• Title/Summary/Keyword: job evaluation

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Building up IT Flexibility with Outsourcing Expansion: A Case Study of Distribution Company "A" (아웃소싱 확대를 통한 IT 유연성 강화: 유통업체 A사 사례를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Dong Hwan;Choi, Yoo Jung
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2012
  • In rapidly changing circumstances of IT market, IT outsourcing has increasingly become an important strategic tool to achieve sustainable competitive advantages and to expand IT flexibility. Despite of the fact that many firms have tried to adopt IT outsourcing, comprehensive cases studies on IT outsourcing process have so far rarely been reported. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze a case for the specific evaluation methodology and process of IT outsourcing in one distribution company A. Proposed stages are first, to analyze inside and outside environment of the company second, to evaluate organization/human resource/job and last, to select IT outsourcing tasks and to reassign human resource. Therefore, some guidelines for the process and the methodology for IT outsourcing in this study suggest some practical implications to the company preparing IT outsourcing.

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A Study on the Factors Affecting the Subjective Symptoms of VDT Syndrome (VDT증후군 자각증상에 영향을 미치는 인자들에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Jai-Dong;Lee, Min-Chull;Kim, Byong-Woo
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.24 no.3 s.35
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    • pp.373-389
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    • 1991
  • In order to develop the measuring tool of VDT syndrome and investigate the variables affecting the development of VDT syndrome, a questionnaire study accompanied with the evaluation of working environment was performed with 138 VDT users from six public organs in Kwangju area. The results were summarized as follows. 1. As a result of analysis with data collected by newly developed questionnaire, VDT syndrome included five factors named as eye-related component, psychological component, general body component, musculoskeletal component, and skin-related component and the estimates of the internal consistency of five factors were 0.877, 0.820, 0.796, 0.791, 0.593 respectively. 2. Variables affecting the level of eye-related symptoms were the type of main b using VDT, the total time of VDT operation per day, and the use of external filter on CRT. 3. The level of eye-related symptoms in the group using external filter was higher significantly than that in the group not using filter. 4. The past history of severe illness affected the level of psychological symptoms significantly. 5. Variables affecting the level of general body symptoms were b satisfaction and income satisfaction. 6. Variables affecting the level of musculoskeletal symptoms were the type of main job using VDT, whether majored in EDPS, the level of typewriting, b satisfaction, and the total time of VDT operation per day. 7. Age and the use of external filter were significantly related to the level of skin-related symptoms.

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Redesigning of STEAM Learning/Teaching Program for Robot (로봇 STEAM 교수학습 프로그램 제안)

  • Park, HyunJu;Baek, Yoon Su
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze STEAM learning/teaching program that relates robots and to develop and redesign STEAM teaching/learning program with a robot for elementary and secondary schools. 'Learning with a robot' is considered as one of the best candidates for STEAM education. This article mainly concerns a robot that can be helpful to improve students' interests in learning science and mathematics in schools. As the results of the STEAM learning/teaching program analyzing, the program for elementary schools contained more contents of liberal arts and fine arts, and the program for secondary schools contained more contents of science, technology, and math. In the middle school program, context for learning, class activities of creative design and emotional touch, evaluation, and job and career information were evenly implemented. In the elementary and high school program, there were few information about robotics career. We extracted all robot utilizable subjects and units from school curriculums, and redesigned contents which can be applicable to regular classes for schools. As the result of this study, we conclude that 'learning with a robot' can encourage students' interests in STEM area.

Accident research II for the college students happened during Dental Laboratory Technology-major classes (치기공과 실습 중 안전사고 실태조사 II)

