• Title/Summary/Keyword: mini-library

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Actual Condition Analysis on Legal Status of Saemaul Mini-Library: Focused on Saemaul Mini-Library in Busan Metropolitan City (새마을문고의 법적 위상 실태 분석: 부산광역시 지역 새마을문고를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jong-Moon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.257-273
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    • 2011
  • This study aimed to identify the problems by analyzing the actual condition based on the legal requirements among Saemaul mini-libraries in Busan Metropolitan City. The results are like these. There were 154 Saemaul mini-Libraries. Of them, the rate of Small-Libraries which satisfied the requirements of a municipal library to the Library Act was 0%(0) in part of building floor space, 1%(1) in part of a reading room, 40%(59) in part of the data in a library and 31%(45) in the number of books to be supplemented per year. Mini-library which satisfied as the requirements for a small-scale public library was 37%(58) in part of the floor space, 66%(101) in part of a reading room, and 73%(112) in part of data in a library. 50%(77) of the mini-library was open more than 5 days per week. 52% (80) Mini-libraries was open for more than 5 hours per day. mini-library with permanent professionals(librarians) was only 1%(2). Mini-libraries of 99%(152) were non-professional workers(no librarians). For the average budget per year, 81%(127) spent less than 10 million won. 5%(5) received government subsidies. The mini-library of 74%(114) spent less than 5 million won on average for purchasing materials. Most of mini-libraries didn't meet the requirements of small-scale libraries to be private libraries or public libraries. It was also found that mini-libraries had various features on the location.

A Analytic Study of Structural Factors in Saemanl Mini-Library (새마을문고의 구성요소에 대한 실태분석)

  • 전재봉
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.11
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    • pp.211-240
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    • 1984
  • The Saemaul Mini-Library system had to start as a purely voluntary grass-roots movement without a tax su n.0, pport. In other words, it had to depend on voluntary contributions in time and labor by the reading club members for its finance and daily maintenance and operation. The purpose of the study is to analyse the actual condition of a Saemaul Mini-Library, which is established in a rural and a fishing village. To meet this purpose, I will survey the function and the meaning of a Saemaul Mini-Library and the main tendency of it-now did it start and how did it develop and I will analyse the general condition of structural factors (establishment, materials, reading club) in a Saemaul Mini-Library.

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A Study on the Early Development Process of Village Mini-Library Movement in Korea (마을문고 운동의 초기 전개 과정에 관한 연구 - 운동형성 배경에서부터 1967년까지를 중심으로 하여 -)

  • Lee, Yong-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2000
  • The main project of the village mini-library movement is to establish and guide mini-libraries in the rural villages in Korea since 1961 in order to promote reading campaign. The purpose of this study is to examine into early developmental process of Korean mini-library movement from the formative period to 1967. Therefore, this study analyzes the principles of this movement, the policies for rearing mini-libraries, financial accommodation and the performance of this movement in 1960's. The study, in final, reviews the overall figure of the early process of this movement in Korea.

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An Analysis on the Strategies and Managing Behaviors of the Village Mini-Library Movement in Korea (마을문고운동 추진 전략과 행태에 대한 분석적 고찰 - 새마을운동 체제로의 통합 이전까지를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yong-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.91-110
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    • 2002
  • This study is to analyze and interpretate strategies and managing behaviors in order to propel village mini-library movement in Korea from the starting year of the village mini-library to 1980. The strategies conducted for propelling the movement can be divided into two: one is the strategies, as an output goal, related to establishing and managing mini-library; the other the strategies, as a support goal, related to carrying out the movement procedures. Therefore, the study is to examine the two strategies individually using by the qualitative research method such as analyzing related historical records and literatures, interviewing the persons concerned. and organizing the author’s experience.

A study on the Children Library Movement of the Present (현단계 어린이도서관운동의 내용과 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Yeon-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.309-327
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    • 2005
  • This Study analyzes the present's children library movement. For this, this research deals with 'Library Movement of Miracle' by Citizen Action for Reading Culture. 'Mini-Library Making Movement in Bucheon' and 'Children Mini-Library Movement' by a variety of Nongovernmental organizations. The writer looks into contents, characteristics, meanings and limitations of these Movements. In conclusion, the writer suggests the direction of children library movement in the future.

