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Evaluation of the Quantitative Practical Use of Smart Phone Stereo Cameras (스마트폰 스테레오 카메라의 정량적 활용성 평가)

  • Park, Kyeong-Sik;Choi, Seok-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2012
  • The interest in 3-dimensional information and its practical use are rapidly increasing and thus some goods with stereoscopic views are being released. Mobile phones, unlike other units, are being closely utilized in everyday life and their applications are undoubtedly limitless. In this study, taking photographs with the stereo-camera of mobile phones has been accomplished and also the possibility of getting the quantitative information has been examined. In addition, this study aims to evaluate the quantitative practical use of mobile phones, evaluating the accuracy of the obtained quantitative information. Thus, interior orientation parameters were decided through the calibration of the lens of two cameras equipped with mobile phones. Using the determined interior orientation parameters, the 3-dimensional coordinates on the targets of the test field were calculated and then compared with precisely observed coordinates. Moreover, the performance of the orientation on the arbitrary building resulted in the standard deviation of X=±0.0674m, Y=±0.25319, and Z=±0.4983m. The result also shows that the plot is possible. As a result, smart phones could be utilized for the acquisition of the quantitative information at close range and small measurement in which the high-accuracy on the basis of centimeters is not required.

The societal cost of rotavirus infection in South Korea (한국에서 로타바이러스 급성 위장관염의 질병 부담)

  • Yang, Bong Min;Jo, Dae Sun;Kim, Youn Hee;Hong, Ji Min;Kim, Jung Soo
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.9
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    • pp.977-986
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : This study aims to estimate the financial cost of rotavirus infection in Korea in the year of 2005. Methods : The incidence rates used were from the epidemiological profile at Jeoungeub District (5.8 cases/1,000 children <5 years old for inpatients, and 22.65 cases/1,000 children <5 years old for outpatients, per year). The health care cost per capita of rotavirus infection (ICD code: A08.0) was extracted from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service database in Korea. The patient survey was conducted to capture information about non-medical costs and associated productivity loss incurred by adult caregivers. Results : The number of annual national cases among children <5 years old with rotavirus infection was estimated to be 69,122 (i.e., 55,030 outpatients and 14,092 inpatients). The total cost of rotavirus infection was estimated at 13.3 billion Korean won, comprising 11 billion Korean won (82.7%) of direct medical costs, 1.6 billion Korean won (12.0%) of direct non-medical costs (e.g., transportation and supplies), and 0.68 billion Korean won (5.1%) of productivity lost by adult caregivers. Conclusion : Rotavirus infection carries not only medical costs but also non-medical and indirect costs; together, these costs incur a significant burden on South Korean society. The impact of rotavirus on quality of life and health among patient caregivers was not considered in this study, but it does merit further research.

Analysis and Proposal of Startup Policy: Focusing on step-by-step Implications such as Startup, Growth, and Recovery (스타트업관련 정책의 현황분석과 정책제안: 창업, 성장, 회수 등 단계별 시사점을 중심으로)

  • Joe, Byoung-Moon;Shin, Hyun-Han
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2020
  • This paper is on the policy proposal for venture ecosystem. First, one of the three secrets of the US venture ecosystem is the law of 50:50. Angel capital investment is as important as venture capital investment. Although professional angel investors and accelerators account for as much as VC in the venture ecosystem, they are ignored from policy considerations. We argue that the revision of related law is urgent. Second, large US firms invest more in M&As than in internal R&D. Therefore, accelerators and professional angel investors could make effective investment recovery after investing in a startup company. In other words, angel capital does not come in without secondary market development. Angel capital and secondary markets are the two pillars of the venture ecosystem. The government alone is difficult to develop a secondary market. This is why the private sector should come in and introduce corporate venture capital (CVC). Third, we believe the policy direction for national economic growth should be extended from the startup to scale-up. This is because the startup's sales and job creation will start in five years. While the previous study focused on funding (venture financing), this paper aims to balance all three stages of a venture: startup, growth, and recovery, which are the life cycle of a venture company or venture investment. In particular, we propose specific policies in each chapter to improve practical application.

