• 제목/요약/키워드: mother-in-law

검색결과 137건 처리시간 0.029초

항공운송인의 손해배상책임 원인에 관한 법적 고찰 - 여객 손해배상책임을 중심으로 - (A Legal Study on liability for damages cause of the air carrier : With an emphasis upon liability of passenger)

  • 소재선;이창규
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.3-35
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    • 2013
  • 오늘날 항공운송은 국가 간 인적 물적 교류를 위한 최적화된 운송 수단이다. 우리나라는 물론 세계 각국은 효율적인 항공운송을 이용하기 위해 국제항공협정을 체결하여 항공사 노선확장과 운항횟수의 증가 등을 이룩하였지만 동전의 양면처럼 항공운송 사고의 발생가능성도 높아졌다. 항공운송 사고의 발생 빈도는 타교통수단 사고와 비교하였을 때 높지는 않아도 항공사고가 발생하면 대형 참사로 이어진다. 항공운송 사고는 국내 운송사고보다 국제 운송사고가 많으며, 사고가 발생하였을 경우에 항공운송인과 여객 또는 송하인 등의 법적 책임에 대한 분석이 필요하다. 항공운송 사고의 법적 규율에 대한 선순위 판단은 항공운송계약의 종류의 구분이다. 항공운송계약은 객체에 따라 항공여객운송계약과 항공물건운송계약으로 분별된다. 특히 항공여객운송 사고는 인명 피해를 발생시키기 때문에 이에 대한 법적 규율에 대한 논의가 더욱 필요하다. 개정 "상법" 항공운송편은 국제항공운송에서 세계적으로 활용되는 조약들의 내용을 우리 실정에 맞게 반영하여 국제적 기준에 맞으면서 체계상으로도 육상 해상 항공 운송을 포괄하는 특징을 갖고 있다. 그러나 "상법"은 운송계약상 항공운송인의 손해배상책임 문제를 규율하는 몬트리올협약을 주로 반영하면서 동 협약이 가지고 있던 문제로 인하여 국내 상황에 맞게 변형 및 생략을 통해 동 협약의 규정을 수용함으로 인해 발생하는 문제들도 생겨나게 되었다. 특히 여객 손해에 대한 손해배상책임의 발생 원인으로서 사고의 개념은 판례의 해석이 반영된 관련 조약과 "상법"에서 어느 정도 명확한 개념 정의가 필요하다고 할 것이다. "상법" 항공운송편의 모법인 몬트리올 협약은 여객의 사망 또는 신체상해의 원인이 된 사고가 '항공기상에서' 또는 '승강을 위한 작업 중' 발생한 경우에 항공운송인의 손해배상책임에 대하여 규정하고 있으며 이는 바르샤바 협약부터 이를 개정한 전 협약에 걸쳐 동일하게 규정되었고 '사고'의 개념 및 '승강을 위한 작업 중'의 범위와 관련하여 지금까지 논란이 계속되고 있는 중이다. 또한 손해배상의 대상 범주인 여객 손해 중 '신체상해'에 여객이 항공운송 중에 입은 정신적 손해를 포함시킬 수 있는지 여부를 두고 논쟁 중이다. 현행법상 신체적 상해의 경우 특정 상황에서 정신적 손해에 대한 배상이 가능하고 항공사고로 인한 발생한 정신적 손해는 중대한 신체적 상해와 같이 피해자로 하여금 정상적인 생활을 할 수 없게 할 만큼 심각한 피해이다. 그래서 여객의 정신적 손해는 관련 조약이나 "상법"상 신체적 상해에 포함하는 것으로 해석할 필요가 있으며 항공운송인의 합리적인 보호와 남소의 예방 측면에서 명백히 증명될 수 있는 정신적 손해만을 배상하여야 할 것이다. 연착 손해의 배상은 바르샤바 협약, 몬트리올 협약, "상법"은 여객 수하물 및 운송물의 연착으로 인한 항공운송인의 손해배상책임 규정은 있지만 연착에 대한 언급을 하고 있지 않기 때문에 연착에 대한 개념 정리가 필요하다. 연착의 개념에 대한 엄격한 해석은 항공운송인의 안전한 운항을 저해할 소지가 있으므로 여객 수하물 또는 운송물이 항공운송계약에 명시된 도착 예정인 공항에 합의된 시간 내에 또는 이러한 합의가 없을 경우 당해 상황을 고려해 선의의 운송인에게 요구할 수 있는 합리적인 시간 내에 도착 또는 인도되지 아니한 경우를 말한다와 같이 정의하는 것이 옳다고 생각한다. 항공사 약관의 손해는 여객 손해는 대한항공의 국제여객운송약관에 의하면 협약이나 기타 법령에서 정하는 경우 이외에 해당하는 항공운송이나 대한항공이 행하는 서비스로부터 여객에게 발생한 손해는 대한항공이 원칙적으로 책임을 부담하지 않고 대한 항공의 태만 또는 고의적인 과실에 기인하여 발생하였다는 사실이 증명되고 동 손해에 여객의 과실이 개재되지 않았다는 점이 판명된 경우에만 책임을 부담한다. 협약 또는 법령에서 정하지 않은 손해의 경우에는 항공사 측의 과실이 증명된 경우에만 책임을 부담한다는 조항인데 대한항공 약관상 '태만' 또는 '고의적인 과실'이라는 용어의 적합성에 대한 판단이 필요하며 중과실이라고 함이 타당하다고 생각된다. 수하물 손해는 대한항공 국제여객운송약관은 여객의 위탁수하물에 포함되어 있는 전자제품 등의 손상 또는 인도의 지연에 대하여 대한항공은 사실을 알고 있는지 여부에 관계없이 책임을 부담하지 않지만 미국을 출발 또는 도착하는 국제선 운송의 경우에는 그렇지 않다. 따라서 미국을 출발 또는 도착하는 국제선 여객을 다른 나라에 출발 또는 도착하는 국제선 여객을 불합리하게 차별하는 것으로 조약의 내용과 동일하게 물품에 대하여 항공사가 책임을 부담하는 방향으로 개정되어야 할 것이다.