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A study of rural-mini libraries under the Japanese occupation (일제시대 농촌문고에 관한 연구)

  • 김남석
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.24
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    • pp.335-364
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    • 1996
  • The colony education policy of Japanese Empire was, as a su n.0, ppression on national salvation education of Korean, on the one hand it was liquidation of Korean national spirit and other hand, it has the object to Japanizing Koreans through cramming Japanese language and its culture. During the Japanse occupation of Korea, the libraries had two roles, one was to press Korean and its culture and the other was to civilize Koreans for Japanizing. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of rural-mini libraries whether the former or the latter. From 1932 to The Chosun Governor- General Department (Chosun Chongdokboo) actively spread 'The Movement of Rural Development in Korea. At the same time there were many rural -mini libraries in Korean rural and fishing community. Under the colony of Japanese Empire, colony policy was itself very tough that Japanese Empire did their utmost ideas to win Korean culture over and Japanzing Korean with every possible pressures. Since rural-mini libraries were planned by the chosun Governor-General Department, however, were established by Korean themselves with the property of local education center( Hyanggyo). Therefore, rural-mini libraries were as facilities to promote rural economic development for providing Japanese with some materials which need to conduct a war, and to introduce local people to participate in civilizing activity themselves and farmers and fishermen were forced to group to be educated in Japanese language and its reading. Rural-mini libraries were, as it were, not as facilities for enlightening Korean peoples but as facilities for civilizing Koreans.

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A Study on Efficiency of Branch Systems of Public Libraries in Korea (우리나라 공공도서관 분관 운영체제의 효율성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.353-372
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to investigate the current states of branch systems of public libraries in Korea and to find implications to improve such systems. Nationwide surveys to directors and branch directors of public libraries were conducted along with case studies on major local areas. It was revealed that the duties for each branch were rationally assigned in functional perspectives. The result also revealed that the branch systems of provincial office of education were planned in an inappropriate manner without considering their functional attributes. Other findings included (1) public library branches were necessary to be located in local governments based on the hierarchal structure of the following: a central library, a main local branch. a mobile library unit. public mini-library and deposit station ; (2) Saemaul mobile library and private mini-library service were the most effective when they were provided in conjunction with public library branches.

Identification of bacteria from the peri-implant sulcus of orthodontic mini-implants using 16S rDNA clone library (16S rDNA 클론 library 제작 및 핵산염기서열 결정을 통한 교정용 미니임플랜트 주위 열구의 세균 동정)

  • Lim, Sung-Hoon;Kim, Kwang-Won;Yoo, So-Young;Kook, Joong-Ki;Chang, Young-Il
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.251-262
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    • 2006
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the bacterial flora at the peri-implant sulcus of the orthodontic mini-implant placed in the alveolar mucosa with the bacterial flora at the adjacent healthy gingival sulcus. Methods: Two plaque samples from 7 patients were collected by inserting paper points into the sulcus between the mini-implant and ligature wire connected to the mini-implant head and inflamed alveolar mucosa, and from the gingival sulcus of a healthy tooth adjacent to the mini-implant. Results: Using 16S rDNA clone library, the 24 kinds of bacteria including Haemophilus aphrophilus, Sphingomonas species, Capnocytophaga species, Prevotella melaninogenica, Lachnospiraceae species, Porphyromonas species, Neisseria flava were identified only from the sulcus around the mini-implant. These bacteria constituted only 9.2% of total clones, and the bacteria identified from both the sulcus around mini-implants and the gingival sulcus constituted 80.4% of total clones. Of these bacteria, clones of Prevotella species, Atopobium rimae, Veillonella species, Streptococcus intermedius/constellatus, Streptococcus salivarius were more frequently isolated from the peri-implant sulcus. Conclusion: This study suggests that a broad epidemiological study is needed to find causative bacteria which induce inflammation from the peri-implant sulcus.

