• Title/Summary/Keyword: low flow

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Outcome of the Modified Norwood Procedure: 7 Years of Experience from a Single Institution (변형된 노우드(Norwood) 수술의 결과: 단일병원의 지난 7년간의 경험)

  • Kim, Hyung-Tae;Sung, Si-Chan;Kim, Si-Ho;Bae, Mi-Ju;Lee, Hyoung-Doo;Park, Ji-Ae;Chang, Yun-Hee
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.364-374
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    • 2010
  • Background: We assessed the early and mid-term results of the modified Norwood procedure for first-stage palliation of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) and its variants to identify the risk factors for hospital mortality. Material and Method: Between March, 2003, and December, 2009, 23 patients (18 males and 5 females) with HLHS or variants underwent the modified Norwood procedure. The age at operation ranged from 3 to 60 days (mean, $11.7{\pm}13.2days$) and weight at operation ranged from 2.2 to 4.8 kg (mean, $3.17{\pm}0.52kg$). We used a modified technique that spared the anterior wall of the main pulmonary artery in 20 patients. The sources of pulmonary blood flow were RV-PA conduit in 15 patients (group I) and RMBTS in 8 (group II). Follow-up was completed in 19 patients (19/20, 95%) in our hospital (mean $26.0{\pm}22.8months$). Result: Early death occurred in 3 patients (3/23, 13%), of whom 2 had TAPVC. Fourteen patients underwent subsequent bidirectional cavopulmonary connection (BCPC, stage 2) and seven underwent the Fontan operation (stage 3). Three patients died between stages, 2 before stage 2 and one before stage 3. The estimated 1-year and 5-year survival rates were 78% and 69%, respectively. On multivariate regression analysis, aberrant right subclavian artery (RSCA) and associated total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) were risk factors for hospital mortality after stage 1 Norwood procedure. Conclusion: HLHS and its variants can be palliated by the modified Norwood procedure with low operative mortality. Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection adversely affects the survival after a stage 1 Norwood procedure, and interstage mortality rates need to be improved.

Use of Human Adipose Tissue as a Source of Endothelial Cells (혈관내피세포 채취의 원천으로 인간 지방조직의 활용)

  • Park, Bong-Wook;Hah, Young-Sool;Kim, Jin-Hyun;Cho, Hee-Young;Jung, Myeong-Hee;Kim, Deok-Ryong;Kim, Uk-Kyu;Kim, Jong-Ryoul;Jang, Jung-Hui;Byun, June-Ho
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.299-305
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Adipose tissue is located beneath the skin, around internal organs, and in the bone marrow in humans. Its main role is to store energy in the form of fat, although it also cushions and insulates the body. Adipose tissue also has the ability to dynamically expand and shrink throughout the life of an adult. Recently, it has been shown that adipose tissue contains a population of adult multipotent mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells that, in cell culture conditions, have extensive proliferative capacity and are able to differentiate into several lineages, including, osteogenic, chondrogenic, endothelial cells, and myogenic lineages. Materials and Methods: This study focused on endothelial cell culture from the adipose tissue. Adipose tissues were harvested from buccal fat pad during bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy for surgical correction of mandibular prognathism. The tissues were treated with 0.075% type I collagenase. The samples were neutralized with DMEM/and centrifuged for 10 min at 2,400 rpm. The pellet was treated with 3 volume of RBC lysis buffer and filtered through a 100 ${\mu}m$ nylon cell strainer. The filtered cells were centrifuged for 10 min at 2,400 rpm. The cells were further cultured in the endothelial cell culture medium (EGM-2, Cambrex, Walkersville, Md., USA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, human EGF, human VEGF, human insulin-like growth factor-1, human FGF-$\beta$, heparin, ascorbic acid and hydrocortisone at a density of $1{\times}10^5$ cells/well in a 24-well plate. Low positivity of endothelial cell markers, such as CD31 and CD146, was observed during early passage of cells. Results: Increase of CD146 positivity was observed in passage 5 to 7 adipose tissue-derived cells. However, CD44, representative mesenchymal stem cell marker, was also strongly expressed. CD146 sorted adipose tissue-derived cells was cultured using immuno-magnetic beads. Magnetic labeling with 100 ${\mu}l$ microbeads per 108 cells was performed for 30 minutes at $4^{\circ}C$ a using CD146 direct cell isolation kit. Magnetic separation was carried out and a separator under a biological hood. Aliquous of CD146+ sorted cells were evaluated for purity by flow cytometry. Sorted cells were 96.04% positivity for CD146. And then tube formation was examined. These CD146 sorted adipose tissue-derived cells formed tube-like structures on Matrigel. Conclusion: These results suggest that adipose tissue-derived cells are endothelial cells. With the fabrication of the vascularized scaffold construct, novel approaches could be developed to enhance the engineered scaffold by the addition of adipose tissue-derived endothelial cells and periosteal-derived osteoblastic cells to promote bone growth.

