• Title/Summary/Keyword: large database

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A Comprehensive Study On Construction of Digital Image Database Using Airphoto (항공사진 이미지 데이터베이스 구축방안)

  • 강영옥;안재영;김은모
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.283-303
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    • 1999
  • Airphotos taken for the management of unauthorized houses in large cities like Seoul are very important material for understanding periodic change of topogrpahy. A research on construction of digital database using airphoto are required for the efficient management of existing airphotos, for the easy and better understanding of topography together with 1; 1,000 digital topographic map, and for the easy updating of topographic data. Digital data using 1 ; 5, 000 scale airphoto scanned 1,000 dpi has been experimentally constructed from georeferenced images to orthorectified images. The technical and economical possibilities for the construction of digital database using apripjoto have been checked based on the experimentation and future direction of how to make digital database using existing airphoto has been suggested.

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Face recognition rate comparison using Principal Component Analysis in Wavelet compression image (Wavelet 압축 영상에서 PCA를 이용한 얼굴 인식률 비교)

  • 박장한;남궁재찬
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we constructs face database by using wavelet comparison, and compare face recognition rate by using principle component analysis (Principal Component Analysis : PCA) algorithm. General face recognition method constructs database, and do face recognition by using normalized size. Proposed method changes image of normalized size (92${\times}$112) to 1 step, 2 step, 3 steps to wavelet compression and construct database. Input image did compression by wavelet and a face recognition experiment by PCA algorithm. As well as method that is proposed through an experiment reduces existing face image's information, the processing speed improved. Also, original image of proposed method showed recognition rate about 99.05%, 1 step 99.05%, 2 step 98.93%, 3 steps 98.54%, and showed that is possible to do face recognition constructing face database of large quantity.

A Database Design Method for Wind Power Plant SCADA System based on IEC61400-25 (IEC61400-25 국제표준기반 풍력 SCADA시스템을 위한 데이터베이스 설계방안)

  • Chae, Chang Hun;Choi, Hyo Yul;Choi, Jun Suk
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, a database method for Wind Power Plant SCADA system based on IEC61400-25 was designed. To manage big data, which is produced by the introduction of international standards and large/grouping of wind power plant, database should be systematically designed. As identify the characteristics of the wind power data and reflect the requirements of a user, it would be decreasing the waste of data space and managing efficiently the system. As a result, it is expected to reduce cost and effort in development and maintenance of Wind Power Plant.

Characterization of Yeast and Bacterial Type Strains with Food and Agricultural Applications by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Biotyping

  • Harnpicharnchai, Piyanun;Jaresitthikunchai, Janthima;Seesang, Mintra;Jindamorakot, Sasitorn;Tanapongpipat, Sutipa;Ingsriswang, Supawadee
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.138-147
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    • 2020
  • Various microorganisms play important roles in food fermentation, food spoilage, and agriculture. In this study, the biotype of 54 yeast and bacterial strains having high potential for utilization in food and agriculture, including Candida spp., Lactobacillus spp., and Acetobacter spp., were characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). This characterization using a fast and robust method provides much-needed information on the selected microorganisms and will facilitate effective usage of these strains in various applications. Importantly, the unique protein profile of each microbial species obtained from this study was used to create a database of fingerprints from these species. The database was validated using microbial strains of the same species by comparing the mass spectra with the created database through pattern matching. The created reference database provides crucial information and is useful for further utilization of a large number of valuable microorganisms relevant to food and agriculture.

Computational method in database-assisted design for wind engineering with varying performance objectives

  • Merhi, Ali;Letchford, Chris W.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.439-452
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    • 2021
  • The concept of Performance objective assessment is extended to wind engineering. This approach applies using the Database-Assisted Design technique, relying on the aerodynamic database provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). A structural model of a low-rise building is analyzed to obtain influence coefficients for internal forces and displacements. Combining these coefficients with time histories of pressure coefficients on the envelope produces time histories of load effects on the structure, for example knee and ridge bending moments, and eave lateral drift. The peak values of such effects are represented by an extreme-value Type I Distribution, which allows the estimation of the gust wind speed leading to the mean hourly extreme loading that cause specific performance objective compromises. Firstly a fully correlated wind field over large tributary areas is assumed and then relaxed to utilize the denser pressure tap data available but with considerably more computational effort. The performance objectives are determined in accordance with the limit state load combinations given in the ASCE 7-16 provisions, particularly the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method. The procedure is then repeated for several wind directions and different dominant opening scenarios to determine the cases that produce performance objective criteria. Comparisons with two approaches in ASCE 7 are made.

