• Title/Summary/Keyword: job evaluation

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View of Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Supervisor and Novice Occupational Therapists in Job : Focusing on Adult Occupational Therapists that Work on Hospital (직무에 대한 임상실습 지도자와 신입 작업치료사의 견해 -의료기관에 근무하는 성인 작업치료사를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Chun-Yeop
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.343-352
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    • 2015
  • This purpose of this study was to identify view of occupational therapy fieldwork supervisor and novice occupational therapists in job. 117 fieldwork supervisor and 104 novice occupational therapists that work on 58 domestic hospitals were chosen. The collected data were analyzed by using the SPSS 20.0 statistics package for Window which determined frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, median, and range. The following are the results of this study. First, fieldwork supervisor considered that basic refinement and manners are most important when they evaluate student. Second, novice occupational therapists responded that importance is 10 points, conduction is 7 points, and satisfaction is 6 points in general job. Third, importance of fieldwork supervisor for the job were problem identification and established intervention plan in intervention plan appears over the first 2 above. But, conduction of novice occupational therapists for the job were evaluation in all 4 of the top 5 except 2 place. The results of this study are expected to be used as direction guidance of fieldwork to the solve difficulty of novice occupational therapists.

Analysis of the Job of Nurses Working on Oriental Medicine Wards (일부 한방병동간호사의 직무분석)

  • Kim, Myung Ja;Kim, Mi Hwan;Jeong, Hee Sug;Kim, Yun Seo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.341-353
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify nurse's role through job analysis of nursing duties for nurses working on East Asia traditional medicine wards. Methods: Major steps in the study included a literature review, description of job activities of nurses on oriental medicine wards, comparative description of the literature, expert tests of validity of derived duties and tasks, and investigation of importance, difficulty and frequency of duties on job list. Results: The job of nurses on oriental medicine wards was classified into 12 duties, 59 tasks, and 295 task elements. The 12 duties were nursing assessment, nursing diagnosis, nursing planning, nursing implementation, nursing evaluation, supplies management, management of human resources, management of environment, management of documents, formation of cooperative relationships, self-development, and nursing activity in oriental medicine. 'Formation of cooperative relationships' was the duty ranked highest for importance (4.34), 'self-development' was ranked highest for difficulty (3.47), and 'Formation of cooperative relationships' was ranked highest for frequency (4.21). Conclusion: Basic education for nurses on an oriental medicine unit is necessary for the performance of oriental nursing to be considered as a specialized field. This study contributes to human resource management in the oriental medical hospital.

Job Analysis of School Health Teachers Working at High School using DACUM Technique (고등학교 보건교사 DACUM 직무분석)

  • Cho, Kyung Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.167-179
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study was performed to analyze the job of school health teachers working at high schools in Seoul, using DACUM (Developing a curriculum), a method for analyzing job-focused competency. Methods: A DACUM workshop was held to define school health teachers' role and identify their duties and tasks. For the workshop, a committee was organized, consisting of 5 school health teachers. Finally, the developed contents, after validation, were made into a survey asking about school health teacher's duties and tasks and the survey was carried out on 37 school health teachers. Results: 14 duties and 90 tasks were identified on the DACUM chart. The importance, difficulty, and frequency of the tasks were represented with ${\alpha}$ bet A, B, and C, with A being the highest degree. The duty with the biggest determinant coefficient (DC) was 'management of emergency patients' (DC=7.95), while the lowest was 'management of health clinic supplies' (DC=4.33). In terms of tasks, the one with the biggest DC was 'conducting physical assessment for emergency patients' (DC=7.8), followed by 'conducting health classes' (DC=7.79). 'Supervising school lunch' (DC=2.02) and 'supervising self-study' (DC=2.42) were the tasks with the smallest and the second smallest DC. Conclusion: The results of the study show that school health teachers'job expanded to include preventive activities such as health education, health counseling, and health promotion activities. The results of this study can serve as basic data for developing training programs for school health teachers as well as an evaluation-scale to measure school health teachers' job performance.

