• Title/Summary/Keyword: material and shape

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Topology Optimization using S-shape material model (S 모양 가상재료를 이용한 위상최적화)

  • Yoon, G.H.;Kim, Y.Y.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.345-350
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we introduce a new artificial material model for topology optimization. The present material model, named S-shape material model, accelerates topology optimization process especially in mathematical programming. We overcome the instability and the flatness in heuristic optimization process. Numerical examples show the superiority of the proposed material.

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A study on the development of photoelastic model material with shape memory effect (형상기억효과를 가진 투과형 광탄성 실험용 모델재료 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyo-Jae;Hwang, Jae-Seok;Shimamoto, Akira
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.624-634
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    • 1998
  • The photoelastic model material with shape memory effect and the molding processes for the material are developed in this research. The matrix and fiber of the photoelastic model material developed in this research are epoxy resin (Araldite to hardner 10 to 3 (weight ratio)) and wire of $Ti_50-Ni_50$ shape memory alloy, respectively. It is called Ti50-Ni50 Shape Memory Alloy Fiber Epoxy Composite $(Ti_50-Ni_50SMA-FEC).$ Ti50-Ni50 SMA-FEC is satisfied with the requirements of the photoelastic model material and can be used as a photoelastic model material. The maximum recovering strain of $Ti_50-Ni_50$SMA-FEC is occurred at $80^{\circ}C$ in any prestrain of $Ti_50-Ni_50$ shape memory alloy fiber and in any fiber volume ratio. Recovering strain(force) is increased with the increment of the prestrain and the fiber volume ratio. The best prestrain of $Ti_50-Ni_50$SMA-FEC is 5% for the recovering force among 1%, 3%, 5%.

Lambda shape multiway moving ultrasonic linear motor (람다형 다방향 초음파 선형 모터)

  • Do, Young-Soo;Nam, Hyo-Duk;Kim, Young-Duk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.263-265
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    • 2007
  • An ultrasonic linear motor using lambda shape vibrators has been designed and fabricated. The multiway ultrasonic motors mainly consist of an lambda shape ultrasonic vibrator which generates elliptical motions in beat. The lambda shape ultrasonic linear motor use longitudinal and bending vibration mode. In order to high precision motion control and multiway moving, piezoceramics were adhered to lambda shape brass elastic material. The finite element method was used to optimize dimension of ultrasonic vibrator and direction of vibratory displacement. As a result of estimating the characteristics of the ultrasonic linear motor, The results have shown that the lambda shape ultrasonic linear motor can be moved multiwav by using the phase control. Close agreement between the FEM results and experimental results obtained for the lambda shape ultrasonic linear motor.

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The Effect of the Gate Shape on the Controlled Material the Microstructure of Grain Size (게이트 형상이 결정입 제어 소재의 미세조직에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung Y. S.;Bae J. W.;Seo P. K.;Kang C. G.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.152-155
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    • 2004
  • In the semi-solid die casting process, the important thing is the flow behaviors of semi-solid material. The flow patterns of semi-solid material can make the defects during die filling. To control of the flow patterns, is very important and difficult. In this paper, the flow behaviors of the semi-solid A356 alloy material during die filling at various die gate shapes has been observed with the grain size controlled material. The effects of the gate shape on the die filling characteristics were investigated. The filling tests in each plunger strokes were experimented, also simulated on the semi-solid material die casting process by MAGMAsofi. According to the filling tests and computer simulation, the effect of the gate shape on liquid segregation had been investigated.

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A Study on the Effect of Fracture Delay of Intelligent FRP by Transparent Photoelastic Experimental Method (투과형 광탄성 실험법에 의한 지능성 FRP의 파괴지연 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyo-Jae;Hwang, Jae-Seok
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.23 no.11 s.170
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    • pp.1904-1911
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    • 1999
  • The most effective material in the shape memory alloy(SMA) is the TiNi alloy, because its shape recovery characteristics are very excellent. We molded the composite material with shape memory function. The fiber of it is $Ti_{50}-Ni_{50}$ shape memory alloy and matrix of it is epoxy resin(Araldite B41, Hardner HT903. Ciba Geigy), its adhesive and optical sensitivity are very excellent. It was assured that the composite material could be used as model material of photoelastic experiment for intelligent materials or structures. In this research, the composite material with shape memory function is used as model material of photoelastic experiment. Photoelastic experimental hybrid method is developed in this research, it is assured that it is useful on the obtaining stress intensity factor and the separation of stress components from only isochromatic data. The measuring method of stress intensity factor of intelligent material by photoelastic experiment is introduced. In the mode I state, we can know that stress intensity factors are decreased more than 50% of stress intensity factor of room temperature when temperature of fiber is greater than 4$0^{\circ}C$, prestrain greater than 5% and fiber volume ratio greater than 0.42% and that stress intensity factors are decreased by 100% when fiber volume ratio is greater than 0.84%, prestrain greater than 5% and temperature greater than 60 $^{\circ}C$.

