• 제목/요약/키워드: mMT

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A study on the Flora of the Mt. Joghesan (조계산의 식물상에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Hong;Suk-Mo Chang
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.63-88
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    • 1990
  • The vegetation of Mt. Joghesan of a provincial park in Cheolanamdo was surveyed over twenty times from July, 1980 to December, 1981. The plants of Mt. Jonghesan consisted of 10 forma, 107 varieties, 597 species, 424 genera and 122 families, and among them were 204 species of esculent plants, 199 species of medicina plants and 30 species of the others oil plants and fiber plants. Evergreen herbs consisted of 12 species, including Coniogramme intermedia, Asplenium sarelii, and Asplenium incisum etc. And Evergreen broad-leaved trees consisted of 22 species, including Thea sinensis, Sasa borealis, and Quercus acuta etc. And evergreen needle-leaved trees consisted of 15 species, including Torreya nacitora, Pinus densiflora, Sciadopitys japonica, and Chamaecyparis obtusa etc. The community of broad-leaved consisted of Quercus spp, Carpinus laxiflora, Sasa borealis, including leading dominant species of Lespedeza maximowiczii, Viburnum erosum, Fraxius rhynchophylla, Viburnum dilatum, Rhus trichocarpa, Zelkova serrata, Miscanthus sinensis, Eragrostis ferrugina, Carex augustinowiczii persicaria filiforme var. neofiliforme, Vicia amoena, Smilax riparia var. ussuriensis, and Aster yomena etc. The vegetation of Seunamsa areas in Mt. Joghesan was favorable but the vegetations of the other areas in the mountain were negligible. The vegetation of Koolmokchi areas which had been much destroyed by forest fires was mostly covered with Quercus spp which are resistant to forest fires. Lindera sericea, Alangium platanifolium var. macrophyllum, Ilex macropoda, Corylopsis coreana, Albizzia julibrssin of old trees, Acer mono, the community of Thea sinensis, Stewartca koreana, Cornus alba, Dryopteris bisstiana, Asplenium incisum, Camptosorus, Lepisorus thunbergianus, gastrodia elata, Cymbidium goeringii, and the community of Persicaria filiforme var. neofiliforme etc. in Mt. Jonhesan are autochthonous flora, and their preservation is required. As the Pinus densiflora forest in Mt. Joghesan which was hewn down by human power has not been restored, Jeopchi areas and Koolmokchi areas in Mt. Joghesan have no Pinnus densiflora trees 700m above the sea level.

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A Study on the Change of Magma Activity from 2002 to 2009 at Mt. Baekdusan using Surface Displacement (지표변위를 활용한 백두산의 2002-2009년 마그마 활동 양상 변화 연구)

  • Yun, Sung-Hyo;Lee, Jeong-Hyun;Chang, Cheolwoo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.470-478
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    • 2013
  • There have been a number of observed precursors of volcanic activities- such as volcanic earthquake, surface inflation, specific volcanic gas emission, temperature of hot spring- at Mt. Baekdusan since 2002. We identified the increase of the volume of magma chamber beneath Mt. Baekdusan as we observed an inflation trend of vertical and horizontal surface displacement around Cheonji caldera lake by using precise leveling data from 2002 to 2009. The surface displacement trend changed to deflation in 2010, and the trend changed to inflation again after a while. Utilizing the data of inflated surface (46.33 mm) on the northern slope of Mt. Baekdusan from 2002 to 2003, we calculated the volume change of magma chamber beneath the Mt. Baekdusan. The volume change was about 0.008 $km^3$ ($7.7-8.0{\times}10^6m^3$) from 2002 to 2003. It indicated that a new magma (0.008 $km^3$) injected to the magma chamber 5 km below Mt. Baekdusan.

