• Title/Summary/Keyword: location Area Design

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Effects of openings geometry and relative area on seismic performance of steel shear walls

  • Massumi, Ali;Karimi, Nasibeh;Ahmadi, Mostafa
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.617-628
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    • 2018
  • Steel shear wall possesses priority over many of the current lateral load-bearing systems due to reasons like higher elastic stiffness, desirable ductility and energy absorption, convenience in construction and implementation technology, and economic criteria. Besides these advantages, this system causes increase in the dimensions of other structural elements due to its high stiffness as one of its intrinsic characteristics. One of the methods for stiffness reduction is perforating the wall panel and creating openings in the wall that can also be used as windows or ducts in buildings service period. The aim of the present study is probing the appropriate geometric shape and location of opening to fulfil economic criterion plus technical and seismic design criteria. In the present research, a number of possible while reasonable opening shapes and locations are defined in various sizes for some steel shear wall specimens. The specimens are modelled in ABAQUS finite elements software and analyzed using nonlinear pushover analysis. Finally, the analyses' results are reported as force-displacement diagrams and the strength, the initial stiffness and the energy absorption are calculated for all specimens and compared together. The obtained results show that both shape and location of the openings affect the seismic parameters of the shear wall. The specimens in which the openings are further from the center and closer to the columns possess higher stiffness and strength while the specimens in which the openings are closer to the center show more considerable changes in their seismic parameters in response to increase in opening area.

Autonomous exploration for radioactive sources localization based on radiation field reconstruction

  • Xulin Hu;Junling Wang;Jianwen Huo;Ying Zhou;Yunlei Guo;Li Hu
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.1153-1164
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    • 2024
  • In recent years, unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) have been used to search for lost or stolen radioactive sources to avoid radiation exposure for operators. To achieve autonomous localization of radioactive sources, the UGVs must have the ability to automatically determine the next radiation measurement location instead of following a predefined path. Also, the radiation field of radioactive sources has to be reconstructed or inverted utilizing discrete measurements to obtain the radiation intensity distribution in the area of interest. In this study, we propose an effective source localization framework and method, in which UGVs are able to autonomously explore in the radiation area to determine the location of radioactive sources through an iterative process: path planning, radiation field reconstruction and estimation of source location. In the search process, the next radiation measurement point of the UGVs is fully predicted by the design path planning algorithm. After obtaining the measurement points and their radiation measurements, the radiation field of radioactive sources is reconstructed by the Gaussian process regression (GPR) model based on machine learning method. Based on the reconstructed radiation field, the locations of radioactive sources can be determined by the peak analysis method. The proposed method is verified through extensive simulation experiments, and the real source localization experiment on a Cs-137 point source shows that the proposed method can accurately locate the radioactive source with an error of approximately 0.30 m. The experimental results reveal the important practicality of our proposed method for source autonomous localization tasks.

A Design of the Model house in Apartments (공동주택 모델하우스 디자인)

  • Chang, Kyung-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.83-86
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to actualize the unit planning space. First, to understand various needs about residential space of apartments inhabitants. It is necessary for us to understand exactly what differences of residential needs and how different they are with todays's viewpoint because different residential life should be developed according to family structure, age and personality. Second, to suggest plan type as many as possible to reflect and accept various residential needs of inhabitants. The main bed room is normal used for the space of husband and wife, it is necessary to consider the room to be free from the main living room, to introduce variety in the area division or location of rooms an to mark kitchen and dining room as family room or pieasure room besides as a working space

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Array Simulation Characteristics and TFT-LCD Pixel Design Optimization for Large Size, High Quality Display (대면적 고화질의 TFT-LCD 화소 설계 최적화 및 어레이 시뮬레이션 특성)

  • 이영삼;윤영준;정순신;최종선
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.137-140
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    • 1998
  • An active-matrix LCD using thin film transistors (TFT) has been widely recognized as having potential for high-quality color flat-panel displays. Pixel-Design Array Simulation Tool (PDAST) was used to profoundly understand the gate si후미 distortion and pixel charging capability. which are the most critical limiting factors for high-quality TFT-LCDs. Since PDAST can simulate the gate, data and pixel voltages of a certain pixel on TFT array at any time and at any location on an array, the effect of the resistivity of gate line material on the pixel operations can be effectively analyzed. The gate signal delay, pixel charging ratio and level-shift of the pixel voltage were simulated with varying the parameters. The information obtained from this study could be utilized to design the larger area and finer image quality panel.

