• Title/Summary/Keyword: movable bed

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Hydraulic Assessment about Correlation of Fluvial Movement and River Bed Form on the Narrow Pass of Channel (하천 협소부에서 하상 이동성과 형태와의 상관성에 관한 하도수리학적 평가)

  • Choi, Ho-Kyun;Kim, Won-Il;Lee, Sam-Hee;Ahn, Won-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2009
  • Each river in each country has peculiar channel characteristics at every section. Korea consists of mountains at the rate of 70%. Due to this, the sections that display unique channel form are scattered. One of the typical features is the narrow pass of channel section that presents in the process of the generation of alluvial channel and deformation channel. Around as this narrow pass of channel, it often comes to be regular flood disaster section. Regardless of this situation, investigations and plans that reflect channel characteristics at the narrow pass of channel have been wholly wanting until now. In accordance with this, we have investigated and analysed hydraulic significance and channel form of the narrow pass of channel in Seonsan in this study. The study has found real minute classification of sediment phenomenon at river bed of low flow channel on investigation section which is sand-bed river, but it was vaguely difficult to conclude that classification of sediment arises from explicit natural force. We were able to assume that the phenomenon comes from gentle bed slope, supply of river bed materials which is nearly uniformity. However, classification of sediment would come from collecting an aggregate rather than natural force. And we found that compound cross section conversion has been developing dramatically with channel form of movable bed section referring to movement which was active before at drainage district of the narrow pass of channel. With this, we could find the phenomenon that river width of low flow channel diminished largely. This kind of situation implies that it may cause compound section weighting, flood dimension decreasing, revetment at low flow channel or the local scour at bottom of levee when extraordinary flood occurs.

A Study on the Expansion Process of Vegetation on Sand-bars in Fluvial Meandering Stream (충적하천 사행하도에 발달한 사주에서의 식생형성 과정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sam-Hee;Ock, Gi-Young;Choi, Jung-Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.658-665
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    • 2008
  • One of the characteristics of fluvial river channel with sand bed-material is the existence of movable sand bars not occupied with vegetation. However, sand bars at the Hahoe's reach of the Nakdong River showing a double-meandering channel has been changed into expanding vegetation area. Moreover, sand material, in recent years, has stopped moving to downstream in channel and the number and area of bare bars which did not occupied by vegetation have been decreased. In order to find out the mechanism, we carried out the channel characteristics surveys such as hydro-geomorphologic, soil physio-chemical and vegetation surveys were conducted twice on autumn season in 2005,2006. The results so far achieved showed that the reduced discharge of transported sediment and duration of dry season might be critical factors for the spread of luxuriant vegetation. The vegetation area was significantly expanded by floods exceeding the subsequent dominant flow discharge. Furthermore, the expansion of vegetation area was highly correlated with the supply of organic matter, nutrients and alteration of soil texture by sediment deposition during the flooding event.

A Study on the Hydraulic Experiments of Modi Khola Hydroelectric in Nepal (네팔 Modi Khola 수력발전소 수리모형실험 연구)

  • 선우중호;박창근
    • Water for future
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 1995
  • This study is concerned with the hydraulic experiments of Modi Khola Hydroelectric in Nepal. The experimental domain consists of the intake structure and the settling basin. The intake structure was made by the undistorted model with the scale of 1:20, the settling basin by the distorted model with the scale of 1:10(vertical) and 1:15(horizontal). Based on the movable bed model theory, the 'Anthracite'($\rho_s$ =1.48) is chosen as a model material. According to the model tests, the installation of the guide wall with proper height and the proper control of the flushing gate are required for the effective flushing in the intake structure. In the settling basin a more proper design of the inlet in order to constrain the turbulence flow is required for an efficient sedimentation and the installation of another flushing pipe near the maximum sedimental area is required. Since the trap efficiency is measured about 95%, it is concluded that the design of the settling basin is proper.

