• Title/Summary/Keyword: living style

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A Study on Unit Model Development of Urban Type Silver Housing Applying Open Housing Concept -In Response to the kinds and process of diabetes elders- (오픈 하우징 개념을 적용한 도시형 노인 공동주거시설의 주호 모형 개발에 관한 연구 -당뇨병 노인의 질병 종류와 진행에 대응하여-)

  • Lee, Bo-Ram;Yoon, Chae-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to propose prototypical plans for a dwelling unit applying the concepts of 'open housing' and 'aging in place' for senior citizens living in cities focusing on specific life patterns with chronic disease. Especially, a unit was designed for diabetes patients because diabetes, a representative disease of elderly people, often accompanies complications such as arthritis and Alzheimer disease. A unit design suitable for the convenient life of the elderly people with diabetes will provide a guideline for the similar unit designs of the senior citizens with other diseases. In this study, three types of unit plan are proposed. A-type plan is for type-1 diabetes patients, B-type alt.1 for the independent seniors of type-2 diabetes patients, and B-type alt.2 for the dependant seniors of type-2 diabetes patients. And a support design for a unit plan with the exclusive area of 60m2 is proposed. The same support design is used for all three unit types. Although the locations of bathroom and storage room are fixed and the location of the kitchen is changeable only in wet-zone. In conclusion, senior residents with diabetes can choose one of three unit types before occupation and the chosen unit type can be renovated by replacing infill systems as the health condition or life style changes.

A Study on Changes of Practical Korean Costume (생활한복의 변천에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Kyung-Soon;Kim, Sun-Ryung
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to change practical korean costume in 20C. In the early 20C, inflow of western civilization started to change korean costume. Since then gradually changes to be simple in Korean costume. Results of this study can be summarized as follows: Traditional jacket (jeo-go-li) gradually began to be long to waist line. This jacket length was to be long and it sleeve is to be short in early 2OC. Traditional skirt (Chi-rna) length was short to the calf of the leg. Traditional wide skirt was gradually to be narrow and pleats shape look as if it in go-gu-Ryeo Dynasty. The width of pleats was about 3~5 cm, be one-sided, look as if it western style in today. But pleats skirt already existed on a women's of the upper classes in go-gu-Ryeo Dynasty. Women's long Coat (do-lu-ma-gi) length was short to under hip line in late 20c. In this way, the practical idea, the factor of design was because of western idea in civilization ages, early 20C. Since then gradually reformed to be simple in Korean costume. Assuming that the trend of simplification in Korean costume is related to the idea of practical. Therefore Korean costume of living or a reformed Korean costume to be design of practical, functional, convenient, economically. And it must have to traditional idea, it is only beauty of shape, pattern, line, fabric in Korean costume.

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A Study on the some aspects of use of imported foods at the rural homes with the growing generation (청소년이 있는 농촌가정의 수입식품 이용실태에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Geon-Soon;Rhie, Seung-Gyo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.465-474
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this paper was to grasp some aspects of use of imported foods at the rural homes with the growing generation. So we put some questions to the 399 middle school and high school students. The results were as follows: (1) The number of the homes using the imported foods, which marks 56.9% of the whole, was higher than the number of the homes not using the ones. (2) Even though the use of imported foods had no relation with the occupations of the student's mothers, the degree of living quality, the situations of food consumption, and so on, however the use ratio was high at the homes of middle class. (3) The students of the home of using imported foods favored the traditional diets, and marked 63% of the objective students of investigation. The students who like the western style of diets marked the high frequency of the use of the imported foods. On the other hand, the students who like the Chinese foods used the meat and fishes and processed foodstuffs among the imported foods. (4) The frequency of instant foods for the carried lunches showed the meaningful relation with frequency of use of imported foods. (5) In the view of use of instant foods for the lunches, the group of people who carried the lunches 3 or 5 times per week used the imported meat foods, the other group who carried the lunches 1 or 2 times per week marked the high frequency of having coffee and tea.

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Comparison of Dietary Patterns by Sex and Urbanization in Different Economic Status (한국인의 경제수준에 따른 성별.지역별 식사패턴 비교 -1998, 2001 국민건강영양조사 자료 분석-)

  • Choi, Ji-Hyun;Moon, Hyun-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.346-358
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to find differences in dietary patterns through menu analysis by economic status. The data was obtained from the 1998 and 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey of Korea. The main variables were economic status, sex, and area by urbanization. The economic status was classified into low, middle, high, and top classes using a poverty line based on the 1998 and 2001 minimum standard cost of living. The areas were divided into metropolis, small city, and rural areas. The dishes of 3 meals were classified into 29 categories by cooking method. The most frequent pattern was "rice + soup + kimchi". The frequency of this Korean basic dietary pattern was the lowest in the top income class and metropolis areas, while the highest in the low income class and rural areas. The frequency of Korean recommended dietary pattern, that is, "rice + soup or stew + kimchi + side dish" was the highest in the top income class. The metropolis group preferred side dishes using meat and a cooking method that saved time, but the rural group preferred side dishes using vegetables and cooking methods that take a longer time. In comparison of dietary pattern between male and female by economic status, the higher economic status, the male's dietary patterns showed more side dishes than those of female. But the main side dish was kimchi in male low class. Consequently, the major dietary pattern in Korea is rice-style, though the western pattern is increasing in the top income class, especially in metropolis areas. Therefore, to make a better dietary pattern, we should develop and spread low-priced recipes of various side dishes and teach financial skills such as ability to make a food budget for lower income classes. Also, we should emphasize the importance of the balance between meat and vegetables and traditional diet and western diet for the top income class, especially in the metropolis areas.

