• Title/Summary/Keyword: merging

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A Study on the Determinants of Downsizing Method in Small Manufacturing Firms (중소제조기업의 다운사이징 방식의 결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kwang-Seo;Chung, Hee-Kyun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.133-159
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted about the various forms of downsizing in small manufacturing firms such as lay-offs, honorary retirement, wage cuts, reduction of assets, merging of organizations with similar functions. Specially the study was conducted among small manufacturing companies to investigate which factors play a role in deciding which method to use. As result, the study found out the form of downsizing varies according to the characteristics of the small manufacturing companies. In other words, it is the size and the growth form of the company which influences the form of downsizing, rather than the management experience of the company. Based on the result of the study, small firms tend to prefer form of downsizing which will have short term or immediate effect, depending on the condition of their organization. Also, this kind of slim down on workforce has positive effect on the management achievement. However, there is also a negative effect on the moral of the members of the organization and the level of concentration in the work field. Therefore, it is better for small manufacturing companies to seek other long term means to increase its' productivity and renovation in management, and avoid method which will have direct effect on the moral of the members.

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  • Tateuchi, Ken;Motohara, Kentaro;Konishi, Masahiro;Takahashi, Hidenori;Kato, Natsuko;Uchimoto, Yuka K.;Toshikawa, Koji;Ohsawa, Ryou;Kitagawa, Yutaro;Yoshii, Yuzuru;Doi, Mamoru;Kohno, Kotaro;Kawara, Kimiaki;Tanaka, Masuo;Miyata, Takashi;Tanabe, Toshihiko;Minezaki, Takeo;Sako, Shigeyuki;Morokuma, Tomoki;Tamura, Yoichi;Aoki, Tsutomu;Soyano, Takeo;Tarusawa, Kenfichi;Koshida, Shintaro;Kamizuka, Takafumi;Nakamura, Tomohiko;Asano, Kentaro;Uchiyama, Mizuho;Okada, Kazushi;Ita, Yoshifusa
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.297-298
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    • 2012
  • ANIR (Atacama Near InfraRed camera) is a near infrared camera for the University of Tokyo Atacama 1m telescope, installed at the summit of Co. Chajnantor (5,640 m altitude) in northern Chile. The high altitude and extremely low water vapor (PWV = 0.5 mm) of the site enable us to perform observation of hydrogen $Pa{\alpha}$ emission line at $1.8751{\mu}m$. Since its first light observation in June 2009, we have been carrying out a $Pa{\alpha}$ narrow-band imaging survey of nearby luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs), and have obtained $Pa{\alpha}$ for 38 nearby LIRGs listed in AKARI/FIS-PSC at the velocity of recession between 2,800 km/s and 8,100 km/s. LIRGs are affected by a large amount of dust extinction ($A_V$~ 3 mag), produced by their active star formation activities. Because $Pa{\alpha}$ is the strongest hydrogen recombination line in the infrared wavelength ranges, it is a good and direct tracer of dust-enshrouded star forming regions, and enables us to probe the star formation activities in LIRGs. We find that LIRGs have two star-forming modes. The origin of the two modes probably come from differences between merging stage and/or star-forming process.

Voltage-Frequency-Island Aware Energy Optimization Methodology for Network-on-Chip Design (전압-주파수-구역을 고려한 에너지 최적화 네트워크-온-칩 설계 방법론)

  • Kim, Woo-Joong;Kwon, Soon-Tae;Shin, Dong-Kun;Han, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.46 no.8
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2009
  • Due to high levels of integration and complexity, the Network-on-Chip (NoC) approach has emerged as a new design paradigm to overcome on-chip communication issues and data bandwidth limits in conventional SoC(System-on-Chip) design. In particular, exponentially growing of energy consumption caused by high frequency, synchronization and distributing a single global clock signal throughout the chip have become major design bottlenecks. To deal with these issues, a globally asynchronous, locally synchronous (GALS) design combined with low power techniques is considered. Such a design style fits nicely with the concept of voltage-frequency-islands (VFI) which has been recently introduced for achieving fine-grain system-level power management. In this paper, we propose an efficient design methodology that minimizes energy consumption by VFI partitioning on an NoC architecture as well as assigning supply and threshold voltage levels to each VFI. The proposed algorithm which find VFI and appropriate core (or processing element) supply voltage consists of traffic-aware core graph partitioning, communication contention delay-aware tile mapping, power variation-aware core dynamic voltage scaling (DVS), power efficient VFI merging and voltage update on the VFIs Simulation results show that average 10.3% improvement in energy consumption compared to other existing works.

