• 제목/요약/키워드: maintenance model

검색결과 2,663건 처리시간 0.023초

Optimal Preventive Maintenance Policy Based on Aperiodic Model

  • Kim, Hee-Soo;Yum, Joon-Keun;Park, Dong-Ho
    • 한국신뢰성학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신뢰성학회 2000년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.335-342
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    • 2000
  • Preventive maintenance(PM) is an action taken on a repairable system while it is still operating, which needs to be carried out in order to keep the system at the desired level of successful operation. The PM improves the reliability of the system by predicting the possible failures and thereby preventing such failures from its occurrence. In this paper, we develop the optimal preventive maintenance policies based on the aperiodic PM model. We investigate an aperiodic preventive maintenance policy and propose several optimal PM policies which minimize the expected cost over an infinite time span. Park, Jung and Yum(2000) determine the optimal period and the optimal number of PMs based on Canfield's(1986) periodic model. Our techniques to derive the optimal preventive maintenance policies based on our aperiodic PM model is similar to those in Park, Jung and Yum(2000), which can be considered as the special case of our results.

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정비작업의 생산성 향상을 위한 전자문서자동화시스템 모형 - 건설장비 정비작업을 중심으로 - (Electronic Document Automation System Model for Improving Productivity in maintenance work - in Inspection Process of Construction Equipment Maintenance -)

  • 공명달
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2017
  • This paper suggests a specific model that could efficiently improve the interaction and the interface between MES(Manufacturing Execution System) server and POP(Point of Production) terminal through electronic document server and electronic pen, bluetooth receiver and form paper in disassembly and process inspection works. The proposed model shows that the new method by electronic document automation system can more efficiently perform to reduce processing time for maintenance work, compared with the current approach by handwritten processing system. It is noted in case of the method by electronic document automation system that the effects of proposed model are as follows; (a) While the processing time per equipment for maintenance by the current method was 300 minutes, the processing time by the new method was 50 minutes. (b) While the processing error ratio by the current method was 20%, the error ratio by the new method was 1%.

2차원 무료 보증이 종료된 이후의 보전정책 (Maintenance Policies Following the Expiration of Two-Dimensional Free Replacement Warranty)

  • 김호균
    • 한국신뢰성학회지:신뢰성응용연구
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 2015
  • Maintenance plays an important role in keeping product availability, reliability and quality at an appropriate level. In this paper, two-types of maintenance policies are studied following the expiration of two-dimensional (2D) free replacement warranty. Both the fixed-maintenance-period policy and the variable-maintenance-period policy are based on a specified region of the warranty defined in terms of age and usage where all failures are minimally repaired. An accelerating failure time (AFT) model is used to allow for the effect of usage rate on product degradation. The maintenance model that arises following the expiration of 2D warranty is discussed. The expected cost rates per unit time from the user's point of view are formulated and the optimal maintenance policies are determined to minimize the expected cost rate to the user. Finally numerical examples are given to illustrate the optimal maintenance polices.

교육시설물의 연차별 유지보수비 산정 방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Estimating method for Annual Maintenance Costs of Educational Facilities)

  • 손재호;이승현
    • 교육시설 논문지
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2012
  • Current maintenance costs of the educational facilities have been determined by the years of services according to their foundation year. However, these maintenance costs have not considered maintenance and repairing. Therefore, this study suggests a new method to recalculate the years of services of schools by using the data of maintenance and repairing which is stored in the CAD drawing of the educational facilities. Also, since the data of maintenance and repairing has to be kept only for 5 years, the data is limited for the BTL project which has a maintenance period of 20 years. Thus, this study developed a new model to expand 5 years' data to the period of 20 years. This proposed model is expected to contribute in the maintenance and repairing of the BTL project.

생애주기 비용을 이용한 철도교량의 최적유지관리 (The Optimal Maintenance Strategy of a Rail Bridge by Using Life Cycle Cost)

  • 양승이
    • 한국철도학회논문집
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    • 제8권6호
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    • pp.544-549
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    • 2005
  • Nowadays, most of bridge networks are complete or close to completion. The biggest challenge railroad./highway agencies and departments of transportation face is the maintenance of these networks, keeping them safe and serviceable, with limited funds. To maintain the bridges effectively, there is an urgent need to predict their remaining life from a system reliability viewpoint. And, it is necessary to develop the maintenance models based on system reliability concept. In this paper, maintenance models are developed for preventive maintenance and essential maintenance by using system reliability and lifetime distributions. The proposed model is applied to an existing railroad bridge. The optimal maintenance strategy of this bridge is obtained in terms of services life extension and cumulative maintenance cost.