A Study on Working conditions and Characteristics of Dental Technicians (치과기공사의 근무 환경 및 업무특성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Jae-Sang;Hong, Young-Ho;Choi, Sang-Jun
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.379-390
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to improve the working conditions of dental technicians, through survey for working conditions related to perform one's duty, the extent of personal exposure to substances hazardous and complaint rate and factor of job stress and subjective symptom on musculoskeletal disorders. Methods: Using four types of structured questionnaires: social and demographic factor; the actual conditions of working space; working conditions; and characteristics of dental technicians, respondents filled in the questionnaires and the results were analyzed statistically. Results: The evaluation of comfort in working place found that satisfaction level on indoor noise was the lowest with 2.6 on a five-point scale and privacy space followed 2.8 point. In reasons for dissatisfaction with job, over workload ranked the highest by 25.4% and role overload had the highest by 39.5% in job stress factors. Based on the results, we could draw conclusion that dental technicians were unsatisfied with role overload and heavy workload a day. In reasons for musculoskeletal symptom prevalence, long-patient work was the highest by 24.1%. It was thought to cause dental technicians need deep procession and long-patient work due to the nature of their job. Conclusion: In conclusion, noise reduction and privacy space are required to improve job efficiency of dental technicians. In addition; we need to think of ways to increase the job satisfaction with adequate rest while deep procession and long-patient working.

Evaluation on the Performance of Nursing in according to the Nursing grade of Hospitals (병원 간호등급에 따른 간호수행 정도)

  • Yun, Soon-Gil;Park, Jae-Yong;Kim, Key-Hoon;Han, Chang-Hyun
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2010
  • As a cross-sectional study, this study was aimed to investigate and compare the job efficiency and satisfaction of nurses according to the hospital grade. Survey was conducted by mail on June 2009, and the respondents were 1,016 nurses working in 15 hospitals which are 9 high-grade general hospitals and 6 general hospitals. The percent of nurses acknowledging their hospital grades is 34.5%, and that is 20.5% at high-grade general hospitals. As the result of review of studies, it is concluded that under the circumstance that differential rates are contracted to calculate fees for hospital services and copayment of patients are according to nursing grades and hospital grades, the degree of nurses' awareness of insurance fees impact on their performance like recording of care and prescription. In order to improve nurses' performance, they need to be educated about the national insurance fee system. In hospitals with higher nursing grade and more beds, the levels of nursing quality and faithfulnes and their job satisfaction were higher. Nurses' awareness of their hospital nursing grade was related to the quality of nursing but not the faithfulness. Nurses working in higher nursing-grade hospital are more self-respect and satisfied at their jobs, and their job efficiencies are not significantly different. The current nursing fees based on the proper number of nurses per beds of nursing units should be changed to be based on the amount of job per nurse by their nursing protocol, and the nurse staffing standard should be differentiated between nursing grades. As the aspect of nursing, 24-hours patient care, it is difficult to improve nurses' job satisfaction, and in the other hand, that tends to depend on their income level. In the current circumstance, comprehensive research is required to investigate the propriety of 25% of the inpatient fees as the nursing management charge.

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Job environment, foodservice environment and work performance of school foodservice dietitian according to years of service in Daejeon/Chungnam province (근무년수에 따른 학교급식 영양사의 근무환경.급식환경 및 직무 수행도 분석)

  • Han, Jang-Il
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.573-588
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study is to investigate various jobs and foodservice environments, as well as work performances of school foodservice dietitians and nutrition teachers in accordance to the years of service in Daejeon and Chungnam provinces. A survey was conducted among school foodservice dietitians and nutrition teachers; a total of 415 from selected elementary, middle and high schools in the areas. In this study, we surveyed the participants and analyzed the current state of general characteristics, status of their job environments and foodservice environments by frequency, and the averages and differences in work performance with regard to 12 work parts and 57 works using one-way ANOVA and Duncan's multiple range test according to the years of service. Six parts among 12 work parts were significantly different in work performance according to the years of service. The 6 work parts were menu (nutrition) management, utensil recovery and management, sanitation management, foodservice administration & evaluation, dietary habit guide, and other works. The 11-15 years group ranked as the top on the total score and means of work performance. While the 16-years or more group, 6-10 years group, and under 5 years group followed consecutively. Correlation analysis between job or foodservice environments and work performances showed that work performances of school dietitians were mostly influenced by employment status, education level, and annual salary among the variables of job or foodservice environments. Other works, dietary habit guides and menu management were mostly influenced by variables of job and foodservice environments.