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A Study of Channel Migration in Alluvial River (충적하천의 유로이동에 관한 연구)

  • Roh, Sub;Chung, Yong Tai;Song, Jai Woo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 1993
  • Under natural conditions, rivers do not in general take straight courses but instead take winding courses. This is known as meandering of rivers. Meandering of rivers are so complicated because of the mutual interactions between flow and movable boundaries. In quantitative information, it is important to predict the future location of a river channel(channel migration) because in selecting a bridge site or a location of a road. It may be valuable to know the future impact of a nearby river on those structures. When the prediction model of the migration of channel is used in domestic rivers with high coefficient of river regime, it is rational to use the periodical dominant discharge (PDD), which is named firstly by the author, instead of the average discharge. According to the analysis of the erosion coefficient, the mean deviation on the channel migration, and the bed scour factor, it can bring shedding light on the fact that the discharge is one of the dominant components in channel migration. In project area, the discharge that can shift the channel is slightly greater than 6,000CMS. The prediction model of the migration of channel estimated the erosion coefficient, $E_0$ by the data from the South Han River. This estimated value from the South Han River was also used to predict the migration of the South Han River in year 2000.

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Prediction of Scour Potential Distributions in a Shallow Plunge Pool (얕은 감세지내의 세굴능 분포형태의 예측)

  • 손광익
    • Water for future
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 1994
  • Because a failure to provide enough plunge pool depth can create a risk to the structural stability of the psillways or dams, many researchers have proposed experimental formulas for claculating ultimate scour depth under jet issued from spillways and pipe culverts. For the design purposes of a plunge pool, scour potential distribution is important as much as the ultimate scour depth is. In this study scour potential distributions near the jet impinging point on a porous plane which can simulate a real cohesionless movable flat bed has been measured. Experimental results showed that scour potential distributions are geometrically similar to each other provided the angle of jet impact was the same. Statistical analysis of experimental results showed that scour potential distributions for the design purposes of a plunge pool could be expressed by a single equation within a range of this experiment. The proposed formula for the prediction of scour potential distributions agrees well with experimental measurements.

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Pier-Scour Characteristics of the Marine Bridge with Ship Impact Protection - Incheon Bridge Case - (선박충돌방지공이 설치된 해상교량의 교각 세굴 특성 분석 - 인천대교를 대상으로 -)

  • Yeo, Woon-Kwang;Ji, Un;Kim, Chang-Sung;Lim, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2008
  • More recently, the massive marine bridges in a ship passage have been constructed on the sea. Therefore, the ship impact protection for the bridge-piers are installed to consider the possibility of vessel collision danger. Due to the ship impact protection, the pier-scour characteristics are changed in comparison with the condition without the ship impact protection (SIP). In this study, the physical modeling for the Incheon Sea-Crossing Bridge was performed to analyze the pier-scour characteristics with respect to the vessel collision protection. The rigid and movable bed tests were conducted to evaluate the flow pattern, scour depth, and scourhole with and without the ship impact protection. The experimental results for the maximum scour depth is increased 0.24 m in W1 pier at the same location and 2.4 m in W2+3+4 piers due to the SIP installation. Especially, the maximum scour depth in W2+3+4 piers was occurred around the SIP.

