• 제목/요약/키워드: mulberry fiber

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대체보조섬유를 이용한 Watermark 삽입 한지의 제조 (Characterization of Watermarked Hanji prepared with Non-Mulberry Mixed Fibers)

  • 조정혜;김강재;박성배;김철환;엄태진
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제41권3호
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2009
  • The new way of utilization of Hanji need to develop for adding high value added. An watermarked Hanji was prepared with non-mulberry mixed fibers and the properties were investigated. The mechanical properties of non-mulberry fiber mixed Hanji were very similar to mulberry fiber Hanji. The non-mulberry fiber mixed Hanji was a little brighter than original Hanji. The air permeability and pore size of the hot pepper fiber mixed Hanji were decreased depending on the content of hot pepper fiber. The printing ability of watermarked Hanji made of non-mulberry mixed fibers was higher than that of original paper mulberry Hanji. The preservation properties of non-mulberry fiber mixed watermarked Hanji were almost same as those of the original Hanji.

상지(桑紙)의 보존성(保存性)에 관한 연구 (The Study about the Preservation of the Paper of Mulberry)

  • 정선영
    • 한국기록관리학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2004
  • 상지(桑紙)는 우리나라에서 많이 사용된 종이였음에도 불구하고 문헌에 그의 원료에 대한 기록이 거의 없다. 양잠의 원료로서의 중요성 때문이기도 하지만 닥나무와 비슷한 형태때문일 것으로 생각된다. 특히 양잠에 유리한 수종(樹種)으로 개량되면서 종이의 원료로서의 중요성을 점차 잃어서 현재는 생산되지 않는 전통종이 가운데 하나다. 본고에서는 뽕나무의 인피를 사용하여 전통상지(傳統桑紙)를 만들고 저지(楮紙)와 함께 그 물성(物性)을 비교하여 보았다. 그 결과 섬유의 형태면에서는 섬유의 길이와 넓이의 비율이 475이며, 화학적 조성에서도 리그닌의 함량이 닥나무보다 적었으므로 종이의 원료로서 매우 우수하였다. 종이의 물성도 저지와 큰 차이가 없었다. 또 종이의 보존성을 시험한 결과 $105^{\circ}C$로 72시간, 144시간을 가열한 환경에서는 상지가 저지와 비교하여 불리하였으나, 자외선이 24시간, 100시간, 200시간 조사된 환경에서는 시간이 경과될수록 변화의 폭이 적었다. 즉 오랜기간이 경과될수록 상지는 덜 노화되며, 외관상으로도 열화가 많이 진행되지 않는 훌륭한 종이임이 밝혀졌다. 특히 실험에 사용한 상피(桑皮)가 개량종임을 감안한다면, 조선조나 그 이전에 만들어진 상지는 더 품질이 좋았을 것으로 사료된다.

닥나무 인피섬유의 수초지 제조 적합성 및 물성평가 (Manufacturing and Characterization of Handsheets Made from Bast Fiber of Paper Mulberry)

  • 김학상;김봉용
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 2008
  • Mechanical properties of paper mulberry bast fiber handsheets were investigated to study the characteristics of bast fiber in terms of being suitable for modern paper making process. Tensile, tear and burst strength of handsheets made from bast fiber of paper mulberry were better than those of NBKP handsheets. Smoothness of bast fiber was higher but stiffness was lower than NBKP. Sizing performance of bast fiber were worse. 3D image analysis showed that handsheets of bast fiber had inferior formation and more pores comparing to NBKP.

닥나무 인피섬유의 절단장이 펄프화 및 한지의 물성에 미치는 영향(제1보) - 국산 닥 백피의 특성 - (The Effects of the Cutting Length of Paper Mulberry Bast Fiber on Pulping and Hanji Properties(I) - White bast of Korea grown paper mulberry -)

