• Title/Summary/Keyword: marketing point

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Internal Marketing Approach to Internal Satisfaction, Loyalty and Organization Performance : Using Logistics Regression (내부마케팅이 직무만족, 애호도, 기업성과에 미치는 영향 : 로지스틱회귀분석 방법을 이용)

  • Son, Hee-Young;Kang, Man-Su;Park, Sang-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2014
  • As interests in the management of government-owned corporation rise, in these days, debt reduction and normalization of management of those companies have been proceeding under the lead of government. At this point, it is very important to seek internal marketing method for improvement of internal employees' satisfaction, loyalty and organization performance. This study analyzes impact of factors of internal marketing effect on organization satisfaction, loyalty and organization performance in the context of the domestic public companies, the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) and the Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-WATER)'s employees empirically. There are some significant differences between the two publics. It is proved that delegation of the authority influences on internal satisfaction and organization performance in the case of KEPCO, and education and training influence on internal satisfaction and organization performance in the case of K-WATER. On the other hand, in the case of K-WATER, any internal marketing factors don't influence on loyalty. The results of this study show somewhat different characteristics depending on the characteristics of firm, however, it is expected that this study can be very useful in regards to similar public enterprises or businesses.

Post Covid-19, Directions and Challenges of Agri-food Distribution (코로나 이후(Post Covid-19) 농식품유통의 방향과 과제 - 전북지역 통합마케팅조직을 중심으로 -)

  • Back, Seoung-Woo;Kim, Su-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2021
  • The form of agri-food transaction has taken a rapid change from the existing method since Covid-19. In response to changes in the market environment such as Covid-19, the integrated marketing organization in Jeollabuk-do was diagnosed from the point of view of innovation, and the future direction was examined. In order to improve the distribution structure of the production area, an integrated marketing organization was fostered, and both quantitative and qualitative growth were brought about. However, some regions still lack willingness to participate and lack of expertise. In particular, there is no infrastructure and strategy to prepare for the increase in non-face-to-face transactions post Covid-19. Online transactions also require economies of scale, so non-face-to-face transaction capabilities must be reinforced by adding a separate organization and experts in charge of online transaction functions within the integrated marketing organization. In the future, online sales are highly likely to expand not only to transactions between producers and individual consumers (C to C), but also to mass consumer (B to B) transactions. It will be an opportunity. In addition, it is necessary to efficiently use production area distribution facilities such as sorting and packaging. Since the non-contact transaction method will increase after Corona 19, it is necessary to strengthen marketing capabilities such as expansion of utilization rate, order placement, settlement, and customer management, and reorganization of specialized organizations.

Spatial Composition of Drugstore Applied with Experience Marketing for Sales Promotion - Focused on the Health & Beauty Stores around the Hong-Ik University - (판매촉진을 위한 체험마케팅이 적용된 드럭스토어 공간구성 - 홍대앞 H&B 스토어를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kyung-Eun;Han, Hae-Ryon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.193-203
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    • 2014
  • In a rapidly changing market, the companies are applying a variety of elements for promoting sales for the inflow of consumers. For the elements of sales promotion, the tendency to apply the experiential marketing that provides a positive recognition centering on the customers, and in such tendency, the consumers places the values on the experience obtained from the spatial elements of sales promotion provided by the companies. As it is reflected on the life style of consumers, the drugstores applied with the experiential marketing as a mean of sales promotion is rapidly growing in the distribution market. In this study, the elements of sales promotion was picked out and 5 types of experience such as sense, feel, think, act, relate of Bernd H. Schmitt was investigated. The spatial composition of drugstores were classified into destination, assortment, convenience and occasion, and through self experienced visual research, the experiential marketing strategy applied to drugstores and the elements of sales promotion applied with experiential marketing was analyzed. The streets of Hongik University as a strategic point of beauty, by selecting four H&B stores which were recently opened, a future direction is proposed by conducting the case analysis on the elements of sales promotion of drugstores and the spatial composition of drugstores applied with experiential marketing. In conclusion, in overall space, the behavioral experiential elements are weak. The behavioral experiential elements are a marketing that induce the intuitive behavior added with expertise and considered difficult to be maintained. Although the consumers think that the biggest value of drugstores is 'free and convenient product test' but in the other hand, they tend to think most positively about the consulting of experts. Therefore, the space emphasized with expertise should be more highlighted but such space should consider the convenience of consumers.