Eye Detection Using Texture Filters (질감 필터를 이용한 눈 검출)

  • Park, Chan-Woo;Kim, Yong-Min;Park, Ki-Tae;Moon, Young-Shik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose a novel method for eye detection using two texture filters considering textural and structural characteristics of eye regions. The human eyes have two characteristics: 1) the eyes are horizontally long and 2) the pupas are of circular shapes. By considering these two characteristics of human eyes, two texture filters are utilized for the eye detection. One is Gabor filter for detecting eye shapes in horizontal direction. The other is ART descriptor for detecting pupils of circular shape. In order to effectively detect eye regions, the proposed method consists of four steps. The first step is to extract facial regions using AdaBoost method. The second step is to normalize the illumination by considering local information. The third step is to estimate candidate regions for eyes, by merging the results from two texture filters. The final step is to locate exact eye regions by using geometric information of the face. As experimental results, the performance of the proposed method has been improved by 2.9~4.4%, compared to the existing methods.

A Unified Model of Action Learning and Design Thinking for Social Innovation (사회 혁신을 위한 디자인 씽킹과 액션러닝의 통합모형)

  • Park, Sang Hyeok;Oh, Seung Hee;Park, Jeong Seon;Lee, Myoung Kwan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2016
  • This article analyzes two different strategies that both aim at creating innovative design or problem solving: design thinking and action learning. User-driven innovation strategy that has become more and more popular during the last decades is "design thinking". Based on designerly methods and principles, this strategy was developed by the design consultancy IDEO in the late 90s. Action learning is a pragmatic and moral philosophy based on a deeply humanistic view of human potential that commits us, via experiential learning, to address the intractable problems of organizations and societies. This paper provides a structured analysis and comparison of the two innovation strategies-design thinking and action learning-with the goal to identify potentials to enrich either of the two by merging or adapting specific parts or aspects. Although there are significant differences in both strategies, there are also several similarities in methodology and process design. This article compares process models for action learning and design thinking and highlights the specific differences and similarities. As a result, we suggested a union model of action learning and design thinking, and verified a this model through a case study. We complemented the process of team building and reflection of action learning for union model. Also, we statistically verified through a case study to validate the superiority of the design thinking model which complemented action learning. This article contributes to a better understanding of both-design thinking and action learning, and it may help to improve either of the two strategies to foster social innovation.

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A Plan to Maximizing the Visual Immersion of 3D Media Art (3D 미디어아트의 시각적 몰입감 극대화 방안)

  • Kim, Ki-Bum;Kim, Kyoung-Soo
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.659-669
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    • 2015
  • Recently, media art is transforming from analogue to 'digital', and from 2D to '3D'. In particular, the range of utilizing 3D Media Art is getting wider through merging with other genres of contents in the digital environments, such as Media façade, Hologram, Virtual reality, App application, and etc. Therefore, by referring to the 3D award-winning works of Pirx Ars Electronica, which are regarded as the most outstanding works of media art of today, factors that affect sensation of visual immersion have been analyzed, through which strategies for maximizing viewers' interests in media arts and heightening their emotions while viewing have been determined. Based on the findings of the study, it has been shown that such works of media arts that involve development of concepts with 'creativity' and 'variability' from the perspective of visual concept, such as 3D modeling and mapping, with 'consistency' through out all concepts, as well as the works with stronger 'restriction' of concept within its animation and postproduction, attracted more interests from the viewer. From the point of view with visual four steps in composition, positioning the change in quality of 3D 'shape' and 'material' following the four-step rule, and gradual increase of change in quantity within the 'number' and 'size', in addition to increased degree of systematization within the change in editing, such as the 'scene change', resulted in more heightened emotions from the viewer. Thus, in order to maximize sensation of visual immersion, strategies for 'developing 3D visual concepts' while 'synchronizing' them, as well as 'strengthening the four steps within 3D visual composition' while 'systematizing' them should be emphasized.