A Study on the Difference Job Satisfaction Between Korean Brand and Foreign Brand in the Restaurants Business (국내.외 외식업체 종사원의 직무 만족도 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Sang-Mi
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to compare employee's job satisfaction in the Korean and Foreign brand restaurants, and to suggest some guideline for efficient human resource management. Korean and Foreign brand restaurants are highly showed high vision, pride oneself, and job satisfaction in the restaurant business but payroll is recognized low. Overall job satisfaction is recorded highly in the Korean brand restaurants, but turnover intent is for high foreign brand restaurants. Payroll is the strongest correlates of employee turnover. The guidelines are to continuous evaluation, monitoring about job satisfaction as well as incentive for the high achievement, to establish distinct employee program for reaching high goal & achievement, to provide opportunity self -development and motivation for raising worker's skill, and to utilize regularly video program which discuss complaints between employee and seniors.

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Measurement of Improved Learning Outcomes using Job Assignment Teaching Method (직무배정 수업기법의 학습성과 향상도 측정)

  • Kim, Sang-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.5633-5638
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    • 2011
  • Kim(2011) showed that the team-based teaching method which is focusing on the individual job assignment solves the backlash effects of peer-evaluation method and suggested that it should be studied if the job assignment teaching method does not worsen the learning outcomes[1]. To analyse the learning outcomes of the job assignment teaching method is the purpose of this paper. This paper evaluates the improvement of the learning outcomes which are resulted from a variance of education style that each member of project team was given his specific task. Firstly, all the students evaluate a learning satisfaction and quality of outcomes by themselves. Secondly, an instructor and some professionals evaluate all the outputs. The results showed that the learning outcomes evaluated by students and instructors are improved significantly. The suggested method in this paper, which focuses on the job assignment of team project, could improve the learning outcomes of team project in engineering education.

Turnover Factors among Bakery Employees at Tourist Hotels (호텔 조리부 베이커리 조리사의 이직요인에 관한 연구)

  • Min Kye-Hong;An Ho-Ki
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.21 no.2 s.86
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the causes of bakery employees quitting their jobs at hotels in order to make more efficient use of human resources by increasing personnel management efficiency and reducing the turnover rate, The subjects in this study were employees working for bakeries at top-ranked hotels, and the responses from 266 respondents were selected for analysis. The survey was conducted from July 1 through 20, 2003. Frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, ANOVA and regression analysis were performed for data handling. The major findings of this study were as follows: First, concerning salaries, their turnover intention was influenced by whether they were properly paid or gained a sufficient living. Second, as for environmental factors, their turnover intention was affected by performance appraisal and interpersonal trust with colleagues. Third, regarding job-related factors, their turnover intention was impacted by the clarity of their job definition, their degree of job satisfaction and the suitability of their posts. Fourth, the change of job was influenced by the desire for a job in another region, in another company and of another kind. To successfully manage employee turnover at hotel bakeries, employees should be properly paid, and different performance appraisal standards, including a multilateral evaluation system, should be applied according to the nature of the department. furthermore, there should be a clear distinction between sales and other works, and they should be carefully treated to increase job satisfaction.

Training Demand Analysis based on National Competency Standards of the Semiconductor Industry (반도체 산업의 국가직무능력표준에 기반한 훈련수요 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Won;Yoon, Suk-Chun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.5178-5187
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    • 2011
  • National Competency Standards(NCS) development related researches on the semiconductor industry were carried out partially, but the field training demand survey and analysis using that NCS were not done. The past demand survey for the job skill training had focused on personnel shortage and oversupply so it has the problems called skill mismatch. This study has the purpose to provide an alternative analysis of qualitative evaluation using the relative importance and gap of the job skill elements in the semiconductor industry. As research methods, we carried out related literature and report review, and a job skill demand survey on the semiconductor industry. We analyzed about the industry related jobs and job tasks, the qualitative demand for each job skill elements, and procurement methods for each job skills and manpower. We illustrated some related training courses to find out a relevant way for supplying the training programs.