A Study on the Actual Wearing Conditions and Fit Preferences of Boots-cut Jean -Focus on Adult Women in Their 20's and 30's- (부츠 컷(Boots-cut) 청바지 착용실태 및 맞음새에 관한 연구 -20~30대 성인 여성을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Jin;Do, Wol-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.271-283
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to provide information on how to improving wearing sensation and fit of boots-cut jean through analysis of the actual wearing conditions and dissatisfaction. In order to compile the information about dissatisfaction with the appropriateness of the fit of boots-cut jean, a questionnaire was administered to 150 females(between the ages of 20 and 39) living in Gwang-ju, analyzed using the SPSS WIN 12.0 program. Also, 6 blue jean manufactures were investigated, the study method was a interview about company present status, sizing system and pattern of boots-cut jean. The result of this study were as follow: 1. In wearing conditions, the 20's(51.6%) to 30's(69.1%) is found the best preferred jean is boots-cut style. The reason why consumers prefer boots-cut jeans with wearing fit does to seem charming bodyline of the adult female. 2. Body type groups by drop was classified with the usual waist, the thick waist, the thin waist. The differences among age groups, body type and so on were compared using the chi-square test. Dissatisfaction of the fit of the thick waist and the thin waist was higher than the usual waist. 3. Research on the production sizing system of 6 blue jean brands showed the total sizing system of each manufacture were 39, they were reflected the sizing system of the korean Industrial Standards(KS K 0051). Therefore, it is considered necessary for boots-cut jeans pattern and sizing system for Korean consumer's body shape.

A Study on the Improvement and Environment-friendly Interior Space Planning of High-rise Residences in Korea - focuesd on the case analysis by environment-friendly architectural certification - (국내 초고층 주거의 친환경적 실내 공간 계획 및 개선방안 연구 - 친환경 건축 인증 제도에 의한 사례 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Ja-Kyung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2008
  • After the concept of apartments was introduced in 1960s in Korea, on account of the development of architectural technology and science, high-rise residences in Korea are getting higher, and these residences have been becoming high-rise commercial/residential buildings since 1990. Nowadays, as the construction of high-rise commercial residential building complex is booming, the difference between these complex and high-rise apartments is getting smaller, and these two kind of high-rise residences are becoming new residential style in Korea. And these high-rise residences are considered the symbol of wealth owing to the marketing strategy emphasizing high quality, refined interior, a fair view, and the protection of privacy. However, high-rise residences bring about many problems related to health and psychology caused by the consumption of a large amount of energy, pollutant emission, the deterioration of the quality of indoor air, and vibration. For this reason, in this study, we tried to emphasize the necessity of environment-friendly access to provide healthy living environment and to reduce the negative effect of housing life in high-rise residences, and find the method to improve environment-friendly quality and health of residents in interior space. Therefore, this study aims to detect the problems and the items to be improved of interior spaces of high-rise residences by quantitative, qualitative analysis of the evaluation elements and the floor planning elements deduced from environment-friendly architectural certification in Korea and the other countries, and suggest the guideline to improve the environment-friendly quality of these interior spaces.

A Study on the Improvement of Common Facilities in the Rural Village (농촌마을 공동시설 개선 방향 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Sun-Jae;Im, Seung-Bin;O, Hwi-Yeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 1996
  • The main aim of this study is to propose the improvement guidelines for the rural communit;- facilities(short as RCFs) in the village level. 28 villages were selected in consideration of the travelling distance to the nearest city, farming types and percentage of farm to total land. Through the analyses of the physical conditions and utilizing practices of RCFs in case villages, the tentative improvement guidelines were finally formulated. The major results of the study were summarized as follows ' 1. Most villagers thought the village hall and Jungjamok(Korean-style outdoor rest point) being centrally located, which was reflected in their high satisfaction with the accessibility to RCFs.However, they evaluated that above two places were too small and old for normal use, so set forth their views of high dissatisfaction on the scale of RCFs, 2. Analyses results of the survey in the study showed the ranking order of service level of RCFs as following; the village hall l rest building for the aged 1 rural-pocket park 1 village store / playground.And the need for cultural function was much more highly expressed than merely meeting function. 3. Considering together with the analysis results of this study and the related referencing guidelines, it is proposed to introduce the village hall, shop, and village store as basic ones of RCFs in the village level, which should form a single complex connected mutually and functionally each other.