  • Park, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.131-153
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the accidents happened in the college dental laboratory technique classes and to realize the level of safety education for the dental laboratory technique major students. The research data were collected from a self-administered survey distributed to the conveniently selected college students whose majors were dental laboratory technology in Suwon, Daejeon, Daegu, Kimcheon, and Icsan. The study participants were 422 freshmen, sophomore and junior students in the selected cities. All collected survey responses were encoded and analyzed in SPSS 12.0. The findings were as follows. 1. The students who had any accidents in their laboratory classes were 36% and the other 64% answered 'no.' 2. Most injuries which the participants had were not significant. 3. The medical treatment periods of most injury cases were less than one week; however, approximately 20% of the self-reported injury cases reported that their treatment periods were longer than one week. 4. The body parts frequently injured from accidents were hands with 84.7% and arms, eyes, face, head, and legs in order. 5. Concerning the materials involved in the laboratory classes, most accidents happened when working with wax in 59.9%, with plaster in 52.3%, with wire in 39.8%, with alcohol in 34.6%, and casting iron in 22.2% in order. 6. The accident-prone laboratory methods were polishing with 53.5%, pickling or sanding with 17.4%, and casting or burning with 5.8% in order. 7. Most students wore their laboratory gowns well; however, few students wore mask before dust-involved jobs. Furthermore, only 57.1% students answered their laboratory fans worked during the polishing job. 8. Approximately 54% participant students answered that they took laboratory safety education when necessary only from the class instructors. 9. The 76.1% students responded that they needed laboratory safety education at least 1-2 times every semester. 10. The survey participants answered that the primary factors for injury prevention in their laboratory were taking safety education, wearing safety equipments, and providing safety-focused facilities. Concludingly, comprehensive evaluation and monitoring for potential risk factors from both the human side and the environment side should be continually provided to minimize the college laboratory accidents.

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The Clinical Study on the Effect of Chuna Treatment for Patients with Herniated Intervertebral Disc of Lumbar Spine (요추간판탈출증(腰椎間板脫出症) 환자(患者)의 추나치료(推拿治療) 효과(效果)에 대(對)한 임상적(臨床的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Su-Jang;Jang, Hyeong-Seok;Kim, Sung-Yong;Shin, Joon-Shik
    • The Journal of Korea CHUNA Manual Medicine
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.93-109
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    • 2001
  • Objectives : The aim of present study is to estimate clinical outcome of Chuna treatment and Chuna medicine treatment for patients with H.I.V.D(Herniated Intervertebral Disc) of lumbar spine according to the character of patients and the steps of Chuna therapy, and therefore suggest a prospective, desirable Chuna treatment and patient guidance. Methods : We investigated the 258 cases of outpatients who were diagnosed as the H.I.V.D. on lumbar C.T. or MRI and were treated more than seven times with chuna treatment and more than one time with Chuna medicine treatment In Jaseng Oriental Medicine Hospital from September 1, 1999 to December 31, 2000. We evaluated the subjective symptoms by Hudgin's classification. For the sake of the more objective evaluation for before and after treatment, we calculated the Improvement index and ratio of the four parts to estimate the pain and functional disorder In before and after treatment by Macnab's criteria. Results & Conclusion : The improvement index and ratio showed that the conservative therapy with Chuna therapy improved the symptom of H.I.V.D. much effectively, and especially in the patient groups of male, 30-39 years, standing Job, duration of symptom within one week, the 4th step of chuna treatment, the first step of chuna medicine treatment, and the excellent satisfactory assessment of Chuna treatment. Therefore, it is supposed that the conservative therapy with Chuna therapy and patient guidance should be much actively continued.

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A Study on the Development of Performance Indicator for the Operation Organization in Youth Employment Academy (청년 취업아카데미사업의 운영기관에 대한 성과지표 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kug Weon;Ghang, Bong-Jun;Lee, Woo-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.116-121
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    • 2012
  • One of the most important object in youth employment academy is to resolve the job mismatch of youth unemployment through industry oriented human resource development for which company oriented capacity building program for graduate-to-be and graduate is supported. The major characteristic of this program is to compose a network of operation organization, involved company, involved university and trainee, among those the role of operation organization is most important. The operation organization in youth employment academy is supposed to be evaluated by the last employment rate after 6 months to the day following the programs of the year completion. So performance indicator for the operation organization is needed in selecting the operation organization of the next year youth employment academy, which means a kind of mid-term evaluation. In this research, the concept of development of performance indicator for the operation organization in youth employment academy is introduced and major performance indicator are suggested.

