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Changes in Growth and Bioactive Compounds of Lettuce According to CO2 Tablet Treatment in the Nutrient Solution of Hydroponic System (수경재배 양액 내 탄산정 처리에 의한 상추의 생육 및 생리활성물질 함량 변화)

  • Bok, Gwonjeong;Noh, Seungwon;Kim, Youngkuk;Nam, Changsu;Jin, Chaelin;Park, Jongseok
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2021
  • In hydroponic cultivation, in order to investigate the change of lettuce growth and physiologically active substances through CO2 tablet treatment in nutrient solution, we used a solid carbonated tablets commercially available in the Netherlands. The experiment consisted of 0.5-fold, 1-fold, and 2-fold treatment groups with no treatment as a control. As a result, the atmospheric CO2 concentration in the chamber after CO2 tablet treatment showed the highest value at 472.2 µL·L-1 in the 2-fold treatment zone immediately after treatment, and the pH in the nutrient solution decreased the most to pH 6.03 in the 2-fold treatment zone. After that, over time, the CO2 concentration and pH recovered to the level before treatment. Leaf width and leaf area of lettuce showed the highest values of 17.1cm and 1067.14 ㎠ when treated 2-fold with CO2 tablet, while fresh weight and dry weight of the above-ground part were highest at 63.87 g and 3.08 g in 0.5-fold treatment. The root length of lettuce was the longest (28.4 cm) in the control, but there was no significant difference in the fresh weight and the dry weight among the treatments. Apparently, it was observed that the root length of the lettuce was shortened by CO2 tablet treatment and a lot of side roots occurred. In addition, there was a growth disorder in which the roots turned black, but it was found that there was no negative effect on the growth of the above-ground part. As a result of analyzing the bioactive compounds of lettuce by CO2 tablet treatment, chlorogenic acid and quercetin were detected. As a result of quantitative analysis, chlorogenic acid increased by 249% compared to the control in 1-fold treatment, but quercetin decreased by 37%. As a result of comparing the DPPH radical scavenging ability showing antioxidant activity, the control and 0.5-fold treatment showed significantly higher values than the 1-fold and 2-fold treatments. This suggests that carbonated water treatment is effective in increasing the growth and bioactive compounds of hydroponic lettuce.

Changes in microbial phase by period after hepa filter replacement in King oyster(Pleurotus eryngii) mushroom cultivation (큰느타리 재배사에서 헤파필터 교체 이후 기간에 따른 미생물상 변화)

  • Park, Hye-Sung;Min, Gyong-Jin;Lee, Eun-Ji;Lee, Chan-Jung
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.398-402
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to set up a proper replacement cycle of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters by observing the microbial populations in the air of the cultivation house of Pleurotus eryngii, before and after HEPA filter replacement at different periods. The density of bacteria and fungi in the air during each cultivation stage was measured using a sampler before the replacement of the HEPA filter. The results showed that airborne microorganisms had the highest density in the mushroom medium preparation room, with 169.7 CFU/㎥ of bacteria and 570 CFU/㎥ of fungi, and the removed old spaun had 126.3 CFU/㎥ of bacteria and 560 CFU/㎥ of fungi. The density of bacteria and fungi in the air at each cultivation stage before the replacement of the HEPA filter was 169.7 CFU/㎥ and 570 CFU/㎥, and 126.3 CFU/㎥ and 560 CFU/㎥, during the medium production and harvesting processes, respectively. After the replacement of the HEPA filter, the bacterial density was the lowest in the incubation room and the fungal density was the lowest in the cooling room. The microbial populations isolated at each period consisted of seven genera and seven species before the replacement, including Cladosporium sp., six genera and six species after 1 month of replacement, including Penicillium sp., 5 genera and 7 species after 3 months of replacement, including Mucor plumbeus, and 5 genera and 12 species, 5 genera and 10 species, and 5 genera and 10 species, 4, 5, and 6 months after the replacement, respectively, including Penicillium brevicompactum. During the period after replacement, the species were diversified and their number increased. The density of airborne microorganisms decreased drastically after the replacement of the HEPA filter. Its lowest value was recorded after 2 months of replacement, and it increased gradually afterwards, reaching a level similar to or higher than that of the pre-replacement period. Therefore, it was concluded that replacing the HEPA filter every 6 months is effective for reducing contamination.

