• 제목/요약/키워드: map-based correlation

검색결과 246건 처리시간 0.027초

60Hz 고압 송전선로의 자기장 발생범위에 대한 GIS 적용 방안에 대한 연구 (Study about the Applicable Plan of GIS on Range of Magnetic Field Emitted from 60 Hz Powerline)

  • 홍승철;최성호;김윤신;박재영
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.271-277
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    • 2006
  • In this study, we investigated the applicable plan of GIS on the environmental impact assessment of 60 Hz Powerline. So we assessed distance data based on calculations by use of 2D and 3D Geographical information systems(GIS) and distance data based on measurements on 1: 5000 maps accord with on site distance measurements to use input data for calculating magnetic field. One hundred eight of the on site measured addresses were selected from residences. The data were achieved by measuring the distance between residence and power line on maps with scales of 1: 5000. The digital map was obtained from National Geographic Information Institute with scales of 1: 5000, and we made 2D and 3D map. Correlation analyses were performed for statistical analyses. For the 3D GIS versus on site comparison of different exposure categories, 70 of 108 measurements were assigned to the correct category. Similarly for 2D GIS versus on site comparison, 71 of 108 were correctly categorized. When comparing map measurement with on site measurement, 62 of 108 were correctly categorized. When the correlation analysis was performed, best correlation was found between 3D GIS and on site measurements with r = 0.84947 (p<0.0001). The correlation between map and on site measurement yielded an r of 0.76517 (p<0.0001). Since the GIS measurements and map measurement were made from the center point in the building and the on site measurements had to be made from the closest wall on the building, this might introduce and additional error in urban areas. The difference between 2D and 3D calculations were resulted from the height of buildings.

실시간 Dense Disparity Map 추출을 위한 고성능 가속기 구조 설계 (High Performance Coprocessor Architecture for Real-Time Dense Disparity Map)

  • 김정길;;김신덕
    • 정보처리학회논문지A
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    • 제14A권5호
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2007
  • 본 논문에서는 위상기반 양안스테레오정합 알고리즘을 이용, 실시간으로 dense disparity map을 추출 가능한 고성능 가속기 구조를 설계하였다. 채택된 알고리즘은 웨이블릿 기반의 위상차 기법의 강건성과 위상상관 기법의 기본적인 control 기법을 결합한 Local Weighted Phase Correlation(LWPC) 스테레오정합 알고리즘으로서 4개의 주요 단계로 구성이 되어 있다. 해당 알고리즘의 효율적인 병렬 하드웨어의 설계를 위하여, 제안된 가속기는 각 단계의 기능블록은 SIMD(Single Instruction Multiple Data Stream) 모드로 동작하게 되며, 전체적으로 각 기능 블록은 파이프라인(pipeline) 모드로 실행된다. 그 결과 제안된 구조에서 제시된 파이프라인 동작 모드의 선형 배열 프로세서는 행렬 순차수행 방법에 의한 2차원 영상처리에서 전치메모리의 필요를 제거하면서도 연산의 일반성과 고효율을 유지하게 한다. 제안된 하드웨어 구조는 Xilinx HDL을 이용하여 필요한 하드웨어 자원을 look up table, flip flop, slice, memory의 소모량으로 표현하였으며, 그 결과 실시간 처리 성능의 단일 칩 구현 가능성을 보여주었다.

Vision Based Map-Building Using Singular Value Decomposition Method for a Mobile Robot in Uncertain Environment

  • Park, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Hyung-O;Kee, Chang-Doo;Na, Seung-Yu
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 2001년도 ICCAS
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    • pp.101.1-101
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes a grid mapping for a vision based mobile robot in uncertain indoor environment. The map building is a prerequisite for navigation of a mobile robot and the problem of feature correspondence across two images is well known to be of crucial Importance for vision-based mapping We use a stereo matching algorithm obtained by singular value decomposition of an appropriate correspondence strength matrix. This new correspondence strength means a correlation weight for some local measurements to quantify similarity between features. The visual range data from the reconstructed disparity image form an occupancy grid representation. The occupancy map is a grid-based map in which each cell has some value indicating the probability at that location ...

