• Title/Summary/Keyword: judge method

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Development of Potential Function Based Path Planning Algorithm for Mobile Robot

  • Lee, Sang-Il;Kim, Myun-Hee;Oh, Kwang-Seuk;Lee, Sang-Ryong
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.2325-2330
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    • 2005
  • A potential field method for solving the problem of path planning based on global and local information for a mobile robot moving among a set of stationary obstacles is described. The concept of various method used path planning is used design a planning strategy. A real human living area is constructed by many moving and imminence obstacles. Home service mobile robot must avoid many obstacles instantly. A path that safe and attraction towards the goal is chosen. The potential function depends on distance from the goal and heuristic function relies on surrounding environments. Three additional combined methods are proposed to apply to human living area, calibration robots position by measured surrounding environment and adapted home service robots. In this work, we proposed the application of various path planning theory to real area, human living. First, we consider potential field method. Potential field method is attractive method, but that method has great problem called local minimum. So we proposed intermediate point in real area. Intermediate point was set in doorframe and between walls there is connect other room or other area. Intermediate point is very efficiency in computing path. That point is able to smaller area, area divided by intermediate point line. The important idea is intermediate point is permanent point until destruction house or apartment house. Second step is move robot with sensing on front of mobile robot. With sensing, mobile robot recognize obstacle and judge moving obstacle. If mobile robot is reach the intermediate point, robot sensing the surround of point. Mobile robot has data about intermediate point, so mobile robot is able to calibration robots position and direction. Third, we gave uncertainty to robot and obstacles. Because, mobile robot was motion and sensing ability is not enough to control. Robot and obstacle have uncertainty. So, mobile robot planed safe path planning to collision free. Finally, escape local minimum, that has possibility occur robot do not work. Local minimum problem solved by virtual obstacle method. Next is some supposition in real living area.

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A Study on Change of Safety Factor according to Slope Analysis Method using Strength Parameters and Slope Change (강도 정수와 경사도 변화를 활용한 비탈면 해석기법에 따른 안전율 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Hyojong;Shim, Jeonghoon;Jeong, Jisu;Lee, Seungho
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2017
  • The slope stability analysis by the limit equilibrium method has the disadvantage that it can be applied only when the analysis is performed by setting the critical plane after analyzing the active surface many times and the soil is uniform and only the safety factor can be calculated. However, the analysis using the strength reduction analysis method has advantages that the engineer can judge various aspects and calculate the safety factor. In this study, the safety factor according to the change of slope and shear strength was compared and analyzed using limit equilibrium analysis and strength reduction method. It is suggested that it is desirable to use the strength reduction method which can synthetically review the stress, displacement, and strain in the soil.

Application Load Duration Curve for Evaluation of Impaired Watershed at TMDL Unit Watershed in Korea (수질오염총량 단위유역의 유량조건별 수체 손상 평가를 위한 부하지속곡선 적용성 연구)

  • Hwang, Ha-Sun;Yoon, Chun-Gyeong;Kim, Ji-Tae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.903-909
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was evaluated on the applicability of Load Duration Curve Method (LDC Method) using HSPF watershed model and sampling data for efficient TMDLs in Korea. The LDC Method was used for assessment pollutant characteristics in watershed and water quality variation in each water flow level. Load Duration Curve is applied for judge the level of impaired water-body and can be estimated the impaired level by pollutant, such as BOD, T-N, and T-P in this study depending on variation of stream flow. As a result, BOD, T-P was usually exceed the standard value at low flow and dry hydrologic period. Improvement of effluent concentration from WWTP and riparian buffer protection zone are effective to improve the water quality. T-N showed the worst condition at mid-range hydrologic period and moist hydrologic period. Therefore, soil erosion control program and BMPs for non-point source pollution control is effective for recovery the water quality, which can be useful method for management of water quality in the plan of recovery water quality spontaneously. Applicability of LDC Method was evaluated in the Nakbon A watershed. However, we need to consider more detailed and accumulated data set such as accurate GIS data and detail pollution data, and WWTP discharge water quality data for accurate evaluation of watershed. Overall, The LDC Method is adequate for evaluation of watersheds characteristics, and its application is recommended for watershed management and TMDL Implementation.