Design and Management Direction of Smart Park for Smart Green City (스마트 그린시티 구현을 위한 스마트 공원 설계·관리 방향)

  • Kim, Yong-Gook;Song, Yu-Mi;Cho, Sang-kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to propose a direction for designing and managing a smart park for realizing a smart green city and to present measures in the landscape field to foster related industries. The research process is as follows. First, the concept of a smart park was operationally defined through a literature review, and three principles to be considered in the process of creation and management were established. Second, in terms of the three principles, problems and implications for improvement were derived through an analysis of established cases of smart parks in new and pre-existing cities. Third, a pool of designs and management standards for each spatial component of a smart park was prepared through literature and case studies, and then further refined through brainstorming with experts in related fields. Fourth, measures were suggested to the government, local governments, and the landscape field to promote smart park creation and management. The main findings are as follows. First, the concept of a smart park is defined as "a park that contributes to securing the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of cities and local communities by supporting citizens' safe and pleasant use of parks and improving the management and operational efficiency by utilizing the digital, environment, and material technologies." Second, the three principles of smart parks are to improve the intrinsic value of parks, to improve the innovative functions of parks to solve urban problems, and to make the design, construction, and management process smart. Third, improvement implications were derived through the analysis of cases of smart parks creation in new and pre-existing cities. Fourth, the directions for smart park design and management were suggested in five aspects: green area, hydroponic facility area, road and plaza area, landscape facilities area, and park design method. Fifth, as for policy implications for revitalizing the construction and management of smart parks, the development of smart park policy business models by city growth stage, and park type, the promotion of pilot projects, the promotion of smart park projects in connection with the Korean New Deal policy, and smart park policies led by landscape experts were presented.

Development of Digital Transceiver Unit for 5G Optical Repeater (5G 광중계기 구동을 위한 디지털 송수신 유닛 설계)

  • Min, Kyoung-Ok;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.156-167
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we propose a digital transceiver unit design for in-building of 5G optical repeaters that extends the coverage of 5G mobile communication network services and connects to a stable wireless network in a building. The digital transceiver unit for driving the proposed 5G optical repeater is composed of 4 blocks: a signal processing unit, an RF transceiver unit, an optical input/output unit, and a clock generation unit. The signal processing unit plays an important role, such as a combination of a basic operation of the CPRI interface, a 4-channel antenna signal, and response to external control commands. It also transmits and receives high-quality IQ data through the JESD204B interface. CFR and DPD blocks operate to protect the power amplifier. The RF transmitter/receiver converts the RF signal received from the antenna to AD, is transmitted to the signal processing unit through the JESD204B interface, and DA converts the digital signal transmitted from the signal processing unit to the JESD204B interface and transmits the RF signal to the antenna. The optical input/output unit converts an electric signal into an optical signal and transmits it, and converts the optical signal into an electric signal and receives it. The clock generator suppresses jitter of the synchronous clock supplied from the CPRI interface of the optical input/output unit, and supplies a stable synchronous clock to the signal processing unit and the RF transceiver. Before CPRI connection, a local clock is supplied to operate in a CPRI connection ready state. XCZU9CG-2FFVC900I of Xilinx's MPSoC series was used to evaluate the accuracy of the digital transceiver unit for driving the 5G optical repeater proposed in this paper, and Vivado 2018.3 was used as the design tool. The 5G optical repeater digital transceiver unit proposed in this paper converts the 5G RF signal input to the ADC into digital and transmits it to the JIG through CPRI and outputs the downlink data signal received from the JIG through the CPRI to the DAC. And evaluated the performance. The experimental results showed that flatness, Return Loss, Channel Power, ACLR, EVM, Frequency Error, etc. exceeded the target set value.

