• Title/Summary/Keyword: living style

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Relationship between Physical Health and Self-Care Behaviors of Rural Elderly in Korea: Focused on Living Arrangement Differences (농촌노인의 신체적 건강과 자기부양행동과의 관련성: 가구유형별 차이를 중심으로)

  • Yoon Soon-Duck
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between self-rated health and Activity of Daily Living (ADL) and self-care behavior of rural elderly in Korea, focused on the difference among three distinctive living arrangements; living alone, living only with his/her spouse, and living with their married children. For this purpose, data were gathered from a nationwide survey, a total of 586 elderly aged 65 or older and living in rural area, using the structured questionnaire. Also, self-care behavior were categorized into 4 groups; life-style practice, medical self-care, adaption to functional limitation, and emotional management. The major findings are as follows; 1) Rural elderly perceived their health little and more 'bad' but their ADL capacity were 'not difficult', especially among elderly living with spouse. 2) The level of 20 items in self-care behavior ($1{\sim}5$score) was ranged from 2.51 to 3.81 score. The behavior level of regular exercise, setting up additional phone, taking a nutrient, and testing BP or pulse regularly were low but that of taking a medicine according to prescription, close contact with other people, and regular eating were proportionally high. 3) The majority of self-care behavior were correlated with subjective health positively but medical self-care behavior were correlated with subjective health or ADL negatively. Based on these results, policy implications are discussed.

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Attitudes and Preferences about Elderly Communal Housing-focused on developing Elderly Assisted Living in Korea- (노인공동생활주택에 대한 태도의 선호- 한국에서의 노인생활지원주택 개발 방향을 중심으로-)

  • 홍형옥
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.147-166
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    • 2001
  • The Purpose of this study was 1) to analyse the attitudes about Elderly Assisted Living (EAL) among urban Korean 2) to consider the policy implications for elderly communal housing. The research methods used were 1) social survey research with questionnaire to find attitudes and preferences about EAL among potential elderly client in Seoul, Korea 2) interpretative suggestion for appropriate policy implications to facilitate developing EAL in urban Korea. A questionnaire was used to find attitudes/preferences about EAL was adapted from the results of the review about communal housing in the UK. The survey was undertaken from September to October, 2000 in Seoul, Korea. Data was collected from 413 subjects and analysed using various statistical techniques. From the results, location should be differentiated into urban type and suburban type. The urban type would prefer around 5 stories multi-family house style with elevator and suburban type would prefer single detached house style with shared garde. The most preferred characteristics found by factor analysis were factor I named as communal facilities and environment(the items belong to factor I was neighbour environment, communal spaces and facilities, heating system, and elevator). The most important advantages of EAL were social activities and convenience. The most salient disadvantages of EAL were difficulty of family contact. The higher the occupational status and income, the lower the preference for the characteristics of EAL with a preference for finding appropriate living arrangements in present housing market. But the higher the educational level, the higher the degree of preference for the characteristics of EAL.

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A Study on CATV Home Shopping of Apparel and Life Style (소비자의 라이프스타일과 케이블TV 홈쇼핑 의류제품에 관한 연구)

  • 강영의;이옥희;최경은
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.343-356
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this was to classify consumer groups according to the life styles and analyze buying intention and evaluation criteria of apparel product, opinion to 4p\`s aspect among consumer groups. And it was to clarify relationships between the experience of CATV home shopping and buying intention and evaluation criteria of apparel product, opinion to 4p\`s aspect. The subjects of this study were 270 women living in Chonbuk and Chonnam regardless their experience in CATV home shopping. For data analysis, frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, factor analysis were conducted. The results were as follows; First, the type of life style were classified into the following subdivisions: products confirmed type, price-quality regarded type, time regarded type, new product regarded type. Second, the significant differences among the classified life style groups were found in buying intention, evaluation criteria of apparel product, and opinion to 4p\`s aspect. Third, there were significant differences in buying intention, evaluation criteria of apparel product, and opinion to 4p\`s aspect according to TV home shopping experience.

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Legal Culture and Commercial Arbitration in the United States and Japan

  • Kim, Chin-Hyon;Chung, Yong-Kyun
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.185-212
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, a conceptual model of legal culture based on Ehrlich's "living law" theory and Cole's social-cultural explanation can explain the low utilization rates of arbitration of Japan and the high utilization rates of arbitration in the United States, simultaneously. This model highlights the clash between social norms and legal provisions in Japan. Japan has developed a two-tiered system of dispute resolution. At the official level, Japanese people accept the legal system imposed by the outside world. But, at a deeper level, they utilize diverse forms of informal dispute resolution mechanisms, such as reconcilement and conciliation, reflecting their own social norms. In contrast, there is no conflict between social norms and legal provisions in United States. This study may show that there are distinctions between American-style arbitration and Japanese-style arbitration, reflecting their own respective social norms. The question of reconciliation between the American style of arbitration and the Japanese style of arbitration can be resolved by an international arbitrator.