  • 임강혁;최태호
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2008
  • In general, the entire of paper mulberry bark, which is not cut into pieces with an appropriate length, have been used in the pulping. This kind of pulping method couldn't accomplish the improvement of beating and sheet forming efficiency. For this reason, we investigated the effects of the cutting length of paper mulberry bast fiber on pulping and Hanji (Korean traditional paper) properties, in order to develop high quality Hanji manufacturing process. The cutting length variation of paper mulberry white bast did not great effects on pulp yields. The pulp yields based on pulping methods were sulfomethylated pulping av. 57.4%, alkali-hydrogen peroxide pulping av. 55.4%, and alkaline pulping av. 53.5% respectively. The optical properties such as brightness, opacity, scattering coefficient, and absorption coefficient were slightly improved by the increase of paper mulberry white bast cutting length. The increase of paper mulberry white bast cutting length resulted in poor sheet formation. Physical properties such as breaking length, TEA, tear index, burst index, and folding endurance were slightly improved by the increase of cutting length. The modified pulping processes, which used sulfomethylated method and alkali-hydrogen peroxide method, showed better pulp and sheet properties than conventional alkaline pulping.

각종 단섬유펄프를 이용한 화선지 제조 (Manufacture of Hwaseonji(Korean Traditional Paper) Using Various Kinds of Short-Length Fiber Pulps)

  • 강진하;주용찬
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.78-86
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    • 2005
  • Hwaseonji(Korean traditional paper) used for writing and painting has been made from the mulberry bast-fiber and the short-length fiber pulps, wood pulps. However, besides wood pulps, other short-length fiber pulps also can be used instead of wood pulps. Hence, this research was carried out to make the various Hwaseonjis with the different properties, using the five kinds of short-length fiber pulps respectively. The short-length fiber pulps used in this research were softwood bleached kraft pulp(SwBKP) hardwood bleached kraft pulp(HwBKP), rice-straw bleached sulfite pulp(RsBSP), bamboo bleached kraft pulp(BbBKP) and recycled pulp from vellem paper(RP). And, the mixture ratios of the mulberry bast-fiber pulp and short-length fiber pulps were 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60 and 20:80. After various Hwaseonjis were made from different mixtures mentioned above with hand-made method, physical properties and chinese ink blot property of each paper were measured. The strengthes were the highest in the Hwaseonji made from the mixture of the mulberry bast-fiber pulp and SwBKP. However, chinese ink blot property and smoothness were better when RsBSP, BbBKP or RP were mixed into the mulberry bast-fiber pulp. As a result, the various kinds of Hwaseonjis which the users can choose based on their needs were made.

케나프를 이용한 수초지 제조에 관한 연구 (The Prodoction of Kenaf Hand-Made Paper)

  • 임옥;이혜자;유혜자;한영숙
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제31권8호
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    • pp.1286-1296
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    • 2007
  • Hanji, the korean traditional papers were mostly made from mulberry paper. But the production and demand of hanji have decreased rapidly because mulberry paper yields were insufficient and handworked hanji procedures were complicated. Recently, the researches on hanji were carried out to improve the properties of hanji. Kenaf fibers have been interested as a substitute resource of mulberry paper for hanji production. In this research, Kenai pulps were manufactured with removal methods of lignin or hemicellulose from kenaf fibers and paper mulberry pulps with traditional alkali methods. Kenaf papers, paper mulberry, and kenaf/paper mulberry mixed papers were manufactured with their pulps. The crystallinity, fiber length, color of the pulps and tensile strength, tear strength, water absorption of the papers were investigated. The results were as follow: The removal rates of lignin of chemical retted kenaf fibers with sodium chlorite reaction for 40 minutes were 70% and were higher than 40% of double retted fibers. Paper mulberry pulps has less lignin and hemicellulose than kenaf differently. The crystallinity of paper mulberry pulps were very low with 60%, but kenaf pulps were 90%. The chemical retted CR-40-1 pulps were similar with paper mulberry pulps on fiber length & fibrilation of fibers. Tensile strength of paper mulberry were higher than kenaf papers because of fibrilation of paper mulberry, but tear strength were lower. Tensile strength and tear strength were improved on kenaf/paper mulberry 30/70 mixed papers.

닥나무 박피 자동화를 위한 닥 인피의 구성성분 분석 (Component Analysis of Paper Mulberry Bark for the Automation of Bark Peeling Process)

  • 서진호;김형진
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.74-82
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    • 2011
  • The bast fiber of Paper mulberry has been generally used as a fibrous raw material in traditional Hanji-making. Nowadays, its uses is expanded to different special purposes such as paper mulberry yarn, laminated paper, antimicrobial paper depending on its application. Despite the wide array of the use of mulberry fibers, it is still limited due to some difficulties in the automation process of manufacturing works. This study is focused on the analysis of chemical components and morphological properties of paper mulberry bark for the automation of bark peeling process. The bast tissue of paper mulberry was separated in three plies; black outer layer, green inner layer, and white inner layer. The total lignin content, holocelluloses, extractives and ashes, and the anatomical structure of the three layers in mulberry bark tissue were investigated. The analysis showed that the black outer layer is composed of about 50% of total lignin content, whereas the white inner layer is composed of about 90% of holocellulose content.