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라디오 프로그램 <여성시대> 분석 : 여성주의적 공간의 가능성 (Text Analysis of : Possibilities of Feminist Sphere in Radio)

  • 김은정
    • 한국언론정보학보
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    • 제16권
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    • pp.36-70
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate women's radio talk program and evaluate its possibilities and limitation from the point of feminist perspective. The theoretical framework is based on feminist studies and text analysis of talk show. Existing studies regarding talk show are mainly focused on television. But radio talk show is one of general entertainment and it's influences on minorities are still significant. is the most representative women's radio talk program in Korea. It has been broadcasted over 10 years and very popular among Korean housewives. The audience of this program call themselves schoolfellow, and call the program 'school of women'. The media text of is mainly consisted of letters from women audiences, and they are selected by producers. So the text is made by both audiences and producers. The unique combination of this process produces complicated discourses which contain women's experiences in letters and station's considerations through safekeeping. The problems investigated in this study are as follows: First, What discourses are produced in this program? Second, Alternative possibilities can be seen in this program in feminist perspectives? Text analysis of 1week(2000.9.18-9.24) and interview with producers are accomplished to this purposes. In the text analysis, subject matters, inscribed women's position, values of the letters are revealed. Most of the subject matters are family affairs. Some are socially oriented but family and home are the predominant category of women's letters. And the position of women subject is defined in the domestic network. They are nameless but the mother, wife, daughter, daughter-in-law of other people. In value, family-oriented value and small happiness in everyday life are generally appeared. But these values are essentially coincide with the values of status quo. The answers of the conflict are not public but individualized. And acception the status quo is presented as the wisest decision, But ` has many implications in relation to women's sharing of their experience, and construction of imagined community in media. Women continuously interact each other revealing and discussing their experiences and sometimes their social practices are stirred through this media sphere. So we see the 'emotional union' among women are formed through radio. The limitation of this program is very apparent: it's patriarchic values, acception of status quo, and individualization of the women's problems. But in the same time we can read coexisting it's latent possibilities: the possibilities of women's public sphere. But it is completely alternative women's sphere in feminist perspectives. It renders women opportunities to participate public media and share with other women, and collaborate with their problem.

