• Title/Summary/Keyword: middle school elementary mathematics

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Applications of R statistical package on Probability and Statistics Education in Elementary, Middle and High School(I) (초.중.고등학교 확률 및 통계영역 교육에서의 R 통계패키지의 활용(I))

  • Jang, Dae-Heung
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.21 no.2 s.30
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    • pp.199-225
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    • 2007
  • We can use R package as a statistical package on the education of probability and statistics in elementary, middle and high school mathematics. R is an interactive mode package and graphical presentation tools in R are powerful. The greatest advantage is that R is a general public license package. We need to consider R package as a standard statistical package on the education of probability and statistics in elementary, middle and high school mathematics.

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A Study on Analysis through the Probability and Statistics of the Curriculum and Text book in Elementary, Middle and High School (초.중.고교 확률.통계의 효율적인 지도에 관한 연구)

  • 오후진;유병대
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 1998
  • Probability and statistics is an important section in mathematics which is deeply related to everyday living, natural science and social science. In spite of its importance, many students will throw away it because it becomes very harder as its step(stage) deepens and probability and statistics' relative importance is very small in Korea-SAT(the test of college entrance in Korea). Therefore, by analyzing the involvement carefully between the curriculum in the elementary, middle, high school and the text book, by studying the problem and improvement direction, it is necessary to investigate an effective teaching method. This study intends to give the students the confidence, interests, and accomplishment motive about probability and statistics field and to make a rational and creative decision-making through mathematical speculation by proposing an effective teaching method through analyzing an existing facts in school's probability and statistics field. The contents of this study are composed of four chapters. Chapter three looks into the mathematical curriculum in the elementary, middle, high school and its teaching meaning, the outline of contents, some tips on teaching and problems and presents an effective and concrete teaching method on the basis of the theoretical background in the chapter two. Chapter four is a conclusive part and gives the general improvement and intentional direction in educating the probability and statistics.

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A analysis of the elementary school and the middle school mathematics education as a curriculum quality-management (교육과정 질 관리를 위한 초·중학교 수학교육 실태 분석)

  • Kim, Sun Hee;Lee, Seung-mi
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.167-185
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual states of the elementary school and the middle school mathematics education as a curriculum quality-management. To this end, this study surveyed the input, process and output phase in the school curriculum to the teachers, students and parents. The results are like these: First, the achievement standards contents in the elementary school and the middle schools are relevant in the input phase. Second, the teachers in the elementary school have more concern on the teaching & learning methods than those in the middle school in the process phase. Third, students and parents' satisfaction on the cognitive and affective domain in the elementary school is higher than that in the middle school in the output phase. This study suggests that these result has to be affected to make ways to apply the new curriculum, and the curriculum revision system has to be established to revise the curriculum as an important method of quality management.

A Comparative Study on the Similar Learning Contents between Elementary and Middle Schools in Geometry (기하 영역에서 초·중학교간 유사 학습내용에 대한 비교 분석 연구)

  • Suh, Bo Euk
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.27-44
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we extracted geometrical learning content that is treated similarly in elementary and middle schools, and analyzed the differences between how this study is handled in elementary and middle schools. The analysis tools used in this study were developed by referring to the research results presented by Merrill. Merrill classified the study results into two dimensions: 'performance level' and 'content type', and 'teach station' and 'proposal type' by presenting the contents in the textbook. Based on this classification, this study was conducted. According to the results of the study, nine achievement criteria were extracted as learning factors that were treated similarly in elementary and middle schools. The extracted learning elements were systematically analyzed through analysis tools. The results of this study are expected to provide significant implications for the improvement of mathematics learning and for the improvement of new curricula.

A Study on the Understanding of the Base Area of Solid Figures in the Elementary Mathematics (초등수학에서 입체도형의 밑넓이 이해에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung Joon
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.167-191
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we investigate the term-sets of 'base' or 'bottom': 'the bottom side of a polygon' and 'the base side (of a geometrical figure)'. And we study the concept of 'the base area' in the solid figures and the formula of 'the bottom dimensions'. We start from the 6th grade math problem: 'Find the bottom dimension of the rectangular.' The primary answer is that it does not use the term('the bottom dimensions') in the elementary mathematics. However, in the middle school mathematics, 'the base area' is used as means of 'the area of one bottom side', which is not explained anywhere from the elementary mathematics to middle school mathematics. In addition, the base is defined and 'the surface area' and 'the side area' is taught in the elementary mathematics, so we naturally think of 'the base area'. Therefore we first investigate the term-sets of 'base' or 'bottom' which has two elements: 'the bottom side of a polygon' and 'the base side (of a geometrical figure)'. Next we discuss 'the base area' through curriculum and textbooks, dictionary definitions and so on. In addition, we survey pre-service teachers and teachers about the solid figures and analyse the understanding of 'the base side' and 'the base area' comparatively. In particular, we compare the changes and the tendency of correct answers from the first question to the last question. As a result, we verify 'the cognitive gap' between the elementary mathematics and the middle school mathematics, we suggest the teaching of 'the base area' and succession subjects to teach figure domain in the elementary mathematics.