Winter Indoor Thermal Environment Status of Nursery Rooms in Workplace Daycare Centers in Jeju Island (제주지역 직장어린이집 보육실의 겨울철 실내온열환경 실태)

  • Kim, Bong-Ae;Ko, Youn-Suk
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to investigate the thermal environment status of nursery rooms in workplace daycare centers in Jeju and propose measures to improve their indoor physical thermal environment. For this purpose, measurements were performed in the winter indoor physical environment of 51 nursery rooms in 11 workplace daycare centers and a psychological evaluation survey on the thermal environment of nursery rooms was conducted for 70 nursery teachers. The investigation was carried out over 11 days in January 2017. The results are as follow. The average indoor temperature of the nursery rooms was $21.3^{\circ}C$($18.7-23.8^{\circ}C$) and the indoor temperatures of 47 nursery rooms (92.9%) were higher than the environmental hygiene management standard for domestic school facilities ($18-20^{\circ}C$). The average relative humidity was 33.9% (16.4-56.0%), and 37 nursery rooms (86.3%) showed a lower average relative humidity than the standard (40-70%). The average absolute humidity was $9.1g/m^3$ ($4.7-13.6g/m^3$), which was lower than the standard for preventing influenza ($10g/m^3$). When the indoor temperature and humidity of the nursery rooms were compared with international standards, it was found that 85% or more of the 51 nursery rooms maintained appropriate indoor temperatures, but 40-50% of the nursery rooms maintained a low humidity condition. Therefore, they need to pay attention to maintaining the appropriate humidity of the nursery room to keep the children healthy. The average indoor temperature of the nursery rooms showed a weak negative correlation with the average relative humidity. The indoor temperature had a significant effect on the relative humidity: a higher indoor temperature resulted in lower relative humidity. Regarding the fluctuations in the average indoor temperature of the nursery rooms during the day, in daycare centers that used floor heating, the indoor temperature gradually increased form the morning to the afternoon and tended to decrease during lunch time and the morning and afternoon snack times, due to ventilation. The daycare centers that used both floor heating and ceiling-type air conditioners showed a higher indoor temperature and greater fluctuations in temperature compared to the daycare centers that used floor heating only. In the survey results, the average value of the whole body thermal sensation was 3.0 (neutral): 32 respondents (62.7%) answered, "Neutral", Which was the largest number, followed by 21 respondents (30%) who answered, "Slightly hot" and 17 respondents (24.2%) who answered, "Slightly cold." Twenty-nine respondents answered, "Slightly dry," which was the largest number, followed by 28 respondents (54.9%) who answered, "Neutral" and 10 respondents (19.6%) who answered, "Dry." The total number of respondents who answered, "Slightly dry" or "Dry" was large at 39 (56.4%), which suggests the need for indoor environment management to prevent a low-humidity environment. To summarize the above results about the thermal environment of nursery rooms, as the indoor temperature increased, the relative humidity decreased. This suggests the effect of room temperature on the indoor relative humidity; however, frequent ventilations also greatly decrease the relative humidity. Therefore, the ventilation method and the usage of air conditioning systems need to be re-examined.

Appearance Patterns of Freshwater Fish in Central Mountain Area of DMZ, Korea (중부산악 DMZ 민통선이북지역의 담수어류 출현양상)