닥섬유 특성을 이용한 패션 주얼리 표현 연구 (A Study on the Expression of Fashion Jewelry Using the Characteristics of Paper Mulberry Fiber)

  • 이지현;전양배;간호섭
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.35-51
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    • 2020
  • To satisfy consumers' desire to enjoy their own individuality and cultural trends, the discovery of various materials and the expression of materials embodying their characteristics are increasingly important in the fashion jewelry industry. This study examines, paper mulberry fiber, a raw material of hanji that has been excavated as a new material for fashion jewelry, is durable as wall as, soft and easy to form, has a unique texture along with, excellent aesthetic quality, and expresses various colors, thereby differentiating itself from traditional fashion jewelry materials. The material itself also has symbolic significance as an approach to discovering new sustainable materials for fashion jewelry to ensure increased specificity of the product based on the premise of freedom of expression. The weight and optimal drying time of chicken fiber were derived for the study of fashion jewelry expression using the characteristics of paper mulberry fiber. The techniques of casting, deflection, packing and winding (winding beads with fibers and straps) were derived and four brooches were produced in total. This study is meaningful for the future of, the fashion jewelry industry as it presents the uses of new materials such as paper mulberry fiber to induce multidisciplinary consumption and to suggest a direction for the creation of new value-added products. Further, in order to expand the realm of fashion jewelry industry with our own competitive products that have secured our cultural identity and uniqueness in the global market, there must be continued follow-up research on mass production methods for industrialization.

닥섬유 양말 제품에 대한 소비자 만족도 조사 연구 (A Study on Consumer Satisfaction with Socks Made of Mulberry Fiber)

  • 주정아;심준영;김현철
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.752-763
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to develop an effective marketing strategy for socks made of paper mulberry fiber, a new natural fiber, by understanding consumers' concerns and perception about the product and its quality in several dimensions. The first survey determined their perception of the products' image before using it. The second survey gauged consumer satisfaction with product quality after a two-week home-use test. Factor analysis using Cronbach's a and ANOVA analysis were performed for statistical analysis. In conclusion, consumer image perceptions of socks of mulberry fiber were classified into four categories -'practicality', 'wellbeing', 'high-quality' and 'traditionality'. The survey revealed differences between men's and women's perception of the 'practicality' and 'high-quality' factors. The women recognized a mulberry fiber sock as being more practical but of lower quality than did the men. And the quality satisfaction of the product was classified into four factor 'durability', 'suitability, 'wearability' and 'care-easiness'. In the case of 'suitability', men were more satisfied with the product than the women and in 'suitability' and 'wearability', a group of over 40' year-old consumers was more satisfied. The analysis of a relationship between image perception and satisfaction showed that a consumer group that perceived this product to have more 'practicality', 'high-quality' and 'well-being' was also more satisfied with the product. However, the 'traditionality' factor was unrelated to consumer satisfaction.

닥나무 흑피제거 자동화 공정 기초연구 (Preliminary Study on Automation of Bark Peeling Process for Paper Mulberry)

  • 권오훈;김현철
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제43권4호
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to develop the automation bark peeling process of paper mulberry for making Hanji. Nowadays, almost raw material has been imported from south-east asia for making Hanji. Raw material dependence is very high for Hanji-making by low productivity in korea. This study is focused on the resolution for problem of bark peeling automation. Water and sand jet of compressed air was possible bark peeling for black bast fiber. The effect of removing black bast fiber increased the longer the steaming time. Also using drum of bark peeling showed that results under temperature $80^{\circ}C$ and Rpm 50/min were best bark peeling and separating bast fiber from stem. The contents of holocellulose, lignin, ethanol-benzene extractives, and ash were 91.63~95.55%, 1.4~2.0%, 1.12~1.65%, and 1.4~4.3%, respectively. Chemical characteristics are similar between imported raw-material with drum bark.