Characteristics of Particle Flow and Heat Transfer in Liquid-Particle Swirling Fluidized Beds (액체-입자 Swirling 유동층에서 유동입자 흐름 및 열전달 특성)

  • Son, Sung-Mo;Kang, Suk-Hwan;Kang, Yong;Kim, Sang-Done
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.505-512
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    • 2006
  • Characteristics of particle holdup and heat transfer were investigated in a liquid-particle swirling fluidized bed whose diameter was 0.102 m and 2.5 m in height. Effects of liquid velocity, particle size and swirling liquid ratio($R_s$) on the particle holdup and immersed heater-to-bed overall heat transfer coefficient were examined. The particle holdup increased with increasing particle size and swirling liquid ratio but decreased with increasing liquid velocity.The local particle holdup was relatively high in the region near the heater when the $R_s$ value was 0.1~0.3, but the radial particle holdup was almost uniform when the $R_s$ value was 0.5, whereas, when the $R_s$ value was 0.7, the local particle holdup was relatively low in the region near the heater. The heat transfer characteristics between the immersed heater and the bed was well analyzed by means of phase space portraits and Kolmogorov entropy(K) of the time series of temperature difference fluctuations. The phase space portraits of temperature difference fluctuations became stable and periodic and the value of Kolmogorov entropy tended to decrease with increasing the value of $R_s$ from 0.1 to 0.5. The Kolmogorov entropy exhibited its maximum value with increasing liquid velocity. The value of overall heat transfer coefficient(h) showed its maximum value with the variation of liquid velocity, bed porosity or swirling liquid ratio, but it increased with increasing particle size. The value of K exhibited its maximum at the liquid velocity at which the h value attained its maximum. The particle holdup and overall heat transfer coefficient were well correlated in terms of dimensionless groups of operating variables.

The Effect of Hydrology on Phytoplankton Assemblages and Its Adaptive Strategies in Lake Hwaseong, Estuarine Reservoir with Seawater Exchange, Korea (해수유통 중인 간척담수호 화성호에서 식물플랑크톤의 군집과 적응전략에 대한 수문학적 영향)

  • Song, Tae Yoon;Yoo, Man Ho;Lee, In Ho;Kang, Eue-Tae;Kim, Mi Ok;Choi, Joong Ki
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2014
  • A survey was carried out to understand the influence of hydrology on the composition, abundance and adaptive strategies of phytoplankton in artificial Lake Hwaseong, an estuarine reservoir with seawater exchange through a sluice. Samples were collected seven times from May to October 2012. Hydrological events (seawater exchange, rainfall) resulted in a wide variation in salinity along with nutrients and turbidity. Shifts in the dominant phytoplankton composition occurred on every survey. Chlorophyll-a ranged from 9.7 to $104.1{\mu}g\;L^{-1}$. Multivariate analysis allowed us to identify the four phases on phytoplankton community change. Phase I (May~June) was characterized by small-sized Gymnodinium sp. and Heterosigma akashiwo dominated in warm temperature and high salinity derived from seawater exchange, and followed by Cylindrotheca closterium blooms due to rainfall and winds during phase II (July and September). During phase III (August), the dominance of Oscillatoria spp. was correlated with high temperature and low salinity. Abundant cryptomonads were associated with lower temperature during phase IV (October). Adaptive strategies were identified in the phytoplankton as morphological and physiological characteristics. These strategies identified small-sized flagellates as CR-strategists, fast-growing opportunistic species, which might favor the weak stratification of lake due to the seawater exchange during phase I and IV. Dominant species during phase II and III were characterized with R-strategists, medium-sized stress-tolerant species, which might favor turbulence by river flow. The results indicate that stronger stratification following the termination of seawater exchange for the freshening might intensify the predominance of smaller flagellates. In conclusion, this study suggests that hydrology may drive phytoplankton community change and blooms through the controls of salinity, turbulence and nutrients.