A Sales Promotion Strategy for Casual Korean Traditional Clothes Using Database Marketing (데이터베이스 마케팅을 활용한 생활한복의 구매촉진 방안)

  • 임영미;이은경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2001
  • Database marketing is a series of marketing activities based on the customer database for increasing the customer's life-time value. In this thesis. we applied database marketing to the sales promotional strategies of Casual Korean Traditional Clothes to activate wearing of Casual Korean Traditional Clothes. To achieve this goal, we surveyed the consciousness of wearing and purchases for Casual Korean Traditional Clothes. and extract information that can be utilized in the sales promotional strategies. According to the result, the proposed sales promotional strategies for Casual Korean Traditional Clothes are summarized as follows : (1) Useful information for the customer should be stored in the database and utilized in the marketing. (2) It is necessary to shorten the cycle of repeated purchases by emphasizing daily-life clothing of Casual Korean Traditional Clothes especially for the aged 20-40. (3) Since Casual Korean Traditional Clothes are usually weared as a ceremonial clothes in the fall, direct mail, fashion show, and advertising in the mass media should be concentrated on this season. (4) Value-added marketing should be derived by cross-selling of items harmonized with Casual Korean Traditional Clothes. (5) To guarantee fixed customers and increased usage of Casual Korean Traditional Clothes, - give point score, discount, or selling on an installment basis for the customers who use credit cards or department cards. - select privileged customers by analyzing purchase history and provide multiple services for these customers. - let the customers rent Casual Korean Traditional Clothes in an appropriate cost, and make customer cards for the construction of elaborated customer database. (6) To increase the acknowledgement of Casual Korean Traditional Clothes, not only Persistent publicity, but also fashion show, visual merchandising, and advertisement in mass media should be conducted as well.

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Generation and Discharge Characteristics of Non-point Pollutants from Farmlands of Small Watershed for Nak-dong River (낙동강 소유역 경지에서의 비점오염원 물질 발생 및 배출 특성)

  • Jung, Yong-Jun;Nam, Kwang-Hyun;Min, Kyung-Sok
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.333-338
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to investigate the generation and discharge characteristics of non-point pollutants from farmlands in Nak-dong river basin. Annual unit generation load of nitrogen and phosphorus by fertilization in the test paddy field was almost similar to those calculated by the fertilization standards of district agricultural technology center, but it was extremely higher in case of the test dry field. By comparing annual total generation load of nutrients from fertilization to the data of fertilizer marketing, the accurate forecasting of generation load of pollutants was achieved by marketing data. The annual total discharge ratio of nutrients through infiltration and overflow from the farmland of the test paddy field were 9.5% and 1.1%, respectively, and those in the test dry field were 22.0% and 0.1%, respectively. The monthly discharge load of nutrients were shown the highest proportioned to the discharge load from lands, but it showed higher in phosphorus, which was caused by the intermittent discharge of phosphorus accumulated in drainage.

Shopping Orientation's Differentiation between On-line Consumer Group and Off-line Consumer Group (온라인 구매자 집단과 비 구매자 집단의 쇼핑성향의 차이)

  • Cho, Kyoung-Seop;Song, Hyung-Cheol
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.10
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    • pp.71-89
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    • 2002
  • The on-line market is sudden and it tilts the effort which various in order to reveal the difference point against the on-line consumer and the off-line consumer from under the environment which grows is. What reveals the on-line consumer and the difference point of off-line consumer two group from like this situation is a possibility of decreasing the place help which establishes a marketing strategy in the each retail trade sleeping field. The research which it sees to sleep it searched for the variable which shows the difference point of shopping orientation of the on-line consumer and off-line consumer two group and it attempted. From the research which it sees shopping propensity shopping it is joyful, it perceives dangerously, with price ceremony and convenient characteristic to classify, it analyzed. Analysis result shopping it is joyful it was rejected, classifies the perception against a danger and a price ceremony and convenient Royal favor two group with the consider variable which it appeared. The namely on-line consumer perceived against a danger lowly, it was sensitive to a price, it appeared with the fact that it pursues a convenient characteristic.