A Study on Characteristics of Traffic Flow in Congested Traffic at On-Ramp Influence Area (혼잡교통류 상태에서의 연결로 합류부 교통류 특성에 관한 기초 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Gu;Kim, Young-Ho;Kim, Tae-Wan;Son, Young-Tae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2004
  • Most traffic congestion on a freeway occurs in the merge area, where conflicts between mainline traffic and on-ramp traffic are frequently generated. So far, research on the merge area has mainly dealt with free flow traffic and research on the congested traffic at the merge area is rare. This study investigates the relationships between mainline traffic and on-ramp traffic at three different segments of the merge area. For this purpose, new indicators based on such traffic variables as flow, speed, and density are used. The results show that a negative relationship exists between mainline and on-ramp flow. It is also found that the speed and the density of the right two lanes in the mainline traffic are significantly affected by the on-ramp flow. Based on the correlation analysis of the indicators, it is confirmed that the ramp influence area is the right two lanes of the freeway mainline. The revealed relationships between mainline and on-ramp traffic may help to analyze the capacity of the downstream freeway segment of the merging area in congested traffic. The findings of this studyalso provide a basis to develop a model that estimates the merge traffic volume in congested traffic, which is neither theoretically nor empirically sound in most other traffic flow models developed so far.

A New Preprocessing Method for the Seedup of the Watershed-based Image Segmentation (분수계 기반 영상 분할의 속도 개선을 위한 새로운 전처리 방법)

  • Cho, Sang-Hyun;Choi, Heung-Moon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.50-59
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, a new preprocessing method is proposed to speedup the watershed-based image segmentation In the proposed method, the gradient correction values of ramp edges are calculated from the positions and width of the ramp edges using Laplacian operator, and then, unlike the conventional method in which the monoscale or multi scale gradient image is directly used as a reference iImage, the reference image is obtained by adding the threshold value to each position of the ramp edges in the monoscale gradient image And the marker image is reconstructed on the reference image by erosion By preprocessing the image for the watershed transformation in such a manner, we can reduce the oversegmentations far more than those of applying the conventional morphological filter to the simple monoscale or multiscale gradient-based reference image Thus, we can reduce the total image segmentation time by reducing the time of postprocessing of region merging, which consumes most of the processing time In the watershed-based image segmentation, Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can speedup the total image segmentation about twice than those of the conventional methods, without the loss of ramp edges and principal edges around the dense-edge region.

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Plant Locations and Production Networks of the European Civil Aviation Industry: Focus on the Airbus (유럽 민간 항공산업의 생산입지와 생산네트워크: Airbus를 사례로)

  • Moon, Nam-Cheol
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.267-280
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    • 2015
  • The European civil aviation industry, which had lower technical skills, capital strength and market scale than the U.S., adopted the production system of joint development and division labor between the nations of Europe. Each plant locations strengthened their specialization of the production branch in the past 40 years with a geographical accumulation of the specialized manufacturing facilities, suppliers, universities and laboratories by the logic of geographical proximity and learning effect. The cargo plane transportation system in the production of short- and medium-haul aircraft facilitated the geographical dispersion of manufacturing process and the logistical linkage among the various plant locations. But the production of long-haul large aircraft(A380) chosen the transportation system by the cargo ship because of the size and weight. Considering the transportation system by the cargo ship, the choice of Toulouse as a final assembly plant location was the irrational locational decision from a locational point of view. This locational choice is explained by the merging process of the European civil aviation industry, the logic of learning effect and geographical proximity, and the active attraction support policy.

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Variable Selection for Multi-Purpose Multivariate Data Analysis (다목적 다변량 자료분석을 위한 변수선택)

  • Huh, Myung-Hoe;Lim, Yong-Bin;Lee, Yong-Goo
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2008
  • Recently we frequently analyze multivariate data with quite large number of variables. In such data sets, virtually duplicated variables may exist simultaneously even though they are conceptually distinguishable. Duplicate variables may cause problems such as the distortion of principal axes in principal component analysis and factor analysis and the distortion of the distances between observations, i.e. the input for cluster analysis. Also in supervised learning or regression analysis, duplicated explanatory variables often cause the instability of fitted models. Since real data analyses are aimed often at multiple purposes, it is necessary to reduce the number of variables to a parsimonious level. The aim of this paper is to propose a practical algorithm for selection of a subset of variables from a given set of p input variables, by the criterion of minimum trace of partial variances of unselected variables unexplained by selected variables. The usefulness of proposed method is demonstrated in visualizing the relationship between selected and unselected variables, in building a predictive model with very large number of independent variables, and in reducing the number of variables and purging/merging categories in categorical data.