• Title/Summary/Keyword: livelihood strategy

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Drought Assessment Using Standardized Precipitation Index and Streamflow Drought Index in Yeoncheon Region (연천지역의 표준 강수 지수와 하천 유량 가뭄지수를 이용한 가뭄 평가)

  • Il Hwan Kim;Joo-heon Lee;Il-Moon Chung
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.241-256
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    • 2023
  • Long-term droughts and frequent spring droughts are causing damage to crops, which are the means of livelihood of residents of the Yeoncheon region. To analyze the degree of drought in Yeoncheon, the ratio of monthly precipitation and discharge was reviewed through observed data, and the standardized precipitation index and streamflow drought index were calculated. As a result of drought analysis using precipitation and discharge observation stations near the Yeoncheon basin, it was analyzed that the drought that occurred in 2014 was common to all drought indices and that drought occurred continuously until 2019, either large or small. In the case of drought indices with a duration of 12 months, it is expected that the damage caused by the drought would be severe as the drought period lasted 24 months. In order to manage drought damage, it is important to understand and predict the current state of drought. In order to cope with drought in advance, it is urgent to implement an integrated operation management strategy for rivers and waterworks structures according to the degree and duration of drought.

Discussion on the Strategic Priorities and Navy's Coping in the Interwar Period Britain, 1919?1939 (「전간기 영국의 전략 우선순위 논의와 영국해군의 대응, 1919-1939」)

  • Jeon, Yoon-Jae
    • Strategy21
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    • s.32
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    • pp.123-159
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research paper is to re-valuate the factors that affected the Royal Navy's rearmament and preparation for war by conducting analysis on the discussion held in the Britain on the strategic priorities and Navy's coping measures adopted during the interwar period. After the end of the WWI, each of the military arms of the Britain faced significant difficulty in securing budget and increasing their military power all throughout the interwar period, and the Navy was not an exception. The WWII that got started on September 1939 was the turning point in which this difficulty led to full-fledged crisis. Immensely many criticisms followed after the war and problems were identified when it comes to the Royal Navy's performance during the war. This type of effort to identify problem led to the attempt to analyze whether Royal Navy's preparation for war and rearmament policy during interwar period were adequate, and to identify the root causes of failure. Existing studies sought to find the root cause of failed rearmament from external factors such as the deterioration of the Britain itself or pressure from the Treasury Department to cut the budget for national defense, or sought to detect problems from the development of wrong strategies by the Navy. However, Royal Navy's failed preparation for the war during interwar period is not the result of one or two separate factors. Instead, it resulted due to the diverse factors and situations that the Britain was facing at the time, and due to intricate and complex interaction of these factors. Meanwhile, this research paper focused on the context characterized by 'strategic selection and setting up of priorities' among the various factors to conduct analysis on the Navy's rearmament by linking it with the discussion held at the time on setting up strategic priorities, and sought to demonstrate that the Navy Department's inadequate counter-measures developed during this process waned Royal Navy's position. After the end of WWI, each of the military arms continued to compete for the limited resources and budget all throughout the interwar period, and this type of competition amidst the situation in which the economic situation of Britain was still unstable, made prioritization when it comes to the allocation of resources and setting up of the priorities when it comes to the military power build-up, inevitable. Amidst this situation, the RAF was able to secure resources first and foremost, encouraged by the conviction of some politicians who were affected by the 'theory of aerial threat' and who believed that curtailing potential attack with the Air Force would be means to secure national security at comparatively lower cost. In response, Navy successfully defended the need for the existence of Navy despite the advancement of the aerial power, by emphasizing that the Britain's livelihood depends on trade and on the maintenance of maritime traffic. Despite this counter-measuring logic, however, Navy's role was still limited to the defense of overseas territory and to the fleet run-off instead of sea traffic route production when it comes to the specific power build-up plan, and did not understand the situation in which financial and economic factors gained greater importance when it comes to the setting up of strategic priorities. As a result, Navy's plan to build its powers was met with continual resistance of the Treasury Department, and lost the opportunity to re-gain the status of 'senior service' that it had enjoyed in the past during the competition for strategic prioritization. Given that the strategic and economic situation that Korea faces today is not very different from that of the Britain during the interwar period, our Navy too should leverage the lessons learned from the Royal Navy to make the effort to secure viable position when it comes to the setting of priorities in case of national defense strategy by presenting the basis on why maritime coping should be prioritized among the numerous other threats, and by developing the measures for securing the powers needed effectively amidst the limited resources.

