• Title/Summary/Keyword: life satisfaction structural equation model

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The Effects of Family Climate of Fathers' Family of Origin, Marital and Life Satisfaction, and Parenting on father-Son Intimacy (아버지의 원가족 분위기, 결혼만족도, 삶의 만족도 및 양육행동이 부자간 친밀감에 영향을 미치는 경로)

  • Lee, Yu-Ri;Park, Seong-Yeon
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of family climate of fathers' family of origin, fathers' satisfaction with marriage and life, and parenting on father-son intimacy. A total of 297 adolescents(M=15 yrs. SD=1.4) and their fathers completed questionnaires. Data were analyzed by structural equation model using AMOS 7.0. Results indicated that 1) family climate of fathers' family of origin affected further-son intimacy positively through both fathers' high marital and life satisfaction, and thereby supportive parenting behavior. 2) Family climate of the family of origin affected farther-son intimacy negatively through low marital satisfaction and thereby high psychological controlling parenting. These results evinced that family climate of father's family of origin could be the source of father-son intimacy while fathers' marital and life satisfaction and parenting behaviors mediate the relationships.

A Study on the Relationship between Income Instability and the Degree of Preparation for Old Life and Satisfaction with Current Life (소득위험과 노후준비정도 및 현재생활의 만족도 간의 관련성)

  • Lee, Chan-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.12
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    • pp.337-343
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    • 2019
  • The need for preparation for old life has been further increased due to the increase of the elderly population and changes in economic conditions today. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between income instability and the degree of preparation for old life and satisfaction of current life. The key variables were extracted through prior study review. And the data collected through the survey were statistically analyzed with a structural equation model. The analysis found that the indirect effect of the current income risk on the satisfaction of current life through the preparation for old life had a significant negative effect under the statistically significant level of 0.05. However, it was found that the direct effects of current income risk on the satisfaction of current life were not statistically significant. An additional analysis was conducted by dividing the age, the number of dependents by two groups respectively. To summarize the results, preparation for old life played a significant role as a prerequisite for improving the satisfaction of current life. And the variability(risk) of current income played an important role in preparing for old life. At this time, the degree of relevance between the factors(potential variables) differed somewhat between the two groups. The results of this analysis will be meaningful in providing basic source of data to prepare for a satisfactory life in each individual's current situation. This study, meanwhile, has limitations that have only been done with cross-sectional analysis and would like to analyze time-series changes in the future.

Structural Relationship Analysis between Positive and Negative Parenting Attitudes, Grit, and Academic Helplessness Felt by First Graders of Middle School Students (중학교 1학년 학생이 느끼는 부모의 긍정적·부정적 양육태도, 삶의 만족도, 학업무기력 사이의 구조적 관계 분석)

  • Yoo, Kae-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.140-154
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the structural relationship between parents' positive and negative parenting attitudes, life satisfaction, and academic helplessness. To this end, 2,595 middle school students (1,405 boys and 1,185 girls) were used among the KCYPS 2018 panel materials. The model was validated using a structural equation model, and the verification of the mediated effects of life satisfaction was significant with bootstraps. The results of the study are as follows. First, the positive and negative parenting attitudes of parents have a significant impact on life satisfaction. These results can be interpreted as having an impact on the lives of adolescent children, depending on their parenting attitudes. Second, the positive and negative parenting attitudes of parents have a significant impact on academic helplessness. These results can be interpreted as having an effect on the academic performance of adolescent children depending on their parenting attitudes. Third, satisfaction in life has a significant adverse effect on academic helplessness. These results can be interpreted as having a positive impact on studies according to the satisfaction level of youth's life, and having a negative impact on studies if life satisfaction is high and life satisfaction is low. Fourth, the satisfaction of life is mediated between parents' positive and negative parenting attitudes and academic helplessness. Through this study, it is meaningful in that it allows parents to understand the process of life satisfaction affecting their academic helplessness according to their parenting attitudes.

