• Title/Summary/Keyword: modified shape functions

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  • Choi, Seung-Il;Nam, Sun-Young;Oh, Young-Tak
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.947-984
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    • 2019
  • We provide two shifted analogues of the tableau switching process due to Benkart, Sottile, and Stroomer; the shifted tableau switching process and the modified shifted tableau switching process. They are performed by applying a sequence of elementary transformations called switches and shares many nice properties with the tableau switching process. For instance, the maps induced from these algorithms are involutive and behave very nicely with respect to the lattice property. We also introduce shifted generalized evacuation which exactly agrees with the shifted J-operation due to Worley when applied to shifted Young tableaux of normal shape. Finally, as an application, we give combinatorial interpretations of Schur P- and Schur Q-function related identities.

A Study on the Western Men′s Nightclothes (서양 남성의 나이트클로즈에 관한 고찰)

  • 김주애
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of study examined of historical changes of western men's nightclothes from middle ages to the modern ages and analyzed functions and features of men's nightclothes. This study presented meaning and importance of men's nightclothes. The method of study researched the many literatures and internet sources. Until medieval age, men slept naked or in a day-shirt. In the 16th century, a nightshirt was worn in bed. A night-cap was usual, in rather more elaborate form, also worn by day in the house, and even outdoors. In the 17th century, nightshirt was elabrated with ruffles and lace. The nightshirts of 18th century, resembled the day-shirt except that it was slightly longer and fuller in cut. The turn of 19th century, men weared nightshirt with a high folding collar, one button and night-cap of jellybag shape. In the early 19th century, nightshirt had a plain turned-down collar, buttoned at the neck. A night-cap with colored tassel was usual. The middle of 19th century, a nightgown was reaching to the ankle. Pyjamas, in the 1890s, were steadily replacing the nightshirt, before long pyjamas had become generally accepted in place of the nightshirt. A pyjamas which preseverved his male dignity by giving him trousers. Man's ingenuity also modified his nigntclothes so that these took on sexual characteristic. In 20th century, the fabrics had become lighter in weight, and the choice of materials wider. By 1930s, nightclothes had become the man's most colorful garment.

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Automatic Visual Feature Extraction And Measurement of Mushroom (Lentinus Edodes L.)

  • Heon-Hwang;Lee, C.H.;Lee, Y.K.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.1230-1242
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    • 1993
  • In a case of mushroom (Lentinus Edodes L.) , visual features are crucial for grading and the quantitative evaluation of the growth state. The extracted quantitative visual features can be used as a performance index for the drying process control or used for the automatic sorting and grading task. First, primary external features of the front and back sides of mushroom were analyzed. And computer vision based algorithm were developed for the extraction and measurement of those features. An automatic thresholding algorithm , which is the combined type of the window extension and maximum depth finding was developed. Freeman's chain coding was modified by gradually expanding the mask size from 3X3 to 9X9 to preserve the boundary connectivity. According to the side of mushroom determined from the automatic recognition algorithm size thickness, overall shape, and skin texture such as pattern, color (lightness) ,membrane state, and crack were quantified and measured. A portion of t e stalk was also identified and automatically removed , while reconstructing a new boundary using the Overhauser curve formulation . Algorithms applied and developed were coded using MS_C language Ver, 6.0, PC VISION Plus library functions, and VGA graphic function as a menu driven way.

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Development of a Quadrilateral Enhanced Assumed Strain Element for Efficient and Accurate Thermal Stress Analysis (효과적인 열응력 해석을 위한 사각형 추가 변형률 요소의 개발)

  • Ko, Jin-Hwan;Lee, Byung-Chai
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.23 no.7 s.166
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    • pp.1205-1214
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    • 1999
  • A new quadrilateral plane stress element is developed for efficient and accurate analysis of thermal stress problems. It is convenient to use the same mesh and the same shape functions for thermal analysis and stress analysis. But, because of the inconsistency between deformation related strain field and thermal strain field, oscillatory responses and considerable errors in stresses are resulted in. To avoid undesired oscillations, strain approximation is enhanced by supplementing several assumed strain terms based on the variational principle. Thermal deformation is incorporated into the generalized mixed variational principle for displacement, strain and stress fields, and basic equations for the modified enhanced assumed strain method are derived. For the stress approximation of bilinear elements, the $5{\beta}$ version of Pian and Sumihara is adopted. The numerical results for several problems show that the present element behaves well and reduces oscillatory responses. it also results in almost the same magnitude of error as compared with the quadratic element.