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A Comparative Study on the Factors of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Activation: Based on GETR Data (기업가정신 생태계 활성화 요인에 관한 국가간 비교연구: GETR(글로벌기업가정신트렌드리포트)자료를 중심으로)

  • Park, Jae Hwan;Kim, Bong Moon;Kim, Yong Tae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2018
  • Recent global economic recession and recession of employment have made various efforts to revitalize entrepreneurial ecosystem by presenting entrepreneurial spirit and creative talent development as national top priority strategy in major developed countries. Based on data from the Global Entrepreneurship Trend Report (GETR), which has been conducted by the Venture Small Business Division and the Korea Entrepreneurship Foundation since 2015, the study will be conducted by the entrepreneurs of 10 countries in 2015 and 2016 The components of mental ecosystem were compared and verified. The results showed that entrepreneurship education effect and entrepreneurial environment showed positive relationship with entrepreneurship of individual and organization. Also, entrepreneurship education effect, entrepreneurial environment, individual entrepreneurship. On the other hand, organizational entrepreneurship was not found to have a significant effect on entrepreneurial type (livelihood / opportunistic entrepreneurship). In this study, entrepreneurship education as a lifelong education is required in order to enhance entrepreneurial ecosystem in Korea and to increase the quality of entrepreneurship which is increasing quantitatively. Finally We emphasizing the importance of creating a favorable entrepreneurial environment and offer some suggestions.

A Qualitative Inquiry on the Social and Economic Activities by Immigrant Farm Households (귀농인의 사회·경제 활동과 함의)

  • Kim, Jeong-Seop
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.53-89
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    • 2014
  • Immigrant farmers work in various social and economic fields of activity, settling in their rural community. In this study, I inquired into the way of acting of immigrant farmers, based on the texts which were made in the precedent studies. The texts were transcriptions that were made by interviews with immigrant farmers. I classified immigrant farmers' activities into 8 groups that were related to; farming, nonfarm business, off-farm business, volunteering, participating in community organization, lifelong learning, leisure and social interaction in everyday life. And, I tried to capture the characteristics and meanings of those activities. The implications from this analysis are as followings: 1) most of immigrant farmers have small family farm so that they need nonfarm or off-farm jobs, 2) pluri-acivities of immigrant farm households can contribute to their community's economic viability, 3) their economic activities should be observed carefully in the perspective of self-help approach in community development as well as farm households' livelihood strategy, 4) immigrant farmers have many difficulties to participate in community, nevertheless community participation will improve the social capital, 5) gender-sensitive policy should be developed.

Proposal Strategy and Performance Analysis of Electronic Human Resources Management Pilot Project (건설근로자공제회 전자인력관리(전자카드제)시범사업 성과 분석 및 추진전략 도출)

  • Kim, Inchie;Chin, Sangyoon;Kim, Seongah;Kim, Yeasang;Lee, Sangjun;Park, Soohun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2018
  • The Construction Workers Mutual Aid Association is carrying out a number of strategic tasks with the goal of "contributing to improving employment and stabilizing the return of workers to construction workers through employment welfare and retirement deduction services." One of them is the retirement deduction system. The retirement allowance system is a system for the retirement income and livelihood security of construction workers who are not adequately protected by the Labor Standards Act, such as retirement allowances due to the nature of day labor. The Construction Workers Mutual Aid Association has promoted the introduction of electronic manpower management. For the efficient management of the pilot sites and the plans for the future, comprehensive evaluation of the pilot sites as well as the evaluation of the status and operation results of each pilot project site are needed. Therefore, in this study, we will develop performance indicators to evaluate the current state of electronic manpower pilot projects and analyze the actual situation of pilot project sites through actual application, and try to derive future implementation strategies.

Prevalence of Depression and Its' Correlates among Young-old and Old-old Elderly People with Poverty in Korean Urban Community (일 도시지역 국민기초생활보장 수급 대상 전기노인과 후기노인의 우울 유병률과 관련요인)

  • Kim, Hye-Ryoung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.941-954
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of depression and its' correlates among elderly people(young-old vs old-old) with poverty. Methods: The sample was 434 of young-old elderly and 209 of old-old elderly people who were 60 and over and basic livelihood recipient in Korean urban community. Depression was measured by Geriatric Depression Scale by Yesavage et al.(1983) in Korean Version. Results: The prevalence of depression was greater for old-old people(63.2%) compared to young-old people(53.9%). Multivariate logistic regression analysis shows the difference of correlates of depression between young-old and old-old elderly people. Prevalence of depression in young-old people was associated with renting in housing type; bad self-rated health status; lack of regular leisure activity; lack of regular eating habit, whereas old-old people was affected by lower social support; moderate or bad self-rated health status; lack of regular leisure activity Conclusion: The finding of differences in prevalence of depression and its' correlates between young-old and old-old people is expected to promote the screening strategy for elderly at risk of depression in Korean community elderly with poverty.