An Analysis of Structural Relationship during Foreigner's Satisfaction Factor and Intention of Revisit, for Korean Rural Tourism (외국인의 한국농촌관광 만족요인과 재방문의도 구조관계분석)

  • Kim, Min-Seo;Han, Sangjun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2017
  • This study began to learn wether or not satisfaction factor of rural tourism is effective to visit for the ordinary foreign people. Research method was parallel-site investigation literature, questionnaire. The analytical data of the study, literature 40 reviews, questionnaire 179 survey in 200 of the subject was using. Measurement and scale was set factors of satisfaction with 'Transportation Infrastructure', 'Festival Experience Program', 'Place', 'Room and Food', 'Local People', and 'Buying the Local Product' through the previous studies and preliminary survey. In the statistical analysis method, frequency analysis, crosstabs, multiple regression analysis and a structural equation model analysis was performed, using SPSS and AMOS program. The Structural analysis results showed 'Place' and 'Local People' have an positive effect on the 'Overall Satisfaction'. Satisfaction of the 'Festival ExperienceProgram', had a major impact also 'Intention of Revisit'. Finally for rural tourism fascination, the contents such as the distinctive local attraction, human resources, information transmission and convenient use is more important than the format and scale.

Analysis on Influence of Service Quality on the Visitor Satisfaction and Loyalty toward a Mountainous Local Festival : A Case of Juwangsan Sudalrae Festival (산촌지역축제의 서비스품질이 방문객의 만족도와 충성도에 미치는 영향분석 : 주왕산수달래축제를 대상으로)

  • Han, Sang-Yoel;Seol, Jeong-Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.97 no.3
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    • pp.340-347
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    • 2008
  • This study investigates the conceptional structure between festival service quality, visitor's satisfaction, loyalty and festival effects in the Juwangsan Sudalrae mountainous local festival. In order to analyze the structural equation model the paper employed the LISREL (linear structural relationships) approach, covariance structural equation model. Data of 445 visitors were collected from the Juwangsan Sudalrae festival in 2008. Research findings showed that experience, facility and service are positively related to visitors' satisfaction. In addition, visitors' satisfaction is related to loyalty and festival effects. One of the major research findings is that the festival service most affects visitors' satisfaction. This implies that the host of mountainous local festival must put great emphasis on organizing hospitality and festival information. This will lead the festival to a great success and ultimately bring positive impacts to the mountainous residents.

Influence of Activity Engagement of Late Adulthood on Life Satisfaction and Ego Integration: Mediating Effect of Life Meaning (노년기 활동 참여가 삶 만족과 자아통합감에 미치는 영향: 삶의 의미의 매개효과)

  • Kim, Min-Hee;Rie, Juil
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.100-113
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of activity engagement on life satisfaction and ego integration in late adulthood and to investigate the mediating effect of life meaning between activity engagement and life satisfaction and ego integration. 700 elderly(359 male, 350 female) who retired and over 55 years old completed questionnaires. Structural equation model analysis using AMOS showed that the suggested model is appropriate. Results showed that activity engagement was positively associated with life satisfaction and ego integration. and results also showed that life meaning mediated the relationship between activity engagement and life satisfaction and ego integration. Lastly, We discussed the implications of the roles of activity engagement and life meaning on life satisfaction and ego integration for elderly and limitations of this study and suggestions for future research.

Life satisfaction and self-esteem of children from low-income class : Testing mediation model of depression (저소득층 아동의 삶의 만족도와 자아존중감 : 우울의 매개효과 검증)

  • Hong, Yeonran;Jang, Gunja;Choi, Cheungsook
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of depression on the relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction of children from low-income class. The subjects were 385 children from low-income class in two municipalities. As research methods, frequency, descriptive, correlation statistical analysis using SPSS 20.0 program was conducted. The hypothesized model was tested using structural equation model to identify that model fits best to the collected data. The analysis indicates that depression had direct and negative effects on the life satisfaction. Depression mediates partially the relationship between self-esteem and life satisfaction. This study provides theoretical and practical implications for increasing self-esteem had positive effects on decreasing depression and pressing for improvement of life satisfaction level of children from low-income class.

