• Title/Summary/Keyword: map mapping

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Registration of Three-Dimensional Point Clouds Based on Quaternions Using Linear Features (선형을 이용한 쿼터니언 기반의 3차원 점군 데이터 등록)

  • Kim, Eui Myoung;Seo, Hong Deok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2020
  • Three-dimensional registration is a process of matching data with or without a coordinate system to a reference coordinate system, which is used in various fields such as the absolute orientation of photogrammetry and data combining for producing precise road maps. Three-dimensional registration is divided into a method using points and a method using linear features. In the case of using points, it is difficult to find the same conjugate point when having different spatial resolutions. On the other hand, the use of linear feature has the advantage that the three-dimensional registration is possible by using not only the case where the spatial resolution is different but also the conjugate linear feature that is not the same starting point and ending point in point cloud type data. In this study, we proposed a method to determine the scale and the three-dimensional translation after determining the three-dimensional rotation angle between two data using quaternion to perform three-dimensional registration using linear features. For the verification of the proposed method, three-dimensional registration was performed using the linear features constructed an indoor and the linear features acquired through the terrestrial mobile mapping system in an outdoor environment. The experimental results showed that the mean square root error was 0.001054m and 0.000936m, respectively, when the scale was fixed and if not fixed, using indoor data. The results of the three-dimensional transformation in the 500m section using outdoor data showed that the mean square root error was 0.09412m when the six linear features were used, and the accuracy for producing precision maps was satisfied. In addition, in the experiment where the number of linear features was changed, it was found that nine linear features were sufficient for high-precision 3D transformation through almost no change in the root mean square error even when nine linear features or more linear features were used.

Searle's Conception of Social Reality and the Problem of Freestanding Y Terms (설의 사회적 실재와 '비대응 Y항' 문제)

  • Noh, Yang-jin
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.141
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    • pp.43-62
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    • 2017
  • The main purpose of this paper is to survey the debates between Searle and Smith over the problem of "freestanding Y terms" in Searle's conception of social reality, and offer a viable solution, drawing on the experientialist conception of symbolic experience. Smith raises the problem of "freestanding Y term" against Searle's formula "X counts as Y in C" that there may be some cases where we cannot identify an X term to which an Y term refers. In case of an abstract concept such as equity, we may not find exactly what it stands for. That is, we cannot identify exactly what(X term) counts as equity. If there is nothing like an X for Y term, we can regard anything as equity, which may disrupt Searle's formula. Understandably, Smith does not say that the problem dismantles Searle's whole conception of social reality. Instead, Smith intends to show that Searle's formula is neither complete nor specific enough. Apparently, Searle admits that there may be freestanding Y terms and tries to articulate it within his formula, which does not seem to work. I suggest that the experientialist account of symbolic experience may serve to dissolve Smith's challenge, without modifying Searle's original formula. According to the experientialist conception of symbolization, we symbolically map some portion of our experience onto a physical object, which serves as a signifier, and we then understand and experience the signifier "in terms of" the mapped portion of experience. Thus, we experience certain buildings and some relevant people, say students, staffs, and professors in terms of "university." The status functions of university have been created by means of symbolic mappings, which change the way we understand and experience the buildings and people. In this picture, there need not be any notions such as "one-to-one correspondence" between X terms and Y terms. In this way, Searle may maintain his original formula, while dissolving, not answering, Smith's challenge. What Searle needs is a more appropriate theory of symbolization, part of which has been articulated by the experientialist account of symbolic experience.