Distribution Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) in Riverine Waters of Ulsan Coast, Korea (울산연안 하천에서 다환방향족탄화수소 분포특성)

  • You, Young-Seok;Lee, Jeong-Hoon;Park, Jeong-Chae;Kim, Dong-Myung;Cho, Hyeon-Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.398-405
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    • 2012
  • PAHs(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) in coastal area and estuary adjacent to urban area and industrial activities region are mainly introduced into marine environment via atmosphere and river. This study which is evaluated the distribution characteristics of PAHs discharge from rivers and sewage disposal water which flowing into Ulsan bay, and were carried out in Jun of dry season and in Auguest of wet season, 2008. The water samples from eight main rivers and Youngyeon WWTP(Wastewater Treatment Plant) flowed into Ulsan bay were taken for analysis of dissolved PAHs. The range and mean values of dissolved PAHs concentrations showed 10.30 to 87.88 ng/L, its mean 36.94 ng/L in dry season and 10.30 to 69.57 ng/L, its mean 24.37 ng/L in wet season. The distribution of dissolved PAHs showd the high concentrations in the Gungcheoncheon which is flowed from urban and industrial area. The ranges and means values of the loading fluxes were estimated with 0.04 to 8.27 g/day, its mean 2.05 g/day in dry season, and 0.03 to 4.77 g/day, its mean 1.61 g/day, in wet season. The loading flux showed the highest value in Taewha river due to the high flow rate and the urban activity. The composition patterns of dissolved PAHs compound showed most of the trend occupying low molecuar weight PAHs than high molecular weight PAHs. These results were due to physical and chemical characteristics of PAHs compound, and were similar to those of other studies. The concentrations of dissolved PAHs in this study are lower than those of other studies, and the level of PAHs pollution appeared to be not serious in reverine waters of Ulsan coast.

Characteristics of Natural Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater and Its Occurrences (자연적 지하수 비소오염의 국내외 산출특성)

  • Ahn Joo Sung;Ko Kyung-Seok;Lee Jin-Soo;Kim Ju-Yong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.38 no.5 s.174
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    • pp.547-561
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    • 2005
  • General characteristics of groundwater contamination by As were reviewed with several recent researches, and its occurrence in groundwater of Korea was investigated based on a ffw previous studies and a groundwater quality survey in Nonsan and Geumsan areas. In Bangladesh, which has been known as the most serious arsenic calamity country, about $28\%$ of the shallow groundwaters exceeded the Bangladesh drinking water standard, $50{\mu}g/L$, and it was estimated that about 28 million people were exposed to concentrations greater than the standard. Groundwater was characterized by circum-neutral pH with a moderate to strong reducing conditions. Low concentrations of $SO_4^{2-}$ and $NO_3^-$, and high contents of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and $NH_4^+$ were typical chemical characteristics. Total As concentrations were enriched in the Holocene alluvial aquifers with a dominance of As(III) species. It was generally agreed that reductive dissolution of Fe oxyhydroxides was the main mechanism for the release of As into groundwater coupling with the presence of organic matters and microbial activities as principal factors. A new model has also been suggested to explain how arsenic can naturally contaminate groundwaters far from the ultimate source with transport of As by active tectonic uplift and glaciatiion during Pleistocene, chemical weathering and deposition, and microbial reaction processes. In Korea, it has not been reported to be so serious As contamination, and from the national groundwater quality monitoring survey, only about $1\%$ of grounwaters have concentrations higher than $10{\mu}g/:L.$ However, it was revealed that $19.3\%$ of mineral waters, and $7\%$ of tube-well waters from Nonsan and Geumsan areas contained As concentrations above $10{\mu}g/:L.$. Also, percentages exceeding this value during detailed groundwater quality surveys were $36\%\;and\;22\%$ from Jeonnam and Ulsan areas, respectively, indicating As enrichment possibly by geological factors and local mineralization. Further systematic researches need to proceed in areas potential to As contamination such as mineralized, metasedimentary rock-based, alluvial, and acid sulfate soil areas. Prior to that, it is required to understand various geochemical and microbial processes, and groundwater flow characteristics affecting the behavior of As.