The Structural Relationship among Physical Self-Efficacy, Depression and Ego Integrity (여가스포츠 참여노인의 신체적 자기효능감, 우울감 및 자아통합감의 구조적 관계)

  • Seo, Myung-Geun;Min, Wang-Sik;Kim, Woo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.408-417
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study is to examine the structural relations between physical self-efficacy, depression, and ego-integrity among the elderly (60 years and older) currently participating in leisure sports. In addition, since the variables affecting ego integrity are presented in a multidimensional manner, it is very important to examine the cause and effect of the variables from an integrated perspective. To achieve this objective, 427 senior citizens attending the leisure sports program of a seniors center were assigned as the research subjects. For the structural equation modeling performed in the study, confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis were conducted for each variable, and direct, indirect, and total effects were estimated. The model fit is based on TLI, CFI, and RMSEA, and both the fit of the measurement model and the fit of the research model satisfy the criterion. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, in the results of verifying the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, all the variables of physical self-efficacy, depression, and ego-integrity were suitable. Second, the perceived physical ability had positive effects on depression, current life satisfaction, wise life, and attitude toward life, whereas the physical self-expression confidence had positive effects on current life satisfaction and attitude toward life, but negative effects on acceptance of the past life. Lastly, depression had negative effects on current life satisfaction. The results showed that the elderly identified the integrated relationship of physical self - efficacy, depression, and self-integration.

The Effects of Participation of Lifelong Education Activities on the Self - Consciousness of the Elderly -Focused on Mediating Effect of Life Satisfaction and Volunteer Activity- (노인의 평생교육활동참여가 자아통합감에 미치는 영향 -삶의 만족도와 자원봉사활동의 매개검증을 중심으로-)

  • Ahn, Hwasoon;Moon, Jaewoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.592-599
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to examine whether the participation of lifelong learning activities of the elderly is a part of the self - The questionnaire consisted of 12 items of general characteristics, 5 items of lifelong education, 6 items of volunteer activity, 15 items of life satisfaction, and 10 items of self - integration. The subjects of this study were 300 elderly people aged 60 or older living in Seoul, Gyeonggi - do, and Incheon, and participated in lifelong educational institutions such as the elderly welfare center, elderly university, and ward. As a method of analysis, the structural equation model of AMOS 22.0 was applied. The results obtained by applying the structural equation analysis are as follows. First, general characteristics were tested and the reliability of the items was tested. The reliability of the items, predictability, accuracy, and validity were analyzed by principal component analysis. Second, the research hypothesis was verified by verifying the fit of measurement variables through participation factor of lifelong education, self - integration, life satisfaction, and voluntary service. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS WIN 22.0 and Amos 22.0 programs.

The Effects of Digital Informatization Level Among North Korean Defectors on Daily Life Satisfaction and the Mediating Effects of Social Capital (북한이탈주민의 디지털정보화수준이 생활만족에 미치는 영향과 사회적 자본의 매개효과)

  • Sunghui Cho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to investigate the factors influencing the life satisfaction of North Korean defectors in the ongoing situation of difficulties. Specifically, it examines the impact of the digital informatization level, and social capital on their life satisfaction and aims to verify the mediating effect of social capital in the relationship between the digital informatization level and life satisfaction. To achieve this, a structural equation model was utilized to validate the research model using data from 679 North Korean defectors who participated in the 2021 Report on the digital Divide. The research results confirm the direct influence of the digital informatization level and social capital of North Korean defectors on life satisfaction. Additionally, the study identifies the mediating effect of social capital in the relationship between the digital informatization level and life satisfaction. Based on these research findings, recommendations are proposed for enhancing the life satisfaction of North Korean defectors.