Automatic Extraction and Measurement of Visual Features of Mushroom (Lentinus edodes L.) (표고 외관 특징점의 자동 추출 및 측정)

  • Hwang, Heon;Lee, Yong-Guk
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 1992
  • Quantizing and extracting visual features of mushroom(Lentinus edodes L.) are crucial to the sorting and grading automation, the growth state measurement, and the dried performance indexing. A computer image processing system was utilized for the extraction and measurement of visual features of front and back sides of the mushroom. The image processing system is composed of the IBM PC compatible 386DK, ITEX PCVISION Plus frame grabber, B/W CCD camera, VGA color graphic monitor, and image output RGB monitor. In this paper, an automatic thresholding algorithm was developed to yield the segmented binary image representing skin states of the front and back sides. An eight directional Freeman's chain coding was modified to solve the edge disconnectivity by gradually expanding the mask size of 3$\times$3 to 9$\times$9. A real scaled geometric quantity of the object was directly extracted from the 8-directional chain element. The external shape of the mushroom was analyzed and converted to the quantitative feature patterns. Efficient algorithms for the extraction of the selected feature patterns and the recognition of the front and back side were developed. The developed algorithms were coded in a menu driven way using MS_C language Ver.6.0, PC VISION PLUS library fuctions, and VGA graphic functions.

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Effects of Microtopography on the Development of Riparian Vegetation in Stream Corridors (하천통로에서 미세 지형 발달이 하천 식생에 미치는 영향)

  • 정경진;김동엽
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 1999
  • Urban streams have, recently, been straightened and widened to alleviate flooding problem. As a result, the stream have been modified inadvertently for ecological functions and microtopography. In this study, we investigated riparian vegetation and microtopography of the tributaries of Han River before and after the monsoon rain in summer. The purpose of this study was to relate the stream microtopography to the distribution of riparian vegetation. The stream microtopography was investigated for its scale and pattern. Vegetation was investigated from 131 plots by Braun-Blanquet method. The distribution of riparian vegetation was significantly correlated with the stream microtopography. Various herbaceous species occurred at stream bank slop, high terrace and channel side. However, at channel side and concave part of terrace where soils were in high moisture level, only a few wetland species were dominated. The complexity of the microtopography in the stream corridors led to heterogeneous riparian vegetation. The vegetation showed more stability against flooding at the stream corridors with natural and complex microtopography than at the urban-type stream corridors with simple topographical features. The results showed that the development of riparian vegetation was influenced by the changes in microtopography, which was primarily determined by the shape and characteristics of channel. It seemed that a close-to-nature river system would be restored more readily with an understanding of microtopographical features affecting the distribution of riparian vegetation.

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Adaptive finite element wind analysis with mesh refinement and recovery

  • Choi, Chang-Koon;Yu, Won-Jin
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 1998
  • This paper deals with the development of variable-node element and its application to the adaptive h-version mesh refinement-recovery for the incompressible viscous flow analysis. The element which has variable mid-side nodes can be used in generating the transition zone between the refined and unrefined element and efficiently used for the construction of a refined mesh without generating distorted elements. A modified Guassian quadrature is needed to evaluate the element matrices due to the discontinuity of derivatives of the shape functions used for the element. The penalty function method which can reduce the number of the independent variables is adopted for the purpose of computational efficiency and the selective reduced integration is carried out for the convection and pressure terms to preserve the stability of solution. For the economical analysis of transient problems in which the locations to be refined are changed in accordance with the dynamic distribution of velocity gradient, not only the mesh refinement but also the mesh recovery is needed. The numerical examples show that the optimal mesh for the finite element analysis of a wind around the structures can be obtained automatically by the proposed scheme.