Movement of Cold Water Mass in the Northern East China Sea in Summer (하계 동중국해 북부 해역에서 저층 냉수괴의 거동)

  • Jang, Sung-Tae;Lee, Jae-Hak;Kim, Cheol-Ho;Jang, Chan-Joo;Jang, Young-Suk
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2011
  • The Yellow Sea Cold Water (YSCW) is formed by cold and dry wind in the previous winter, and is known to spread southward along the central trough of the Yellow Sea in summer. Water characteristics of the YSCW and its movement in the northern East China Sea (ECS) are investigated by analyzing CTD (conductivity-Temperature-Depth) data collected from summertime hydrographic surveys between 2003 and 2009. By water mass analysis, we newly define the North Western Cold Water (NWCW) as a cold water mass observed in the study area. It is characterized by temperature below $13.2^{\circ}C$, salinity of 32.6~33.7 psu, and density (${\sigma}_t$) of 24.7~25.5. The NWCW appears to flow southward at about a speed less than 2 cm/s according to the geostrophic calculation. The newly defined NWCW shows an interannual variation in the range of temperature and occupied area, which is in close relation with the sea surface temperature (SST) over the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea in the previous winter season. The winter SST is determined by winter air temperature, which shows a high correlation with the winter-mean Arctic Oscillation (AO) index. The negative winter-mean AO causes the low winter SST over the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, resulting in the summertime expansion and lower temperature of the NWCW in the study area. This study shows a dynamic relation among the winter-mean AO index, SST, and NWCW, which helps to predict the movement of NWCW in the northern ECS in summer.

Investigation into Air Pollution in Car Shipping Workshop in Pyeongtaek Port (자동차 선적작업장의 공기오염 실태조사)

  • Kim, Ji-Ho;Won, Jong-Uk;Kim, Chi-Nyon;Roh, Jaehoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.44-53
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    • 2006
  • This study purposed to investigate air pollution in car shipping yards and, for this purpose, we selected an outdoor open-air yard and an indoor ramp into the ship and measured the concentrations of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, PM10, PM2.5 and heavy metals in the air. The results of this study are as follows. No significant difference was observed in temperature and humidity between the outdoor and indoor workshop, and the average air flow was 0.52 m/s in the indoor workshop, which is higher than 0.19 m/s in the outdoor workshop(p<0.01). The average concentrations of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, PM10 and PM2.5 according to workplace were 0.03 ppm(${\pm}0.01$), 0.03 ppm(${\pm}0.01$), 0.46 ppm(${\pm}0.22$), $39.44{\mu}g/m^3$(${\pm}2.45$) and $5.45{\mu}g/m^3$(${\pm}1.15$) respectively in the outdoor workshop, and 0.15 ppm(${\pm}0.05$), 0.22 ppm(${\pm}0.06$), 8.85 ppm(${\pm}3.35$), $236.39{\mu}g/m^3$(${\pm}58.21$) and $152.43{\mu}g/m^3$(${\pm}35.42$) respectively in the indoor workshop. Thus, the concentrations of gaseous substances in the indoor workshop were 4.9-19.2 times higher than those in the outdoor workshop, and the concentrations of fine dusts were 5.9-27.9 times higher(p<0.01). In addition, according to the result of investigating pollutant concentrations according to displacement and the number of car loaded when shipping gasoline cars into the ship, no significant relation between the number of cars loaded and pollutants was observed in shipping passenger cars, but the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide got somewhat higher with the increase of the number of cars loaded(p<0.05). In addition, the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, PM10 and PM2.5 in the air were significantly higher when shipping recreational vehicles, the displacement of which is larger than passenger cars, than when shipping passenger cars(p<0.01). On the other hand, the average heavy metal concentrations of the air in indoor workshop were: lead $-0.05{\mu}g/m^3$(${\pm}0.10$); chromium $-0.90{\mu}g/m^3$(${\pm}0.18$); zinc $-0.38{\mu}g/m^3$(${\pm}0.24$); copper $-0.18{\mu}g/m^3$(${\pm}0.22$); and manganese and cadmium not detected. In addition, the complaining rates of 'asthma,' a major symptom of chronic respiratory diseases, were 18.5% and 22.5% respectively in indoor workers and outdoor workers. Thus the rate was somewhat higher in indoor workers but the difference was not statistically significant. The complaining rates of 'chronic cough' and 'chronic phlegm' were very low and little different between indoor and outdoor workers. The results of this study show that the reason for the higher air pollution in indoor than in outdoor workshop is incomplete combustion of fuel due to sudden start and over-speed when cars are driven inside the ship. In order to prevent high air pollution, efficient management measures should be taken including the observance of the optimal speed, the improvement of old ships and the installation of efficient ventilation system.