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A Study on the Regional Characteristics of Korean Chotkal -The kinds and materials of chotkal- (우리나라 젓갈의 지역성 연구 (1) -젓갈의 종류와 주재료-)

  • Suh, Hye-Kyung;Yoon, Seo-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 1987
  • This paper is a part of the regional characteristics of Korean chotkal. The kinds and materials of Korean chotkals are studied by interviewing local people living in 142 different regions which are bigger than 'myon' in size. Regions are classified according to the structural style of commoner's house. Regional characteristics of chotkal are analyzed and interpreted with natural environmental factor. The rest of my further interested subject will be followed in later issues ; the ways of preservation, period of fermentation according to the regional characteristics and uses of Korean chotkal. The results of this study can be summerized as follows, 1. There are 145 different kinds. 2. Raw materials of 145 kinds of chotkal are devided roughly into five groups ; (1) fishes in 87 kinds (2) Pelecypoda and Gastropoda in 14 kinds (3) Cephalopoda in 10 Kinds (4) Crustacea in 32 kinds and (5) Holothuroidea and Echinoidea in 2 kinds. They can also be classified according to the parts of individual material ; (1) body or flesh in 118 kinds (2) internal organs in 15 kinds and (3) eggs in 12 kinds. Regions are devided into four provinces ; 'Kwanso', 'Chungbu', 'Nambu', and 'Kwanbuk' in which the number of different kinds of chotkal are 32, 41, 99 and 34, respectively. Raw materials vary because of the distribution of marine life in different regions. Fishes and Cephalopoda are used in all four regions, Pelecypoda and Gastropoda in 'Kwanso', 'Chungbu' and western part of 'Nambu' regions. Different species of Crustacea used in each different regions ; sea crab and sea shrimp in the western coastal area, fresh water crab in the field area, fresh water shrimp in 'Chollado', mantis crab at 'Shihung-gun' in 'Kyonggi-do', Holothuroidea and Echinoidea are used in 'Nambu' regions. Chotkal are not used at all in six local districts which are located in inland areas where the transportation is inconvenient.

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A Study on Brand Preference, Clothing Pursuit Benefits and Purchasing Behavior of Chinese Women (중국 여성의 브랜드 선호도, 의복추구혜택과 구매행동에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Yiqiu;Park, DongJoon;Chung, HyunSook
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.110-127
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the brand preference, the clothing pursuit benefits, and the purchasing behavior of Chinese women. A survey questionnaire was distributed to Chinese women in their 20s and 30s. The surveys period was from 9th January 9th to 21st February 2016. The respondents were 343 Chinese women living in Henan. The collected data was analyzed by frequency analysis, factor analysis, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and Duncan's multiple range of verification. The key results of this study are herein summarized. The brands examined, listed in order of preference, are Ochirly, Only, Zara, Uniqlo, La Chapelle, H&M, Peace bird, Vero Moda, JNBY, and The Basic House. The five most preferred brands were then selected and further analyzed. For purchasing, the design and price were considered to be important, while for product evaluation, importance was given to the style, price, quality, and color. Factors important in the clothing pursuit benefits were found to be price pursuit, trend pursuit, brand pursuit, individual pursuit, comfort pursuit, and quality pursuit. Also, clothing pursuit benefits depends on the average monthly income, monthly clothing purchasing cost, and the education level of the individual. Lastly, we observed that the sources and store selection made noticeable difference in clothing pursuit benefits.

A Study on Cultivating Korean Chefs for the Globalization of Korean Food (한식 세계화를 위한 한식조리사 양성 방안 연구)

  • Min, Kye-Hong
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.506-512
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    • 2009
  • The principal objective of this study is to determine the most appropriate methods to increase global recognition of Korean food. In service of this objective, interviews were conducted with Korean food specialists who worked for a Korean culinary educational institute in Seoul, as well as cooking experts who worked for restaurants in super deluxe hotels. The study was conducted for 10 days from Feb 21st to March 2nd in 2009. The results of the study were summarized and synthesized into some key opinions. First, one of the main concepts in Korean culinary education should involve the selection of a small group of the best members and training them to a world class level at a traditional HanOk style institute. Second, to establish a standard for trainee recruitment, we selected a group of members consisting of about 20 persons over the age of 18 years who had earned a degree or were scheduled to graduate from university chef training and had also worked for over 5 years in the field, additionally, foreigners were allowed to apply to the institute. The educational term is one year and some benefits, such as a fixed amount of subsidies to help in daily living, free dormitory housing a certificate of course completion, and an employment guarantee. Third, the educational program consisted of two stages one was the specialist course in which traditional foods were covered and the other was the menu development course, which dealt with the creation of new Korean foods. Fourth, unique programs, including specialized foreign foods experience halls or commission education, were instituted in an effort to raise the level of world recognition of the superiority of Korean food.