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가우시안 가중치 거리지도를 이용한 PET-CT 뇌 영상정합 (Co-registration of PET-CT Brain Images using a Gaussian Weighted Distance Map)

  • 이호;홍헬렌;신영길
    • 한국정보과학회논문지:소프트웨어및응용
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    • 제32권7호
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    • pp.612-624
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문에서는 PET-CT 뇌 영상융합을 위해 가우시안 가중치 거리지도를 이용한 표면기반 영상정합을 제안한다. 제안방법은 중요 세 단계로 표면 특징점 추출, 가우시안 가중치 거리지도 생성, 가중치기반 유사도 평가로 구성된다. 첫째, PET 영상과 CT 영상에서 삼차원 역 영역성장법을 이용하여 머리영역을 분할하고 머리 영역과 같이 분할된 잡음 영역을 영역성장법기반 레이블링을 이용한 영역 크기 비교를 통해 제거한 후 선명화 처리 필터를 적용하여 머리 표면 특징점을 추출한다. 둘째, CT 영상에서 추출한 표면 특징점에 가우시안 가중치 거리지도를 생성하여 큰 변위에서도 최적의 위치로 견고하게 수렴하도록 한다. 셋째, 가중치기반 상호상관관계는 PET 영상에서 추출한 표면 특징점과 대응되는 CT 영상의 가우시안 가중치 거리지도를 이용하여 최적 위치를 탐색한다. 본 논문에서는 제안방법의 정확성과 견고성 검사를 위해 인공데이타를 이용하고, 수행시간과 육안평가를 위해 임상데이타를 이용한다. 정확성 검사는 임의로 변환된 인공데이타에 제안방법을 적용한 후 추출된 최적화 변환벡터와의 오차를 제곱근평균제곱오차를 이용하여 평가한다. 견고성 검사는 큰 변위와 잡음을 가지는 인공데이타에서 가중치기반 상호상관관계가 최적의 위치에서 최대를 이루는지를 평가한다 실험 결과 제안한 표면기반 영상정합이 기존 표면기반 영상정합보다 정확하고 견고하게 수렴됨을 알 수 있다.

스테레오 비전을 이용한 6 족 로봇의 장애물 회피를 위한 국소맵 빌딩 및 경로생성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Stereo Vision-based Local Map Building and Path Generation for Obstacle Avoidance of the Hexapod Robot)

  • 노경곤;김진걸
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제27권7호
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    • pp.36-48
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    • 2010
  • This paper is concerned with stereo vision-based approach to detect obstacles and to generate the path of destination from the start. The hexapod robot in the experiment is cable of walking by legs and driving by wheels simultaneously. The hexapod robot operates under the driving mode normally, and it changes driving mode to walking mode to overcome obstacles using its legs. Disparity map, which is the correlation between two images taken by stereo camera, is employed for calculation of the distance between the robot and obstacles. When the obstacles information is extracted from the disparity map, the potential field algorithm is applied to create the obstacle-avoidance path. Simulator, based on OpenGL, is developed to generate the graphical path, and the experimental results are shown for the verification of the proposed algorithm.

Error Estimation Method for Matrix Correlation-Based Wi-Fi Indoor Localization

  • Sun, Yong-Liang;Xu, Yu-Bin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제7권11호
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    • pp.2657-2675
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    • 2013
  • A novel neighbor selection-based fingerprinting algorithm using matrix correlation (MC) for Wi-Fi localization is presented in this paper. Compared with classic fingerprinting algorithms that usually employ a single received signal strength (RSS) sample, the presented algorithm uses multiple on-line RSS samples in the form of a matrix and measures correlations between the on-line RSS matrix and RSS matrices in the radio-map. The algorithm makes efficient use of on-line RSS information and considers RSS variations of reference points (RPs) for localization, so it offers more accurate localization results than classic neighbor selection-based algorithms. Based on the MC algorithm, an error estimation method using artificial neural network is also presented to fuse available information that includes RSS samples and localization results computed by the MC algorithm and model the nonlinear relationship between the available information and localization errors. In the on-line phase, localization errors are estimated and then used to correct the localization results to reduce negative influences caused by a static radio-map and RP distribution. Experimental results demonstrate that the MC algorithm outperforms the other neighbor selection-based algorithms and the error estimation method can reduce the mean of localization errors by nearly half.

맵 기반의 부분시간 공통 중간주파수 제거방식을 이용한 GNSS 신호의 상관 기법 (A GNSS Signal Correlation Using Map-based Partial-time Common Intermediate Frequency Removal Method)

  • 임성혁;지규인
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제14권7호
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    • pp.695-701
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose the efficient Doppler removal method using map-based partial-time common intermediate frequency removal technique. In the proposed algorithm, the 2-stage carrier removal process was used. First, the component of common intermediate frequency is removed. Next the component of Doppler was removed with averaging and approximation. For the evaluation of the proposed algorithm, The real-time software GPS L1 C/A-code receiver was implemented. When the proposed algorithms are used, 12 tracking channels with 3 track arm(early, prompt, late) is operated real-time on PC using a Intel Pentium-III 1.0GHz CPU. Also, the requirement of memory was less than 2Mbytes. The real-time software GNSS receiver using the proposed algorithms provides the navigation solution with below 10 meter rms error. Especially, in spited of using the various approximations for implementing the algorithms, the high sensitivity capability (able to track the weak signal with -159dBm) was achieved.