Hospice and Palliative Care in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (만성 폐쇄성 폐질환의 호스피스 완화의료)

  • Shin, Jinyoung;Park, Hye Yun;Lee, Jungkwon
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2017
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by persistent airflow limitation that is usually progressive. It is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, leading to substantial and increasing economic and social burden. Palliative care for COPD patients aims to reduce symptoms and exacerbations and improve exercise tolerance and quality of life. It is difficult to make a prognosis for COPD patients due to the variable illness trajectory and advanced care of patients. However, severity of breathlessness, assessment of lung function impairment, and frequency of exacerbations can help to identify palliative care needs and determine effective methods to mitigate symptoms, which is discussed in this paper. In these patients, it is recommended to provide individualized palliative care along with curative/restorative care at the onset of COPD symptoms. Before launching a palliative care system in Korea, it is necessary to prepare pulmonary rehabilitation resources, patient-centered communication, timely palliative responsiveness, and a program for effective advanced care planning. A multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration with not only the respiratory and palliative care teams but also primary care offers a new model of care for these patients and should be considered with a priority.

An Inquiry into the Cultural Identity of Korean Design: 'Well-Being' and 'Body-Mind Monism' (한국 디자인의 문화적 정체성에 대한 소고: '웰빙'과 '심신일원론')

  • Ko, Young-Lan
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2004
  • It is incontestable that the essence of the current fever of well-being is pseudo-ideology, which is the commercialized well-being. Nevertheless, the potential value as the cultural contests of Korean Design, reaching the philosophy of well-being, must not be overlooked. Being more than its dictionary meaning of 'happiness' and 'welfare', well-being aims peace of mind and richness in mentality, thus supports the life style of 'Body-Mind Monism'. As a trend that has taken a ride on the consumerism, it is inevitable to excavate the benign cultural value that an ordinary sign of well-being lacks in order to create a peculiar model of Korea's design contents by sublimating the commodity aesthetic of well-being into an alternative argument possessing the cultural identity of Korea. Well-being, not much different form an attitude of following the 'ways of nature', is a typical model of non-dualistic thinking of East Asia. By tracing back to the indication of well-being that already existed in the non-dualistic thought and design of East Asia, the genealogy connecting the current phenomena of well-being to the Body-Mind Monism can be found in the cultural traditions of as close as Korea and as far as East Asia. In the case of adopting the monistic way of East Asian thinking that sees body and mind as one not two as the theoretical background of well-being imported fro the West, it is expected to provide a solution for the design discourse of Korea to be out of colonialism. Well-being contributes to the monistic awareness in the period of self-reflected modernization, which needs to search new values based on the reconsideration of dualistic paradigm centered on the Western culture, thus it is worth putting anticipation on the potential significance well-being would have in the field of national as well as international design world.

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The Flora and Vegetation Distribution in Dokdo (독도(동도)의 식물상과 식생분포)

  • Kim, Myung-Hyun;Oh, Young-Ju;Kim, Chang-Seok;Han, Min-Su;Lee, Jeong-Taek;Na, Young-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2007
  • This study aims to investigate the flora and the vegetation of Dokdo (Dongdo). The vegetation types were investigated by the Z-M school method. A total of 44 vascular plant taxa belonging to 24 families, 41 genera, 36 species, and 11 varieties are recognized in Dongdo, Dokdo. In this study, we confirmed four species, Chenopodium serotinum, Chelidonium majus var. asiaticum, Bromus japonicus, Elymus sibiricus, that had not been previously reported. The biological type of Dokdo was determined to be ThD4R5e(b) type. Two main vegetation groups which were established in a rocky area with little soil development and in a developed soil layer, along the development of soil layer have been distinguished and classified into five communities. The former was composed of 1 community; Aster spathulifolius-Sedum oryzifolium community. The latter was composed of 4 communities; Agropyron tsukusiense var. transiens community, Festuca rubra-Artemisia japonica ssp. littoricola community, Miscanthus sinensis community, and Artemisia princeps community.

