• Title/Summary/Keyword: landforms

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Aesthetic Value of Korean National Parks' Landscape: Its Appreciation and Protection Strategies (국립공원 경관 가치의 증진방안)

  • Park, Kyeong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.369-382
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    • 2003
  • Natural resources managers have considered the landscape without detailed consideration of aesthetic values of the landscape and geomorphological significance of unique landforms. Since EIA system was introduced in 1981, values associated with landscape protection have been neglected at best compared with those values traditionally attributed to environmental protection, including clean air, water quality and species protection. Black top highways are being built without consideration of harmful effects to the sea cliffs. Sea walls and tetrapod are being installed to protect the coastal towns and fish markets for tourist. However, beach itself are experiencing accelerated erosion due to the shortage of proper coastal engineering expertise. Hotels and condominiums are under construction on a massive scale around the national parks, which substitute the scenic ridges with concrete profiles. To protect the scenic beauty of national parks, their design and construction material should be more harmonious with the surroundings. Therefore, visual impact assessment should be applied both within the national park boundary and beyond to enhance the aesthetic values of national parks.

'Hillslope Erosion Assessment using 137Cs radionuclide in Granite and Sedimentary rock basins in South Korea'

  • Orkhonselenge, A.;Tanaka, Y.;Kim, Song-Hyun;Kim, Yong-Kyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Quaternary Association Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2005
  • The soil erosion processes have estimated using spatial distribution of 137Cs radionuclide in Granite and Sedimentary Hillslopes in South Korea. The local variability of 137Cs inventory indicates that was related positively to organic matter content, clay content and water content and negatively to hydraulic permeability and slope gradient for bulk samples in different landforms within Granite and Sedimentary rock basins. The vertical variability of 137Cs inventory shows that most of 137Cs concentration and organic matter were accumulated between 0 and 2cms and gradually decrease with soil depth in incremental samples in both basins. The vertical variability of 137Cs inventories shows that 137Csinventories increase as we go to toward downslope in both basins. Finally, the soil loss values indicate that hillslope erosion processes are more intensive in Granite rock basin than those in Sedimentary rock basin.

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A Study on Landforms related to Geology in the vicinity of Uro Cave (우로굴 주변의 지질과 지형경관)

  • 김주환
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.62
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2004
  • The main purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between the development of the Uro cave and the characteristics of the landform development. The mountain systems of the study area are north-western part. central part and south-eastern part. The third order streams are developed, and the bifurcation ratios are 7.0 and 4.0. The drainage density and the networks of the streams are not well developed in this area. The rocks of this area are sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks and Igneous rocks. The soils are lithosol, and red-brownish soils.

A study on classification and spatial form of coastal landscape according to anglers -From analysis on articles of specialized magazine for fishing- (낚시 전문가에 의한 해반지형경관의 분류와 그 형태에 관한 연구 -낚시 전문잡지의 기사 분석을 통하여-)

  • 강영조
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify the classification and the spatial form of the named coastal landforms which are collected from the specialized magazine for fishing as a collective representative. The costal landform, viewing from the fishing activity, is divided into 9 types which are Yo(sunken rock), Kaeppai(rock-ribbed coast), Jolbyeok(cliff), Koppuri(spite), Chagalmadang(shringle beach), Kanchulam(intermitent rock), Mulgol(valley sea), Kaeppul(tidal flat), Sajang(sandy coast). And the characterstics of the 9types of landform were analyzed. The results of this study will contribute to establish teory on conservation and rehabilitation of costal landscape.

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Geotourism Using Taean Haebyeongil Course 6 and 7 (태안해변길 제 6, 7코스를 활용한 지오투어리즘)

  • Kim, Do-Hui;JANG, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.81-95
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    • 2018
  • Taean Haebyeongil is a coastal walkway designed by Taeanhaean National Park Office. This study is to present a geotourism program using Taean Haebyeongil course 6, 7 and to introduce explanation boardsto promote an effective geotourism program of the Taeanhaean National Park. Generally, geotourism program is developed by analyzing geomorphic and cultural resources of the Taean Haebyeongil course 6, 7. As a result of this study, authors suggest the following programs. In course 6(Saetbyeol-gil) from Byeongsul bay to north of Saetbyeol beach, experiencing fishing-village culture in the Byeongsul bay village may be a key geo-activity. In course 7(Baram-gil) is from south of Janggok beach to Baramarae beach, visiting Gonam Shell Mound Museum. This study is to suggest a new method of explaining geological features and cultural resources to visitors of the Taeanhaean National Park. Authors wish this new program will boost tourism of Taean Haebyeongil.

A Study on the Values Of Dongmag Beach as a Geosite and Increasing its Values (강화도 동막해변의 지질명소로서 가치와 증진 방안에 관한 연구)

  • PARK, Kyeong
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.117-129
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    • 2018
  • Dongmag beach area contains diverse geological and geomorphological outcrops which can be used for geotourism purposes. They are as follows; headland with granodiorite with plenty of enclaves and sandy beach, which is fed from Manisan with well-developed sheeting joints composed of granite and granodiorite. Weathered material from the hillside feedsthe one and only sandy beach in Ganghwado Island. Weathered outcrop at the hillside behind beach exposes typical spherical weathering also. Bunori Dondae Fort which was built on top of sea cliff with granodiorite has plenty of history and cultural values commands an extraordinary view of tidal flats and coastal landforms. This geosite with high geodiversity can be used for interpreters who provide balanced views of nature conservation.

