• 제목/요약/키워드: literary value

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문화매개자 개념으로 바라본 문학 작가의 새로운 역할과 정체성 (New Roles and Identity of Literary Writers from the Perspective of Cultural Intermediary)

  • 심보선
    • 예술경영연구
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    • 제58호
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    • pp.49-88
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    • 2021
  • 현대의 문학 작가는 전통적 저자 이미지에서 벗어나 변화하는 문학의 산업적, 제도적 환경에서 다양한 활동에 종사하며 자신의 커리어를 유지하고 문학적 가치를 창출한다. 예술 기업가정신은 문학 작가를 창의적 지식과 기술을 커리어 관리에 적용하여 문학적이고 경제적인 차원 모두에서 최적의 보상을 기하는 주체로 파악한다. 반면 창의 노동 개념은 문학 작가들이 일을 통해 자아를 실현하려 노력하는 과정에서 커리어 불안정성에 시달린다고 파악한다. 본 논문은 두 개념을 비판적으로 검토하고 문학 작가를 다양한 관계적 맥락에서 새로운 문학 가치를 창출하는 문화매개자로 정의한다. 나아가 이들이 수행하는 여러 문화매개 실천의 구조와 성격을 개괄적으로 분석하여 작가들이 추구하는 문학적 가치의 자율성과 기업가-노동자의 지위가 문화매개 실천이 이루어지는 조건에 따라 유동적으로 구성됨을 밝힌다. 이러한 분석에 근거하여 본 논문은 문학적 자율성이 위협받는 환경적 변화에도 불구하고 문학 작가들은 다양한 실천을 통해 이러한 변화에 대응하면서 문화매개자로서 변모하고 있다고 파악한다. 나아가 문학 작가들이 변화하는 환경에 적응하는 자기경영 기술뿐만 아니라 문학 생산과 유통의 구조적 변화에서 기인하는 제약을 극복할 수 있는 집합적 역량을 육성해야 한다고 강조한다. 또한 예술경영은 예술을 둘러싼 구조적 환경에 대한 인문사회과학의 통찰과 접목함으로써, 문학 작가들이 수행하는 창조적 도전을 성찰하고 지원할 것을 제안한다.

환경문학체험을 통한 환경감수성 함양 (The Cultivation of Environmental Sensitivity through Environmental Literary Experience)

  • 백계은;남상준
    • 한국환경교육학회지:환경교육
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2011
  • This study examines how literary experiences cultivate environmental sensitivity. In this study we have 3 children(6th graders) to experience 3 selected literary works. The experience of 3 children focusing on characters is divided into 'sympathy', 'identification' and 'hostility' by empathy types. In literary experiences, children naturally support the values pursued by main characters. The experience focusing on plot events is consists of 'sympathy' and 'advice'. The children agreed with the way how the characters solved environmental issues while involved in the events by offering advice to characters whose actions they did not agree to. The experience focusing on topics is divided into 'assimilation' and 'reflection'. The children experienced the assimilation process. Furthermore, they reflected on new environmental issues. This result suggests literary experience subserve children to reflect value through empathy and cultivate their intention toward pro-environmental behavior by generating environmental sensitivity.

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중국(中國) 고전문학(古典文學)의 '수용적 감상'에 관한 소고(小考) (The study about 'receptive appreciation' of Chinese classic literature)

  • 문혜정
    • 동양고전연구
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    • 제43호
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    • pp.155-181
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 중국고전문학의 가치를 가장 잘 이끌어 낼 수 있다고 판단되는 '수용적 감상'의 특징과 요건에 관하여 고찰해 보았다. 수용적 감상은 표현 그대로 감상자가 작품을 자신에 맞게 수용하는 감상법이다. 즉 감상자가 작품을 자기화하여 자기만의 감동을 이끌어 내는 감상이라 할 수 있다. 이러한 수용적 감상은 그 특징이 크게 두 가지로 나타나는데, 하나는 한 작품에서 느낄 수 있는 감동이 감상자의 상황이나 인격에 따라 다양하게 달라질 수 있는 것이고, 또 한 가지는 감상자에 의해 작품의 가치가 새롭게 재발견되는 것이다. 천편일률적이지 않은 그러한 다양성이야말로 문학작품의 진정한 의의이고, 훌륭한 문학작품이 '고전'으로 남아있을 수 있는 비결이라 할 수 있다. 감상자가 그러한 수용적 감상을 보다 이상적으로 하기 위해서는 몇 가지 요건을 갖추고 있어야 한다. 작품에 반영된 작가의 가치관이나 작품 제작 당시의 배경 등을 이해하는 것, 그리고 다양한 경험으로 인한 탁월한 안목, 전관적(全觀的)이고 중립적인 사고 등은 감상의 중요한 전제조건이 된다. 이처럼 중국 고전문학의 '수용적 감상'에 대하여 살펴본 작업은, 감상자들이 중국 고전문학 작품에 내재된 무한한 가치와 다양성을 깨닫고 음미하는데 일조할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

