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Manufacture of Nutritionally Balanced 'Sunsik' for the Moderns: Its Quality Characteristics (현대인을 위한 기능성 영양균형선식의 제조와 품질)

  • Kim, Jun-Han;Park, Pil-Sook;Kim, Jong-Kuk
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to investigate the quality characteristics of functional 'sunsik' as the nutritionally balanced diet for the moderns. The major nutrient of nutritionally balanced 'sunsik' was carbohydrate, while contained lower contents of protein and lipid than general 'sunsik'. Sucrose was the major free sugar of nutritionally balanced 'sunsik', and major organic acids were malic, tartaric, oxalic and citric acid. Free amino acids were predominantly serine, arginine, alanine and glutamic acid. Linolenic acid (12.52%) was contained in the nutritionally balanced 'sunsik'. Ca, Mg, K, Na and Fe were found as major minerals. Antioxidant activity was about 29% compared to BHA and BHT(200 ppm), and about 40% of αtocopherol(400 ppm). Sensory evaluation of nutritional balanced 'sunsik' gained higher sensory score in color, cooked aroma, flavor, chewiness and overall acceptance, compared to the general 'sunsik'.

Nonvolatile Flavor Components in Chinese Quince Fruits, Chaenomeles sinensis koehne (모과의 비휘발성 Flavor 성분에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Tae-Yung;Cho, Dae-Sun;Song, Jae-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.293-302
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    • 1988
  • This study was performed to identify detailed informations on the nonvolatile flavor of Chinese quince fruits, Chaenomeles sinensis koehne. About 72% of the free amino acids were shown to be valine, asparagine, γaminobutyricacid, aspartic acid and serine. Arginine, tyrosine, methionine and tryptophan were not present. Glutamic acid and glutamine as a amino acid for peptides were the major components, whereas cysteic acid, methionine sulfone and tryptophan were not detected. The nucleotides attained were composed of cytosine, uridine-5'-monophosphate and cytidine-5'-monophosphate, and these were proved to be a very small quantity. Guanosine-5'-monophosphate, inosine-5'-monophosphate and adenosine-5'-monophosphate were not present. The major sugars were shown to be glucose, sorbose, sucrose and fructose. Fructose was the most abundant one among them. A total of 11 organic acids were identified by capillary gas chromatography and capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The major components identified were tartaric acid and α-ketoglutaric acid. The total content of vitamin C determined was 386.6mg%, and those of ascorbic, dehydroascorbic, and 2, 3-diketo-L-gulonic acid were 28.8mg%, 154.5mg% and 197.3mg%, respectively. Calcium and phosphorus were the major components, while heavy metals such as cadmium, copper and lead were determined to be a small amount. In the result of organoleptic test on the natural and synthetic extract of Chinese quince fruits, the principal taste components consisted of free amino acids, sugars, organic acids, vitamin C and minerals. Five groups mentioned would have a favorable influence upon the taste of fresh Chinese quince fruits.

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Food Components of Different Parts of Cheonnyuncho (Opuntia humifusa) Harvested from Yeosu, Jeonnam in Korea (전남 여수 돌산지역에서 재배되는 천년초의 부위별 식품성분 분석)

  • Jung, Bok-Mi;Han, Kyung-Ah;Shin, Tai-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.9
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    • pp.1271-1278
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to investigate the food components of the fruit, cladodes, and flowers of freezedried Cheonnyuncho harvested from Yeosu, Jeonnam in Korea. The major components of freeze-dried Cheonnyuncho in proximate composition were carbohydrates and crude ash. Ca, K, and Mg were the predominant minerals in Cheonnyuncho. Calcium content was higher in the fruit and cladodes than in the flowers. Two major amino acids, glutamic acid and aspartic acid, made up over 25% of the total amino acids in Cheonnyuncho. Palmitic acid and stearic acid were most abundant out of all the saturated fatty acids in Cheonnyuncho. The saturated fatty acid content of the fruit was higher than that of the flowers and cladodes. The major unsaturated fatty acid of Cheonnyuncho was oleic acid. The cladodes contained unusually high amounts of linoleic acid compared to the fruit and flowers. The major free sugar in the fruit was sucrose, whereas that of the cladodes and flowers was fructose. The total free sugar content was the highest in fruit, followed by cladodes. The most abundant organic acid in the fruits and cladodes was malic acid, while that of the flowers was citric acid. Vitamin A concentration was highest in the flowers whereas vitamin C concentration was highest in the fruit.

