에 기여할 것이라 판단된다.

저출산 가계와 출산계획 있는 가계의 경제구조 비교 분석 (The Differences in Household Economic Structure between Low-Fertility and Birth-Planned Households)

  • 차경욱
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2005
  • This study compared one-child households' economic structures between those who determined not to have more children and those who have a birth plan. This study examined the demographic characteristics and economic variables such as income, consumption expenditures, assets. debt, and a subjective evaluation of future economic status. Especially, it compared the effects of socioeconomic variables on expenditures on a child between low-fertility and birth-planned households. From a questionnaire completed by a husband or wife of one-child households, 154 low-fertility households and 201 birth-planned households were obtained. A t-test, chi-square test, multiple regression analysis and a dummy variable interaction technique were used. The findings of this study are as follows: First, low-fertility households were older, had higher income, and had more educated, employed wives. Their marital duration was longer, and their child was older than those of birth-planned households. Second, low-fertility households had higher consumption expenditures than did birth-planned households. Especially, expenditures of apparel and shoes, health care, education, and entertainment were significantly higher for low-fertility households. Also, low-fertility households spent more than did birth-planned households on a child. However, low-fertility households had significantly more debt than did their counterparts, and their expectation level of future economic status were lower than that of birth-planned households. Third, the effects of socioeconomic variables on expenditures on a child were different between low-fertility and birth-planned households. Age, education level, husband's occupation, wife's employment status, income, net asset, and subjective evaluation of future economic status showed significant differences. Income elasticity of expenditure on a child was significantly higher for low-fertility households than their counterparts.

초등학생의 체지방 및 골밀도 수준에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Factors Affecting Body Fat and Bone Mineral Density in among Elementary School Students)

  • 권경희;이태용;남해성
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify the factors associated with the percentage of body fat and bone mineral density (BMD). Methods: 886 students of the 4, 5, 6th grade were sampled from 6 elementary schools in Daejeon city from May to June 2005. Participants completed the questionnaire on socio-demographic factors, eating habits and physical activities, and had the measurements of body composition, BMD, height and weight. T-test, one-way ANOVA and ANCOVA were used to compare body composition and BMD among groups defined by study factors. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the factors related with percentage of fat and BMD in each sex. Results: When adjusting age, height, weight and family income, the amount of food intake and regular exercise including the days of exercise per week and the daily exercise duration were significantly associated with percentage of fat in boys, but not in girls. When adjusting the same variables, regular exercise, the days of exercise per week and the daily exercise duration were positively associated with BMD in both sexes. Conclusion: Regular exercise with one or more days per week were the common factor to decrease percentage of fat and increase BMD in school children. This showed that regular exercise program could improve the body composition of school children.

아파트 브랜드 인지도와 소비자 구매의도에 관한 연구 (Apartment Brand Awareness and Consumers' Purchase Intention)

  • 박은희;차경욱;문숙재
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2006
  • This study examined consumers' awareness of apartment brands and the purchase intention of apartments with brand names. This study compared apartment brand awareness with purchase intention in terms of consumers' socio-economic and housing characteristics. Also, it identified the factors that influence consumers' awareness and purchase intention of apartment brands. The data were obtained via a questionnaire completed by adults 20 years of age and olde. (N=383), and were analyzed by t-tests, ANOVA, chi-square tests, multiple regression, and logistic regression analyses. The findings of this study are as follows: First, both consumers' awareness and purchase intention of apartment brands were higher among married males in their 30s and 40s than among unmarried females in their 20s and 50s. For consumers who had graduated from graduate schools, both awareness and purchase intention of apartment brands were lower than other groups. Second, consumers dwelling in apartments or row houses showed higher awareness of apartment brands. And those who lived in row houses were more likely to consider purchasing apartments with brand names. Third, every factor of consumers' housing values was higher than the middle point of the scale. Especially, economic and social values of housing were important factors for both awareness and purchasing intention of apartment brands. Fourth, the apartment brand awareness had a positive effect on the purchase intention of the apartments with their own brands.

