• Title/Summary/Keyword: modern literature

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Developing Standards for Measuring Consumption Style and Analysis of Characteristics (소비스타일 척도개발 및 특성분석)

  • Chang, Hyun-Sun;Kim, Kee-Ok
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.11-28
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    • 2009
  • This study is intended to make a tool which can identify how consumers consume by presenting a concept of "consumption style" and by developing the scale to measure it. In order to study the scope and meaning of consumption for modern consumers, "the meaning of consumption" was theoretically considered. Based on it, the concept and perspective of 'consumption style'was formed and then the scale for measuring it was developed. To develop the scale, the scale was formed by extracting questions through a literature survey, and verifying validity through experts' opinion. Then, the final scale was developed by conducting a questionnaire survey for consumers. A preliminary 150- item scale was developed through a literature review. 1000 consumers responded to an online survey using the preliminary scale. This research was made with the intention of not only supplying the academic data on the consumer's "consumption style" but also understanding the consumer's basic behavior patterns. Then A series of tests, such as test-retest, item-to-total correlation, Cronbach's reliability coefficient and factor analysis, were conducted using the survey data. The final scale with 68-items was constructed in the end. The "consumption style" Scale for Consumers consisted of 4 factors.

The Social Support for Work-Family Balance compared with that of Chosun Dynasty (일-가정 양립 실태와 사회적 지원의 방향성 비교: 가족친화적이었던 조선시대를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sung-Hee
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2009
  • purpose of this study was to compare the direction of work-family balance policy with the family support of Chosun Dynasty by reviewing the literature of the period, including diaries of "Soemilok" and "Miamilki" and letters written by Yangban. The major findings drawn from the literature were as follows: The husbands in Chosen, especially as public officials, were under strong obligation to support their family like working wives in modern society. They were able to care for and support their families and maintain their careers due to flexibility in their office hours. They had dual burdens of home management and outside labor but their requests for the necessities of life were resolved promptly in public offices. From this result, it was argued that the policy for dual burden for women would benefit from a consideration for flexibility and reduction of working hours. Especially it was emphasized that the border between home and work place should be more open and the relationship of family should be supported by work-family balance policy.

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A Study on the Fire-Safety Design for the Historic Buildings (역사적 건조물의 화재안전을 위한 기초연구)

  • Lee Ji-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.107-113
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    • 2004
  • Fire was and remains a great threat to historic buildings of wood. This threat is omnipresent and often results to irreparable property losses especially cultural heritages. Fire of historic buildings continues to increase every year. The purpose of this study is to preserve a life safety, historical heritage and architectural & cultural values by pursuing for fire safety in the historical buildings. This study shall employ two research methods: a literature review and field survey methods. The literature review shall focus on the observations of characteristics noted in fire codes. The field survey shall cover a heat analysis and fire protection equipment. A method is proposed to investigate fire codes related historical building, reported fire history Fire Codes and Regulations for modern buildings are not always applicable on the historic buildings. Old buildings, and some new buildings with architectural, historical or cultural importance may have values which cannot be measured on a monetary scale. Their protection against the damage caused by fire is considered to be one of the basic moral duties of society. It is strongly recommended, therefore, legislation for fire safety in historical buildings must be extended to a complementary relationship with 'active' fire protection measures, to provide safety in real historical building in real fire situations. The development and application of performance based Codes and the Fire Safety Engineering approach seems to be a rather reasonable and effective way to deal with this historical buildings.