A Study on Characteristics of Mountainous Landforms Associated with Folklore and Geo-storytelling (산이동 설화에 대한 지형학적 검토)

  • Park, Kyeong
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2019
  • Place names or toponyms including Gosan, Busan and Buraesan can be very important and interesting storytelling subjects in terms of geomorphology and folklore studies also. Several studies done by folklorists, those sixty five mountain-moving stories with similar names can be grouped into several categories through formation processes and origin, transport media and imposition of tax. Geomorphological studies can focus on transport media. They can be classified into six different categories; 1) flood from upstream through river, 2) voluntary walk of mountains, 3) by wind, 4) upwelling from underground, 5) involvement of mythical beings such as Mago Granny or Dokkaebi (kind of goblin), or 6) migration by ocean current.

A Land Resources Survey of the Mula Area, S. E. Spain (동남(東南)스페인 Mula지역(地域)에서의 Land Resources Survey)

  • Yun, Suckew
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.29-64
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    • 1973
  • A land resources survey in the semi-arid area, Mula in S. E. Spain, of $400km^2$ is compiled. The basic aim of the project is to investigate the intrinsic qualities of the land resources of the area by means of applying an integrated method of natural resources survey mainly concerning with analysis and synthesis of land complexes, each of them represents an area or a group of areas with similar patterns of landforms, soils and vegetation, based on a geomorphological approach. The area is characterized by a linear arrangement of relief pattern with an asymmetric homoclinal repetition of slope attitudes elongating WSW-ENE, dipping steeply on the NW sides and gently on the SE sides, which have been resulted from the post-Alpine folding of the Triassic to Cretaceous limestone, the Eocene limestone, the Oligocene sandstone and the lower Miocene limestone and marl, and the post-lower Miocene faulting, tilting and subsequent differential erosion of the Miocene sedimentary formations. An integrated body of information in geology, landforms, soils and vegetation, which are significantry interrelated as an environmental complex, has been obtained. Using this data, 26 land complexes developing on the various situations of landforms, such as folded mountain ranges, tilted tablelands, bevelled cuestas, degraded hill-lands associating with enormous foots lopes, undulating terrains and terraced or flat plains, have been differentiated, mapped and described. The soils of the area are mostly light colored calcic lithosols which have been derived dominantly from the marly parent materials and developed into remarkable slope catenas in some places depending on the relief conditions. The land uses of the area are mainly characterized by the perennially irrigated cultivation of citrus orchards along the terraced alluvial deposits fringing the Segura and Mula River, and the dry-land cereal cultivation on gentler slopes. Pioneer dry-land cultivations within the shrubs on steeper slopes are restricted to the unchannelled tributary drainage floors. The availability of water is a fundamental controlling factor for existence of native and cultivated vegetation as a whole, and a number of active processes including sheet wash and gully erosion, especially on the scarp slopes, are the other important factors to be considered in conservation and management of the land in the area.

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Generality and Specificity of Landforms of the Korean Peninsula, and Its Sustainability (한반도 지형의 일반성과 특수성, 그리고 지속가능성)

  • Park, Soo Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.656-674
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study was to examine the distinctiveness and generality of landforms of the Korean peninsula, and further discover geomorphological principle that can be applied to land and environmental management in Korea. The research targeted East Asia and Korea, with terrain analysis conducted at a continental scale, national scale, and regional scale sequentially. East Asia displays complicated characteristics and evolutionary history of geotectonics, but exhibits distinct northeast-southwest geomorphological structure and connectivity at the continental level. While the Korean peninsula follows this pattern on a continental scale, it also features NNW-SSE direction (Nangrim and Taebaek Mountains) geomorphological connectivity that intersects at a right angle. From a national perspective, the Korean peninsula hosts the most diverse geomorphological features within East Asia. It does not have a high average altitude, but has relatively high slope angle and intricate topographical distribution in comparison to neighboring areas. While the mountains and plains of the Korean peninsula display a smooth connection, geomorphologically similar areas such as Shikhote-Alin, Huanan in China, and Japan have clear characteristics that divide the mountains and plains. Despite the distinctiveness and diversity that appear in East Asian topography on the regional scale, the connectivity that links the top of mountain (hill) to stream is identical among all areas as a general rule. It is collectively considering the connectivity and the geomorphological and ecological processes that arise within this connectivity that will serve as the focal point for sustainable landscape management.

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The Regional Geomorphology of Dokdo(Volcanic Island) (독도의 지형지(地形誌))

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2005
  • Although Dokdo, small and dependent islands of Ulleung County, can be considered critical in terms of both geo-politics and physical geography, it is clear that Korean geographers have been too silent tn study Dokdo. In the author's view, such tendency is partly due to difficulties in access to Dokdo. In this sense this study would be meaningful for inquiring into the regional geomorphology of Dokdo regardless of only three-day field work. The major findings of the study are as follows. Firstly, the geology of Dokdo is composed of 8 rock units. Secondly, in a slope analysis of Dokdo volcano using GIS tool, steep slopes over $26^{\circ}$ account for 79.1% of whole slopes and even free faces, defined as slopes over $40^{\circ}$, account for 65.4%. Thirdly, the main landforms of Dokdo constitute volcanic landform, coastal landform and the others, such as talus, dyke, tafoni and erosional hollow. Fourthly, it turns out that advanced landform classification map of Dokdo can be designed by taking an approach tn regional geomorphology. Finally, based on a detailed review of the latest geological literature, I argue that part of landforms of East Dokdo(dongdo) is closer tn an erosional hollow than a small crater.

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