The Phenomenological Comparison between Results from Single-hole and Cross-hole Hydraulic Test (균열암반 매질 내 단공 및 공간 간섭 시험에 대한 현상적 비교)

  • Kim, Tae-Hee;Kim, Kue-Young;Oh, Jun-Ho;Hwang, Se-Ho
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.39-53
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    • 2007
  • Generally, fractured medium can be described with some key parameters, such as hydraulic conductivities or random field of hydraulic conductivities (continuum model), spatial and statistical distribution of permeable fractures (discrete fracture network model). Investigating the practical applicability of the well-known conceptual models for the description of groundwater flow in fractured media, various types of hydraulic tests were applied to studies on the highly fractured media in Geumsan, Korea. Results from single-hole packer test show that the horizontal hydraulic conductivities in the permeable media are between $7.67{\times}10^{-10}{\sim}3.16{\times}10^{-6}$ m/sec, with $7.70{\times}10^{-7}$ m/sec arithmetic mean and $2.16{\times}10^{-7}$ m/sec geometric mean. Total number of test interval is 110 at 8 holes. The number of completely impermeable interval is 9, and the low permeable interval - below $1.0{\times}10^{-8}$ m/sec is 14. In other words, most of test intervals are permeable. The vertical distribution of hydraulic conductivities shows apparently the good correlation with the results of flowmeter test. But the results from the cross-hole test show some different features. The results from the cross-hole test are highly related to the connectivity and/or the binary properties of fractured media; permeable and impermeable. From the viewpoint of the connection, the application of the general stochastic approach with a single continuum model may not be appropriate even in the moderately or highly permeable fractured medium. Then, further studies on the investigation method and the analysis procedures should be required for the reasonable and practical design of the conceptual model, with which the binary properties, including permeable/impermeable features, can be described.

The Clinical Experiences of Patch Angioplasty in Isolated Critical Left Main Coronary Artery Stenosis (첨포를 이용한 좌주관상동맥 협착증의 치료)

  • 윤치순;유경종;이교준;김대준;강면식
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.674-678
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    • 1998
  • The conventional surgical treatment of isolated critical stenosis of the left main coronary artery restores a less physiologic perfusion of the myocardium, leads to occlusion of the left coronary ostium, and consumes an appreciable length of bypass material. From June 1994 to February 1996, eleven patients, three male and eight female, underwent patch angioplasty and additional bypass graft to left anterior descending artery (10 internal mammary artery, 1 saphenous vein) in isolated critical left main coronary artery stenosis. Their ages ranged from 34 to 62 years, mean 44 years. All had 60% to 90% stenosis of the left main coronary artery and Class III angina. The angiogram showed nine osteal lesion and three main stem stenosis. The operation was performed with conventional cardiopulmonary bypass and cold blood cardioplegia. We approached anteriorly and used bovine pericardium as onlay patch in all patients. There were one leg wound dehiscence, but no operative deaths and infarctions. All patients are free of symptoms after a mean follow-up of 15.5 months. Angiographic restudy at an average 14.4 months was obtained in five patients and showed widely patent left main coronary artery with excellent runoff. But additional graft to left anterior descending coronary artery were stenosed in two patients and showed diminutive flow in others. Our preliminary results suggest that angioplasty of the left main coronary artery can be carried out with low operative risks. But additional bypass graft to left anterior descending coronary artery may be unnecessary. The technique appears to be a promising alternative to conventional coronary artery bypass grafting in isolated left main coronary artery stenosis.

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