Does College Experience Effect Job Quality Of Science And Engineering Graduates? -Focusing On Gender Gap (이공계 대학생의 대학생활 경험과 취업의 질 : 성별차이를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Ha-young;Moon, Bo-Eun
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to examine whether a gender works to make the difference on the university experiences of natural sciences and engineering major students; and the income and quality gap between the graduates. In this study, university experiences means job market and job searching related experiences such as job fair attending, The main research questions are as follows; fist, what are the significant university experiences related job preparation and application, and is there a gender gap on those experiences? Second, how is the job market performance of the national sciences and engineering graduates for their income level and quality job, and is there a gender gap on the job market performance of the sample? Third, which variables among the university experiences for job searching and application impacts the job quality and income level of the natural sciences and engineering graduates? To find out the research results, this study conducts a panel data analysis with GOMS (Graduates Occupational Mobility Survey) throughout survey year of 2006 to 2015, towards 568,264 as weighted value number. As analysis methods, this study carries out a descriptive analysis, ANOVA, discriminant analysis, linear regression and T-test. Therefore, here are the brief outputs of the study; first, for natural sciences and engineering students, the off-campus experiences such as job fair, job recruit festival and internship programs are more favored; second, female students are more likely to attend personal and self-driven job preparation programs; third, on job market performance, the graduates' income level and company scale rate are higher in the male but job stability is higher in the female; fourth, as a result of the linear regression, gender factor decides the income level in considerable degree; additionally, gender factor shows the difference of the job satisfaction and self-effectiveness on one's job as a qualitative variables. For obtaining strictness, university program factors are controlled through model fitness process. As above, this study finds out the main factors of university life of natural sciences and engineering graduates which are related their job searching and preparation experiences and figures out stronger factors in job market; and examines the statistically significance of the gender in this casual-effect relationship between job preparation and job quality of the graduates.

Plant Immunity against Viruses: Moving from the Lab to the Field (식물바이러스 면역반응 최신 연구 동향 및 전망)

  • Kim, Nam-Yeon;Hong, Jin-Sung;Jeong, Rae-Dong
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.9-25
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    • 2018
  • Plant viruses cause significant yield losses and continuously threaten crop production, representing a serious threat to global food security. Studies on plant-virus interactions have contributed to increase our knowledge on plant immunity mechanism, providing new strategies for crop improvement. The prophylactic managements consist mainly following international legislations, eradication of infected plants, and application of pesticide to decrease the population of vectors. Hence, putting together the pieces of knowledge related to molecular plant immunity to viruses is critical for the control of virus disease in fields. Over the last several decades, the outstanding outcomes of extensive research have been achieved on comprehension of plant immunity to viruses. Although most dominant R genes have been used as natural resistance genes, recessive resistance genes have been deployed in several crops as another efficient strategy to control viruses. In addition, RNA interference also regulates plant immunity and contribute a very efficient antiviral system at the nucleic acid level. This review aims at describing virus disease on crops and summarizes current resistance mechanisms. Furthermore, we will discuss the current biotechnological approaches to control viral diseases and the future questions that are to be addressed to secure crop production against viruses.