A Comparative Study on the Serum Lipid Levels and the Dietary Intake of Physical Education Major and Non-Major Male Students (체육전공과 체육비전공 남자대학생의 식이섭취 실태조사 및 혈청 지질 함량 비교분석)

  • 최경아;김명희
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.667-674
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    • 2003
  • The paper examines the effect of physical exercise on blood lipid with young male students. Our analysis is based on the body measurement, food intake and blood lipid component for 70 male students of Kongju National University who either major in physical exercise (group A) or do not major in physical exercise (group B). The average weight of group A is 71.97 ± 10.79 kg while that of group B is 67.57 ± 8.66 kg. The former is significantly higher (p<0.05) than the latter. The SBP of group A (128.20 ± 11.40 mmHg) is significantly (p<0.001) higher than that of group B (136.27 ± 13.18 mmHg). In terms of the intake of total kcal, group A marks significantly higher than group B; group A goes with 2190.26 ± 581.96 kcal and group B goes with 2392.94 ± 769.03 kcal. The comparative analysis of the three nutrient intake shows that the intake proportions for group A are carbohydrate 55.08 ± 6.03%, protein 15.58 ± 2.75%, and lipid 29.34 ± 5.16% while the intake proportions for group B are carbohydrate 57.29 ± 8.09%, protein 15.62 ± 3.26%, and lipid 27.10 ± 6.90%. For group A, the vitamin B1 intake amounts to 1.50 ± 0.5 mg which fulfills 100% of RDA, and the niacin intake amounts to 16.57 ± 5.54 mg N.E which is less than RDA. In contrast, both intakes for group B are more than the RDA. In the case with minerals except calcium, both group A and B mark more intake than RDA. Group A's calcium intake is 517.12 ± 200.63 mg and group B's is 409.56 mg. The total cholesterol intake for group A is 447.00 ± 245.08 mg which is significantly (p<0.05) higher than for group B with 352.35 ± 200.25 mg. The total cholesterol in the lipid of serum is 151.30 ± 12.92 mg/dl for group A and 182.30 mg/dl for group B, where the dominance of group B over group A is true at the level of significance 0.01. In the case with triglyceride, group A is 107.57 ± 31.60 mg/dl and group B is 108.07 ± 33.93 mg/dl so that the group difference is non-significant. The HDL-cholesterol for group A is 54.67 ± 6.49 mg/dl which is significantly higher (p<0.001) than for group B with 36.13 ± 4.64 mg/dl. We conclude that regular exercise may have an effect on blood lipid metabolism among young males.

Constituents of the DRIED TOMATO FRUITS(Lycopersicon esculentum, Mi Soo) (건조 토마토의 성분조성에 관하여)

  • Chung, Tae-Yung;Hayase, Fumitaka;Okitani, Akihiro;Kato, Hiromichi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1987
  • For surveying of constituents concerning the flavor of the dried tomato fruits, nonvolatile components such as minerals, sugars, free amino acids, nucleotides and lipids were analyzed and determined. Potassium, calcium and phosphorus were the major conatituents of ashes, but trace amounts of cadmium and lead were determined. Glucose and fructose were the major constituents in sugars, and the latter slightly showed higher value than the former. The content of total free amino acids was 8322.5mg%, and that of the major components such as asparagine, aspartic acid, urea. glutamic acid, βalanine and γaminobuthyricacid showed 58.01% to the total amount. The nucleotides were composed of CMP, UMP, GMP and IMP, and CMP among them showed the highest value as about 58.07% to the total amount. On the other hand, IMP showed the lowest one. The major components of the total fatty acids from the saponifiable fraction in the lipids were C18:2, C18:1 and C16:0 and those of the total sterols from unsaponifiable one were stigmasterol and βsitosterol.