A Framework for Wide-area Monitoring of Tree-related High Impedance Faults in Medium-voltage Networks

  • Bahador, Nooshin;Matinfar, Hamid Reza;Namdari, Farhad
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2018
  • Wide-area monitoring of tree-related high impedance fault (THIF) efficiently contributes to increase reliability of large-scaled network, since the failure to early location of them may results in critical lines tripping and consequently large blackouts. In the first place, this wide-area monitoring of THIF requires managing the placement of sensors across large power grid network according to THIF detection objective. For this purpose, current paper presents a framework in which sensors are distributed according to a predetermined risk map. The proposed risk map determines the possibility of THIF occurrence on every branch in a power network, based on electrical conductivity of trees and their positions to power lines which extracted from spectral data. The obtained possibility value can be considered as a weight coefficient assigned to each branch in sensor placement problem. The next step after sensors deployment is to on-line monitor based on moving data window. In this on-line process, the received data window is evaluated for obtaining a correlation between low frequency and high frequency components of signal. If obtained correlation follows a specified pattern, received signal is considered as a THIF. Thereafter, if several faulted section candidates are found by deployed sensors, the most likely location is chosen from the list of candidates based on predetermined THIF risk map.

야외 RGB+D 데이터베이스 구축을 위한 깊이 영상 신뢰도 측정 기법 (Confidence Measure of Depth Map for Outdoor RGB+D Database)

  • 박재광;김선옥;손광훈;민동보
    • 한국멀티미디어학회논문지
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    • 제19권9호
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    • pp.1647-1658
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    • 2016
  • RGB+D database has been widely used in object recognition, object tracking, robot control, to name a few. While rapid advance of active depth sensing technologies allows for the widespread of indoor RGB+D databases, there are only few outdoor RGB+D databases largely due to an inherent limitation of active depth cameras. In this paper, we propose a novel method used to build outdoor RGB+D databases. Instead of using active depth cameras such as Kinect or LIDAR, we acquire a pair of stereo image using high-resolution stereo camera and then obtain a depth map by applying stereo matching algorithm. To deal with estimation errors that inevitably exist in the depth map obtained from stereo matching methods, we develop an approach that estimates confidence of depth maps based on unsupervised learning. Unlike existing confidence estimation approaches, we explicitly consider a spatial correlation that may exist in the confidence map. Specifically, we focus on refining confidence feature with the assumption that the confidence feature and resultant confidence map are smoothly-varying in spatial domain and are highly correlated to each other. Experimental result shows that the proposed method outperforms existing confidence measure based approaches in various benchmark dataset.

외래식물의 공간분포와 토지피복간의 상관성 연구 - 전국자연환경조사 자료를 중심으로 - (Correlations between Spatial Distribution of Alien Plants and Land Cover - Focused on National Ecosystem Survey -)

  • 정태준;신현철;신영규;김명진
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.455-466
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study is to seek application plans of National Ecosystem Survey database based on comparison and examination of feasible analysis methods for distribution characteristics of alien plants. In order to set up a correlation analysis method between alien plants and environmental factors, we had reviewed the 3rd National Ecosystem Survey guide book and consequently, two kinds of analysis method were tested. One was 1/25,000 scale map boundary based analysis and the other was representative mountain area based analysis. In this study we restricted the research area to select reliable surveyed database from whole "2011 National Ecosystem Survey flora database" according to two major criteria. First, an area defined by 1/25,000 scale map boundary and representative mountain area where the number of surveyed flora records should be within top 20%. Second, land cover map should also be built up inside that area. As a result, 25 map boundaries and 25 representative mountain areas were extracted to be analyzed. To limit a boundary for every representative mountain area we had analyzed distribution of environmental factors around that area by manual inspection with SPOT-5 remote sensed satellite image then designated 3km buffer zone from each alien plant location in that area. After then, naturalized index (NI) and urbanized index (UI) was calculated and correlations analysis was carried out. With the result of correlation analysis by map boundary only agricultural land area showed significant value of r (0.4~0.6, correlated) and the rest of factors did not. In the case of representative mountain area, the result showed that agricultural land, road and forest area showed significant value of r (0.6~0.8, highly correlated) which was corresponding to existing researches. Therefore, representative mountain area based method is preferable when using the alien plants database of National Ecosystem Survey for species distribution analysis. And also, considering the way of database utilization is strongly suggested at the first stage of survey planning for promoting active use of national ecosystem survey database.