Analysis of Seabottom and Habitat Environment Characteristics based on Detailed Bathymetry in the Northern Shore of the East Sea(Gyeongpo Beach, Gangneung) (정밀 해저지형 자료 기반 동해 북부 연안(강릉 경포) 서식지 해저면 환경 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Myoung Hoon;Rho, Hyun Soo;Lee, Hee Gab;Park, Chan Hong;Kim, Chang Hwan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.729-742
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we analyze seabottom conditions and characteristics integrated with topographic data, seafloor mosaic, underwater images and orthophoto(drone) of soft-hard bottom area around the Sib-Ri rock in the northern shore of the East Sea(Gyeongpo Beach, Gangneung). We obtained field survey data around the Sib-Ri rock(about 600 m × 600 m). The Sib-Ri rock is formed by two exposed rocks and surrounding reef. The artificial reef zone made by about 200 ~ 300 structures is shown the western area of the Sib-Ri rock. The underwater rock region is extended from the southwestern area of the exposed the Sib-Ri rock with 9 ~ 11 m depth range. The most broad rocky seabottom area is located in the southwestren area of the Sib-Ri rock with 10 ~ 13 m depth range. The study area were classified into 4 types of seabottom environment based on the analysis of bathymetric data, seafloor mosaics, composition of sediments and images(underwater and drone). The underwater rock zones(Type I) are the most distributed area around the Sib-Ri Rock(about 600 m × 600 m). The soft seabottom area made by sediments layer showed 2 types(Type II: gS(gravelly Sand), Type III: S(Sand)) in the areas between underwater rock zones and western part of the Sib-Ri rock(toward Gyeongpo Beach). The artificial reef zone with a lot of structures is located in the western part of the Sib-Ri rock. Marine algae(about 6 species), Phylum porifera(about 2 species), Phylum echinodermata(about 3 species), Phylum mollusca(about 3 species) and Phylum chordata(about 2 species) are dominant faunal group of underwater image analysis area(about 10 m × 10 m) in the northwestern part of the Sib-Ri rock. The habitat of Phylym mollusca(Lottia dorsuosa, Septifer virgatus) and Phylum arthropoda(Pollicipes mitella, Chthamalus challengeri hoek) appears in the intertidal zone of the Sib-Ri rock. And it is possible to estimate the range and distribution of the habitat based on the integrated study of orthphoto(drone) and bathymetry data. The integrated visualization and mapping techniques using seafloor mosaic images, sediments analysis, underwater images, orthophoto(drone) and topographic data can provide and contribute to figure out the seabottom conditions and characteristics in the shore of the East Sea.

A Study of Habitat Environment Mapping Using Detailed Bathymetry and Seafloor Data in the Southern Shore of the East Sea(Ilsan Beach, Ulsan) (정밀 해저지형 및 해저면 자료를 활용한 동해 남부 연안(울산 일산해변) 생태계 서식지 환경 맵핑 연구)

  • Choi, SoonYoung;Kim, ChangHwan;Kim, WonHyuck;Rho, HyunSoo;Park, ChanHong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.717-731
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    • 2021
  • We analyzed the characteristics of the habitat environment for the Seonam study area in Ulsan, the southern shore of the East Sea using bathymetry and seafloor environment data. The depth of the study area ranges from about 0 m to 23 m. In the west of the study area, the water depth is shallow with a gentle slope, and the water depth becomes deeper with a steep slope in the east. Due to the right-lateral strike-slip faults located in the continental margin of the East Sea, the fracture surfaces of the seabed rocks are mainly in the N-S direction, which is similar to the direction of the strike faults. Three seafloor types (conglomeratic-grained sandy, coasre-graiend sandy, fine-grained sandy) and rocky bottom area have been classified according to the analyses of the bathymerty, seafloor image, and surface sediment data. The rocky bottom areas are mainly distributed around Seaoam and in the northern and southern coastal area. But the intermediate zone between Seonam and coastal area has no rocky bottom. This intermediate area is expected to have active sedimentation as seawater way. The sandy sediments are widely distributed throughout the study area. Underwater images and UAV images show that Cnidarians, Brachiopods, Mollusks are mostly dominant in the shallow habitat and various Nacellidae, Mytilidae live on the intertidal zone around Seonam. Annelida and Arthropod are dominant in the sandy sediments. The distribution of marine organism in the study area might be greatly influenced by the seafloor type, the composition and particle size distribution of the seafloor sediments. The analysis of habitat environment mapping with bathymetry, seafloor data and underwater images is supposed to contribute to the study of the structure and function of marine ecosystem.

Analysis of Oceanic Current Maps of the East Sea in the Secondary School Science Textbooks (중등 과학 교과서의 동해 해류도 분석)

  • Park, Kyung-Ae;Park, Ji-Eun;Seo, Kang-Sun;Choi, Byoung-Ju;Byun, Do-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.832-859
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    • 2011
  • The importance of scientific education on accurate oceanic currents and circulation has been increasingly addressed because the currents have played a significant role in climate change and global energy balance. The objectives of this study are to analyze errors of the oceanic current maps in the textbooks, to discuss a variety of error sources, to suggest how to produce a unified oceanic current map of the East Sea for the students. Twenty-seven textbooks based on the 7th National Curriculum were analyzed and quantitatively investigated on the characteristics of the current maps by comparing with both the previous literature and up-to-date scientific knowledge. All the maps in the textbooks with different mappings were converted to digitalized image data with Mercator mapping using geolocation information. Detailed analysis were performed to investigate the patterns of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) in the Korea Strait, to examine how closely the nearshore branch of the TWC flows along the Japanese coast, to scrutinize the features of the offshore branch of the TWC south of the subpolar front in the East Sea, to quantitatively investigate the northern range of the northward-propagating East Korea Warm Current and its latitude turning to the east, and lastly to examine the outflow of the TWC near the Tsugaru Strait and the Soya Strait. In addition, the origins, southern limits, and distances from the coast of the Liman Current and the North Korea Cold Current were analyzed. Other erroneous expressions of the currents in the textbooks were presented. These analyses revealed the problems in the present current maps of the textbooks, which might lead the students to misconception. This study also addressed a necessity in a bridge between scientists with up-to-date scientific results and educators who needed educational materials.