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A Study on the Furniture and Main-Living Behavior of An-bang in Apartment Housing (아파트 안방의 가구와 주생활행위에 관한 연구)

  • Kang Hyung-gu;Kang Bong-Im;Lee Cheong-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of the floor classification and the main-living behavior, and the tendency of using furniture and space by surveying the situations of using An-bang space by apartment dwellers. An-bang is a factor that influences on the unit-plan organization, the whole spatial arrangements, and the spatial relation and size, and has the most severe friction between the tradition and western culture. Given seeing the results shown in the main-living behavior by floor type, that the rest and TV watching were shown to be high in terms of a free-standing type can be said that An-bang is more for the individual rest than far the purpose of family harmony. On the other hand, that the family courtesy was shown to be a little higher a sitting-down type, could be understood that the sitting-down style, which is a traditional living mode, is appearing in An-bang.

A Study on the Planning of Living-Hanok - Focused on Jeon-Nam Province - (생활한옥의 평면구성에 관한 연구 - 전남지방을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Woo-Won;Kang, Man-Ho;Joo, Seok-Joong
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.338-343
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristic of planning of Living-Hanok which bases on inherited and developed traditional lifestyle in Jeon-Nam province. After that arranged the characteristic in order which was divided by 9 items such as pattern of developed Hanok, type of floor plan, structure, pattern of using inside space, number of bedroom, the exist of private bathroom in the each bedroom or not, number of bathroom, the exist of storage space in the house or not, style of entrance and the exist of Utility Room or not. Additional, there was interview with resident who have been lived in Living-Hanok since after completion due to investigate resident's concerning of the Hanok. As a result, the last goal of analyze and interview is to presentation of more developed planing factors for Living-Hanok.

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A Study on the space organization of Korean-Chinese single family housing at the urban area in Liaoning Province, China (중국 요녕성 조선족 도시단독주택의 공간구성에 관한 연구)

  • 김종영
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2000
  • Recently, the space organization of Korean-Chinese houses is different from that of other territories. The vast land of China, coming from different hometown in Korean peninsula, and the different hometown in Korean peninsula, and the different procedure of settlement seem to make the different space organization of Chinese-Korean single family housing at the urban area in Liaoning Province.The characteristics of the Korean-Chinese space organization of single family housing at the urban area in Liaoning Province are as follows;i)Three types of space organization are central kitchen type, central corridors types, and central living room type. ii)The central kitchen type is mainly in old urban housing, after 1980's, the central corridor type appears in single family housing, and central living room type appears 1990's.iii) It seems that the main reason to change the space organization are fuel, system of heating, influence of Korea housing. Especially, Korean-Chinese like central living room type that is suitable for sit down living style. This central living room type supposes to be used as popular space organization in urban housing.

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A Housing Space Planning of the Contemporary Modern Style where the work of art is combined (예술품이 결합된 컨템포러리 모던 스타일 주거공간 계획)

  • Shon, Chang-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.54-58
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    • 2008
  • Despite rapid social changes, there have been little distinctive or fast shifts in living space, and the kind of housing design that could address the diverse need of residents is required. In the future, complex trend that is built on a mix and match of different sorts of styles is expected to be in vogue. The introduction of natural elements and ornamental factors such as books, antiques and art works into living spaces that are artificial things is expected to contribute to helping people lead a richer and Individual life. This study attempted to present a housing design by instilling culture in an existing living space and making it fit into a new lifestyle. After the position of natural and ornamental components was fixed, a contemporary modern living space was designed, for which art works would become necessary and sufficient conditions. A plane figure of the new living space was offered, and then detailed design for each part was provided. Finally, a finalized design pattern that was suitable for the selected concept was presented.

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A Case Analysis of 'Smart House' in Sweden (스웨덴 미래주택 Smart House 현지방문 조사 분석 연구)

  • 조희정;백혜영;이연숙
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2002
  • Presently, digital information society that we live in is changing the world rapidly and it is making a human style of living more complicated into various ways. Also the change of human life style in general society has expedited the transition of the housing design. Therefore, this research will illustrate the future housing in Sweden to show more realistically the changeable houses in digital informational society

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A Study on System Approach To Managerial Functioning (관리기능에 대한 체계론적 접근)

  • 이기영
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.279-292
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was to test system model for family resource management. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire distributed to the sample of 650 wives living in Seoul and Daejeon. The data were analyzed using mean, multiple regression. The result were shown as follows: 1) There were significant differences in three measure of satisfaction ―economic concern, financial satisfaction, general life satisfaction― according to contextual variables, perceived resource adequacy, planning style. 2) Planning style measures provided a unique contribution to the explanation of wives' satisfaction when contextual variables and perceived resource adequacy were controlled, but the degree of contribution was weak.

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