• Title/Summary/Keyword: measurement of organization development

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Analysis on Productivity and Efficiency of Blueberry Farming (블루베리 농가의 경영 효율성 및 생산성 분석)

  • Kim, Won-Bin;Um, Ji-Bum
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.499-516
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    • 2022
  • Blueberry producers' management is failing as a result of the price decline caused by an increase in blueberry imports and the accompanying deterioration in management. Consequently, an endeavor was undertaken to verify the measurement and impact from the standpoint of efficiency and productivity of blueberry management, and to offer an indication of management improvement through analysis. Using the Rural Development Administration's income survey data, the data for twenty-four blueberry farms was analyzed. First, the management effectiveness of blueberry cultivators was evaluated. Using the CCR model (0.7297) and the BCC model (08148), the efficiency of a farm was examined. When the efficiency is one, CCR is ten and BCC is fifteen, and in overall, it was found to be ineffective, the efficiency declined from 2018 to 2019, but climbed again in 2020, according to the annual analysis. The MPI index was then used to examine productivity. T2's MPI index was 1.3338, whereas T3's MPI index was 0.8896, demonstrating a considerable decline in TC. This indicates that technological progress is not being accomplished, necessitating the need for countermeasures. In order to improve the management efficiency of blueberry producers, it is necessary to reduce costs and improve receivable prices through producer organization, and to actively introduce new technologies.

A Study on the Knowledge Measurement md Sharing Methodology at the Knowledge-Oriented Organization (지식지향적 조직에 있어서의 지식평가 및 공유방법에 관한 연구)

  • 이상근;유상진;장영택
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2001
  • Internet based on web service is growing rapidly and the effort to standardize the next generation web is world-widely being made. When the web was developed for the first time, HTTP, HTML, and URL were designed based on the structure of text background. Through those, asynchronous search and simple, unified expression patterns have been used. But recently many data on internet are becoming complicated. Consequently new structure and expression patterns including synchronous multimedia information are requested. The currently used standard language among user interface domain of W3C is SMIL which is XML-based one. SMIL describes where and how long the multimedia factors are integrated on the web. In this paper the standardization trend and important issues related to SMIL are reviewed and analyzed. Also the development of technology is discussed.

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Design and Implementation of Compatible Certification System of International Standard based Industrial Software (산업용 소프트웨어 국제표준 적합성 인증 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Yang, Hae-Sool;Choi, Min-Yong;Park, In-Soo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.10D no.5
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    • pp.793-804
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    • 2003
  • In the latest, it's increasing an applied technology to be related with growth of industry circles. It's one of them a software to be used in industry circles. and It's most important part to apply an industrial equipment, so software to take charge of major part is indicative performance of quipment. At this time, it's inspired an evaluation and measurement of software quality to have within industrial equipment, and it's forming the research and development by the inside and outside of the country. For this, it's constructed a valuation metric to be based on ISO/IEC 12119, the International Standard for general the terms desired of quality of software and ISO/IEC 9126-2, the International Standard of the terms valuation of qualify for evaluation and measure, and for this accomplishment, It has been designed and developed industrial software international standard compatible approval system which approve a quality based on quality test result of industrial software using the ISO/IEC 14598-6 that international standard for organization of evaluation module.

Development of Online Tritium Radiation Continuous Monitoring Measurement System and Analysis Optimization Techniques (온라인 삼중수소 방사능 연속모니터링 측정시스템 개발 및 분석 최적화 기법 개발)