Thermoelastic static and vibrational behaviors of nanocomposite thick cylinders reinforced with graphene

  • Moradi-Dastjerdi, Rasool;Behdinan, Kamran
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.529-539
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    • 2019
  • Current paper deals with thermoelastic static and free vibrational behaviors of axisymmetric thick cylinders reinforced with functionally graded (FG) randomly oriented graphene subjected to internal pressure and thermal gradient loads. The heat transfer and mechanical analyses of randomly oriented graphene-reinforced nanocomposite (GRNC) cylinders are facilitated by developing a weak form mesh-free method based on moving least squares (MLS) shape functions. Furthermore, in order to estimate the material properties of GRNC with temperature dependent components, a modified Halpin-Tsai model incorporated with two efficiency parameters is utilized. It is assumed that the distributions of graphene nano-sheets are uniform and FG along the radial direction of nanocomposite cylinders. By comparing with the exact result, the accuracy of the developed method is verified. Also, the convergence of the method is successfully confirmed. Then we investigated the effects of graphene distribution and volume fraction as well as thermo-mechanical boundary conditions on the temperature distribution, static response and natural frequency of the considered FG-GRNC thick cylinders. The results disclosed that graphene distribution has significant effects on the temperature and hoop stress distributions of FG-GRNC cylinders. However, the volume fraction of graphene has stronger effect on the natural frequencies of the considered thick cylinders than its distribution.

Compact Cascaded Quadruplet Bandpass Filter Using Modified Coaxial Cavity Resonator with Q-Factor Improvement (품질계수가 향상된 변형된 동축 공동 공진기를 이용한 다단 Quadruplet 대역통과 여파기)

  • Jang, Geon-Ho;Wang, Xu-Guang;Lee, Bo-Ram;Park, Nam-Shin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.966-977
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents a novel modified coaxial cavity resonator and its application to bandpass filters with compact size and improved quality factor(Q-factor). The proposed resonator is made up of ${\Gamma}-shape$ or curved four inner conductive posts within a single cavity, which provides quadruplet to realize bandpass filter. No metallic walls inside the cavity are required, and thus the utilization efficiency of the cavity space is improved. As a result, the unloaded Q can be approximately 15 % higher in comparison to the conventional coaxial resonator, or more than 35 % volume saving can be achieved while maintaining the similar Q-factor value with the conventional designs. In addition, due to the multiple cross-coupling occurring within the cavity, including the source-to-load coupling, four flexible transmission zeros can be created to realize different filtering functions. Simulations as well as experimental results of four- and eight-pole filters are presented to validate this attractive design concept. Good agreement between measured and computed results is obtained.

Application of Modified Ramberg-Osgood Model for Master Curve of Asphalt Concrete (아스팔트 콘크리트 메스터 극선에 대한 수정 Ramberg-Osgood 모델 적용)

  • Kweon, Gi-Chul
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2008
  • The dynamic moduli of asphalt concrete are very important for the analysis and the design of asphalt pavement systems. The dynamic modulus master curve is usually represented by a sigmoidal function. The Ramberg-Osgood model was widely used for fitting of normalized modulus reduction curves with strain of soils in soil dynamic fields. The master curves were obtained by both sigmoidal functions and modified Ramberg-Osgood model for the same dynamic modulus data set, the fitting abilities of both methods were excellent. The coefficients in sigmoidal function are coupled. Therefore, it is not possible to separate the characteristics of the master curve with absolute value and shape. However, the each fitting coefficient in the Ramberg-Osgood model has a unique effect on the master curve, and the coefficients are not coupled with each other.

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