• Title/Summary/Keyword: mMT

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  • Eom, Hyeon-Soo;Jung, U-Hee;Park, Hae-Ran;Jo, Sung-Kee
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2009
  • Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletion is a well-known marker for oxidative stress and aging and also contributes to their unfavorable effects in cultured cells and animal tissues. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of ionizing radiation (IR) on mtDNA deletion and the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in this process in human lung fibroblast (IMR-90) cells. Young IMR-90 cells at population doubling (PD) 39 were irradiated with $^{137}Cs$ $\gamma$-rays and the intracellular ROS level was determined by 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) and mtDNA common deletion (4977bp) was detected by nested PCR. Old cells at PD 55 and $H_2O_2$-treated young cells were compared as the positive control. IR increased the intracellular ROS level and mtDNA 4977 bp deletion in IMR-90 cells dose-dependently. The increases of ROS level and mtDNA deletion were also observed in old cells and $H_2O_2$-treated young cells. To confirm the increased ROS level is essential for mtDNA deletion in irradiated cells, the effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on IRinduced ROS and mtDNA deletion were examined. 5 mM NAC significantly attenuated the IR-induced ROS increase and mtDNA deletion. These results suggest that IR induces the mtDNA deletion and this process is mediated by ROS in IMR-90 cells.

Spatial Distribution Patterns of Oplismenus undulatifolius var. undulatifolius on Mt. Hanwoo in Korea (한우산에 분포하는 주름조개풀의 공간적 양상)

  • Huh, Man Kyu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.28 no.11
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    • pp.1262-1267
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    • 2018
  • The patchiness of local environments within a habitat is assumed to be a primary factor affecting the spatial patterns of plants. In this study, a randomization procedure was developed to test the null hypothesis that only spatial association with patches determines the spatial patterns of plants. Oplismenus undulatifolius (Ard.) P. Beauv. var. undulatifolius is an herbaceous plant and a member of the genus Oplismenus in the family Poaceae. Oplismenus hirtellus subsp. undulatifolius occurs in temperate, subtropical, and tropical areas of the world. The spatial pattern of O. undulatifolius var. undulatifolius was analyzed using dispersion indices in different sizes of plots according to several patchiness indexes, population uniformity, or aggregation. Population densities (D) at Mt. Hanwoo varied from 0.453 to 4.375, with a mean of 2.387. The small and mid-sized plots ($2m{\times}2m$, $2m{\times}4m$, $4m{\times}4m$, $4m{\times}8m$, and $8m{\times}8m$) of O. undulatifolius var. undulatifolius were aggregated in the forest community. However, O. undulatifolius var. undulatifolius was uniformly distributed in three large plots ($8m{\times}16m$, $16m{\times}16m$, and $16m{\times}32m$). The greatest mean crowding ($M^*$) and patchiness index (PAI) showed positive values. Aggregation is mainly caused by environmental factors. Many plants on Mt. Hanwoo are being disturbed by climbers, which is preventing these plants from inhabiting their realized niches on Mt. Hanwoo.

Song-Induced Autobiographical Memory of Patients With Early Alzheimer's Dementia (노래를 통한 초기 알츠하이머 치매환자의 자서전적 기억)

  • Han, Seung Ah
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.49-66
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the song-induced autobiographical memory of patients with early Alzheimer's Dementia (AD) by comparing the effects of patient-selected songs (M-AD) versus music therapist-selected songs (M-MT). A total of 19 patients with early AD participated in this study. In the M-AD and M-MT conditions, each participant listened to a song and was instructed to recall memory. The time to recall memory, the specificity of the memory, mood changes, and the type of recalled memory were measured. Perceived familiarity and preference of the used songs and association of the song with the recalled memory were also analyzed. The results of the study showed that the M-AD condition elicited more specific memory and positive mood change than the M-MT condition. In addition, AD patients reported a higher level of familiarity with and preference of songs in the M-AD condition, compared to the M-MT condition. These results indicate that patient-selected songs, which have a personal meaning to an individual, could be effectively used for intervening with memory of this population, which would support music therapists to make better decision with regard to song selection. Further studies would be needed to deepen the understanding of autobiographical memory in older population with cognitive impairment and to propose more effective music therapy strategies for intervening with memory.

