• 제목/요약/키워드: moving object tracking

검색결과 532건 처리시간 0.027초

A Histogram-based Object Tracking for Mobile Platform (모바일 플랫폼을 위한 히스토그램 기반 객체추적)

  • Ko, Jae-Pil;Ahn, Jung-Ho;Lee, Il-Young;Kim, Sung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • 제15권8호
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    • pp.986-995
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    • 2012
  • In this paper we propose a real-time moving object tracking method on a smart phone camera. By considering the limit of non-learning approach on low-performance platforms, we use the sliding-window detection technique based on histogram features. We solve the problem of the time-consuming histogram computation on each sub-window by adapting the integral histogram. For additional speed and tracking performance, we propose a new adaptive bin method. From the experiments on our dataset, we achieved high speed performance demonstrating 34~63 frames per second.

PTZ Camera Tracking Using CAMShift (CAMShift를 이용한 PTZ 카메라 추적)

  • Chang, Il-Sik;An, Tae-Ki;Park, Kwang-Young;Park, Goo-Man
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제35권3C호
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 2010
  • In this paper we proposed an object tracking system using PTZ camera. Once the target object is detected, the CAMshift tracking algorithm focuses it in realtime mode as the camera is moving accordingly. Since the CAMShift algorithm takes into account the object size, zoom related tracking is possible. We used the spherical coordinate to gain pan and tilt position. The position information is used to set the center of target object in the middle of the image by using the PTZ protocol and RS-485 interface. Our system showed excellent experimental results in various environments.

Real-time Zoom Tracking for DM36x-based IP Network Camera

  • Cong, Bui Duy;Seol, Tae In;Chung, Sun-Tae;Kang, HoSeok;Cho, Seongwon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • 제16권11호
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    • pp.1261-1271
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    • 2013
  • Zoom tracking involves the automatic adjustment of the focus motor in response to the zoom motor movements for the purpose of keeping an object of interest in focus, and is typically achieved by moving the zoom and focus motors in a zoom lens module so as to follow the so-called "trace curve", which shows the in-focus motor positions versus the zoom motor positions for a specific object distance. Thus, one can simply implement zoom tracking by following the most closest trace curve after all the trace curve data are stored in memory. However, this approach is often prohibitive in practical implementation because of its large memory requirement. Many other zoom tracking methods such as GZT, AZT and etc. have been proposed to avoid large memory requirement but with a deteriorated performance. In this paper, we propose a new zoom tracking method called 'Approximate Feedback Zoom Tracking method (AFZT)' on DM36x-based IP network camera, which does not need large memory by approximating nearby trace curves, but generates better zoom tracking accuracy than GZT or AZT by utilizing focus value as feedback information. Experiments through real implementation shows the proposed zoom tracking method improves the tracking performance and works in real-time.

ROI Based Object Extraction Using Features of Depth and Color Images (깊이와 칼라 영상의 특징을 사용한 ROI 기반 객체 추출)

  • Ryu, Ga-Ae;Jang, Ho-Wook;Kim, Yoo-Sung;Yoo, Kwan-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제16권8호
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    • pp.395-403
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    • 2016
  • Recently, Image processing has been used in many areas. In the image processing techniques that a lot of research is tracking of moving object in real time. There are a number of popular methods for tracking an object such as HOG(Histogram of Oriented Gradients) to track pedestrians, and Codebook to subtract background. However, object extraction has difficulty because that a moving object has dynamic background in the image, and occurs severe lighting changes. In this paper, we propose a method of object extraction using depth image and color image features based on ROI(Region of Interest). First of all, we look for the feature points using the color image after setting the ROI a range to find the location of object in depth image. And we are extracting an object by creating a new contour using the convex hull point of object and the feature points. Finally, we compare the proposed method with the existing methods to find out how accurate extracting the object is.

Object Tracking on Bitstreams Using a Motion Vector-based Particle Filter (움직임 벡터 기반 파티클 필터를 이용한 비트스트림 상에서의 객체 추적)

  • Lee, Jongseok;Oh, Seoung-Jun
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.409-420
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a Motion Vector-based Particle Filter(MVPF) for object tracking on bitstreams and a object tracking system using the MVPF. The MVPF uses motion vectors to both the transition and the observation models of a general particle filter to improve the accuracy while maintaining the number of particles. In the proposed object tracking system, the state of the target object can be predicted using the histogram of motion vectors extracted from the bitstream. In terms of precision, F-measure and IOU(Intersection Of Union), the proposed method is about 30%, 17%, and 17% better on average, respectively, in MPEG test sequences and VOT2013 sequences. Furthermore, When the tracking results are displayed in box form for subjective performance evaluation, the proposed method can track moving objects more robust than the conventional methods in all test sequences.