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영유소아기 가정사고의 원인과 예방에 관한 연구 (A Study on Home Accidents of Preschool Children (from 1 to 6) in Korea and Prevention Measures)

  • 변수자
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 1974
  • Necessity and purpose of this study: In a large number of countries it has been founded that children′s domestic accidents are at great risk year by year In the United States, they publish detailed accident statistics at regular intervals. In Korea. there have been just a few studies on Accidents-At-Home of preschool children. But it can not be said that there have been any systematic statistics about this area. and any study accounting for the relations of home accidents and preschool: children in detail, Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was focused on the inquire of these relations so as to make a little contribution to Korean preschool children′s health and security measures. So, the detail-purposes are to study following questions and to testify following hypothesis. Prob. 1. What the types of accidents of Preschool children, where the place accidents occurred\ulcorner Prob. 2. What the cause of accidents and, the main factors of the cause\ulcorner Prob. 3. How about the number of their children. the disparity of age among their children and mother′s age in each case of accidents\ulcorner hypothesis 1. There will be differences in the density of protection of parents according to the number of their children. hypothesis 2, There will be differences in accident-types and first-aid methods according to parents socio-economic background. Method; This study employed the interviewing survey method, in which 130 preschool children ware random.sampled, who visit hospital to have medical care. These children (from 1 to 6 years olds) were selected at the emergency room of five hospitals in Seoul (Hosp: Severance, Woosok, Medical Center, Hanyang Medical College Hospital and Seoul Medical Col1age Hospital during study-period (from Aug. to Oct, 1973). Four head nurses in above Hospitals were employed as accident members for this study. Concerning research analysis, the method of hypothesis verifying is used. Conclusion: As two American experts on this subject. Dr, Raymond Neuter and Mr. Ross Mc Garland have drawn attention to "minor epidemics of accidents" that could be avoided by fairly simple measures. preschool children′s accidents could be avoided by parents fair attentions. In other words, one of the most common causes of preschool children′s accidents derived from their parent′s inattention. Therefore, one important task on this subject is to instruct the parents fairly about the children′s accidents. Many accidents could be avoided by the exorcist of a little self-discipline. Also, as much the prevention of accidents is important, as the first-aid Is Important and necessary at the case of the accidents. So, the methods of proper first-aid treatment must be emphasized, and must be taught in school, especially in girls school. And there could be other means available for prevention of accidents. Firstly, the public authorities can take legal measures. More stringent safety standards can be made enforceable by law. Building materials and equipment for domestic us: ought to meat minimum safety criteria at all times. Next the public itself has to understand the seriousness of the problem, and here the dissemination of information is of great importance. All mass media should be brought into play to promote greater public awareness of the question. At last, it will be needed to obtain more detailed epidemiological data through additional surveys and statistics after this study.

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뇌질환아 어머니의 스트레스와 대처방법 (A Study on Stress and Coping Methods of Mothers of Children with Brain Disease)