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Nutritional Characteristics of the Major Commercial Frozen Seafood Products in Korea (국내 시판 주요 냉동수산식품의 영양 특성)

  • Kim, Yeon-Kye;Nam, Ki-Ho;Park, Sun Young;Kim, Do Youb;Kang, Sang In;Han, Sang-Kuk;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • We investigated the nutritional components of the major commercial frozen seafood products (MCFSP) [sliced frozen-skipjack tuna (ST), -bigeye tuna (BET), -bluefin tuna (BFT), -yellowfin tuna (YT), fish steaks (FST), fish pancakes (FP), fish cutlets (FC), seafood cake balls (SCB), fried shrimp (FS), shrimp patties (SP), shrimp cutlets (SC)] in Korea. All species of sliced frozen tuna and FST were classified as low-calorie foods; the other frozen seafood products were classified as medium-calorie foods. The MCFSP were significant sources of nutritional and functional minerals: the SCB and SC provided calcium; the FST, FC, and SCB provided phosphorus; the BET, YT, and FST provided potassium; the FST, FC, and BFT provided magnesium; the FST, FP and SC provided iron; the SCB, FS, SP, and SC provided zinc; the YT and SCB provided copper; and the FC provided manganese. The total amino acid contents of the MCFSP were in the range of 6.85-26.34 g/100 g. Glutamic acid was the major amino acid in the SCB, FS, SP, and SC. Fatty acid contents were in the range of 386-2,925 mg/100 g; the major fatty acids in the ST, BFT and YT were 16:0, 18:1n-9, 22:6n-3. The MCFSP were not a significant source of vitamin A or riboflavin.

Clay Mineralogy of the Gangneung-Donghae Coastal Sediments (강릉-동해 연안 퇴적물의 점토광물에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, Hyo Jin;Choi, Hunsoo;Cho, Hyen Goo
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2020
  • There have rarely been performed for the clay mineralogy of the East Sea sediments except for few studies about paleoenvironmental aspect. This study inferred the provenance of sediments based on the clay mineral characteristics and distribution pattern for the 120 sediment samples collected by the box corer from the Gangneung-Donghae area between 2017-2019. The relative proportions of the four major clay minerals are abundant in the order of illite, chlorite, kaolinite, and smectite. The continental shelf sediments below water depth 150 m have more chlorite and kaolinite content and better illite crystallinity, but less illite and smectite content, and S/I index than those of continental slope sediments. Clay mineral composition of the continental shelf sediments are influenced by the adjacent continental geology, because north site (Gangneung area) has more chlorite but south site (Donghae area) has more kaolinite. These characteristics and distribution pattern of clay minerals indicate that the provenance of sediments are different between continental shelf and continental slop. The continental shelf sediments may be introduced the study area by the adjacent small rivers whereas the continental slope sediment might be supplied by current from the south of the study area.