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The Comparison Study on the Geometric Construction between Korean Public School and Waldorf Education -Focused on the Usages of Compass in Elementary School- (우리나라 공교육과 발도르프교육에서 작도 지도 내용 비교 분석 연구 - 초등학교 수학에서 컴퍼스의 쓰임을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Youngmi
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.541-561
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    • 2016
  • In this paper we discussed about the contents which were related with geometric construction in elementary school. We examined how the compass has been used in the curriculum and textbooks. Thus we found several features. And we inspected the ideas and sequences about geometric construction in Waldorf mathematics education. Finally, we suggested how to change the contents to make the relationships between elementary school and middle school better.

An Analysis on the 2011 Elementary School Mathematics Curriculum Compared to the 2007 Elementary School Mathematics Curriculum with a Focus on Changes in Learning Topics (2007 초등수학과 교육과정과 2011 초등수학과 교육과정의 비교.분석: 변화 내용을 중심으로)

  • Park, Kyo-Sik
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.579-598
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the 2011 elementary school mathematics curriculum was analyzed compared to the 2007 elementary school mathematics curriculum with a focus on changes in specified learning topics. First, the topics which are dealt with in the 2011 curriculum were critically discussed. Second, prominent features which can be found in learning topics in 2011 curriculum were found. The following three conclusions which can be obtained from above analyzed results were presented. First, system for curriculum development is necessary to supplement. The process of draft development for public hearing and final curriculum development is not exposed anywhere. It is necessary to clean up and disclose this process in order to study and develop next curriculum. Second, it is necessary to modify the way of stating in curriculum. it is necessary to specify and use the expressions to some extent the meaning of which are not sufficiently established and the meaning of which are ambiguous. Third, the achievement standards set by 2011 curriculum needs to be consistent. The principles for stating achievement standards are necessary. it is necessary to review the link between elementary and middle school curriculum is well-made.

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A Study on Mathematical Creativity of Middle School Mathematical Gifted Students (중등수학영재의 수학적 창의성에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Dong Hwa;Kim, Young A;Kang, Joo Young
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.429-449
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate how the mathematical creativity of middle school mathematical gifted students is represented through the process of problem posing activities. For this goal, they were asked to pose real-world problems similar to the tasks which had been solved together in advance. This study demonstrated that just 2 of 15 pupils showed mathematical giftedness as well as mathematical creativity. And selecting mathematically creative and gifted pupils through creative problem-solving test consisting of problem solving tasks should be conducted very carefully to prevent missing excellent candidates. A couple of pupils who have been exerting their efforts in getting private tutoring seemed not overcoming algorithmic fixation and showed negative attitude in finding new problems and divergent approaches or solutions, though they showed excellence in solving typical mathematics problems. Thus, we conclude that it is necessary to incorporate problem posing tasks as well as multiple solution tasks into both screening process of gifted pupils and mathematics gifted classes for effective assessing and fostering mathematical creativity.

An analysis on mathematical concepts for proportional reasoning in the middle school mathematics curriculum (중학교 교육과정에서 비례적 사고가 필요한 수학 개념 분석)

  • Kwon, Oh-Nam;Park, Jung-Sook;Park, Jee-Hyun
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.315-329
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    • 2007
  • The concepts of ratio, rate, and proportion are used in everyday life and are also applied to many disciplines such as mathematics and science. Proportional reasoning is known as one of the pivotal ideas in school mathematics because it links elementary ideas to deeper concepts of mathematics and science. However, previous research has shown that it is difficult for students to recognize the proportionality in contextualized situations. The purpose of this study is to understand how the mathematical concept in the middle school mathematics curriculum is connected with ratio, rate, and proportion and to investigate the characteristics of proportional reasoning through analyzing the concept including ratio, rate, and proportion on the middle school mathematics curriculum. This study also examines mathematical concepts (direct proportion, slope, and similarity) presented in a middle school textbook by exploring diverse interpretations among ratio, rate, and proportion and by comparing findings from literature on proportional reasoning. Our textbook analysis indicated that mechanical formal were emphasized in problems connected with ratio, rate, and proportion. Also, there were limited contextualizations of problems and tasks in the textbook so that it might not be enough to develop students' proportional reasoning.

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Some Remarks on the Sameness and the Meaning of the Equal Sign in Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks (초등학교 수학에서 같음과 등호의 의미에 대한 고찰)

  • Paek, Dae Hyun
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.45-61
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    • 2020
  • The concept of equality is given as a way of reading the equal sign without dealing it explicitly in elementary school mathematics. The meaning of the equal sign can be largely categorized as operational and relational views. However, most elementary school students understand the equal sign as an operational symbol for just writing the required answers. It is essential for them to understand a relational concept of the equal sign because algebraic thinking in middle school mathematics is based on students' understanding of a relational view of the equal sign. Recently, the relational meaning of the equal sign is emphasized in arithmetic. Hence it is necessary for elementary school students to have some activities so that they experience a relational meaning of the equal sign. In this study, we investigate the meaning of the equal sign and contexts of the equal sign in elementary school mathematics to discuss explicit ways to emphasize the concept of equality and relational views of the equal sign.