  • 윤정희;조결자
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.389-412
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    • 1994
  • This study was done to investigate stress and coping methods of mothers with brain disease children. The subjects for this study were obtained by taking a sample of mothers with brain disease children hospitalized in neurosurgery ward of K medical center in Seoul from Nov. 20, 1992 to Mar. 10, 1993. The collected date were analized by S.P.S.S. program(frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation). The results of the study were as follow. 1. The mean of the degree of mothers' stress was 3.681. Of the stress categories, illness treatment (4.216) was highest, and the next were in order of ill-ness status and prognosis(4.154) , family relation-ships and personal roles(3.202), interpersonal relationships(2.916). 2. The mean of the degree of mothers' coping method was 2.930. Of the coping method categories, communication with medical team or parents in similar situations(3.332) was highest, and the next were in or-der of family cooperation and optimistic thought about the situation(3.241), reforcement of self esteem and maintenance of psychological stability(2.538). 3. There was not seen a stastically significant correlation between stress factors and coping methods of mothers. But with categories, the higher the stress to illness status and prognosis was, the hight coping methods' degree of communication with medical team or parents in similar situations was shown a positive correlation, if not high (r=.2776, P=.046) . And the higher the stress to illness treatment was, the higher coping methods' degree of communication with medical team or parents in simial situations was shown a positive correlation, if not high (r=.2727, P=.049). 4. With the difference of stress according to mothers' general characteristics, religion and monthly income shew a statically significant difference. The mothers' group who have a religion shew the higher degree of stress(t=-3.17, P=.003), The group who get the most income shew highest degree of stress (F=.4693, P=.0156). With the difference of coping according to mothers' general characteristics, the most support-ing person, satisfaction with husbands and mothers' own health status shew a statistically significant difference. The group who get the most support from parents-in-law(F=3.7508, P=.013), the group who are much satisfied with husband(F=3.589, P=.016), and the group whose health status are good(F=3.3675, P=.046), shew the highest coping degree. 5. There were no significant difference in degree of stress and coping by children's characteristics The significance of the study will be concluded as follows. 1. Investigating the stress factors, which mothers are perceiving, it will be utilized as the basic materials of nursing plan so as to reduce the stress of mothers. 2. In searching for the ways of mothers' more helpful coping methods, it shows the necessity of the active nursing intervention for the mothers in the process of coping with their stress. That is, the nurse should serve the earnest nursing as counselor, supporter, educator, and information - provider. 3. Recogning mothers as well as children with brain disease as a client, the nurse will be able to help the mother, who is taking care of the children, cope with the stress situation well, and to make a contribution to the recovery, rehabilitation, and health of the children and to the enhancement of the family' health.

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에디파의 탐구와 두 개의 미국 (Oedipa's Quest and Two Americas)

  • 손동철
    • 영미문화
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.273-295
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    • 2009
  • As Oedipa Mass, the heroine of Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49, is apparently associated with Oedipus, the hero in Sophocles' tragedy, this paper aims to show some of their similarities in quest theme and plot development as well as in the use of dramatic irony. Oedipus the King opens with a priest's pleas to relieve the Theban people from a plague and the king's promise to rid its cause by avenging the murder of the former king, as told by the oracle. Lot 49 begins as a Los Angeles law firm informs Oedipa that she is named as the executrix in her former lover Inverarity's will to sort out the mogul's estate. Ironically, however, Oedipus' investigation reveals himself to be the very cause of the national disaster, the murderer for whom he searched. Likewise, Oedipa starts her inquiry dedicating herself to make sense out of what Inverarity had left behind, only to find that the legacy was America. Sophocles and Pynchon both employ dramatic irony to provide a controlling principle for plot development in their works. In Oedipus the King, Sophocles creates mounting tension as well as distance between the reader's knowledge and the protagonist's ignorance, compressing the play's action into the moment that Oedipus discovers his real identity. For dramatic irony, however, Pynchon tends to work through authorial comments and utilize allegorical meanings of the characters' names, directing his novel at illuminating Oedipa's discovery of Inverarity's legacy as well as the meaning of Tristero, an underground postal service system. Unlike Oedipus the King that proceeds on a single line of action, Lot 49 develops in esoteric, multi-layered allusions and intricately-interrelated double strains involving Oedipa's roles as executrix and quester. At the end of Sophocles' tragedy, Oedipus stabs his eyes and decides to live in exile, realizing that, blinded, he begot his children through his mother; Oedipa comes to a painful realization that she allowed her former lover to create death-orienting America without her diversity and moral system in old times. As Oedipa now discovers herself through her search for Tristero, her tragic spirit lies in her determination to confront her binary choices between two Americas: transcendence or entropy, the Tristero possibility or Inverarity's America. Ultimately, Oedipa tries to find who will be the bidder for the Tristero forged stamps designated as lot 49, awaiting the auctioneer's cry and the "crying" of a new-born America.