단국대학교 소장 한문본 「창선감의록(倡善感義錄)」 소재 삽입 한시의 기능과 미감 (Functions and Aesthetic Feelings of Sino-Korean Poems in 「Changseongamuirok」 of written in chinese in Dankook University)

  • 윤재환
    • 동양고전연구
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    • 제59호
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    • pp.183-211
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    • 2015
  • 이 글은 단국대학교 소장 한문본 "창선감의록" 소재 삽입 한시의 문학적 가치 해명을 목적으로 한 글이다. "창선감의록"의 저자가 한문에 대해 상당한 정도의 식견을 가진 인물이라고 유추된다는 점에서 "창선감의록"에 삽입되어 있는 한시는 저자의 문학적 역량을 살필 수 있는 단서가 될 것이다. "창선감의록"소재 한시에 대한 평가는 나아가 "창선감의록"의 문학적 가치와 저자의 소설 창작 능력, 작품 구성 능력을 확인할 수 있게 해 줄 것이다. "창선감의록" 속의 삽입 한시는 작품의 구성이나 전개를 위한 필수요소가 아니라 인물의 성격과 상황에 대해 부연 설명하거나 증명하는 부가적 요소이다. 따라서 작품 전체에서 삽입 한시의 기능과 역할은 극히 제한적이지만, 이러한 삽입 한시를 소설의 저자가 작품 속에 수용한 것은 삽입 한시가 부가적 요소로써 수행하는 제한적 기능을 넘어 작품 전체의 문학성 강화에 기여하는 상당한 역할을 수행한다고 생각했기 때문이라고 볼 수 있다. 즉, "창선감의록" 속 삽입 한시는 내용 전개나 작품 구성을 위한 필수요소는 아니었을지 모르지만, 작품의 소설적 흥미를 강화하는 이면적(裏面的) 요소로 상당한 기능을 했다고 할 수 있다. 물론 이와 같은 추론을 확정하기 위해서는 앞으로 더 많은 다양한 검증의 과정을 거쳐야 할 것이지만, "창선감의록" 소재 삽입 한시의 분석과 같은 고소설 소재 삽입 한시의 분석은 고소설의 문학적 성취를 추론하는 새로운 한 방법이 될 수 있을 것이라 생각된다. 앞으로 조선조 소설 속 삽입 한시에 관한 연구와 관심의 폭이 보다 확대되기를 기대한다.

구술 여행담의 문학적 성격과 교육적 의의-임철호 화자의 <금강산 여행담>을 중심으로- (Literary Feature and Educational Value of Oral Travelogue)

  • 신동흔
    • 고전문학과교육
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    • 제15호
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    • pp.31-66
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    • 2008
  • In this study, I investigate the literary features and educational values of spoken travelogues by analyzing a travelogue about the Diamond Mountains by a farmer named Im, Chul-ho, a very interesting travelogue told for 70 minutes. It seems to have educational significance as a wonderful piece of literary work. The literary features of this tale can be summarized as follows. (1) It is truly 'literature of reality' which fully brings out literary appreciation; It evokes interest and emotional tension on the part of audience through vivid verbal embodiment of personal experiences; (2) It is a well constructed big story embedding small stories within it. The stories from many different travel points emerge into a whole unified story making it much richer and more attractive; and (3) It truly reflects the experiences and emotions of ordinary people. As such, it can be regarded as their spiritual property. In addition, spoken travelogues could be valuable as an object in literature education. It needs to be included in the literature curriculum and treated in the same way as written travelogues. With strengths as instructional materials, it could be effectively used to improve students' ability to express their daily experiences with literary sensibility and to make them better understand the lives of ordinary people in the past.

《白鹿原》與《太白山脈》叙事策略比較硏究 -以人物形象和敘事策略爲中-

  • 임환모;엄영욱;전영의
    • 중국학논총
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    • 제68호
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    • pp.75-94
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    • 2020
  • If 《Bailuyuan》 is a piece that reflects the trend of changing Chinese contemporary literature after the 1990 reform and the opening up of socialism, 《Taebaek Mountain》 is a literary masterpiece that shows the peak of the people and coincided with subject controversy in the 1980s. These two pieces of literature were based on a common experience swayed by the encroachment of Japanese imperialism, and they became best sellers in Korean and Chinese literary circles in the 1980s and 1990s. Based on their similarities, this paper focused on and took a closer look at character modeling in the two texts. In these books, the investigators also discuss how the main characters of Bailuyuan and Taebaek Mountain are portrayed, and how this portrayal strategically works to realize the theme of the text as well as the literary significance, value, and expected effects of the comparison between these two pieces of literary work.