  • Hongyeon Lee;Junghun Kim;Raehyun Lee;Yeongtae An;Byeongu Kim;Minjae Choi;Bogil Kim;Yongju Shin
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2024
  • In this study, a liquid scintillation spectrometer was developed for online continuous monitoring of tritium nuclides in water. The device consists of two photoelectron multiplier tubes (PMT), a simultaneous counting circuit, and a signal processing unit including a multi-channel analyzer (MCA). As a method to verify the performance of the equipment developed in this study, samples were prepared using a standard source, and the spectrum of tritium was measured to evaluate the detector characteristics such as efficiency, background (BKG), and minimum detectable activity (MDA). To evaluate the effect of pretreatment on tritium radioactivity measurement results, the MDA of water (seawater and groundwater) samples before and after pretreatment was calculated and compared. The results of the evaluation confirmed the satisfaction of the reference values of the Nuclear Safety Commission's "Discharge Control Standard in Drainage Water" and the World Health Organization's (WHO) "Tritium Radioactivity Concentration for Drinking Water Standards". The liquid scintillation spectrometer developed in this study, with or without pretreatment, confirmed detection performance equivalent to 1/100th of the discharge control standard for drainage water (40,000 Bq L-1) and the WHO's drinking water standard for tritium radioactivity (10,000 Bq L-1).

A study of Effect of Information Security Management System [ISMS] Certification on Organization Performance (정보보호관리체계[ISMS] 인증이 조직성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Young-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.4224-4233
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    • 2012
  • As Internet usage is rapidly spreading, tasks that were only possible offline are now available in cyber space but at the same time, new security threats such as hacking and viruses have also increased. For that reason, Comprehensive and methodical information security systems are therefore required in enterprises and organizations. Consequently, the Information Security Management System certification system has been in effect in Korea since July 2001. As of December 2012, 130 enterprises have been certified, and more than 120 ISO27001 certifications have been issued. As such, since the introduction of the ISMS certification system in Korea, the demand for the certification has been steadily increasing, and it is now recognized as an integral part of maintaining the competitiveness in an enterprise. However, the qualitative aspects of certification regarding the effectiveness of ISMS have been continuously questioned by actual customers. In order to clarify the situation and remove such doubts, this study will substantiate the fact that development and certification of ISMS positively affect the business performance of enterprises so that they will recognize the effect of obtaining ISMS certification and eventually prevent security accidents and improve their business performance by developing ISMS.

Establishment of Flight Inspection Evaluation Items and Optimal Design of SBAS Performance Test Measurement Equipment by Analyzing Evaluation Items and Essential Components of Korean SBAS (한국형 SBAS의 평가항목 및 필수 구성요소 분석을 통한 비행검사 평가항목 수립 및 SBAS 성능 시험 측정 장비 최적 설계 방안)

  • Kim, Young-Bin;Hong, Gyo-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.78-83
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    • 2021
  • Due to rapidly increasing air traffic congestion and airspace restrictions, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is urging all aircraft to use SBAS by 2025, in order to implement Performance-based navigation to increase airspace capacity. In line with this, research and development of Korean-style SBAS, which reflects the characteristics of Korea's airspace environment, continues in Korea. Since there is no flight inspection procedure for performance testing and verification of SBAS in Korea yet, this paper analyzes FAA, ICAO Regulations, and laws enacted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to derive essential evaluations and parameters of Korean SBAS, and presents the optimal design using RTK-DGPS as a position fixing system.

A Study on the Applicability of the Conjoint Analylis for the Reference Evaluation (참고평가를 위한 Conjoint 분석법의 활용시도에 대한 연구)

  • Bae Soon Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.15
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    • pp.141-173
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    • 1988
  • The focuses and methods in Library science have been changed abreast with the development af library facilities and with the expansion and diversification of its functions. One of current trends in Library science is focussed on the social functions of library: its relations to the public, effective service for the users. and efficieniencies of the management policies, and so. on. To. deal with these issues, we need to borrow methodology from other disciplines such as management, marketing, statistics, etc. This paper is mainly concerned with how we approach to the measurement af services and thus provide tentative standard for evaluating library services. To do. this work properly, we'd better consider the users' needs and expectations. But it is not an easy work since too many factors are involved in the study of the users' needs. Users' needs and expectations are so. varying that it is difficult to find out some general and objective data. That is the reason why although many scholars have urged time after time the necessity of library's effectiveness measurement, few studies demonstrated substantial method for measuring the effectiveness of service. In this paper I propose a device for measuring service: i. e, Conjoint Analysis. Conjoint Analysis, which has originally been developed and applied in marketing research, is used to measure the priorities and preferences of purchasers on the new item. So far as Conjoint Analysis, concerning users' physical and psychological necessities, can numeralize people's needs, it may also be applied to measure service provided by nonprofit organization like library. If this approach prove to be sucessful, I hope this study to make any contribution to the appropriate direction on improving library facilities based on the result from a concret reference evaluation.