여성독립운동가 윤희순의 현실인식과 대응 (The awareness and response to reality of Yoon Hee Soon, a female fighter for independence)

  • 신성환
    • 동양고전연구
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    • 제71호
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    • pp.71-98
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    • 2018
  • 본 논문은 강원도와 만주 일대에서 활동한 여성독립운동가 윤희순이, 항일투쟁 과정에서 현실을 어떻게 인식했으며, 그에 따른 대응은 어떠했는지 살피는 데에 목적이 있다. 윤희순은 시아버지 유홍석과 남편 유제원, 그리고 아들 유돈상까지 3대가 독립운동에 앞장선 집안의 며느리이자 아내이자 어머니였다. 화서학파였던 고흥 유씨 일가는 '위정척사(衛正斥邪)' 사상을 바탕으로 독립운동에 투신했다. 이들은 새로운 세계의 건설보다는 아름다운 과거로의 복귀와 복원을 염원했고, 의병을 일으킨 것 또한 근대적 국민국가 건설을 위해서가 아니라 왕을 중심으로 구축된 기존의 질서를 회복하기 위해서였다. 친정과 시가 모두 화서학파였던 윤희순 역시 그들과 동일한 눈으로 현실을 바라보았고, 적극적으로 의병활동에 참여하게 된 동인 역시 충 효 열과 같은 중세적 가치였다. 특히 집안의 안사람이자 여성으로서의 명확한 자의식을 갖고 있었고, 그것을 바탕으로 현실의 문제에 대응했다. 그녀는 보다 효과적인 독립투쟁을 위해서는 안사람으로 대변되는 여성들의 인식을 변화시키는 것이 중요하다고 판단했다. 이러한 판단 하에 그녀는 '교육'을 통한 '계몽'을 자신의 과제로 인식했고, 이 과정에서 의병가와 포고문 등은 효과적인 수단으로 활용되었다.

간호학생의 도덕적 사고와 윤리적 딜레마 상황에서의 의사결정 (Moral Reasoning and Ethical Decision Making among Student Nurses in Moral Dilemmas)

  • 한성숙;안성희
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.5-21
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    • 1995
  • This study purports to investigate moral reasoning and ethical decision making among student nurses in the hypothetical moral dilemmas. The subjects consisted of 25 senior nursing students attending at a four-year college. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires in November, 1993. The questionnaires included two kinds of tests. Rest's Defining Issues Test was adopted to measure the stage of moral development, which was classified with the stage 2 (instrumental relativist orientation), the stage 3 (interpersonal concordance), the stage 4 (law and order), the stage 5A (societal consensus), and the stage 5B (intuitional humanism). In particular, the level of principled thinking (P) was measured by summing those scores of the stages 5A, 5B, and 6. The possible range of P is 0 to 95. As for measuring the levels of morality and nursing dilemma, Crisham's Nursing Dilemma Test was adopted. This test generated the morality score(MS) and the dilemma score (DS). The data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Pearson correlation coefficients. The findings are following. 1. The mean score of P was 52.93 (SD=12.82). The mean score of the stage 5A was significantly higher than the scores of other stages (17.92, p=.0001). 2. The mean score of P was not significantly different by general characteristics of the students. Of the scores of each stage, only the mean score of the stage 3 revealed significant difference by the status of living with parents(p=.0283). The score was highest when "living with both parents"(15.22), which was followed by "living with no parents"(10.0), "living with father only"(9.0), and "living with mother only"(7.50). 3. With regard to the five dilemmas postulated such as forcing medication, performing cardiac pulmonary resuscitation, reporting a medication error, informing diagnosis to terminally ill adult, and providing new-nurse orientation, most students perceived them as moral dilemma rather than nonmoral one. Most students made a positive decision according to moral reasoning in the above situations except for providing new-nurse orientation. 4. The mean score of the MS was 3.30 and that of the DS was 3.32. These scores did not show significant difference with general characteristics of the students. 5. As for the correlations between moral reasoning and decision making, the score of the stage 5A was positively correlated with the scores of P(.74, p<.0001) and DS(.56, p<.001). Positive correlation was also observed between the scores of stage 2 and stage 4(.68, p<.0001). On the other hand, the score of P was negatively correlated with the scores of stage 3(-.47, p<.05) and of stage 4(-.55, p<.001). The score of the stage 5A was also negatively correlated with the score of the stage 6(-.42, p<.05).