보전비용 증가와 생산량 감소를 고려한 공정평균이동 모형 (A Process Mean Shift Model Considering The Increasing Maintenance Cost and The Decreasing Production Volume)

  • 이도경
    • 융합정보논문지
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2021
  • 모든 장비는 지속적인 사용에 의해 공정의 생산성과 경제성은 감소한다. 그러므로 일정 시점에서는 공정평균이동 문제라는 설비에 대한 예방보전이 필요하다. 설비의 보전시기를 결정함에 있어, 우리는 기존 연구에서 부분적으로 진행되어 온 보전모형들을 확장하고 통합함으로써 다양한 상황이 발생하는 생산 현장을 반영한 보전모형을 제시하고자 한다. 이를 구현하기 위해 제품규격은 상하한의 양쪽을 설정했으며, 적합품에 대해 품질손실함수를 도입했다. 마모수준에 대한 공정분산은 상수가 아닌 함수로 설정했으며, 특히 제품생산량과 보전비용에 있어서는 마모수준에 대한 함수를 개발하여 적용했다. 이로써 본 연구는 현장의 다양한 공정에 대부분 적용할 수 있는 보전모형이 될 것으로 생각한다. 추후 연구에서는 보전모형을 구성하는 부적합비용, 품질손실비용, 보전비용에 더하여 제품판매로 인한 수익 항목을 추가한 전체 수익 최대화 문제로 전개할 수 있을 것이며, 크게는 본 연구의 모형에 고장률을 도입한 보전모형으로의 확장도 생각해 볼 수 있을 것이다.

Replacement model under warranty with age-dependent minimal repair

  • Park, Minjae
    • International Journal of Reliability and Applications
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we consider a renewable repair-replacement warranty strategy with age-dependent minimal repair service and propose an optimal maintenance model during post-warranty period. Such model implements the repair time limit under warranty and follows with a certain form of system maintenance strategy when the warranty expires. The expected cost rate is investigated per unit time during the life period of the system as for the standard for optimality. Based on the cost design defined for each failure of the system, the expected cost rate is derived during the life period of the system, considering that a renewable minimal repair-replacement warranty strategy with the repair time limit is provided to the customer under warranty. When the warranty is finished, the maintenance of the system is the customer's responsibility. The life period of the system is defined and the expected cost rate is developed from the viewpoint of the customer's perspective. We obtain the optimal maintenance strategy during the maintenance period by minimizing such a cost rate after a warranty expires. Numerical examples using field data are shown to exemplify the application of the methodologies proposed in this paper.

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경쟁적 전력시장에서 계통운용자의 발전기 예방정비계획에 관한 연구 (Generator Maintenance Scheduling of System Operator in Competitive Electricity Markets)

  • 한석만;신영균;정구형;김강원;김발호
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전력기술부문A
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    • 제53권8호
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    • pp.477-483
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    • 2004
  • In competitive electricity markets, maintenance schedule is submitted by generation companies (GENCOs) and transmission companies (TRANSCOs), and coordinated by Independent System Operator (ISO) with the adequacy criterion. This paper presents an alternative coordination procedure by ISO on the maintenance schedule. In this paper, it is focused on modeling a coordination algorithm by ISO for the maintenance schedule based on the Simulated Annealing algorithm. The proposed model employs the minimum information such as generator capacity, forced outage rate and generator maintenance schedules. The objective function of this model represents minimization of adjustment on schedules submitted by GENCOs.

중고제품의 보증과 보전정책에 대한 최근 연구 동향 (The Current Issues on Warranty & Maintenance Policy of the Second-Hand Products)

  • 임재학
    • 한국신뢰성학회지:신뢰성응용연구
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this research is to study research trend in the field of warranty and maintenance policy of second-hand products. Methods: To this end, we consider research articles, which deal with warranty and maintenance of the second-hand products, published on journals during the past 20 years and classify them by taxonomy scheme proposed by Shafiee and Chukova (2013). The taxonomy scheme consists of three maintenance models in warranty for second-hand product. In each models, we analyze proposed maintenance and warranty policies with respect to types of upgrade models, types of preventive maintenances, decision variables and decision criteria model. Results: We obtain the scheme of maintenance and warranty of the second-hand products and define cost related to warranty and maintenance of the second-hand item. Also, we summarize the characteristics of maintenance and warranty policies in each classified model. Conclusion: There have been several research reviews on maintenance and warranty polity of new products. This research surveys researches of authors during the past 20 years and classifies, summarizes and compares proposed maintenance and warranty policies of the second-hand products. This research provides useful information to researchers who are interested in maintenance and warranty of the second-hand products.

Structural monitoring and maintenance by quantitative forecast model via gray models

  • C.C. Hung;T. Nguyen
    • Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.175-190
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    • 2023
  • This article aims to quantitatively predict the snowmelt in extreme cold regions, considering a combination of grayscale and neural models. The traditional non-equidistant GM(1,1) prediction model is optimized by adjusting the time-distance weight matrix, optimizing the background value of the differential equation and optimizing the initial value of the model, and using the BP neural network for the first. The adjusted ice forecast model has an accuracy of 0.984 and posterior variance and the average forecast error value is 1.46%. Compared with the GM(1,1) and BP network models, the accuracy of the prediction results has been significantly improved, and the quantitative prediction of the ice sheet is more accurate. The monitoring and maintenance of the structure by quantitative prediction model by gray models was clearly demonstrated in the model.