Distribution of Electrically Conductive Sedimentary Layer in Jeju Island Derived from Magnetotelluric Measurements (MT 탐사자료를 이용한 제주도 지역의 전도성 퇴적층 분포 연구)

  • Lee, Choon-Ki;Lee, Heuisoon;Oh, Seokhoon;Chung, Hojoon;Song, Yoonho;Lee, Tae Jong
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 2014
  • We investigate the spatial distribution of highly conductive layer using the one-dimensional inversions of the new magnetotelluric (MT) measurements obtained at the mid-mountain (400 ~ 900 m in elevation) western area of Jeju Island and the previous MT data over Jeju Island, Korea. The conductive layer indicates the sedimentary layer comprised of Seoguipo Fomation and U Formation. There is a definite positive correlation between the top of conductive layer and the earth surface in elevation. On the contrary, the bottom of conductive layer has a negative correlation with the surface elevation. In other words, the conductive layer has a shape of convex lens, which is thickest in the central part. The basement beneath the conductive layer could be concave in the central part of Jeju Island. A kriging considering the correlation between the layer boundary and the surface elevation provides a reliable geoelectric structure model of Jeju Island. However, further studies, i.e. three-dimensional modeling and interpretation integrated with other geophysical or logging data, are required to reveal the possible presence of three-dimensional conductive body near the subsurface vent of Mt. Halla and the causes of the bias in the depths of layer estimated from MT and core log data.

Stock Assessment and Optimal Catch of Blackfin Flounder Glyptocephalus stelleri in the East Sea, Korea (한국 동해안 기름가자미(Glyptocephalus stelleri)의 자원평가 및 적정어획량 추정)

  • Sohn, Myoung Ho;Yang, Jae Hyeong;Park, Jeong-Ho;Lee, Haewon;Choi, Young Min;Lee, Jae Bong
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.598-606
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    • 2013
  • The blackfin flounder Glyptocephalus stelleri is a commercially important species in the East Sea of Korea, but its catches and biomass have decreased gradually in recent years. This study estimated the optimal catch (acceptable biological catch, ABC) for the effective management of this species by estimating population ecology parameters and the stock biomass of blackfin flounder in the East Sea of Korea. The estimated instantaneous coefficient of total mortality (Z) of blackfin flounder was 1.0542/year, the survival rate (S) was 0.3485, and the instantaneous coefficient of natural mortality (M) was 0.3637/year. From the values of S and M, the instantaneous coefficient of fishing mortality (F) was calculated to be 0.6905/year. The age at first capture was 1.304 years, and the total length was 11.5 cm at that time. On the basis of these parameters, the annual biomass was estimated by a biomass-based cohort analysis using annual catch data in weight by year for 1991-2012 in the East Sea of Korea. The annual biomass peaked in 1997 at about 12,800 mt and then subsequently declined continuously to a level of 10,500 mt in 2004 and to 9,800 mt in 2011 and 2012. The maximum sustainable yield and $F_{0.1}$ were estimated as 3,547 mt and 0.3595/year, respectively. Using these estimations, the ABC was estimated to be 3,571 mt in tier 5, 3,397 mt in tier 4, and 2,622 mt in tier 3.

The senstivity characteristics of cholesterol sensor by immobilization methods of the enzyme (효소 고정화 방법에 따른 콜레스테롤 센서의 감도 특성)

  • Song, Min-Jung;Yoon, Dong-Hwa;Jin, Joon-Hyung;Min, Nam-Ki;Hong, Suk-In
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.07c
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    • pp.1935-1937
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    • 2003
  • 최근 콜레스테롤 센서는 전극 상에 효소를 고정화 하는 방식을 이용하여 센서의 집적도를 높이는 시도가 이루어지고 있다. 이러한 전극 상의 효소고정화 방식으로 entrapment, cross liking, covalently binding 등이 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 효소 고정화 방식-전도성 고분자인 P3MT를 사용하여 entrap시키는 방법과 silanization을 이용한 covalent bonding 시키는 방법-에 따른 전기화학 센서의 감도 특성에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 전도성 고분자를 사용한 고정화 방법은 cyclic voltammograms으로 scan rate 10 mA/s, potential 0.5-1.3V의 조건하에서 P3MT를 Polymerization하고, 효소 고정화를 위해 chromoampermeter로 potential 0.6V에서 900초 동안 수행하였다. silanization을 이용한 covalent bonding 시키는 방법은 nitric acid로 Pt 전극표면을 산화시키고, APTER로 silanization 공정을 시행하였다. 효소 고정화를 위해 전해질로는 0.1M Phosphate buffer solution을 사용하여 cyclic voltammograms으로 scan rate 50 mA/s 전위 0.0-0.7V의 조건 하에서 수행하였다. 이 결과 전도성 고분자를 이용한 고정화 방법에서의 senstivity가 0.89 ${\mu}A/mM{\cdot}cm^2$이고, silanization을 이용한 효소 고정화 방법에서는 1.51 ${\mu}A/mM{\cdot}cm^2$였다. 이처럼 후자의 방법에서 더 좋은 감도 특성이 나타났다. 따라서, silanization을 이용한 고정화 방법이 센서 제작 방식으로 더 적합하다고 사료된다.