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출생 및 영아사망 신고체계 및 전산정보체계 개발 (Birth and Infant Death Reporting System via Computer Network)

  • 박정한;이영숙;이정애;조현;정영해;박순우;전혜리
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.125-148
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    • 1998
  • Accurate vital statistics are essential for a national health planning and evaluation. Among various vital statistics, birth and death rates, and infant and matemal mortality rates together with the causes of death are the very basic ones for above purposes as well as for the maternal and child health management. These statistics are based on the birth and death reports. It is required by law to report every birth and death within one month after its occurrence. However, in case of a neonatal death occurring prior to the birth report, most of the birth and death are not reported. Thus accurate infant and maternal mortality rates are not available yet in Korea. The main objective of this study is to develop a birth and infant death reporting system via computer network. We designed a new birth report form based on the current form and data from the analysis of medical record forms of 14 hospitals. A new form is basically addition of essential medical information to the current birth report form. Since a revision of the rules and regulations related wtih the birth report is necessary to use a new form, we kept the current from intact to make it acceptable to the government office for a field trial. We also developed computer programs for data input for birth and death reports at a medical faciltiy, data processing for production of maternal and child health indices at a health center, and management of maternal and child health services including immunization and postantal care at health center. The birth certificate and birth report can be printed out at a medical facility. The computer packages were programmed by Borland Delphi 3.0 and can be run under Windows 95 system. We proposed a new birth and death reporting system via computer network after a field trial for data input, transmission, and processing. The medical and demographic data o birth and death at medical facilities will be sent to health centers directly via computer network. The health center will retain the medical data for analysis and forward only the data for birth and death reports required by current regulations to the Dong, Up, or Myun Office. Once the birth or death is reported via computer network to the Dong Office, then the Dong Office will notify the baby's mother of the birth report and request to submit the baby's name by mail. When the baby's name its submitted. the Dong Office will forward the birth reports to the Common Court and Statistics Agency in the same way as the current system, Upon the completion of birth registration of the Common Court, the court will issue the birth certificate to mother which will be used in lieu of the family record. The advantages of proposed birth and death reporting system via computer network ar as follows ; I) The accuracy, timing, and completeness of reporting will be improved and more accurate maternal and child health indices can be obtained, ii) The maternal and child health services of health center will be obtained, iii) Epidemiologic data for pregnancy and birth can be obtained, iv) Manpower for birth and death reporting will be saved.

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모친의 사회경제적 요인과 구강건강신념의 유치우식증에 미치는 영향 (Effects on Dental Caries of Chilren's Deciduous Teeth in Relation to their Mothers' Socioeconomic Factors and their Oral Health Beliefs)

  • 강은주;장선희
    • 치위생과학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.28-38
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    • 2001
  • 본 연구는 모친의 사회 경제적 요인과 구강건강신념이 유치우식증에 미치는 원인을 분석, 유아의 구강건강을 효과적으로 증진시키고자 전라북도 군산시에 거주하는 어린이집의 5, 6세 아동과 그 모친 174명을 대상으로 연구를 시행하였다. 조사 방법은 아동의 구강검진과 그 모친의 사회 경제적인 요인과 구강건강신념모형이었으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 유치우식증 실태는 우식경험유치지수의 경우 5세 남아가 3.39개, 여아는 2.76개였으며, 6세 남자는 3.86개, 여아는 3.27개 였다. 또한 유치우식경험율은 5세 남아에서 가장 높게 나타났으며(81.8%), 우식유치율이 처치유치율보다 높게 나타났다. 그러나 6세 여아에서는 치료된 치아가 우식보다 높게 나타났다. 5세 유아의 처치유치율은 남아가 여아보다 높게 나타나 통계학적으로 유의하게 나타났다(p<0.05). 2. 사회경제적인 요인에 따른 유치우식증 실태는 모친의 취업 여부와 세대주의 연령에서 통계학적으로 유의하게 나타났다. 모친이 취업한 경우(84.7%)가 미취업(66.7%)보다 유치우식경험율에서 높게 나타나 유의한 차이를 나타냈으며(p<0.05), 또한 세대주의 연령이 40세 이상일 때 우식경험유치지수가 가장 높게 나타났으며(4.07개), 그 다음은 35~39세에서 3.83개, 25~29세에서 3.33개, 30~34세에서 2.15개로 유의한 차이를 보였다(p<0.05). 3. 모친의 사회 경제적 요인에 따른 모친의 구강건강신념과의 통계학적으로 유의하게 나타난 것은 세대주의 학력, 시부모나 부모와의 동거 여부였다. 세대주의 학력은 구강질환에 때한 감수성과 심각성이 보통 정도 수준으로 고졸 하보다 대졸 이상에서 높게 나타났다(p<0.01)(p<0.05). 또한 시부모 또는 부모와의 동거 여부는 중요성이 낮았고 동거가 비동거보다 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 4. 유아의 우식경험유치지수가 모친의 구강건강신념과 연관성이 있었으며, 모친의 구강건강신념에 대한 유익성이 높을수록 아동의 우식경험유치지수가 낮게 나타났다.