Effects of Estrus Synchronization and Ovulation Induction Methods on Hormone Concentrations and Pregnancy Rate in Artificial Insemination of Riding Horses (말 인공수정에서 발정동기화와 배란유도 방법이 호르몬 농도와 임신율에 미치는 효과)

  • Su heon Gwon;Yong Soo Park
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.111-117
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    • 2024
  • Reproductive research such as artificial insemination and embryo transfer is necessary to produce high-quality riding horses. In this study, we investigated the effects of estrus synchronization and ovulation induction methods, which can be considered the basis of artificial insemination in horses, on the hormone concentration and artificial insemination pregnancy rate of mares. For the purpose of synchronization of estrus in horses, Cidr-plus insertion method, Regumate feeding method, and 150mg progesterone + 10mg estradiol mixed administration method were used. In the Cidr-plus insertion method and the Regumate feeding method, the progesterone concentration reached the appropriate level for ovulation induction on the 8th day of administration. The mixed administration method of 150mg progesterone + 10mg estradiol maintained the progesterone concentration at an appropriate level immediately after administration. With the administration of PGF2a and hCG, progesterone concentration decreased rapidly, making ovulation induction possible. As a result of comparing the pregnancy rate between natural estrus and estrus synchronization, the pregnancy rate was found to be higher in estrus synchronization and ovulation induction. From the results of this study, it is insufficient to judge the effect of the pregnancy rate due to the small number of tests, but in terms of usability, estrus synchronization and ovulation induction were useful. Therefore, it is expected to contribute to improving the efficiency of future roadster production.

Robust vehicle Detection in Rainy Situation with Adaboost Using CLAHE (우천 상황에 강인한 CLAHE를 적용한 Adaboost 기반 차량 검출 방법)

  • Kang, Seokjun;Han, Dong Seog
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.41 no.12
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    • pp.1978-1984
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes a robust vehicle detecting method by using Adaboost and CLAHE(Contrast-Limit Adaptive Histogram Equalization). We propose two method to detect vehicle effectively. First, we are able to judge rainy and night by converting RGB value to brightness. Second, we can detect a taillight, designate a ROI(Region Of Interest) by using CLAHE. And then, we choose an Adaboost algorithm by comparing traditional vehicle detecting method such as GMM(Gaussian Mixture Model), Optical flow and Adaboost. In this paper, we use proposed method and get better performance of detecting vehicle. The precision and recall score of proposed method are 0.85 and 0.87. That scores are better than GMM and optical flow.

A Study on the Optimization of Aircraft Fuselage Structure using Mixture Amount Method & Genetic Algorithm (혼합물 총량법과 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 항공기 동체 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • 김형래;박찬우
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2006
  • In general engineering problems, the purpose of an optimization is to get optimal design variables. It is the same problem to fix the total amount of the design variables and to judge the optimal mixing proportions of the design variables. That is to say, we can recompose the engineering problems in the concepts of the mixture amount experiments. The goal of mixture amount method is to get the response surfaces of varying both the mixing proportion of component and the total amount of the mixture. The solution of the aircraft fuselage optimization problem is obtained by the mixture amount method and genetic algorithm. In this study, it is shown that the mixture amount method can be utilized for the aircraft structural optimization problem. Also, this method in this study can be applied for the optimization problems over 12 design variables which is impossible for D-optimal design.

A Comparison of the Characteristics between Single and Double Finger Gestures for Web Browsers