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Development of Sensor and Signal Duplicator for Building Automation (빌딩 자동제어용 센서 및 신호의 듀플리케이터(Duplicator) 개발)

  • Jang, Kyeong-Uk;Lee, Yong-Min;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.184-187
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we propose the sensor and the signal duplicator for the automatic building control. Developed duplicator realizes the sensor data collection apparatus and mimics the measured data and, thus, reduces the construction cost by using logical communication layer. Furthermore, the system supports the open protocols and can be associated with HMI(Human Machine Interface) used on the market. Developed duplicator is proved to be functional within the real environment. Measurement error rate, operating temperature, and operating humidity show very good results by the certified testing apparatus and organization.

Evaluation of Impedance on Biological Tissues Using Automatic Control Measurement System (자동제어 측정 시스템을 이용한 생체 조직의 임피던스 평가)

  • Kil, Sang-Hyeong;Lee, Moo-Seok;Kim, Sang-Sik;Shin, Dong-Hoon;Lee, Seong-Mo;Kim, Gun-do;Lee, Jong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.239-244
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    • 2015
  • Each biological tissue has endemic electrical characteristics owing to various differences such as those in cellular arrangement or organization form. The endemic electrical characteristics change when any biological change occurs. This work is a preliminary study surveying the changes in the electrical characteristics of biological tissue caused by radiation exposure. For protection aganinst radiation hazards, therefore the electrical characteristics of living tissue were evaluated after development of the automatic control measurement system using LabVIEW. No alteration of biological tissues was observed before and after measurement of the electrical characteristics, and the biblogical tissues exhibited similar patterns. Through repeated measurements using the impedance/gain-phase analyzer, the coefficient of variation was determined as within 10%. The reproducibility impedance phase difference in electrical characteristics of the biological tissue did not change, and the tissue had resistance. The absolute value of impedance decreased constantly in proportion to the frequency. It has become possible to understand the electrical characteristics of biological tissues through the measurements made possible by the use of the developed. automatic control system.

The Development of the Evaluation Tool of Group Occupational Health Program for Workers of Small and Medium Sized Industries (중소기업 근로자 보건관리대행기관 QA 평가지표의 개발과정)

  • Cho, Soo-Hun;Kim, Sun-Min;Kim, Chang-Yup;Hong, Yun-Chul;Ha, Eun-Hee
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.72-111
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    • 1996
  • Background: Group occupational health program by non-for-profit agency, started five years ago, for management of health problems in small and medium sized industries, is one of the measures to cope with limited human and financial resources in occupational health. The program has been rapidly expanding to include 54 participating institutions, private as well as public, all over the country. In spite of its potential impact on health of employees and practice of occupational health in small and medium sized industries, comprehensive evaluation in terms of quality has not been tried. Objectives : The aim of this study are to develop and apply criteria to assess quality of newly developed Korean group occupational health program. Methods : By defining occupational health services, in particular for small and medium sized industries, as one of the primary health care, we included followings as core elements of sound occupational health program; accessibility, continuity, intersectoral collaboration, comprehensiveness, community participation, technical quality, adequacy, focus on preventive services, acceptability, and workers' satisfaction. Again we divided each elements into five major components of national health system infrastructures developed by World Health Organization; development of health resources organized arrangement or resources, delivery of health care, economic support, and management. In turn, we categorized each component into input, process and outcome aspects. After discussions in expert panel, several criteria were selected for evaluation of program. The criteria were modified according to each group of interviewees. Results: We developed five sets of questionnaire that evaluate the quality of 'Group occupational health program'. Conclusion : The refining of the measurement tool and the continuing evaluation process for the 'Group occupational health institute' should be done further.

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