Experimental Study on Effectiveness of Wave Reduction and Prevention Erosion of Nourishment Sand Using the Cell Group (Cell Group을 이용한 파랑저감 및 양빈사 유실방지에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Park, Sang Kil;Park, Hong Bum;Kim, Young Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.269-277
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    • 2017
  • Recently, a submerged breakwater has been installing to prevent the erosion of shoreline everywhere. Artificially submerged breakwater is made to minimize the loss of nourishment sand beach erosion. For this reason, it has been indiscriminately constructed submerged breakwater that is planned in the country throughout. However, maintenance purposes to keep the shoreline of the beach is a method that is quite a few problems. There are also disadvantages such as expensive construction costs, ocean space utilization, water pollution and shoreline modification. In addition, person of utilizing the space of the ocean leisure does not like that because of the disconnection of ocean space. The beaches such as Gwanganri are artificially supplying nourishment sand to maintain the beach. The flexible construction method refers to a structure that is installed as a flexible material instead of submerged breakwater to prevent the loss of nourishment sand. In order to develop a new method to mitigate shoreline erosion, this study was carried out a hydraulic model experiment by installing a cell group as an example of the flexible method. Namely, in order to prevent the loss of nourishment sand, we decided to develop a new method that can mitigate the degree of beaches erosion by using cell group instead of submerged breakwater. In the two dimensional fixed hydraulic experiment, was carried out the effect reducing of wave height and the rate of low reflection due to the installation of the cell group. In movable bed experiment, the capture rate of the nourishment sand and the erosion prevention rate of the nourishment sand was performed for stability of shoreline. Therefore, according to the results of the hydraulic tests, it was possible to maintain the stable beaches due to installing the cell group on the erosion beaches, due to the effect of reducing wave height, the low reflection, the erosion prevention rate of nourishment sand, the high capture rate of nourishment sand.

A Study on the Meaning and Cultural Properties Value of Rock-Go-Board from the Viewpoint of Site and Location Characteristics (입지와 장소 특성으로 본 암각바둑판의 의미와 문화재적 가치)