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Evolution of Relationship Marketing in the New Reality: Focused on the Pervasiveness of Digital New Media and the Enlargement of Customer Participation (21세기 새로운 현실에서 Relationship Marketing의 진화: 디지털 뉴미디어 환경의 보편화와 고객 참여의 고도화를 중심으로)

  • Lim, Jong Won;Cho, Ho Hyeon;Lee, Jeong Hoon
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.105-137
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    • 2012
  • After relationship marketing emerged as a new approach in the marketing field in the 1980s, it has been widely studied in the United States, Europe and Asia. Rapid environmental changes and global competition has made it inevitable for companies to consider their relationships with the environment more closely. Under these circumstances, relationship marketing has held a position as a pivotal paradigm in the field of strategy as well as in marketing. In addition, relationship marketing has overcome the limitations of a traditional marketing research while providing richer implications in company's marketing activities. The paradigm shift to relationship marketing has brought fundamental changes in a marketing point of view. First, in philosophical aspects, unlike past research which focused solely on customer satisfaction, organizational relationship parameters which focuses on trust and commitment has become key elements of successful relationship marketing while shifts in thoughts naturally take place from adaptive marketing to strategic marketing. Second, in structural aspects, the relational mechanism of governance such as network structure with a variety of relational partners has emerged as a new marketing organization from the previous simple structure focusing on the micro-economic, marketbased trading between seller and customer. Third, in behavioral aspects, it proposed the strategic course of the action of gaining an advantage over the competition on the individual firm level by focusing on building long-term relationships and considering partnership with the components in the entire marketing system, rather than with one-time transaction-centric action between a seller and a customer. Fourth, in the aspects of marketing performance, marketing performance was sought through the long-term and cooperative relationship with various stakeholders, including customers in the marketing system, focusing on the overall competitive advantage based on relationship rather than individual performance of individual companies' marketing activities, such as market share and customer satisfaction. However, studies of relationship marketing were mostly centered in interorganizational relationships focusing on the relational structure and properties of commercial sector in the marketing system. Paradoxically, the circumstance of the consumer's side that must be considered is evolving again in relationship marketing. In structural aspects, a community, as the new relationship governance structure in the digital environment, and in behavioral aspects, the changing role of consumer participation demanding big changes in the digital environment engaged in the marketing system. The possibility of building a relationship marketing community for common value creation is presented in terms of organization of consumers with the focus on changing marketing environment and marketing system according to the new realities of the 21st century- the popularity of digital environments and the diffusion of customer participation. Therefore, future research of relationship marketing must seek for a truly integrated model including all of the existing structure and properties of the research oriented relationship from both the commercial and consumer sector.

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Marketing Strategies in the Film Industry: Investment Decision Game Model (영화산업에서의 마케팅 전략 : 투자 결정 게임 모형을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Hee-Joong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - The movie market has the characteristics of being a perfectly competitive market as well as a pure monopolistic market at the same time. This is because there are competitors in the industry but prices, although not fixed, have not changed a lot. Price competition may not have spread, but the competition is focused on artistic value, and the degree of box office success is most important. The artistic value is determined in the course of the production process. However, the degree of box office success is dependent upon the marketing manager. The marketing strategy represents the difference in the standard or quality of the movie. Inherently, the marketing manager adopts the entertainment strategy based on the quality of the foundation of the completed movie. At this time, the marketing manager knows the pertinent information (high quality/low quality) regarding the movie. This research study tries to reveal what should be the reasonable movie marketing expense, dependent on the quality of the movie. Research design, data, and methodology - Using a game scenario with different market players, the goal of the research analysis is to find out the following. First, the marketing expense is determined to maximize the profits after film production. Second, after the production costs are already committed, the manufacturer gets to choose the marketing level. At this time, there will be a profit maximization point, considering the competition. The premise of the research is as follows: if it is a good movie of quality, positive word of mouth increasing the audience continuously slows down the speed of the demand curve. If the movie quality is bad, the negative word of mouth decreasing the audience gradually hastens the speed of the demand curve. On the marketing side, when the manufacturer invests heavily in the marketing expense of the movie, consumer expectations increase to drive up the audience numbers. On the other hand, it is difficult to improve the profits excessively. When the manufacturer invests in marketing a little bit, the marketing expense is only relatively committed, therefore a lot of demand cannot be gained. Results - If a fixed market share is in a competitive situation, a low quality manufacturer expends relatively more marketing expense. If the situation assumes two manufacturers spend the same for the cost of production, the high quality manufacturer takes more profit. If the manufacturer expends less marketing budget to save costs, the optimum profit cannot be achieved since the other party (opponent) grabs the initial market share. Conclusions - In conclusion, investment is essential for market share to increase. We must refrain from a zero-sum game and have models where the game participants pursue the creative profits together. In the current film industry, there is the dominating logic of winner and loser but we have to create a film industry environment where the participants can be altogether satisfied and live together.