Flora of Uiryeng Area - Mainly based on Mt. Jagul-san, Mt. 676 Highland, Mt. Byeokhwa-san, Mt. Bangeo-san - (의령 지역의 식물상 - 자굴산, 676고지, 벽화산, 방어산을 중심으로 -)

  • Hwang, Hee-Suk;Shin, Young-Hwa;Ko, Sung-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.76-88
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    • 2011
  • The flora of vascular plants in the mountains located in the Uiryeong-gun area, in the South province of the Korean Peninsula, such as Jagul-san(897.1 m), 676 Highland(676 m), Byeokhwa-san(522 m), and the Bangeo-san(530.4 m), was investigated between April 2008 and August 2009. These investigations found 580 taxa consisting of 496 species, 1 subspecies, 77 varieties, and 6 forms, found within 319 genera under 103 families. The count totaled at 744 taxa(16.2% of all vascular plant taxa in Korea), which was made up of 648 species, 3 subspecies, 81 varieties, and 12 forms, found within of 362 genera under 109 families, when voucher specimens from the previous research studies were added. Forests of the investigated areas were generally composed of mixed Pinus densiflora and Quercus sp. The areas with comparatively excellent vegetation were the valley neighboring Baekun-sa(temple) (in the eastern slope of Mt. Jagul-san), the southwest slope of Mt. 676 Highland, the eastern slope of Mt. Byeokhwa-san, and the northern slope of Mt. Bangeo-san. 10 families were collected in abundance: Compositae, Graminae, Leguminosae, Liliaceae, Rosaceae, Cyperaceae, Labiatae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, and Violaceae these families made up 50% of all collected taxa. 19 taxa were endemic to the area, including Salix hallaisanensis H.Lev, S. koriyanagi Kimura, Aconitum austrokoreense Koidz, A. pseudolaeve Nakai, Clematis trichotoma Nakai, Thalictrum uchiyamai Nakai, Stewartia pseudocamellia Maxim, Philadelphus schrenkii Rupr., Lespedeza ${\times}$ robusta Nakai, Vicia chosenensis Ohwi, Euonymus trapococca Nakai, and Angelica cartilagino-marginata var. distans(Nakai) Kitag. Eight of the taxa were rare and endangered plants, as designated by the Korea Forest Service, including Jeffersonia dubia(Maxim.) Baker & S. Moore and Viola diamantiaca Nakai. 38 taxa of alien plants were found. Vegetation of the surveyed areas falls in the South province of the Korean Peninsula. Of all the taxa collected, 463 taxa(10.06% of all vascular plants in Korea) are considered useful plants, 231 taxa are edible, 193 taxa have medicinal uses, 65 taxa are used ornamentally, 234 taxa are important forage, 3 taxa are used as an industrial raw material, 17 taxa are used for timber, 18 taxa contain useful dyes, and 7 taxa are used for fiber.

Angiotensinogen M235T Polymorphism in Children with $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ Purpura Nephritis ($Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ Purpura 신염에서 Angiotensinogen M235T 유전자 다형성)