  • Myung, Ra-Yeon;Seo, Hyung-Soo;Ko, Myeong-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.530-542
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    • 2020
  • This study surveyed the central mountain area of Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) from March to October 2018 to reveal the appearance patterns of freshwater fish. We collected 7,744 individuals of 43 species in 12 families with skimming nets and cast nets in 12 stations during the survey. The dominant species was Zacco koreanus (30.3%), and the subdominant species was Z. platypus (18.5%), followed by Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (10.0%), R. steindachneri (6.7%), Microphysogobio yaluensis (5.9%), Acheilognathus signifer (4.5%), Pungtungia herzi (4.2%), and Orthrias nudus (2.6%). Among the collected species, four were legally protected. They included Hemibarbus mylodon, which was a natural monument, and Lethenteron reissneri, A. signifer, and Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpa, which were class II endangered wildlife designated by the Ministry of Environment. Twenty Korean endemic species (46.5%) and one exotic species, Micropterus salmoides, were also collected. Additionally, three climate-change sensitive species, R. kumgangensis, Ladislavia taczanowskii, and Cottus koreanus, and three landlocked species, L. reissneri, C. koreanus, and Rhinogobius brunneus appeared. The dominant species in each station were Z. koreanus (15 stations), Z. platypus (four stations), R. oxycephalus (four stations), and C. koreanus (one station). The species dominance index decreased from upstream to downstream (mainstream of Gimhwanamdae Stream), while the species diversity index and the species richness index increased. The community structure of the rivers was divided into the uppermost stream, upper stream, Han River, and Imjin River. Compared to antecedent surveys, this study collected the highest number of species. Two new species (Sarcocheilichthys variegatus wakiyae and Micropterus salmoides) were caught, while six species (Siniperca scherzeri, Leiocassis ussuriensis, Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis, Rhodeus ocellatus, Abbottina springeri, Aphyocypris chinensis) did not appear. Gimhwanamdaecheon Stream has high biological value with the inhabitation of many species, including species under legal protection and high diversity and richness index scores. This paper also discussed a protection plan for this area.

Understanding the Impact of Environmental Changes on the Number of Species and Populations of Odonata after Creating a Constructed Wetland (인공습지 조성 후 환경변화가 잠자리목의 종수 및 개체수에 미치는 영향 파악)

  • Lee, Soo-Dong;Bae, Soo-Hyoung;Lee, Gwang-Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.515-529
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    • 2020
  • Constructed wetlands undergo biological and physical changes such as an increase in the proportion of arid plants due to the natural succession process after formation. It can adversely affect not only the purification function but also the habitat of species. As such, this study aims to identify environmental factors affecting biodiversity and propose management plans based on the monitoring results of physical environmental changes and the emergence of species in seven constructed wetlands selected based on the water depth and surrounding conditions among the lands purchased by the Nakdong River basin. We examined the environmental conditions and emergence of the Odonata, which is a wetland-dependent species, to predict the trend of changes in biodiversity and abundance. The results showed that the open water area decreased as the emergent plants spread to the deep water in 2015 compared to 2012 when they were initially restored to a depth of 0.2 to 1 m. While a total of 54 dragonfly species were observed, the habitat diversity, such as vegetation, water surface, and grassland, remained similar to the initial formation of the wetlands despite the expansion of the emergent plants. On the other hand, the number of Agrionidae species, which prefer areas with fewer aquatic plants, decreased between 2012 and 2015 due to the diminished water surface. The p-values of the differences in the number of species and population between wetlands by year were 2.568e-09 and 1.162e-08, respectively, indicating the statistically significant differences. The decrease in open water surface was found to have the greatest effect on the biodiversity and habitat density of dragonflies. The time-series survey of constructed wetlands confirmed that the spread of Phragmites communis, P. japonica, Typha orientalis, etc., caused a decrease in species diversity. It suggests that environmental management to maintain the open water surface area is necessary.

The Impact of Innovative Efficiency on Performance of Firms (혁신효율성이 기업의 수익성에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Ji-yeon;Ha, Seok-tae;Cho, Seong-pyo
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2020
  • This study examines whether the firm with high innovation efficiency realizes high operating performance. We measured innovation efficiency by the ratio of patent applications for R&D expenditure or R&D stock and measured operating performance by the ratio of operating income or operating cash flow to total assets for the following year. The sample consists of 1,880 manufacturing firm-years, which listed on the Korean Exchange between 2014 and 2017. We analyze the effect of innovation efficiency on operating performance using a model of Hirshleifer et al. (2013) results show that both innovation efficiency variables have a significantly positive relationship with the total asset operating margin. Besides, the following year's performance, measured by the total asset operating cash flow ratio, also shows a positive relationship with the two innovation efficiency variables at the 5% and 1% significance levels, respectively. The results indicate that high innovation efficiency firms that link the outcomes of R&D to more patent applications realize higher operating performance. Also, we divided the R&D-intensive and non-R&D-intensive industries and performed the same analysis. As a result, the innovation efficiency has a significant positive effect on operating margin in both industries. However, the effect of innovation efficiency on the operating cash flow is only significant in R&D-intensive industries. This study suggests that the effects of innovation efficiency are more consistent in the R&D-intensive industry. Additionally, we divided the high patent application and low patent applications industries and performed the same analysis. As a result, the innovation efficiency has a significant positive effect on operating margin in both industries. This study suggests that the effects of innovation efficiency are more consistent in the high patent application industry. We show that a firm's innovation efficiency is a critical factor for a firm's performance, while prior studies on the R&D performance have not considered the innovation efficiency of each firm. The evidence suggests that firms not only consider R&D expenditures but also improve the performance of companies by increasing innovation efficiency. Investors need to consider their innovation efficiency when evaluating the value of firms.