Economic Analysis of Rural Green-Village Planning with Solar Energy considering Climate Change (기후변화를 고려한 농촌지역 그린빌리지의 태양에너지 활용에 관한 경제성 분석)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik;Wang, Young-Doo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to perform the economic analysis to the use of solar power facilities in rural villages considering the climate change scenario. IPCC climate change scenarios in the recently adopted the RCP scenarios (RCP8.5, RCP6.5, RCP4.5, RCP2.6) was used. By RCP scenarios, solar radiation, depending on the scenario in 2100, respectively, 3.6%, 2.5%, 1.9%, 1.1% was assumed to increase. From the economic analysis(payback period is 25 year) on 8 points of each province, in all cases of normal data and four RCP scenarios, at all points analyzed were NPV indicate a negative, BC ratio less than 1.0, respectively. In the case of Mokpo, Chunnam RCP8.5, BC ratio were found to be up to a 0.92, followed by 0.89 in the case of RCP8.5 in Jinju, Kyungnam shows, while the minimum was in Jeju. BC ratio is 1.0 or bigger, in order for the normal solar radiation data in Mokpo, Chonnam was the minimum that it takes 37 years. Similarly, in the case of RCP scenarios, 30 years in Mokpo, Chonnam RCP8.5 and 31 years in the cases of Jinju, Kyungnam and Jeonju, Cheonbuk RCP8.5 were analyzed. It was analyzed that RCP8.5 has the highest value. BC analysis models for each of the factors, the results of the sensitivity analysis, the initial installation costs, electricity sales price, discount rate in the order of economy showed higher sensitivity, and the rest factors showed lower changes. Although there are some differences of solar radiation by region, but in Korea most facilities in rural areas, the use of solar power was considered to be economical enough, considering change of several factors with high sensitivity, such as increasing of government subsidies for the solar power installation of the facility, rising oil prices due to a rise in electricity sales price, and a change in discount rate. In particular, when considering climate change scenarios, the use of solar energy for rural areas of the judgment that there was more economical.

Structure-dependent Mechanism of Action of Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Cultured Primary Hepatocytes (간세포에서 PAH의 구조 의존적 작용기전)

  • Kim Sun-Young;Hong Sung-Bum;Yang Jae-Ho
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2006
  • Among poly aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxin and PCBs are the most controversial environmental pollutants in our modern life. These pollutants are known as human carcinogens, and liver is the most sensitive target in animal cancer models. Specific aims of the study were focused on the mechanism of carcinogenesis in hepatocytes and the structure-activity relation among these diverse environmental chemicals. Because key mechanisms of dioxin-induced carcinogenesis in human epithelial cell model are the alteration of signal transduction pathway and PKC isoforms, the alteration of the signal transduction pathways and other factors associated with carcinogenesis were studied. Rat hepatocytes cultured under the sandwich protocols were exposed with the various concentration of dioxins and PCBs, and signal transduction pathway, protein kinase C isoforms, oxidant stress, and apoptotic nuclei were evaluated. Since it is important to understand the structure-activity relation among these chemicals to properly assess the carcinogenic potentials, the study analyzed the parameters associated with carcinogenic processes, based on their structural characteristics. In addition, signal transduction pathways and PKC isoforms involved in inhibition of UV-induced apoptosis were also analyzed to elaborate the tumor promotion mechanism of these chemicals. Induction of apoptosis by UV irradiation was optimal at 60J/m2 in primary hepatocyte in culture. Compared to non coplanar PCBs such as PCB 114 and PCB 153, coplanar PCBs such as PCB 77 and PCB126 showed a stronger inhibition of apoptosis induced by UV irradiation. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was more stimulated by non-coplanar PCBs than coplanar PCBs with the most potent induction of ROS by chlorinated non-coplanar PCB. As compared to the level of induction by PCB126, non-coplanar PCB153 showed a higher increase of intracellular concentrations. Besides the alteration of intracellular calcium concentration, translocation of PKC from cytosolic fraction to membrane fraction was clearly observed upon the exposure of non-coplanar PCB. Taken together, the present study demonstrated that there is a potent structure-activity relationship among PCB congeners and the mechanism of PAH-induced carcinogenesis is structure-specific. The study suggested that more diverse pathways of PAH-induced carcinogenesis should be taken into account beyond the boundary of Ah receptor dogma to assess the health impact of PAH with more accuracy.