The Effect of the Gate Shape on the Microstructure of the Grain Size Controlled Material (게이트 형상이 결정립 제어 소재의 미세조직에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung Y.S.;Seo P. K.;Kang C. G.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.14 no.1 s.73
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2005
  • In the semi-solid die casting process, an important thing is the flow behavior of semi-solid materials. The flow patterns of the semi-solid material can make the defects during die filling. To control the flow patterns is very important and difficult. In this paper, the flow behavior of the semi-solid A356 alloy material during die filing at various die gate shapes has been observed with the grain size controlled material. The effect of the gate shape on the die filling characteristics was investigated. The filling tests in each plunger stroke were experimented, and also simulated on the semi-solid material die casting process by MAGMAsoft. According to the filling tests and computer simulation, the effect of the gate shape on liquid segregation has been investigated.

Optimal Shape Design of ANG Fuel Vessel Applied to Composite Carbon Fiber (탄소섬유 복합재료를 적용한 ANG 연료용기의 최적 형상설계)

  • Kim, Gun-Hoi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2019
  • The development of adsorbed natural gas (ANG) has emerged as one of potential solutions. It is desirable to reduce the weight of vessel by applying light-weighed a composite carbon fiber in order to response to a egulation of $CO_2$ emission. Through understanding of a composite carbon fiber, and material characteristic of a composite carbon fiber is required in order for better application of a reduction of weight and an analysis of material characteristic. Herein, this study suggest the composite carbon fiber vessel applied to the characteristic of carbon fiber, and it decides the preliminary shape based on the test of material characteristic for ANG vessel applied to a composite carbon fiber, and its basic shape calculate through on the netting theory. Moreover, the detail shape design is analyzed by a finite element analysis, and in the stage of detail sahp design and analysis of stress was performed on the typical shape using a finite element analysis, and the result of preliminary design was verified.

Determination of Initial Billet Shape to Improve Dimensional Accuracy in Backward Extruded Cups (후방압출공정에서 치수정밀도 향상을 위한 초기소재형상 결정)

  • Kim, H.C.;Kim, T.H.;Park, J.C.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 1997
  • Experimental studies have been carried out to obtain uniform cups by one operation of backward extrusion. A lot of factors on dimensional accuracy of backward extruded cups are billet material, billet shape, punch shape, punch velocity, geometry of tool, tool material, and lubrication etc. In manufacturing cup-shaped parts by backward extrusion, it is very important to design the initial billet shape or the preform. The objective of this paper is to find that the shape of the initial billet is related to dimensional accuracy and also to manufacture the more accurate product simultaneously reducing the loss of material as forming the shape of the initial billet by means of upsetting.

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Heat and Material Transport Analysis on the Head of Vehicle along the Flight Trajectory (비행궤적에 따른 비행체 앞부분의 열 및 물질전달해석)

  • 서정일;송동주
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.88-96
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    • 2002
  • The CSCM Upwind method and Material Transport Analysis(MTA) have been used to predict the thermal response and shape changes for charring/non-charring material which can be used as thermal protection material(TPM) on blunt-body nose tip. We performed intensive flight trajectory simulations to compare 1-D MTA results with those of 2-D/Axisymmetric MTA by using MTAs and Navier-Stokes code. Theheat-transfer rate and pressure distribution were predicted at selected altitudes and wall temperature along the flight trajectory and the shape changes of blunt-body nose tip were predicted subsequently by using current procedure.

A Study on Electron Beam Weldmetal Cross Section Shapes and Strength of Al 5052 Thick Plate (Al 5052 함금 후판재의 전자빔 용접부 단면 형상과 강도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, In-Ho;Lee, Gil-Young;Ju, Jeong-Min;Park, Kyoung-Tae;Chun, Byong-Sun
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2009
  • This present paper investigated the mechanical properties and the microstructures of each penetration shapes classifying the conduction shape area and the keyhole shape area about electron beam welded 120(T)mm thick plated aluminum 5052 112H. As a result the penetration depth is increased linearly according to the output power, but the aspect ratio is decreased after the regular output power. In the conduction shape area, the Heat affected zone is observed relatively wider than the keyhole shape area. In the material front surface of the welded specimen, the width is decreased but the width in the material rear surface is increased. After the measuring the Micro Vikers Hardness, it showed almost similar hardness range in all parts, and after testing the tensile strength, the ultimate tensile strength is similar to the ultimate tensile strength of the base material in all the specimens, also the fracture point was generated in the base materials of all the samples. In the result of the impact test, impact absorbed energy of the Keyhole shape area is turned up very high, and also shown up the effect about four times of fracture toughness comparing the base material. In the last result of observing the fractographs, typical ductile fraction is shown in each weld metal, and in the basic material, the dimple fraction is shown. The weld metals are shown that there are no other developments of any new chemical compound during the fastness melting and solidification.