다문화가정 맞춤형 영양교육 프로그램과 운영시스템 개선을 위한 질적 연구 : 프로그램 제공자 측면 (Qualitative Study on Improvement of Operating System and Tailored Nutrition Education Program for Marriage Immigrants to Korea: Program Providers' Perspective)

  • 조미영;황지윤
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.323-335
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to analyze the current status of nutrition education programs for multicultural families and to provide policy suggestions for improvement. Methods: In-depth interviews of a total of 21 multicultural experts were conducted; 15 people were interviewed individually, while 6 people were interviewed in groups of three. Results: In-depth interviews revealed various problems related to the operation of nutrition education programs. The causes of problems were analyzed and categorized as four factors: systemic, practical, environmental and cultural. As for the systematic factors, insufficient linkage between related organizations and duplicate performance of several projects were identified as concerns Establishment of a control tower and strengthening the linkage among the related organizations may be needed to address this concern. With regard to practical factors, the study identified that language barriers, and lack of nutritional education media and tools translated into multicultural languages were limiting factors. These limitations the development of nutrition education materials that aretranslated into multiple languages, implementation of education programs that are different from the Korean education, and by providing interpreters. As for the environmental factors, low educational level and poor nutritional knowledge of multicultural women made it difficult for them to understand the contents of the education. Demonstration, practical training and urgent education on pregnancy and childbirth nutrition were identified as needs to address these concerns. Withregard to cultural factors, food culture conflict with Korean families, and difficulties in home practices were detected as concerns. Participants in the study suggested that getting education with family and facilitation of weekend and nighttime programs health of this community. Conclusions: Further studies are needed to adopt more effective and efficient nutrition intervention to promote the healthy eating of the married immigrant women based on the study results.

영아보육교사의 심리적 안녕감과 사회적 지지가 소진에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of Psychological Well-being and Social Support on the Burnout of Infant Care Teachers)

  • 김지민;정지나
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the relative influence of psychological well-being and social support on the burnout of infant care teachers. Participants were 194 infant care teachers from 52 infant daycare centers in Gyeong-gi-do. Psychological burnout was assessed by the Maslach Burnout Inventory(Lee, 2011), psychological well-being was measured by the Psychological well-being scale(Cho & Cha, 2001) and social support was measured by the social support questionnaire(Bak, 1985). Date were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analysis, t-test, Pearson's correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The major results of this study were as follows; First, there were differences in burnout in terms of marital status, work experiences, classroom operation type and income. Second, Infant care teachers' burnout was negatively correlated with psychological well-being and social support. Third, the most influential factor on infant care teachers' burnout was purpose in life, the second most influential factor was self-acceptance, the third most influential factor was emotional support, and the least influential factor was environmental mastery. Results of this study indicate that a psychological well-being enhancement program should be developed and emotional support from a social relationship network should be enhanced in order to prevent infant care teachers' burnout.

Ethnic differences in attitudes, beliefs, and patterns of meat consumption among American young women meat eaters

  • Sung Eun Choi;Kyou Jin Lee
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 2023
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Meat eaters face conflicts over meat consumption due to recent increasing demands for reduced-meat diets to promote human and environmental health. Attitudes toward consuming meat have been shown to be culture-specific. Thus, this study was performed to examine cultural differences in attitudes, beliefs, and patterns of meat consumption among meat eaters in a group homogeneous in terms of age and sex but with diverse ethnicities. SUBJECTS/METHODS: In this cross-sectional study conducted in New York City in 2014, 520 female meat eaters (Whites = 25%; Blacks = 20%; East Asians = 35%; Hispanics = 20%) aged 20-29 completed a questionnaire consisting of a series of questions on meat consumption behaviors, which addressed amounts of consumption, cooking methods, past and future changes in meat consumption, and attitudes and beliefs regarding relationships between health and meat consumption. Logistic and multiple regression analyses were used to assess the effects of variables on meat consumption. RESULTS: Blacks had the highest annual total meat consumption (64.2 kg), followed by East Asians (53.6 kg), Whites (46.9 kg), and Hispanics (35.8 kg). Blacks ate significantly more chicken than the other ethnic groups (P < 0.001), and East Asians ate significantly more pork and processed meat (P < 0.001). Regardless of ethnicity, grilling/roasting/broiling were the preferred cooking methods, and vegetables were most consumed as a side dish. More than half of the participants expressed an intention to decrease future meat consumption. East Asians more strongly perceived meat as a festive food (P < 0.001) and were less guilty about the slaughtering animals (P = 0.11) than other groups. No differences were found between the ethnic groups regarding negative attitudes to meat consumption. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that ethnicities differ in terms of attitudes, beliefs, and patterns of meat consumption. Irrespective of ethnicity, the meat-eating participants almost unanimously demonstrated a willingness to reduce future meat consumption. It is hoped these findings aid the formulation of culturally-tailored interventions that effectively reduce meat consumption.