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Altitudinal Distribution and Monthly Fluctuation of Soil Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpionida) at the Piago, Mt. Chiri (지리산 고도에 따른 토양서식성 앉은뱅이(거미강)의 월별 개체군 밀도 변화)

  • Hong, Yong;Kim, Tae-Heung;Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.347-354
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    • 1997
  • Seasonal fluctuations in density of soil-inhabiting Pseudoscorpions at the Piagol, Mt. Chiri were assessed on the basis of 4,984 individuals collected from March 1993 to February 1995. They encompassed 2 families, 6 genera and 11 species. Species composition and abundance were as follows: Allochthonius buanensis 47.0%, Microcreagris sp. 2. 20.7%, Microcreagris pygmaea 12.9%, Microcreagris japonica 9.8%, Pararoncus japonicus 3.7%, Mundochthonius minusculus 3.2%, Parobisium longipalpus 1.2%, Microbisium pygmaeum 1.0%, Allochthonius coreanus 0.2%, Microcreagris sp. 1 0.2%, and Parobisium robustiella 0.1%. Diversity index (H') decreased and dominance index (C) increased at the height of 1,200 m. The heights of 500 m. The heights of 500 m and 600 m were dominated heavily by A. buanensis and abundance of M. japonical and Microcreagris sp. 2 was also comparatively high and H' was high in March and April, low in August and September. in case of May, Jun., Jul., Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan. 1993, and Feb. 1994, H' stayed at a relatively constant level. A total of 4,984 individuals including 1,170 protonymphs (23.5%), 1,251 deutonymphs (25.1%), 533 tritonymphs (10.7%), and 2,030 adults (40.7%) was collected from the study sites. Sex ratio of the Pseudoscorpions was approximately 1 female : 1.1 male.

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Distribution and Diversity of Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera:Carabidae) on Korean Mountain Jangsan

  • Lee, Chong Kyu;Park, Mi Hwha;Adams, Joshua Pope;Kang, Young Min
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.322-330
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted during May to September in 2012 to investigate the distribution and diversity of beetles in Mt. Jangsan (634 m) located near Busan, Republic of Korea. The collection of beetles was repeated 11 times in the four areas classified according to altitudes 200 m, 400 m, 600 m, and over 600 m (approximately) on the south and north slopes of Mt. Jangsan. A total of 12 families, 20 species, and 4,343 individual beetles were collected. In the southern slopes, a total of 12 families, 20 species, and 2,264 individuals were collected, whereas a total of 12 families, 20 species, and 2,079 individuals on the northern slopes were captured. The monthly emergence of beetles was the highest in August at 651 individuals followed by 516 individuals in September, 496 individuals in July, 364 individuals in Jun, 237 individuals in May. In the northern slopes, the monthly emergence of beetles was the highest in August as 591 individuals followed by 512 individuals in September, 443 individuals in July, 321 individuals in June, and 212 individuals in May. On the southern slopes, the species diversity index, evenness index, and dominance value were 0.950, 0.730, and 0.181, respectively, while in the northern slopes, the species diversity index, evenness index, and dominance index were 0.946, 0.727, and 0.182, respectively. In the both slopes, the species diversity index and evenness index were the highest in May, while dominance index was the highest in September. This study lays the groundwork for further monitoring of these sites and others through the region for environmental changes using the indicator species.