Evaluation of Magnetization Transfer Ratio Imaging by Phase Sensitive Method in Knee Joint (슬관절 부위에서 자화전이 위상감도법에 의한 자화전이율 영상 평가)

  • Yoon, Moon-Hyun;Seung, Mi-Sook;Choe, Bo-Young
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.269-275
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    • 2008
  • Although MR imaging is generally applicable to depict knee joint deterioration it, is sometimes occurred to mis-read and mis-diagnose the common knee joint diseases. In this study, we employed magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) method to improve the diagnosis of the various knee joint diseases. Spin-echo (SE) T2-weighted images (TR/TE 3,400-3,500/90-100 ms) were obtained in seven cases of knee joint deterioration, FSE T2-weighted images (TR/TE 4,500-5,000/100-108 ms) were obtained in seven cases of knee joint deterioration, gradient-echo (GRE) T2-weighted images (TR/TE 9/4.56/$50^{\circ}$ flip angle, NEX 1) were obtained in 3 cases of knee joint deterioration, In six cases of knee joint deterioration, fat suppression was performed using a T2-weighted short T1/tau inverse recovery (STIR) sequence (TR/TE =2,894-3,215 ms/70 ms, NEX 3, ETL 9). Calculation of MTR for individual pixels was performed on registration of unsaturated and saturated images. After processing to make MTR images, the images were displayed in gray color. For improving diagnosis, three-dimensional isotropic volume images, the MR tristimulus color mapping and the MTR map was employed. MTR images showed diagnostic images quality to assess the patients' pathologies. The intensity difference between MTR images and conventional MRI was seen on the color bar. The profile graph on MTR imaging effect showed a quantitative measure of the relative decrease in signal intensity due to the MT pulse. To diagnose the pathologies of the knee joint, the profile graph data was shown on the image as a small cross. The present study indicated that MTR images in the knee joint were feasible. Investigation of physical change on MTR imaging enables to provide us more insight in the physical and technical basis of MTR imaging. MTR images could be useful for rapid assessment of diseases that we examine unambiguous contrast in MT images of knee disorder patients.

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Quantitative Evaluation of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow by Visual Stimulation in $^{99m}Tc-HMPAO$ Brain SPECT ($^{99m}Tc-HMPAO$ 뇌 SPECT에서 시각자극에 의한 국소 뇌 혈류변화의 정량적 검증)

  • Juh, Ra-Hyeong;Suh, Tae-Suk;Kwark, Chul-Eun;Choe, Bo-Young;Lee, Hyoung-Koo;Chung, Yong-An;Kim, Sung-Hoon;Chung, Soo-Kyo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.166-176
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of visual activation and quantitative analysis of regional cerebral blood flow. Visual activation was known to increase regional cerebral blood flow in the visual cortex in occipital lobe. We evaluated that change in the distribution of $^{99m}Tc-HMPAO$ (Hexamethyl propylene amine oxime) to reflect in regional cerebral blood flow. Materials and Methods: The six volunteers were injected with 925 MBq (mean ages: 26.75 years, n=6, 3men, 3women) underwent MRI and $^{99m}Tc-HMPAO$ SPECT during a rest state with closed eyes and visual stimulated with 8 Hz LED. We delineate the legion of interest and calculated the mean count per voxel in each of the fifteen slices to quantitative analysis. The ROI to whole brain ratio and regional index was calculated pixel to pixel subtraction visual non-activation image from visual activation image and constructed brain map using a statistical parameter map (SPM99). Results: The mean regional cerebral blood flow was increased due to visual stimulation. The increase rate of the mean regional cerebral blood flow which of the activation region in primary visual cortex of occipital lobe was $32.50{\pm}5.67%$. The significant activation sites using a statistical parameter of brain constructed a rendering image and image fusion with SPECT and MRI. Conclusion: Visual activation was revealed significant increase through quantitative analysis in visual cortex. Activation region was certified in Talairach coordinate and primary visual cortex (Ba17),visual association area (Ba18,19) of Brodmann.