The Level of Diabetes Management of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery Workers (농림어업인의 당뇨병 관리 수준)

  • Oh, Gyung-Jae;Lee, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the diabetic management indicators between agriculture, forestry, and fishery workers (AFF) and other occupational adults (non-AFF) in community-dwelling diabetes. Methods: The study population consisted of 22,127 diabetic population ${\geq}19years$ who participated in the 2015 Community Health Survey. Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis was used to compare the diabetic management indicators between AFF and non-AFF. Socioeconomic characteristics such as age, gender, education level, monthly household income, National Basic Livelihood Security status, and marital status was sequentially adjusted. Results: Among total diabetic population, 3,712 people (16.8%) was AFF and 18,415 people (83.2%) was non-AFF. The fully-adjusted odds ratio [OR] (95% confidence interval [CI]) of current non-medical treatment (0.72, 0.66-0.79), measurement of hemoglobin A1c (0.61, 0.55-0.67), screening for diabetic retinopathy (0.76, 0.70-0.83), screening for diabetic nephropathy (0.75, 0.70-0.81), non-alcoholic or moderate drinking (0.70, 0.64-0.78), nutrition label reading (0.83, 0.71-0.98), low salt preference (0.85, 0.78-0.93), dental examination (0.60, 0.54-0.66), scaling experience (0.84, 0.77-0.93), regular toothbrushing (0.66, 0.58-0.76), and diabetes management education (0.84, 0.77-0.92) was significantly lower in AFF compared to non-AFF. In contrast, the fully-adjusted OR (95% CI) of AFF's low stress level (1.39, 1.26-1.52) and adequate sleep duration (1.22, 1.13-1.32) was significantly higher than non-AFF, which are better indicators of diabetic management in AFF. Conclusions: Overall, the level of diabetes management of AFF was not as good as that of non-AFF. In order to improve the level of diabetes management of AFF, a delicate diabetes intervention strategy considering the occupational characteristics of AFF will be needed.

World brand strategy using traditional patterns (전통 문양을 활용한 세계의 브랜드 전략 - 기업 브랜드 정체성을 중심으로 -)

  • KIM, Mihye
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.133-150
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    • 2022
  • Calling the 21th century the age of 'cultural competition' is not an overstatement. In an era of globalization, we try to find the 'identity of our country' in our culture. 'Culture' is the unique ethnicity of the people of each country that reflects the traces of their lives. As the world is transforming into a multi-dimensional place, traditional patterns in reference to cultural uniqueness and original formativeness are the brands that represent the people. France's luxury brand, GOYARD's Y-shaped pattern naturally made during the persistent traditional handmade process is still France's representative corporate brand and is considered prestigious even after 150 years have passed. On the other hand, in low-income countries, patterns created in the natural process of weaving fabrics are succeeded as a unique cultural aesthetic and are loved by people all over the world. Like this, people living in the global multi-dimensional world look to attain the framework 'One Planet Perspective' which is to succeed their own native culture and preserve the unique culture of others. For example, in the process of international relief organizations delivering relief supplies to Columbia's "Wayu tribe" due to the water shortage in 2013, a handmade product, "Mochila Bag" was discovered. Triggered by this incident, Europe and Korea decide to import it to support the livelihood of the "Wayu tribe." Also, the aesthetic and cultural values of the traditional culture in minority tribes that have evolved through thousands of years have been listed on UNESCO and preserved worldwide. Likewise, culture doesn't suddenly appear overnight, but rather the brand representing the company is the pattern used in the trend of the era kept for over 100 years. Moreover, patterns that reflect the country's identity are inherited as the unique aesthetic of the culture. Our country does inherit the unique aesthetic of our culture, but doesn't have a 'strong image' that displays the practical value reinterpreted creatively and aesthetically to fit the modern trend. Traditional patterns are important in perspective of study and theoretical research, but the brand's image using those patterns is a new medium from the past existence continuing to the current tradition. Furthermore, this study suggests that the image of a company that uses traditional patterns will have high economical potential as a national brand.