  • Ha Chang-Woo;Joo Hee-Jung;Park Ji-Kyoung;Chung Woo-Yeong
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ purpura(HSP) nephritis has a variable range of prevalence from 25 to 50% among HSP patients and is a common cause of chronic glomerulonephritis in children. In our study, we evaluated the distribution and the association of the angioten-sinogen(AGT) M235T polymorphism with the clinical manifestations, particularly proteinuria in children with HSP with or without nephritis. Methods : The AGT M235T polymorphism was determined in children with HSP nephritis (n=33) or HSP without nephritis(n=28) who had been diagnosed at Busan Paik hospital from January 1996 to June 2001. The M235T polymorphism of the AGT gene was determined by PCR amplification of the genomic DNA. Results : The M235T polymorphism of AGT gene frequency was MM 75%, MT : 25%, TT : 0% in HSP and MM : 64%, MT : 36%, TT : 0% in HSP nephritis, there was no significant differences in the genotype and allele frequencies between the two groups. No significant differences in clinical manifestations at onset and last follow-up were seen between the two genotypes. When statistical analysis was done according to the presence of the M allele, the amount of 24-hour urinary protein excretion and the incidence of moderate to heavy proteinuria(>500 $mg/m^2/day$) at onset and at last follow-up were higher in the MT genotype than in those of in the MM genotype but these difference were not statistically significant. Conclusion : We suggest a lack of association between M235T polymorphism of the AGT gene and clinical manifestations in children with HSP nephritis. However, further follow-up studies based on sufficient number of patients and long term follow up periods are necessary to confirm the role of M235T polymorphism of AGT gene in children with HSP nephritis.

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Development of Variation Marker of Myzus persicae by Altitude (고도에 따른 지역별 복숭아혹진딧물 집단 변이 마커 개발)

  • Kim, Ju-Il;Kwon, Min
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.325-333
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    • 2011
  • This study focused on the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, as an indicator pest in Chinese cabbage cultivation to develop a genetic marker. We hypothesized that M. persicae gene flow is related to climate change. Genetic variation was analyzed using five local populations collected at different altitudes (157 m, 296 m, 560 m, 756 m and 932 m above sea level) in Hoengseong, Pyeongchang, and Gangneung areas, plus a laboratory strain used as an outgroup. There were no differences in ecological characteristics among strains. Esterase isozyme pattern and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) PCR results showed significantly different bands between laboratory and wild, local populations. However, there was no difference among local populations. Partial fragments of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCO I) were amplified and their nucleotide sequence was analyzed. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected in internal transcribed spacer-2 (ITS-2) and mtCO I regions among the five local populations. These SNPs can be use to discriminate different populations of M. persicae to monitor gene flow.

The Energy Flow and Mineral Cycles in a Zoysia japonica and a Miseanthus sinensis Ecosystem on Mt. Kwanak 5. The Cycles of Potassium (관악산의 잔디와 억새 생태계에 있어서 에너지의 흐름과 무기물의 순환 5.칼륨의 순환)

  • 장남기;김정석;심규철;강경미
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.285-292
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    • 1995
  • To elucidate the mineral cycles of potassium in a dynamic grassland ecosystem in a steady state condition, this investigation was cunducted along the northwest side on Mt. Kwanak. The exper-imental results may he summarized on communities of Z. japonica and M. sinensis as follows. As compared with some pronerties of the surface soils among two semi-natural grasslands, the levels of exchangeahle potassium were high in M. sinensis and low in Z. japonica. Contents of potassium for the litters of Z. japonica and M. sinensis were 1.69% and 2.51%, re-spectively. The annual production of potassium was 1.32 g /m$m^2$ in the Z. japonica grassland and 3. 08 g /m$m^2$in the M. sinensis grassland. For a case of steady production and release, the ratio of annual min- eral production to the amount accumulated on top of the mineral soil in a steady state provides estimates of the release constant k. The models of the release, accumulation and annual cycle of potassium in a grassland ecosystem are determined by the equation (1) to (3), respectively (Table 3). Since it requires a period of about each 0.693 /r, 3 /r and 5 /r years for the release and accumu-lation of 50, 95 and 99% of its steady-state level, the estimates for potassium in a dynamic grass-land ecosystem of Mt. Kwanak were 1.5, 6.6 and 11.0 years in the Z. japonica grassland, and were 2.7, 11.9 and 19.8 years in the M. sinensis grassland. The amounts of annual cycles for potassium in a grassland ecosystem under the steady-state conditions were 1.32 g /m$^2$ in the Z. japonica grassland and 3.08 g /$m^2$ in the M. sinensis grassland. Key words : ZQvsia japonica Ahscanthus sinensis, Mt. Kwanak, Potassium cycles.