A study of Establishment on Radiomap that Utilizes the Mobile device Indoor Positioning DB based on Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi 기반 모바일 디바이스 실내측위 DB를 활용한 라디오맵 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, In Hun;Kim, Chong Mun;Choi, Yun Soo;Kim, Sang Bong;Lee, Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2014
  • As of 2013, Korean population density is 505 persons per $1km^2$ and is ranked 3rd place in the most densely populated countries exception of city-states. It shows clearly the population is concentrated in the city area. To fulfil this urban concentration population demand, the enlargement and complexation of buildings, subway and other underground spaces connection tendency has been intensified, and it is need to construct the indoor spatial information DB as well as the accurate indoor surveying DB to promote people's safety and social welfare. In this study, Sadang station and Incheon National Airport were aimed for the construction of Wi-Fi AP location DB and RadioMap DB by collecting the indoor AP raw datas by using mobile device and those collected results were ran through the process of verification, supplementation, and analyzation. To evaluate the performance of constructed DB, 10 points in Incheon Airport- 3rd flr in block A, and 9 points in Sadang station-B1 were selected and calculated the estimated points and ran evaluation experiment using survey positioning error, which is distance between real position and the estimated position. The result shows that Incheon international airport's average and standard deviation was separately 17.81m, 17.79m and Sadang station's average and standard deviation was separately 22.64m, 23.74m. In Sadang station's case, the areas near the exit has low performance of surveying position due to fewer visible AP points than other areas. As total datas were examined except those position, it was verified that the user's location was mapping close position in surveying positioning by using constructed DB. It means that constructed DB contains correct Wi-Fi AP locations and radio wave patterns in object region, so it is considered that the indoor spatial information service based on constructed DB would be available.


  • Jeong, Joong-Jae;Park, Su-Jung;Cho, Hyun-Gu;Hwang, Yun-Chan;Oh, Won-Mann;Hwang, In-Nam
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.352-368
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    • 2008
  • This study was done to evaluate the reliability of the digital color analysis system (ShadeScan, CYNOVAD, Montreal. Canada) for dentistry. Sixteen tooth models were made by injecting the A2 shade chemical cured resin for temporary crown into the impression acquired from 16 adults. Surfaces of the model teeth were polished with resin polishing cloth. The window of the ShadeScan handpiece was placed on the labial surface of tooth and tooth images were captured, and each tooth shade was analyzed with the ShadeScan software. Captured images were selected in groups, and compared one another. Two models were selected to evaluate repeatability of ShadeScan, and shade analysis was performed 10 times for each tooth. And, to ascertain the color difference of same shade code analyzed by ShadeScan, CIE $L^*a^*b^*$values of shade guide of Gradia Direct (GC, Tokyo, Japan) were measured on the white and black background using the Spectrolino (GretagMacbeth, USA), and Shade map of each shade guide was captured using the ShadeScan. There were no teeth that were analyzed as A2 shade and unique shade. And shade mapping analyses of the same tooth revealed similar shade and distribution except incisal third. Color difference (${\Delta}E^*$) among the Shade map which analyzed as same shade by ShadeScan were above 3. Within the limits of this study, digital color analysis instrument for dentistry has relatively high repeatability, but has controversial in accuracy.

Probabilistic Anatomical Labeling of Brain Structures Using Statistical Probabilistic Anatomical Maps (확률 뇌 지도를 이용한 뇌 영역의 위치 정보 추출)

  • Kim, Jin-Su;Lee, Dong-Soo;Lee, Byung-Il;Lee, Jae-Sung;Shin, Hee-Won;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.317-324
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The use of statistical parametric mapping (SPM) program has increased for the analysis of brain PET and SPECT images. Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinate is used in SPM program as a standard anatomical framework. While the most researchers look up Talairach atlas to report the localization of the activations detected in SPM program, there is significant disparity between MNI templates and Talairach atlas. That disparity between Talairach and MNI coordinates makes the interpretation of SPM result time consuming, subjective and inaccurate. The purpose of this study was to develop a program to provide objective anatomical information of each x-y-z position in ICBM coordinate. Materials and Methods: Program was designed to provide the anatomical information for the given x-y-z position in MNI coordinate based on the Statistical Probabilistic Anatomical Map (SPAM) images of ICBM. When x-y-z position was given to the program, names of the anatomical structures with non-zero probability and the probabilities that the given position belongs to the structures were tabulated. The program was coded using IDL and JAVA language for 4he easy transplantation to any operating system or platform. Utility of this program was shown by comparing the results of this program to those of SPM program. Preliminary validation study was peformed by applying this program to the analysis of PET brain activation study of human memory in which the anatomical information on the activated areas are previously known. Results: Real time retrieval of probabilistic information with 1 mm spatial resolution was archived using the programs. Validation study showed the relevance of this program: probability that the activated area for memory belonged to hippocampal formation was more than 80%. Conclusion: These programs will be useful for the result interpretation of the image analysis peformed on MNI coordinate, as done in SPM program.