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Case Study on Engineering Clinic Operation Based on Industry Needs (산업체 수요에 기반한 산업의료원 교과목 운영 사례)

  • Yu, Yun Seop
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2014
  • A case study on engineering clinic operation based on industry needs is introduced. Engineering clinic is a course that students and professor solve bottleneck techniques provided from an industry. The industry presents the bottleneck techniques to the professor and the professor plans a course that the students learn how to solve them, and the students train field adaptability by solving them. From the course evaluation of the engineering clinic, the students give high scores to the awareness of the course objectives, the performance period, the smooth communication, the application and understanding of major, the problem solving skill, the cooperation ability, the opportunity of carrier choice, and the course recommendation. Two semesters give higher satisfaction to the students than one semester because two semesters are long enough to solve the bottleneck techniques provided from the industry. It gives good opportunity that the students get a job through completing the course.

A Dual Transcoding Method for Retaining QoS of Video Streaming Services under Restricted Computing Resources (동영상 스트리밍 서비스의 QoS유지를 위한 듀얼 트랜스코딩 기법)

  • Oh, Doohwan;Ro, Won Woo
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.3 no.7
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2014
  • Video transcoding techniques provide an efficient mechanism to make a video content adaptive to the capabilities of a variety of clients. However, it is hard to provide an appropriate quality-of-service(QoS) to the clients owing to heavy workload on transcoding operations. In light of this fact, this paper presents the dual transcoding method in order to guarantee QoS in streaming services by maximizing resource usage in a transcoding server equipped with both CPU and GPU computing units. The CPU and GPU computing units have different architectural features. The proposed method speculates workload of incoming transcoding requests and then schedules the requests either to the CPU or GPU accordingly. From performance evaluation, the proposed dual transcoding method achieved a speedup of 1.84 compared with traditional transcoding approach.

Development of the Blouse Block Pattern for 7 Years Old Girls (7세 여아 블라우스 원형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Yun-Hwa;Jo, Jin-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.187-199
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    • 2009
  • Recently, the quality and design of the children's wear is being improved remarkably. Following the trend, the need for the research on the pattern making of children's wear is growing. At first, we tried to find out how the industry is doing the pattern making job through interview. Results are as follows. The target age ranges from 5 to 11 years old. For the sample size of pattern making, 7 years of age is preferred. It is not usual to develop the design pattern from the bodice block pattern. Instead, they use middle block pattern for each item, such as blouse, shirt, pants, skirt or jacket. Starting from these middle block pattern, they prepare individual designs. With the results, the aim of the research became to develop one of most frequently used middle block pattern. The blouse block pattern was selected for that purpose. To look into the existing patterns, we selected 4 methods, i.e. NM-method, T-method, O-method, E-methods. Theses patterns were compared through wearing test for the evaluation of comfort and fit using trial garments. The results indicated the NM-method was best among them. Specially waist line position, shoulder shape and size allowance was adequate. Alteration and adjustment of pattern draft was made onto the NM-method. Allowances for the bust circumference, across chest, across back and depth of arm was adjusted for better comfort as well as fine fit. Sidelines of the bodice and the underarm seam of the sleeves were curved for styling. After another wearing test, the final pattern was suggested as a blouse block pattern for 7 years old girl.

Arthroscopic Osteochondroplasty of the Osteochonral Lesion of the Talus (거골의 골연골 병변에 대한 관절경적 골연골 성형술)

  • Min, Sang-Hyuk;Jung, Hong-Geun;Kim, You-Jin;Kim, Young-Jae;Yoo, Moon-Jib
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.144-149
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: To evaluate the clinical characteristics and the functional results of the osteochondral lesions of the talus (OLT) treated with arthroscopic osteochondroplasty. Materials and Methods: The study was based on 25 cases (25 feet) of osteochondral lesion of talus that were treated with arthroscopic osteochondroplasty from May 1997 to June 2005 with at least 1 year follow-up. Follow-up period was average 21.8 months. The average age was 37.2 years old. Male patients were 22 while female were 3. Postoperative evaluation was performed with American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) Functional score, patient satisfaction and complications. Results: Ninety-two percent of patients had trauma history. Seventy-two percent of the lesions were located at the medial dome. As for the cartilage classification, 56% were fibrillation/fissure lesions while 44% were flap tears. Visual analogue scale (VAS) pain score improved from 6.8 points to 2.2 points, and AOFAS score improved from 71.3 points to 87.3 points. Eighty-eight percent of the patients were satisfied with the surgery and average period of returning to previous job was 6.5 weeks. Conclusion: We concluded that the arthroscopic osteochondroplasty is a viable surgical option for the osteochondral lesion of the talus.

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