System Analysis for the Automated Circulation (대출업무 자동화를 위한 시스팀설계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kwang-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.85-102
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    • 1980
  • Accepting the necessity for maintaining the objectives of the existing circulation system, the computer-based system could be designed by the system analyst and librarians to gain a variety of improvements in the maintenance, accessibility of circulation records and more meaningful statistical records. If the terminal can be operated on-line, then this circulation data is transmitted directly to the computer, where it may update to the circulation file immediately or alternatively be kept in direct access file for updating in batch mode. on-line system in the circulation operations is "data-collection system" and "Bar-coded label system" Bar-coded label system is simple, quick, and error-free input of data. Attached to CRT terminal is a "light pen" which is hand held and will read a bar-coded label as the pen is passed over the labels (one affixed to the book itself, other carried on the borrower cards). Instantaneously the data concerning transaction is stored in the central mini-computer. It is useful, economical for us to co-operate many libraries in Korea and design borrower's ID code, book no., classification code in the Bar-coded label system by the members of the computer center and the library staff at every stage. As for book loan, the borrowers ID code, book number and classification code are scanned by the bar-code scanner or light pen and the computer decides whether to loan and store the data. The visual display unit shows the present status of a borrowers borrowing and decides whether borrower can borrow.

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Mini-transposon을 사용한 단백질의 세포내 분포 결정

  • 최의열
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1993.04a
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    • pp.134-134
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    • 1993
  • Tn3 Transposon을 이용한 Shuttle Mutagenesis방법으로 효모의 Genome 상에 무작위적으로 $\beta$-gal 표지 유전자를 삽입하고 효모생활사의 각 세포시기 마다 특이하게 발현되는 유전자를 X-Gal plate상에서 찾아내고 이들 효모 유전자의 단백질이 세포내에 어떤 위치에 분포하는가를 간접 면역현미경법으로 추적해보았다. 먼저 효모의 genomic library를 38bp의 Tn3 Termial repeat를 가지고 있지 않은 pHSS6 Vector에 patial fill-in 방법으로 조성하였으며 최종적으로 20 Genome equivalent에 해당하는 18개 Pool의 genomic library를 만들었다. 이들 library를 조사하여 본 결과 모든 클론이 평균 3kb 크기의 insert를 가지고 있었으며 이는 99.99%의 효묘 genome을 대표하였다. 특정한 유전자의 발현을 알아보기 위해 먼저 mini-Tn3로 shuttle mutagenesis를 실시하고 vegetative growth동안 발현되는 유전자를 X-gal을 사용하여 골라내었다. 지금까지 16823개의 클론을 조사하였는데 이중 13%에 해당하는 2187개가 X-gal plate상에서 양성반응을 보여주었다. 양성반응을 보여주는 융합단백질의 세포내 분포틀 anti-$\beta$-galactosidase 항체를 사용하여 추적해보았다. 항체론 이용한 형광염색결과 약 70%의 세포가 background이상의 염색을 보여주었으며 이중 novel한 염색 pattern을 나타내는 클론도 다수 탐지되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합하면 Tn3틀 이용한 Shuttle Mutagenesis 방법으로 지금까지 전통적인 유전학적인 접근 방식으로 탐지되지 않았던 다수의 새로운 효모 유전자를 찾아낼 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.tamine제중 triprolidine이 $K_{M}$ /K$_{H}$ 비가 가장 높았고 diphenidol이 가장 낮았다. 이상의 결과로 보아 항 histamine제의 muscarinic receptor 차단작용은 이들 약물의 항 alleragy 효과에 필요한 작용이 아니며 본 실험에서 추정된 항 histamine제의 H$_1$-receptor와 muscarinic receptor에 대한 상대적 역가는 이들 약물의 선택과 평가에 중요한 지표가 될수 있을 것으로 생각된다.ing ischemic insults. The nature of the receptor is being explored by molecular genetic techniques, and we have recently cloned two of the major subunits; some of the data will be presented.LIFO, 우선 순위 방식등을 선택할 수 있도록 확장하였다. SIMPLE는 자료구조 및 프로그램이 공개되어 있으므로 프로그래머가 원하는 기능을 쉽게 추가할 수 있는 장점도 있다. 아울러 SMPLE에서 새로이 추가된 자료구조와 함수 및 설비제어 방식등을 활용하여 실제 중형급 시스템에 대한 시뮬레이션 구현과 시스템 분석의 예를 보인다._3$", chain segment, with the activation energy of carriers from the shallow trap with 0.4[eV], in he amorphous regions.의 증발산율은 우기의 기상자료를 이용하여 구한 결과 0.05 - 0.10 mm/hr 의 범위로서 이로 인한 강우손실량은 큰 의미가 없음을 알았다.재발이 나타난 3례의 환자를 제외한 9례 (75%)에서는 현재까지 재발소견을 보이지 않고 있다.

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