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An Approach to Acquire SIP Location Information for End-to-End Mobility Support Based on mSCTP (mSCTP 기반 종단 간 이동성 지원을 위한 SIP 위치정보 획득방안)

  • Chang Moon-Jeong;Lee Mee-Jeong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.13C no.4 s.107
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    • pp.461-470
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    • 2006
  • Recently mobile Stream Control Transmission Protocol (mSCTP) has been proposed as a transport layer approach for supporting mobility. When a mobile terminal (MT) is not located in the home network. a terminal that wishes to communicate with the MT is not able to establish mSCTP association to the MT, since mSCTP does not include the location management mechanism. In order to solve this problem. an interworking approach using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) INVITE method has been proposed. However, this approach has shown subsequent delay in acquiring the current location information of the MT when initiating mSCTP association establishment. In this paper, we propose new SIP methods and an approach that minimizes the address acquisition delay (AAD) by utilizing those SIP methods. Mathematical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed approach is more efficient than the previous approach in terms of AAD in all kinds of SIP environments.

A Change and Distribution in Pinus densiflora Forest of Mt. Hallasan (한라산 소나무림의 분포와 변화)

  • Song, Kuk-Man;Kim, Chan-Soo;Moon, Myong-Ok;Kim, Moon-Hong
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to investigate the distribution and their change of Pinus densiflora forests by climate change in Mt. Hallasan. The results showed that the areas of P. densiflora forests of Mt. Hallasan varied by region, with a total area of 1,324.3 ha, concentrated mostly in the region 1,000 m - 1,400 m above sea level. The temperate coniferous forest zone are distributed in the upper part of temperate forest zone composed of deciduous broad-leaved trees. Most of the P. densiflora forests in the lower parts were found not to be spreading because they are located close to the deciduous broad-leaved trees. However, the P. densiflora forests in the Sajebi and Pyeonggwe regions composed of the grasslands and shrub forests were found to be spreading. In addition, the altitude of the P. densiflora forests distribution increased by about 50 m and 90 m in the Sajebi and Pyeonggwe regions, respectively. The spread rate is expected to become faster than in the past due to the rate of climate change. The structure of the vegetation in Mt. Hallasan and the changes in the vegetation due to various factors need to be investigated from a long-term point of view.

The Vegetation Characteristics of the Upper Area of Timber Line in Mt. Paektu (백두산 수목한게량 상부의 식생특성)

  • 길봉섭;유현경;김영식;김창환
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.21 no.5_2
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    • pp.519-529
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    • 1998
  • The vegetation of alpine and subalpine zone from timber line, 2,000m altitude, to the upper area of Mt. Packtu were investigated by phytosociological method. The plant distribution along to the different altitudes shown as follows: Betula ermani community with Rhododendron redowskianum occupied dominantly at 2,000m area as patch forms, Rhododendron redowskianum community with Vaccinium uliginosum, at 2,180-2,200m area, both Vaccinium uliginosum and Rhododendron redowskianum community were compatible with each other at 2,243m area. Rhododendron redowskianum community at 2,250, Salix rotundifolia community, Erigeron thunbergii var. glabrata community, Dryas octopetala var. asiatica community and Carex atrata community were occurred frequently at 2,263m around Chonji Lake. Rhododendron aureum, Thunbergii coccinea and V accinium uliginosum showed higher cover degree than other species at 2,370m area, Phyllodoce coerulea-Rhododendron aureum community at 2,400m, Rhododendron redowskianum community at 2,470m, Rhododendron aureum community at 2,490m, Salix rotundifolia at 2,520m, Rhododendron redowskianum community at 2,580m, Dryas octopetala var. asiatica community, Salix rotundifolia, and bistorta achotensis etc. at 2,650 altitude area were settled as sparse, creeping shape on the surface soil and dwarf plants of about 15cm heights.

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