Reproduction of Kwanmo worn during the Hoeryeyeon(會禮宴) Performances in the reign of King Sejong - Focusing on Jinhyunkwan, Pybyun, Buyongkwan - (세종조 회례연시 관모 재현 - 진현관, 피변, 부용관을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Woo-Hyun;Cho, Hyun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.6
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2014
  • This paper is on the reproduction of kwanmo, which is worn by the dancers in Taepyeongjiak at the National Classical Music Institute, focusing on Jinhyunkwan, Pybyun, Buyongkwan. Taepyeongjiak is a performance of the court banquet called Hoeryeyeon held during the 15th year of Sejong'reign(1433). The Hoeryeyeon performances were held on January 1st and December 22nd, to strengthen the good relationship between the King and his officials. The reproduction of kwanmo worn by the dancers was reproduced for the modern performances on the basis of the literature and relic research. The results of the study are as follows. Jinhyunkwan is the kwanmo that is associated with the literature and it comes from an old Chipokwan, is confirm that liang(梁) of Chipokwan's characteristic vanished. Pybyun is kwanmo which is associated with the military, comes from Jeolpung. The incision line was formed to make the corn shape, and this became the liang(梁). Buyongkwan is corolla adorned with lotus, and is highlighted with colored string of beads. Unlike other corollas, its gilt lotus was adorned with purple-yellow braids.

A Study on the Korean Traditional Dyeing Procedure of Carthamus Flower (고대 홍화(Carthamus tinctorius L.) 염색의 실험적 고찰)

  • Koh Kyong-shin;Bae Woo-shik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1984
  • Traditionally dyeing fabrics with pigment extracted from carthamus flower was a popular method of obtaining red color in Korea. Such a method existed in several countries throughout the world before the synthetic dyestuff was developed. However, the traditional procedures of using natural products in obtaining colored materials are completely forgotten in modern Korea. The details of dyeing procedures fare not well documented in literature, either. In this study the method of extracting and dyeing with carthamus flower is reconstructed from Korean literature and actually carried out in laboratorf. The reconstructed method is compared with those of Japan, China, France, and Egypt, and the scientific basis of such an ancient tradition is discussed. Carthamus contains two kinds of coloring components : yellow carthamin and red carthamone. Water-soluble carthamin is first extracted by repeated washing and is usually used for the initial soaking procedure. Then carthamone is extracted in alkali solution by adding ashes of dried plants such as carthamus stalks and bean hull. Finally the solution of carthamone is made acidic by adding schizandra juice for dyeing on fabrics.

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Korean Women's Preferences and Emotional Images Associated Fashion Design with Flower Printings (꽃문양이 표현된 패션스타일에 대한 한국 여성의 선호도와 감성이미지)

  • Lim, Si Eun;Kim, Young In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.66 no.2
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    • pp.15-31
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    • 2016
  • Flower images are used as a design motif in various fields. Flower printings in clothes, in particular, usually represent nature. This study sets out to identify the characteristics of different fashion styles with flower printings, as well as the preferences and emotional images of Korean women in their 20s. The flower printings used in fashion design were classified into 5 types of styles: Modern, Natural Romantic, Maximalism, Neo-Hippie, and Ethnic style. Literature review and survey were conducted to identify the emotional images associated with the flower printings, as well as women's preferences. Through literature review, this study noted the formative elements of flower printings and their characteristics, as expressed in fashion designs. Then, the different styles were classified in order to provide theoretical foundation for the survey. The results of the study were significant in that they contributed to the definition and academic systemization of the characteristics of fashion styles with flower printings. Moreover, the study opened up possibilities for utilizing flowers to express a greater variety of meanings and influences in fashion. The findings can be used to enable fashion styles and emotional influences to be expressed through designs using natural motifs besides flowers.

Research Trends on Mindfulness Meditation in Korea (국내 저널에 게재된 마음챙김 명상관련 연구 동향 분석)

  • Yang, Yeong-Pil;Han, Chang-Hyun;Park, Ji-Ha;Lee, Sang-Nam
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2010
  • Background : Meditation is one healing therapy used to prevent and cure ailments and to improve health through regular practice. Although Meditation are within the paradigm of modern Western medical science, effects on the human body could be possible. Objectives : This study performed a systematic review of the literature published in Korea focused on mindfulness meditation (MM), which is being applied as mind-body therapy around the USA lately. Method : Three hundred sixty six articles were found after searching with keyword, 'mindfulness meditation (MM)' in 6 journals and web databases. Ninety papers related MM were analyzed trend. Result : Since the 2000s, MM papers in the Korean Literature is increased. Published 78 papers on psychology were most. 15 papers published in The Journal of Korean Psychological Association are the best in many areas related to psychology. Most people have submitted papers related to MM was Kim Jeong-ho. Conclusions : MM is being clinically applied at both western and oriental hospital in Korea, but more clinical trials with the high quality are needed to support its scientific basis.