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대구시(大邱市) 일부(一部) 남자고등학생(男子高等學生)의 약물남용(藥物濫用) 실태(實態)와 관련요인(關聯要因) (Drug Abuse Status and Its Determinants of Male High School Students in Taegu)

  • 남중락;감신;박재용;한창현;하영애
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.451-469
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    • 1996
  • 남자고등학생의 약물남용실태와 그 관련요인을 알아보기 위하여 대구시 일부 인문계와 실업계 고등학교의 1, 2학년 5,665명(인문계 2,207명, 실업계 3,458명)을 대상으로 자기기입식 설문조사를 시행하였다. 응답자의 55.0%가 음주경험이 있었으며 27.2%는 현재도 음주를 하고 있다고 하였다. 흡연경험률은 45.8%였으며 21.5%는 현재도 흡연을 하고 있었다. 음주와 흡연경험률은 1학년에 비해 2학년이 높았으며, 인문계 고등학생에 비해 실업계 고등학생의 경험률이 높았다. 각성제는 3.2%가 사용한 경험이 있었는데, 실업계 고등학생에 비해 인문계 고등학생의 경험률이 더 높았다. 환각제 사용 경험률은 1.6%, 대마초 사용 경험률은 0.1%였다. 주거지역이 상가나 공장지역인 경우, 생활수준이 낮을수록, 이사횟수가 많을수록, 부모가 모두 생존해 계시지 않는 경우, 가족과 떨어져 있는 경우에 약물경험률이 높았다. 그러나 각성제의 경우는 생활수준이 높은 경우에 경험률이 높은 경향을 보였다. 부모의 관심도가 낮을수록, 부모의 교육수준이 낮을수록, 부모가 음주와 흡연을 하는 경우 약물경험률이 높았다. 그리고 학교성적이 낮을수록, 학습시간이 짧을수록, 어울리는 친구와 약물을 사용하는 친구수가 많을수록 약물경험률이 높았다. 약물사용 금지와 처벌에 대한 지식과 약물경험과의 관계에서는, 약물사용후 자제심상실 또는 사회질서를 문란케 한 자는 처벌을 받는다고 알고 있는 학생의 흡연 및 대마초 경험률이 유의하게 낮았으며, 미성년자는 끽연과 음주행위를 법으로 금하고 있다고 답한 학생의 약물사용 경험률이 낮았다. 약물을 수용하는 태도를 보인 학생의 약물사용 경험률이 높았고, 스트레스 수준과 약물경험과의 관계에서는, 스트레스 정도가 높을수록 약물사용 경험률이 높았다. 약물사용 경험유무를 종속변수로 하여 다중 로지스틱 회귀분석으로 영향을 미치는 요인을 알아본 결과 2학년의 경우, 인문계보다는 실업계인 경우, 부모의 관심도가 낮을수록, 학업성적이 낮을수록, 약물사용 친구가 있는 경우, 미성년자의 끽연 음주행위를 법으로 금하고 있다는 사실을 모르고 있는 경우, 이성친구에게 약물을 먹이고 싶은 충동을 느끼는 경우, 그리고 스트레스가 많은 경우가 음주와 흡연을 더 경험하는 것으로 나타났으며 다른 약물경험률도 이와 관련된 변수와 연관이 있었다. 청소년의 약물경험에는 가정환경, 부모환경, 학교생활 및 환경, 약물에 대한 수용태도, 약물사용에 대한 금지 및 처벌에 대한 지식, 스트레스 정도가 영향을 미치고 있었다. 따라서 청소년의 약물남용의 예방을 위하여는 가정, 학교, 사회 등이 서로 유기적으로 협력하여 교육 지도해야 될 것으로 생각된다.

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