문화 환경과 드라마트루기의 적용 양상 연구 - 김지헌의 시나리오를 중심으로 (A study on Kim Ji Heon's film scenarios)

  • 오영미
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제22권
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    • pp.99-123
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    • 2011
  • This paper extracted formal characteristics appearing repetitively in Kim Ji Heon's scenario works making a study of them and examined them from the perspective of the aspects of the confrontation between the author' external environments and the world of his creation. This viewpoint comprehensively implies the two aspects of the acceptance of public needs and the creativity his scenarios have in universal characteristics of the film and scenario community where he made his debut as a scenario writer and played activities most actively. In addition, we investigated how literary features are expressed concretely in the world of his works who has been evaluated as a writer with excellent 'literary value.' His scenario world whose base is humanity and existential questions also performs a function as the reading scenario by realizing one literary perfection in itself and poetic description rather than referential function as a film script, which indicates the aspects of values his scenarios have in the existing creation practice focused on story telling, and especially, in the case of "Manchoo-Late fall" it was found that it expanded the areas of literary value through the beauty of modern form. Through this analysis it is seen that the need was exposed to reconsider problematic recognitions that he was not able to be positioned properly as a writer despite the excellent literary values of Kim Ji Heon's scenarios. This study has a meaning as a start in our research climate where the research on Korean scenario writers is not made in an earnest way but it is necessary to keep making more thorough studies including other scenarios which are not organized into the collection of works, and it is also necessary to make a comparative study with cinematized film texts in our view.

박완서의 문학작품을 통해 본 서울 주거공간의 이분법적 시각 (Dichotomous View on Seoul Residential Areas presented in Park, Wan-So's Literary Works)

  • 박철수
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.63-75
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    • 2006
  • The exploration of the spatial structure of a particular urban area, or the analysis of the tendencies of spatial consumption among urbanites, can be a literary-geographical attitude, shifting literary interests toward geography. It may also constitute a field of cultural geography that reads texts as cultural symbols. Based on this kind of attitude, the paper reads the literature of Park Wan So, particularly the popular novels that involve urban and residential spaces of Seoul, as a cultural text that carries a kind of symbolism. It proceeds with the idea that most popular novels reflect the mass phenomena of its times, and that representing real cultural experiences through text, it becomes a means of generalizing the identity shared by the anonymous masses and the characteristics of particular places. Hence the individuality of Park Wan So, who moved to Seoul during the Japanese colonial period and hence forth lived as a middle-class citizen, is inseparable from her literary work. With this attitude and methodology, the paper argues that in the urban space of metropolitan Seoul, the modern ambivalent gaze of the colonial period shifted toward increasingly new value systems, and was replaced by a dichotomous view, and furthermore, that the contents of this dichotomous view has experienced a multivalent transformation through the accumulation of time and the expansion of space.

영어 교실의 문학 텍스트 -영어교육의 통합적 접근 (Literary Texts in the English Classroom: An Integrated Approach to English Instruction)

  • 강규한
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제55권1호
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    • pp.107-128
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    • 2009
  • Literature had been at center-stage in the traditional grammar-translation-focused English classrooms up to the mid-twentieth century. As the Audiolingual Method and the Communicative Language Teaching have gained popularity in the English classrooms, however, literature has receded into the background of English education. The main reasons for using literary texts in the English classrooms for communication-focused English instruction need to be examined. First of all, students can come in touch with the subtle and varied uses of language through literature-based teaching. They also feel close to certain characters in the literary work and share the emotional reponses with them. They get personally involved in the plot of the story. Universal human experience and cultural enrichment are two other merits which can be conferred on students by literary texts. Such linguistic and literary experiences can be significantly integrated into the literature-based instruction. More significantly, the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) can be combined with one another and integrated into a literature-focused curriculum for English education. The value of literary texts in the English classrooms can be clearly demonstrated by effective ways of using such texts as Charlotte's Web for integrated instruction. The full array of benefits that literature can bring to English instruction, however, has yet to be fully realized. These potentials need to be materialized into classroom practice.

문학 경제학 -사용가치에서 교환가치로의 전이 (Economics of Literature: Transfer of 'Worth' to 'Value')

  • 양병현
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제55권5호
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    • pp.767-792
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    • 2009
  • The two fields, economics of art and literature, tend to be put together as part of cultural economic studies; yet the former has been widely popular as compared to the latter. Economics of art has been known as part of social science which studies art economically. Similarly, economics of literature is likely to be an interdisciplinary study of literature and economics. Literature is suggested usually to reflect the economic base of a society as a form of its superstructure in view of classical Marxism; so, it is interesting to see social, economic activities, such as individual values and social institutions, income, price and opportunity cost, in a particular way of analyzing economic ideas in literature. Capital seems to have an innate property of self-expansion in literature; this property thus features actual economic life since in capitalism money is the universal value between persons and literary works. Specifically, the field of economics of literature starts with such ideas: economics of literature is part of cultural economics; and economics of literature deals with the economic value of literature. Putting interdisciplinary fields of literature and economics together, this study is to examine the economic value of literature in which Karl Marx talked about commodities with exchange value, use value, and fetishism. The exchange value is commercial worth, the actual exchange value of a publication; yet, the use value is innate worth, the aesthetic use value of literature. With commodity fetishism, profit seems not as the outcome of a social relation, but of a work- "reification" as the would-be Marxists suggest. As a commodity, the literary work appears to be able to animate life and power in reality. As a result, this paper asserts that social, economical activities in literature as we may apply to the study of economics of literature increase its economic value, implying commercial and innate worth, as the capital in the marketplace.