Color Pattern Recognition and Tracking for Multi-Object Tracking in Artificial Intelligence Space (인공지능 공간상의 다중객체 구분을 위한 컬러 패턴 인식과 추적)

  • Tae-Seok Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • 제27권2_2호
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    • pp.319-324
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, the Artificial Intelligence Space(AI-Space) for human-robot interface is presented, which can enable human-computer interfacing, networked camera conferencing, industrial monitoring, service and training applications. We present a method for representing, tracking, and objects(human, robot, chair) following by fusing distributed multiple vision systems in AI-Space. The article presents the integration of color distributions into particle filtering. Particle filters provide a robust tracking framework under ambiguous conditions. We propose to track the moving objects(human, robot, chair) by generating hypotheses not in the image plane but on the top-view reconstruction of the scene.

A Study on Kohenen Network based on Path Determination for Efficient Moving Trajectory on Mobile Robot

  • Jin, Tae-Seok;Tack, HanHo
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.101-106
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    • 2010
  • We propose an approach to estimate the real-time moving trajectory of an object in this paper. The object's position is obtained from the image data of a CCD camera, while a state estimator predicts the linear and angular velocities of the moving object. To overcome the uncertainties and noises residing in the input data, a Extended Kalman Filter(EKF) and neural networks are utilized cooperatively. Since the EKF needs to approximate a nonlinear system into a linear model in order to estimate the states, there still exist errors as well as uncertainties. To resolve this problem, in this approach the Kohonen networks, which have a high adaptability to the memory of the inputoutput relationship, are utilized for the nonlinear region. In addition to this, the Kohonen network, as a sort of neural network, can effectively adapt to the dynamic variations and become robust against noises. This approach is derived from the observation that the Kohonen network is a type of self-organized map and is spatially oriented, which makes it suitable for determining the trajectories of moving objects. The superiority of the proposed algorithm compared with the EKF is demonstrated through real experiments.

Uncertain Region Based User-Assisted Segmentation Technique for Object-Based Video Editing System (객체기반 비디오 편집 시스템을 위한 불확실 영역기반 사용자 지원 비디오 객체 분할 기법)

  • Yu Hong-Yeon;Hong Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • 제9권5호
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    • pp.529-541
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose a semi-automatic segmentation method which can be used to generate video object plane (VOP) for object based coding scheme and multimedia authoring environment. Semi-automatic segmentation can be considered as a user-assisted segmentation technique. A user can initially mark objects of interest around the object boundaries and then the selected objects are continuously separated from the un selected areas through time evolution in the image sequences. The proposed segmentation method consists of two processing steps: partially manual intra-frame segmentation and fully automatic inter-frame segmentation. The intra-frame segmentation incorporates user-assistance to define the meaningful complete visual object of interest to be segmentation and decides precise object boundary. The inter-frame segmentation involves boundary and region tracking to obtain temporal coherence of moving object based on the object boundary information of previous frame. The proposed method shows stable and efficient results that could be suitable for many digital video applications such as multimedia contents authoring, content based coding and indexing. Based on this result, we have developed objects based video editing system with several convenient editing functions.

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A Tracking System of Moving Object using Active Blocks) (액티브 블록을 이용한 단일 이동 물체 추적 시스템)

  • 안인수;최태섭;김광훈;임승하;사공석진
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TE
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we propose a way to detect a moving object efficiently and to track it using the active blocks. Instead of all Pixels in 8*8 Pixel value, any special pixel is extracted and we detect a moving object by comparison and by analysis the difference image information from darkness value of the same area. In the acquisition of image data by software processing, we reduce the number of data which obtain by convert high resolution image to low resolution image, and we can track a moving object in real time. So it can track a moving object in simple system without all the pixel value of the image data or additional VxD(Virtual x Driver). This system can be useful to track of a moving object in fixed block on PC(Personal Computer) and low custom.

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Logical operation tracking using optical flow and improvement of gradient operation speed (옵티컬 플로우를 이용한 논리연산 트래킹과 그레디언트 연산속도 개선)

  • 안태홍;정상화;박종안
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.787-795
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, we have improved the speed of gradient operation, which needs to calculate Optical Flow for estimating a moving object, and proposed a method which estimate the contour of a moving object by the logical operationg of Optical Flow and edge in noisy images. The proposed method, which recognize to a moving ogject and traking a moving object, using logical operation of Optical Flow and edge in low-level has a advantage that is simpler than the known method for moving objects estimation. In addition, we have simulated several images using method I and method II on improved Gradient operation speed. When we have compared the average value of total operation time, method I is improved with 12% of operation speed compared with the known method, method II is improved with 38% operation speed.

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