A Literature Review on Recipes in Connection with Japgwabyung - Focus on Recipe Data Published in Korea from the Joseon Dynasty to the Modern Era - (잡과병 관련 조리법에 관한 문헌고찰 - 조선시대부터 현대까지의 조리서를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Jae Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.450-462
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the literature in connection with the names and recipes of japgwabyung recorded between 1392 and 2000. The names of japgwabyung were classified into eight types, including japgwabyung, japgwapyun, japgwajumbyung, japgwago, and japgwadanja. The names of japgwatteoks, classified with recipes, were Jjjin-tteoks, Chin-ttoks, and Salmeun-tteoks. The main ingredients used for japgwabyung were glutinous rice, nonglutinous rice, and buckwheat. The subsidiary ingredients were fruits, spices, seeds, and sweeteners. This study classified the names of japgwabyung, depending on the recipes, as japgwabyung, japgwapyun, japgwadanja, and japgwainjulmi. In addition this study classified recipes, depending on names, as steamed rice cakes made of sedimentary rice, steamed valley rice cake, steamed rice ]cakes with stuffs filled in and with bean powder dredged after striking, and steamed or struck rice cake with bean powder dredged. The main ingredients were glutinous rice and nonglutinous rice. The subsidiary ingredients were chestnuts, jujubes and dried persimmons, with other fruits being added according to taste.

A Philological Study of Acupunture and Moxibustion for Uterine Bleeding (붕루(崩漏)의 침치료(鍼治療)와 구치료(灸治療)에 대한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察))

  • Yang Seung-Jeong;Jo Seong-Hee;Jin Cheon-Sik;Kim Hyo-Eun;Kwon Se-Ra
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.133-148
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    • 2002
  • This study was designed to investigate acupunture and moxibustion for uterine bleeding through literature research. We extracted the parts about acupunture, moxibustion and both of acupunture and moxibustion for uterine bleeding from ancient and modern oriental medical literature. The results were summerized as follows; 1. The acupoints used on acupunture only were 58 acupoints. The acupoints used often were SP6, LR3, SP10, CV3, CV6 in order and the meridians used often were SP, CV, LV, KI in order. 2. The acupoints used on moxibustion only were 38 acupoints. The acupoints used often were SP10, SP1, SP6, CV4, CV6 in order and the meridians used often were SP, CV, KI, GV in order. 3. The acupoints used on both of acupunture and moxibustion were 22 acupoints. The acupoints used often were SP6, LR3, SP10, KI10 in order and the meridians used often were LV, SP, KI in order.

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A Study on the Theories of Ideal Community by the Utopians in 19th Century (19세기 유토피아 사상가들의 이상적 커뮤니티 이론에 관한 연구)

  • 조극래;김동영
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2003
  • This study aims to investigate the thoughts of the utopians for the ideal community in 19th century. Around late 18th century, the ideal community proposals by the utopians were coming out as an alternative to reform the social and economical structure. The experimental community proposals which suggested by the utopian socialists such as Robert Owen and Charles Fourier took their emphasis on the social reform to improve the environment of work in terms of social and economical organization. While the thoughts of ideal community showing up in the literature by utopians were based on the state socialism that accompanied by the ultimate corrective system of production and distribution and the unified social system, the physical organization was described in more detail without a restriction in contrast to the real proposals for the ideal community. Based on the experimental community and the ideal community in the literature in 19th century, the urban model of late 19th century were proposed as a real community model. With the optimistic belief to the technological development resulted from the Industrial Revolution, the urban models of utopia placed greater emphasis on the physical organization than the previous ideal communities in 19th century and had much influence on the modern urban planning in 20th century.