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A Study on the Type and Characteristics of the Circulation in Major Space of Museums (박물관 대공간(Major Space)의 동선구조 형식과 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Se-Min;Jung, Sung-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.209-213
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    • 2008
  • This study is intended to propose a plan index that can be used in the early stage of a museum design based on theoretical review of a major space of a museum including its spatial division, functions and roles. The scope of the study includes functions and roles of circulation in a major space based on precedent studies. The spatial range is limited to a major space among exhibition spaces in a museum. This study analyzes overseas 14 museums. In terms of methodology, the study analyzes circulation in a descriptive way only In the focusing on floor plan and section composition. The results of this study are as follows. First, vertical elements should be critically considered in a circulation plan for functional performance of dimensional circulation distribution in a major space. Second, a plan by location of vertical and horizontal moving elements related to a major space affects a circulation relation more than a connection type between a major space and an exhibition area.

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A hybrid approach of generative design methods for designing tall-buildings form

  • Tofighi Pouria;Ekhlassi, Ahmad;Rahbar, Morteza
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.153-171
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    • 2022
  • The present study aimed to find a way to create forms that can simultaneously meet several architectural requirements by applying generative design methods specifically focused on cellular automata. In other words, it is tried to find various forms of architecture that all have common features. Because of the useful features of cellular automata, we decided to use it to generate various forms, but make a relation between the discrete nature of cellular automata and the continuous nature of architecture, was the major problem of our project. To achieve this goal, three consecutive stages were designed. In the first stage, independent variables including the location of the building, the height of the building, and the building area were considered as the inputs of the model. In the second stage, after locating the building, the building's main shell was designed as a hidden geometry for the cellular automata and then the cellular automata were determined based on this shell. The main result of this research is establishing a logical relationship between the discrete geometry of the cellular automata and the continuous search space such that it creates various optimized forms. Although we specify the site plan of this project at Iran-Tehran, this research can be generalized to various design sites as well as different projects, allowing the architectsto alter the cell dimensions, cell density, etc., based on their opinion and project needs.

Thermal Performance Evaluation of Junction Thermal Bridge according to Installation Position of Window

  • Lee, Soo-Man;Kim, Dong-Yun;Ahn, Jung-Hyuk;Eom, Jae-Yong;Shin, U-Cheul
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: "Building energy design standard" is used to limit the thermal transmittance of building in Korea. However, it only covers the insulation standard for each appropriate elements of a building, not the thermal performance of Junction thermal bridge of windows and doors installed in wall. Therefore in this study, we have evaluated the thermal performance of Junction thermal bridge depending on installation method and position of windows and provide it as design data. Method: We analyzed heat transfer of 4-Track sliding window and tilt & turn triple glazed window that are placed in the first class category on window energy efficiency rating using Window 7.4 and Therm 7.4. Result : First, linear thermal transmittance of 4-Track sliding window differs by 2.2 times or more depending of installation method and location. It is higher than the linear thermal transmittance, 0.01W/mK, proposed by Passivhaus. Second, linear thermal transmittance of Tilt & turn triple glazed window differs by 7.7 times or more depending of installation method and location. The average linear thermal transmittance was less than 0.01W /mK when windows were installed on the internal wall insulation by the fixed hardware attachment method. Third, the thermal losses of a window caused by a junction thermal bridge are inversely proportional to the window area and converge gradually as the area increased.