A Method for Generating Large-Interval Itemset using Locality of Data (데이터의 지역성을 이용한 빈발구간 항목집합 생성방법)

  • 박원환;박두순
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.465-475
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    • 2001
  • Recent1y, there is growing attention on the researches of inducing association rules from large volume of database. One of them is the method that can be applied to quantitative attribute data. This paper presents a new method for generating large-interval itemsets, which uses locality for partitioning the range of data. This method can minimize the loss of data-inherent characteristics by generating denser large-interval items than other methods. Performance evaluation results show that our new approach is more efficient than previously proposed techniques.

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Segment-Based Inverted Index for Querying Large XML Documents (대용량 XML 문서의 효율적인 질의 처리를 위한 세그먼트 기반 역 인덱스)

  • Jeong, Byeong-Soo;Lee, Hiye-Ja
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.145-157
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    • 2008
  • The existing XML storage methods which use relational data model, usually store path information for every node type including literal contents in order to keep the structural information of XML documents. Such path information is usually maintained by an inverted index to efficiently process XPath queries for large XML documents. In this study, We propose an improved approach that retrieve information from the large volume of XML documents stored in a relational database, while using a segment-based inverted index for path searches. Our new approach can reduce the number of searching an inverted index for getting target path information. We show the effectiveness of this approach through several experiments that compare XPath query performance with the existing methods.


  • Jinho Shin;Hyun-soo Lee;Moonseo Park;Kwonsik Song
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2013.01a
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    • pp.648-651
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    • 2013
  • The information generated in large-scale and complex construction projects are transferred continuously and transformed into project products on the long span life cycle. Therefore, information flow management is related with the success of project directly. However, certain characteristics of large-scale and complex construction projects make the solving the problem more difficultly. Although several information retrieval systems support the information management system, it is not suitable to grasp information flows. Hence, we developed an information retrieval system specialized with the information flow based on a preceding research. The system consists of a relation-based database and the process information transferring relation inference application module. The system enables project managers to manage the entire project process more efficiently and each project member to work their own task being served the information flow retrieval results.

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Firm Value and Ownership Structure of Online Firms in the World (전 세계 온라인 기업의 가치와 소유구조)

  • Yeo, Heejung
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.257-278
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    • 2017
  • The paper examines the ownership structure and the firm value of online firms in the world. Data are gathered by using FACTIVA database for firms in the Dow Jones index for the 2014 fiscal year. The Ordinary Least Squares regressions, the Generalized Linear Model, and the model selection criteria are employed to analyze the relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. The paper tests theories such as the convergence of interest theory, the managerial entrenchment theory, and the eclectic theory. The paper finds that the ownership structure has an influence on the firm value depending on the rank of the large shareholders. While the first large shareholders have a negative association with the firm value, the presence of the second and the third large shareholders have a positive influence on the firm value. The paper also finds that the identity of the largest shareholders whether they are insiders or outsiders have an influence on the firm value. The proportion of shareholding by a large shareholder and her identity are variables which predict a firm value.

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Product Recommendation System on VLDB using k-means Clustering and Sequential Pattern Technique (k-means 클러스터링과 순차 패턴 기법을 이용한 VLDB 기반의 상품 추천시스템)

  • Shim, Jang-Sup;Woo, Seon-Mi;Lee, Dong-Ha;Kim, Yong-Sung;Chung, Soon-Key
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.7 s.110
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    • pp.1027-1038
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    • 2006
  • There are many technical problems in the recommendation system based on very large database(VLDB). So, it is necessary to study the recommendation system' structure and the data-mining technique suitable for the large scale Internet shopping mail. Thus we design and implement the product recommendation system using k-means clustering algorithm and sequential pattern technique which can be used in large scale Internet shopping mall. This paper processes user information by batch processing, defines the various categories by hierarchical structure, and uses a sequential pattern mining technique for the search engine. For predictive modeling and experiment, we use the real data(user's interest and preference of given category) extracted from log file of the major Internet shopping mall in Korea during 30 days. And we define PRP(Predictive Recommend Precision), PRR(Predictive Recommend Recall), and PF1(Predictive Factor One-measure) for evaluation. In the result of experiments, the best recommendation time and the best learning time of our system are much as O(N) and the values of measures are very excellent.