A Study on the Reinforcement Effect Analysis of Aging Reservoir using Grout Material recycled Power Plant Byproduct (발전부산물을 재활용한 그라우트재의 노후 저수지 보강효과 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Se-Gwan;An, Jong-Hwan;Cho, Dae-sung
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2021
  • In Korea, many reservoirs have been built for the purpose of solving the food shortage problem and supplying agricultural water. However, the current 75.6% of the reservoirs are in serious aged as more than 50 years have passed since the year of construction. In the case of such an aging reservoir, the stability due to scour and erosion inside the reservoir is very reduced, and if concentrated rainfall due to recent abnormal weather occurs, the aging reservoir may collapse, leading to a lot of damage to property and human life. Accordingly, each agency that manages aging reservoirs uses Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as an injection material and applies the grouting method. However, in the case of OPC, it may deteriorate over time and water leakage may occur again. And there are environmental problems such as consumption of natural resources and generation of greenhouse gases. So, there is a need to develop new materials and methods that can replace the OPC. In this study, an laboratory test and analysis were performed on the grout material developed to induce a curing reaction similar to that of OPC by recycling power plant byproduct. In addition, test in the field such as electric resistivity survey, Standard Penetration Test (SPT), and field permeability test were performed to analyzed to reinforcement effect and determine the possibility of using instead of OPC. As a results of the test, in the case of recycled power plant byproduct, the compressive strength was 2.9 to 3.2 times and the deformation modulus was 2.3 to 3.3 times higher, indicating that it is excellent in strength and can be used instead of OPC. And it was analyzed that the N value of the reservoir was increased by 1~2, and the coefficient of permeability (k) decreased to the level of 8.9~42.5%. showing sufficient reinforcing effect in terms of order.

Analytical method study for cephalexin with high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) applicable for residue studies in the whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (흰다리새우(Litopenaeus vannamei)에서 cephalexin의 잔류농도 연구를 위한 LC-MS/MS 분석법 연구)

  • Yang, Chan Yeong;Bae, Jun Sung;Lee, Chae Won;Jeong, Eun Ha;Lee, Ji-Hoon;Bak, Su-Jin;Choi, Sang-Hoon;Park, Kwan Ha
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2021
  • Cephalexin, a semi-synthetic cephalosporin antibiotic, has long been used in fish aquaculture in various countries under legal authorization. The drug is thus widely available for use in other aquatic species except fishes like the crustacean whiteleg shrimp. This study aims to develop a sensitive method for laboratory residue studies to adopt in withdrawal period determinations. Through repeated trials from the existing methods developed for other food animal tissues, it was possible to achieve a sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) method. The results showed that at a concentration of 0.1 mg/kg, the recovery rate was 81.79%, and C.V. value was 8.2%, which meet the recovery rate and C.V. recommended by Codex guideline. After satisfactory validation of analytical procedures, applicability to the shrimp tissue was confirmed in experimentally cephalexin-treated whiteleg shrimp. As a result, most muscle samples were detected below the limit of quantification (0.05 mg/kg) after day 3, and most hepatopancreas samples were detected below the limit of quantification after day 14. In particular, the limit of quantification 0.05 ppm with the presently developed method suggests sufficient sensitive over the current legal maximum residue limit of 0.2 mg/kg set for fishes.