The Implication of Changes on Unit Plans of Condominium Apartments in Rural Area depended on Women's Spaces (수도권 신도시 근교 농촌 아파트 주거의 내부 공간구조 변화 - 주부인 여성이 주로 사용하는 공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Byung-sook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2010
  • This study is to analyze women's power in family to be related to Anbang, kitchen, dining room, and utility room planning in a unit plan of condominium apartment housing in rural area Data were collected 194 unit plans from 9 eastern regions of Kungi-Do. The results are as followed: 1) Anbang reflects the women's power on changing its space character into mater bedroom, the highest hierarchy in private zone, and planning a dress room in it. 2) Dining room and kitchen is openly centered on the unit plan, but kitchen is still only women's working space for family and agriculture depended on literature review. Dining space is not activated family interaction, so it is not different from urban apartment housing. However, its location and character are changed, and its hierarchy is relatively higher with women. Dining room and kitchen tend to plan visually separated after 2001, so its trend seems to establish women's territory at home. 3) Whole family can't be easy to access utility and back balcony close to kitchen, and these spaces are functionally separated for women's house work. This design trend seems to establish for women's area. 4) Finally, women's power seems to be effective in house working area including kitchen space depended on results. Also, these results from rural condominium apartment are similar to urban ones in previous study.

Design and Implementation of Multi-Sensor-based Vehicle Localization and Tracking System (멀티센서 기반 차량 위치인식 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Jang, Yoon-Ho;Nam, Sang-Kyoon;Bae, Sang-Jun;Sung, Tae-Kyung;Kwak, Kyung-Sup
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, Gaussian probability distribution model based multi-sensor data fusion algorithm is proposed for a vehicular location awareness system. Conventional vehicular location awareness systems are operated by GPS (Global Positioning System). However, the conventional system is not working in the indoor of building or urban area where the receiver is difficult to receive the signal from satellites. A method which is combined GPS and UWB (Ultra Wide-Band) has developed to improve this problem. However, vehicular is difficult to receive seamless location information since the measurement systems by both GPS and UWB convert the vehicle's movement information separately at each sensor. In this paper, normalized probability distribution model based Hybrid UWB/GPS is proposed by utilizing GPS location data and UWB sensor data. Therefore the proposed system provides information with seamless and location flexible properties. The proposed system tested by Ubisense and Asen GPS in the $12m{\times}8m$ outdoor environments. As a result, the proposed system has improved performance for accurateness and connection ability between devices to support various CNS (Car Navigation System).

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The Visual Preference for Damaged Mountainous Landscape (산지훼손 유형에 따른 경관 선호의 변화)

  • Huh, Joon;Kim, Dae-Soo;Joo, Shin-Ha;Kim, Choong-Sik;Ahn, Myung-Jne
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the criteria for the damaged mountainous landscape based on the shape, location and ratio of damaged landscape. For the study, the preference and landscape adjectives were analyzed on visual images and simulations. The variables for analysis were the amount of the damaged ratio(10%, 30%, 50%), the location of the damage (upper, middle, lower) and the various forms of the damage(spot, line, area). According to the results of this study, in accordance with the amount of damage, the visual preference recorded its lowest with the a rate of 50%. As for the location of the damage, the lower-ridge of the mountain showed the highest preference, and the upper-ridge was recorded as the lowest. The linear damage type showed the highest preference. On the other hand, the spotted damage type showed lowest. The results indicate that the visual preference increases when there is a lower ratio of damage, as the damage locates at the lower-ridge, and also when there is a presence of linear formation development. The group of linear formation-the lower ridge-10% showed the highest preference, and the group of linear formation-the mid ridge-50% was the lowest with the results of 3-way ANOVA. The group of linear formation-lower ridge-10% in particular had virtually no differences of visual preference when it was compared with the original scene. The damage with the spotted formation, on the mid-upper location and the high ratio of damage were analyzed as factors that give negative influence on the mountainous landscape. The main features of mountainous landscape were reduced into two factors, 'total estimation' and 'spatial scale' by the factor analysis with total variance of 65.96%.