Study on the Characteristics of Dalgi Mineral Water in Cheongsong (청송 달기약수의 수질특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.220-228
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    • 2000
  • This study deals with the water qualities of Dalgi mineral spring in Cheongsong district.Water samples which were taken from upper, middle and bottorn spring sites were tested for twenty eight important water quality items including minerals, essential and/or toxic trace elements, and the analytical items to affect the taste of mineral water, seasonally from May 1999 to February 2000 The results obtained wereas follows:Each spring site showed much difference in major items. Bottom spring water showed higher value of Mg and Na than others. Middle spring water showed the highest value in all of the items except Mg and Na. The concentration of Hardness, Fe and Mn in mineral water were over than the normal standard for drinking water, but these items are not specified for the mineral water. As, Cd, Cr6+ and Hg were not found and Pb was found ln trace level. All of the items proved nearly constant during the four seasons except water temperature. The contribution of mineral water to the nutrition of human was calculated in order to investigate the health effect of drinking water on the bases of Required Daily Allowance,one liter of water drinking and the mineral concentration of the bottom spring. The percentage of consumable minerals of Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mn,Zn and Fe were 35.05,36.43,5.88∼10.63,0.19∼0.57,21.86∼43.72,0.65, and 95.l respectively. This means Dalgl mineral water is pIenty of iron mineral. The K and O indexes of mineraI water appeared to be good for healthy and delicious water.

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Characterization of Selenium (Se) Distribution in Soils and Crops at Moi-san, Haenam (해남 모이산 인근 토양 및 농작물의 셀레늄(Se) 분포 특성)

  • Kim, Seon-Ok;Cheon, Se Weon;Park, Gyu-Ryeong;Wang, Sookyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2015
  • Samples from soils and crops were collected and analyzed in order to investigate the interactions of selenium among rocks, soils, and crops by hydrothermal alteration near epithermal mines in the region of Mio-san, Haenam. Soil samples included 6 samples each from mountain and farm area and compositional minerals and their contents were analyzed by water content, pH, ICP, XRD, XRF. Crop samples from onion and scallion were analyzed for chemical composition to elucidate the relationship with soils. Results from XRD analysis for soil samples showed that major compositional minerals are qualtz and feldspar, and illite, chlorite, hematite formed by hydrothermal alteration were included on a small scale. The pH ranges of soil samples from mountain and farm were measured at 4.6~4.9 and 5.2~6.7, respectively. The higher pH in farm soils may result from fertilization during agricultural activities. Results from ICP analysis showed that, compared to soil samples from mountain area with no potassium and calcium, significant amount of K and Ca were detected in soil samples from farms which is affected by fertilization. In a similar manner, potassium and calcium were absorbed and detected in crop samples at relatively high concentrations (116.89~169.79 ppm for K and 20.18~32.29 ppm for Ca). While the selenium contents in soil samples ranged from 18.35 ppb to 70.31 ppb which showed no significant difference, high concentrations of selenium were detected in onion (119.48~179.50 ppb) and scallion (146.65 ppb). These difference in enrichment for each element may result from the distinctive adsorption characteristics depending on crops.

Redox Characteristic and Evolution of a Fragipan of Gangreung Series Commonly Developed in Coastal Terraces (해성단구지에서 발달된 강릉통의 이쇄경반층(Btx) 토양의 산화.환원적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Zhang, Yong-Seon;Moon, Yong-Hee;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Hyun, Byung-Keun;Park, Chan-Won;Yoon, Sung-Won
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2012
  • Soil pan typically presents the problems in soil water movement or in aeration which is not appropriate for a plant root growth, In this study physico-chemical characteristics of soils and micromorphological characteristic of clay accumulated zone were investigated to identify redox characteristic and evolution of a fragipan of Gangreung series commonly developed in coastal terraces. Gangreung series is classified as Aquic Fragiudalfs according to the USDA soil taxonomy. It is known that sedimentary ocean floor results in soil pan having parallel liner soil structure due to landscape evolution around 200 to 250 million years ago. it is considered that illite, kaolinite, and vermiculite are major clay minerals contained in a fragipan of Gangreung series. Mixed gray and reddish brown colored band around soil pores was found and would be the redoxmorphic features of fragipan. It is possibly due to accumulated illuvial clay and ferriargillans in soil pores and aggregates in reducing conditions eluding ferrous material. Therefore, mixed colored band around pores in soils of Gangreung series would be developed from the eluted ferrous materials which were accumulated in fragipan during the emerged land formation.