  • Park, Jae-Kyu;Lim, Young-Jae;Jung, Eui-S.
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.629-636
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    • 2012
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the characteristics of single and double finger gestures related on the web browser and to extract the appropriate finger gestures. Background: As electronic equipment emphasizes miniaturization for improving portability various interfaces are being developed as input devices. Electronic devices are made smaller, the gesture recognition technology using the touch-based interface is favored for easy editing. In addition, user focus primarily on the simplicity of intuitive interfaces which propels further research of gesture based interfaces. In particular, the fingers in these intuitive interfaces are simple and fast which are users friendly. Recently, the single and double finger gestures are becoming more popular so more applications for these gestures are being developed. However, systems and software that employ such finger gesture lack consistency in addition to having unclear standard and guideline development. Method: In order to learn the application of these gestures, we performed the sketch map method which happens to be a method for memory elicitation. In addition, we used the MIMA(Meaning in Mediated Action) method to evaluate gesture interface. Results: This study created appropriate gestures for intuitive judgment. We conducted a usability test which consisted of single and double finger gestures. The results showed that double finger gestures had less performance time faster than single finger gestures. Single finger gestures are a wide satisfaction difference between similar type and difference type. That is, single finger gestures can judge intuitively in a similar type but it is difficult to associate functions in difference type. Conclusion: This study was found that double finger gesture was effective to associate functions for web navigations. Especially, this double finger gesture could be effective on associating complex forms such as curve shaped gestures. Application: This study aimed to facilitate the design products which utilized finger and hand gestures.

Measurement of Glass Sintering Degree by Electro-chemical Method (전기 화학적 방법을 이용한 소결도의 측정)

  • 차재민;김웅식;이병철;류봉기
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.553-559
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    • 2003
  • PDP rib is one of the important parts of manufacturing process and the sintering degree of rib plays an important role to prevent some problems such as cross talk. Nowadays, the screen-printing method, which is a low price and high production, is used to make a rib. However, it is hard to judge and value the sintering ratio of sintered body itself. In this study, we measured the sintering degree by the dielectric breakdown of pores with the potentiostat. We conformed that this has similar tendency to density of sintered samples and an error being expected by open and closed pores was inspected by change of the microstructure to scanning electron microscope. This result showed that the sintering degree of PDP rib could be analyzed into the electro-chemical method.

Wire Rope Fault Detection using Probability Density Estimation (확률분포추정기법을 이용한 와이어로프의 결함진단)

  • Jang, Hyeon-Seok;Lee, Young-Jin;Lee, Kwon-Soon
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.61 no.11
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    • pp.1758-1764
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    • 2012
  • A large number of wire rope has been used in various inderstiries as Cranes and Elevators from expanding the scale of the industrial market. But now, the management of wire rope is used as manually operated by rope replacement from over time or after the accident.It is caused to major accidents as well as economic losses and personal injury. Therefore its time to need periodic fault diagnosis of wire rope or supply of real-time monitoring system. Currently, there are several methods has been reported for fault diagnosis method of the wire rope, to find out the feature point from extracting method is becoming more common compared to time wave and model-based system. This method has implemented a deterministic modeling like the observer and neural network through considering the state of the system as a deterministic signal. However, the out-put of real system has probability characteristics, and if it is used as a current method on this system, the performance will be decreased at the real time. And if the random noise is occurred from unstable measure/experiment environment in wire rope system, diagnostic criterion becomes unclear and accuracy of diagnosis becomes blurred. Thus, more sophisticated techniques are required rather than deterministic fault diagnosis algorithm. In this paper, we developed the fault diagnosis of the wire rope using probability density estimation techniques algorithm. At first, The steady-state wire rope fault signal detection is defined as the probability model through probability distribution estimate. Wire rope defects signal is detected by a hall sensor in real-time, it is estimated by proposed probability estimation algorithm. we judge whether wire rope has defection or not using the error value from comparing two probability distribution.

Control Packet Transmission Decision Method for Wearable Sensor Systems (웨어러블 센서 시스템에서의 제어 패킷 전송 결정 기법)

  • Yu, Daeun;Kim, Namgi
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2015
  • In the general transmission power control model that is used for wearable sensor systems, if RSSI value gets out of the Target RSSI Margin, then the sink node finds new transmission power by using TPC(Transmission Power Control) Algorithm. At this time, the sink node sends the control packet to the sensor node for delivering the newly calculated transmission power. However, when the wireless network channel condition is poor, even it is consuming a lot of control packets, the sink node could not find an appropriate transmission power so it only waste of energy. Therefore, we proposed a new control packet transmission decision method that the sink node changes the transmission power when the wireless network channel condition is stabilized. It makes waste of energy decline. In this paper, we apply control packet transmission decision method to Binary TPC algorithms and analyze the results to evaluate the proposed method. We propose three methods that judge the state of wireless network channel. We experiment that methods and analysis the results.