The Influence of Consumers' Perception and Attitude to Causes on Consumer Attitude toward a Cause-related Marketing Campaign (공익에 대한 소비자의 지각과 태도가 공익관련 마케팅캠페인에 대한 소비자 태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Young
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - Ethical consumption is the action of buying one product over another with an ethical idea in mind. It has gained in popularity since the 1990s with more emphasis being put on the power of consumer actions to create social, economic, and environmental change. Ethical consumption involves boycotts of certain products or brands as well as purchases linked to ethical issues. Cause-related marketing (the buying behavior of ethical consumption) involves a for-profit and non-profit entity teaming up to promote a product at the same time as promoting a social cause. Each time a consumer buys that product, a donation is made by the for-profit entity to the non-profit entity supporting the specific cause. Cause-related marketing has become a tremendously popular type of ethical consumption in recent years owing to its reputation of allowing companies to "do well by doing good." This study examines how consumers' perception of cause and attitude influence their attitude toward a cause-related marketing campaign and attempts to suggest implications for marketers. Research design, data, and methodology - First, this study was designed to examine the consumers' perception factors (cause involvement, attitude for cause, attitude for company and brand familiarity) in order to determine whether these factors have significantly affected consumers' attitude toward a cause-related marketing campaign. Second, this study developed a structural equation model and tested it empirically using survey data from 223 individual respondents. Respondents were undergraduate students in Chungnam. They were shown an existing real campaign message of cause-related marketing, and then filled out a questionnaire. Data were analyzed with SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 17.0 programs. Results - The hypotheses were tested using factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The study's results showed that brand familiarity, attitude to the company and attitude to the cause significantly affected consumers' attitude toward the cause-related marketing campaign and performance. In particular, attitude to the cause was significantly related to attitude and performance of the cause-related marketing campaign. However, the hypothesis about cause involvement was not supported with the results indicating that cause involvement did not affect consumers' attitude toward the cause-related marketing campaign. The findings underline the importance of consumer perceptions of the cause and the company and their attitude to the cause. They point to the importance of individual differences that influence consumer perceptions of the cause, the company and brand familiarity. Also of importance is the consumer's attitude to the cause. Conclusions - The findings suggest some practical implications in designing and implementing cause-related marketing campaigns. It is important to enhance brand familiarity and create a favorable attitude to the company and attitude to the cause before designing cause-related marketing campaigns. The rising popularity of cause-related marketing has been attributed to its potential to cut through advertising clutter. The findings in this study suggest that marketing campaigns supporting a cause make a difference.

CRM Marketing of Shopmasters in Designer Brand Products (디자이너 브랜드 샵마스터의 CRM에 관한 연구)

  • 이승희;이병화
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.239-249
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate influential factors for shopmaster's CRM (Customer Relationship Management) in the designer brand products, and to indicate the future fashion marketing strategies. The questionnaires were distributed to 74 shopmasters of the Designer shop in domestic L. S and H Department stores. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and path analysis from Lisrel program were used to analyze the data. The results were as follows; Firstly. for shopmaster's CRM variables, four factors of customer management variables were found and labeled as interest, DB construction, contact opportunity, and materials. Also, four (actors of shopmaster's knowledge regarding apparel materials were found and labeled as professionalism, manner, sense, and persuasion. For service variables, four factors such as precision, variety, rapidity, positiveness, and convenience of shopping were found. Secondly, for the results of hypothesis, all of the independent variables had direct influences on forming the relationship with customers. Therefore, it is concluded that the main elements of Shopmaster's CRM are highly important variables in customer relationship marketing strategy.