  • Park, Joo Sung;Rho, Jae Hyun;Sim, Woo Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.172-205
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    • 2011
  • Go bears significant meanings in terms of cultural and entertaining functions in Asia Eastern such as China and Japan. Beyond the mere entertaining level, it produces philosophical and mythic discourse as well. As a part of effort to seek an identity of Korean traditional garden culture, this study traced back to find meanings of rock-go-board and taste for the arts which ancestors pursued in playing Go game, through analysis and interpretation of correlation among origin of place name, nearby scenery, carved letters and vicinal handed-down place name. At the same time, their position, shape and location types were interpreted through comprehensive research and analysis of stone-go-boards including rock-go-board. Particularly, it focused on the rock names related to Sundoism(仙道) Ideal world, fixed due to a connection between traces of Sundoism and places in a folk etymology. Series of this work is to highlight features of the immortal sceneries, one of traditional landscaping ideals, by understanding place identity and scenic features of where the rock-go-boards are carved. These works are expected to become foundation for promotion and preservation of the traditional landscaping remains. The contents of this study could be summarized as follows; First, round stone and square board for round sky and angled land, black and white color for harmony of yin and yang and 361paths for rotating sky are symbols projecting order of universe. Sayings of Gyuljungjirak(橘中之樂), Sangsansaho(商山四皓), Nangagosa(爛柯故事) formed based on the idea of eternity stand for union of sky and sun. It indicates Go game which matches life and nature spatiotemporally and elegant taste for arts pursuing beauty and leisure. Second, the stone-go-boards found through this research, are 18 in total. 3 of those(16.1%), Gangjin Weolnamsaji, Yangsan Sohanjeong and Banryongdae ones were classified into movable Seokguk and 15(83.9%) including Banghakdong were turned out to be non-movable rock-go-boards carved on natural rocks. Third, upon the result of materializing location types of rock-go-boards, 15 are mountain stream type(83.9%) and 3 are rock peak type(16.1%). Among those, the one at Sobaeksam Sinseonbong is located at the highest place(1,389m). Considering the fact that all of 15 rock-go-boards were found at mountainous areas lower than 500m, it is recognizable that where the Go-boards are the parts of the living space, not far from secular world. Fourth, there are 7 Sunjang(巡將) Go with 17 Hwajeoms(花點), which is a traditional Go board type, but their existences, numbers and shapes of Hwajeom appear variously. Based on the fact, it is recognizable that culture of making go-board had been handed down for an extended period of time. Among the studied rock-goboards, the biggest one was Muju Sasunam[$80(82)cm{\times}80(82)cm$] while the smallest one was Yangsan Sohandjeong Seokguk ($40cm{\times}40cm$). The dimension of length and breadth are both $49cm{\times}48cm$ on average, which is realistic size for actual Go play. Fifth, the biggest bed rock, an under-masonry with carved Go-board on it, was one in Muju Sasunam[$8.7m{\times}7.5m(65.25m^2)$], followed by ones in Hoengseong Chuiseok[$7.8m{\times}6.3m(49.14m^2$] and Goisan Sungukam[$6.7m{\times}5.7m(37.14m^2)$]. Meanwhile, the smallest rock-go-board was turned out to be one in Seoul Banghak-dong. There was no consistency in directions of the Go-boards, which gives a hint that geographical features and sceneries of locations were considered first and then these were carved toward an optimal direction corresponding to the conditions. Sixth, rock-go-boards were all located in valleys and peaks of mountains with breathtaking scenery. It seems closely related to ancestors' taste for arts. Particularly, rock-go-boards are apprehended as facilities related to taste for arts for having leisure in many mountains and big streams under the idea of union of sky and human as a primitive communal line. Go became a medium of hermits, which is a traditional image of Go-game, and symbol of amusement and entertainment with the idea that Go is an essence of scholar culture enabling to reach the Tao of turning back to nature. Seventh, the further ancient time going back to, the more dreamlike the Go-boards are. It is an evident for that Sundoism, which used to be unacceptable once, became more visible and realistic. Considering the high relation between rock-go-boards and Sundoism relevant names such as Sundoism peak in Danyang Sobaeksan, 4 hermits rock in Muju and Sundoism hermit rock in Jangsu, Sundoism hermit rocks and rock-go-boards are sceneries and observation spots to express a communication of worship and longing for Sundoism. Eighth, 3 elements-physical environment such as location type of the rock-go-boards, human activities concentrated on 8 sceneries and Dongcheongugok(洞天九曲) setup and relevancy to Confucian scholars, as well as 'Sangsansaho' motif and 'Nangagosa' symbolic meaning were used as interpretation tools in order to judge the place identity. Upon the result, spatial investigation is required with respect to Sunyoodongcheon(仙遊洞天) concept based on enjoyment to unify with the nature rather than Dongcheongugok concept of neo-Confucian, for Dongcheon and Dongmoon(洞門) motives carved around the rock-go-boards. Generally, places where mountain stream type rock-go-boards were formed were hermit spaces of Confucianism or Sundoism. They are considered to have compromised one other with the change of times. Particularly, in the rock-go-board at the mountain peak, sublimity-oriented advent of Sundoism is considered as a significant factor to control place identity. Ninth, including where the rock-go-boards were established, the vicinal areas are well-known as parts of Dongcheongugok and Palkyung(八景) mostly. In addition, many of Sundoism relevant expressions were discovered even in the neighboring carvings written by scholars and nobility, which means sophisticated taste based on longing for Sundoism world played a significant role in making go-board. The rock-go-board is an integration of cultural phenomena naturally managed by seclusion of scholars in the Joseon Dynasty as well as remains and essence of Korean traditional landscaping. Some rock-go-boards out of 17 discovered in South Korea, including ones in Sobaeksan Sinsunbong, Banghak-dong, Chungju Gongili, Muju Sasunam, Yangsan Eogokdong Banryongdae Seokguk, are damaged such as cracks in rocks or fainted lines by hardships of time and hand stains. Worse yet, in case of Eunyang Bangudae Jipcheongjeong board, it is very difficult to identify the shape due to being buried. Rock-go-boards are valuable sculptures in terms of cultural asset and artwork since they reflect ancestors' love for nature and longing for Sundoism world. Therefore, they should be maintained properly with right preservation method. Not only rock-boards itself but also peripheral places are excellent cultural heritages and crucial cultural assets. In addition, vicinal sceneries of where rock-goboards and pavilion spots are the representative remains of embracing prototype of Korean traditional landscaping and major parts of cultural properties.