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Amounts and Food Sources of Nutrients of Elementary School Lunch Menus by the Type of Foodservice and the Percent Energy from Fat (초등학교 급식의 유형(도시형/농촌형)및 식단의 지방 에너지 비율에 따른 주요 영양소의 공급량 및 급원식품 평가)

  • Youn, Hye-Jeong;Han, Young-Hee;Hyun, Tai-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.90-105
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to assess macro- and micronutrient compositions in school lunch menus based on the 'Dietary Guideline' for School Lunches. Ninety-five dieticians in elementary school in Chungbuk were asked to complete a questionnaire on characteristics of the school lunch program(such as type of foodservice, food production system), the information about dietitians(such as age, education, and job history), and the extent of the use of processed foods and frozen foods. Dey were asked to return the questionnaire with the menus including the name and the quantity of every food ingredient offered during a week. A total of 554 lunch menus provided for a week of June 2004 were analyzed. Average nutrient content per meal was as follows; 660kcal, energy; 92.9g, carbohydrate; 26.7g, protein; 21.1g, fat; 287 μgRE, vitamin A: 0.5mg, thiamin; 0.5mg, riboflavin; 29.3mg, vitamin C: 338.2mg, calcium; 3.9mg, iron; and 97mg, cholesterol. Average percentages of energy from carbohydrate, protein and fat was 56.2%, 16.2%, and 29.0%, respectively. The mean nutrient content per meal was higher in rural-type than in urban-type schools. The weekly menu of 40% of the schools provided <55% of energy from carbohydrate, and 39% of the schools offered lunch that provided 30 of energy from fat. The micronutrient content was generally high when the percent energy from fat was less than 25%. Our results showed that only 52.6% of the schools provided lunches with the energy composition as in the 'Dietary Guideline' of School Lunches. Whole Milk was the major contributor to fat, saturated fatty acid and cholesterol. We suggest that school foodservices start to provide low fat milk instead of whole milk to reduce fat, saturated fatty acid and cholesterol. If low fat milk is served instead of whole milk, percentage of energy from fat and saturated fat can be reduced from 29% to 25%, and ken 10.2% to 9.1%, respectively, and cholesterol could be reduced from 97mg to 79mg. Efforts to meet 'Dietary Guideline' for School Lunches should be made, especially to reduce fat intake, while maintaining essential nutrient intake at sufficient levels for childen.

Effects of Nutrition Education Providing School Lunch by Personalized Daily Needed Food Exchange Units for Adolescent Athletes in Jeonbuk Province (전북지역 청소년 운동선수 대상 하루 필요 식품군 수 맞춤 점심급식을 병행한 영양교육 효과)

  • Ko, Kang-Mo;Kim, Sook-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of nutrition education providing school lunch by personalized daily needed food exchange units using Food Exchange System for adolescent athletes. Methods: The subjects were 60 sports high school students (educated group, 30 vs. noneducated group 30). Nutrition education was provided for 4 weeks (40 min/lesson/week). In addition, personalized school lunch was served for 4 weeks, nutrition education period. The personalized lunch were provided Food Exchange Units according to personalized daily needed energy. The lessons were '5 Major nutrients, functions and foods', 'My daily needed energy and food exchange units by Food Exchange System', 'My meal plan by food exchange units according to my daily needed energy' and 'Smart choice of healthy snacks and eating outs'. After nutrition education, we examined the differences in anthropometric characteristics, nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and dietary intake between the educated and the non-educated group. Results: We observed improvements in lean body mass in the educated group. With regard to nutrition knowledge, there were improvements in 'Functions of vitamins', 'Functions of minerals', 'Foods of fat', 'Foods of vitamin', and 'Foods of mineral' in the educated group. In relation to dietary attitude, there were improvements in 'Taking a meal with family and friend', 'Taking a meal at ease', 'Taking a meal with kimchi and vegetables', 'Taking a meal with three kinds of side dishes', 'Priority of choosing snacks' and 'Type of snacks' in the educated group. With regard to dietary intakes according to Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans, there were improvements in intakes levels of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, calcium, iron and zinc. The index of nutrition quality, as indicated by nutrition adequacy ratio also improved in the educated group. Conclusions: These results showed that a nutrition education program providing education lessons and personalized school lunch by food exchange units according to daily needed energy showed positive changes in nutrition knowledge, dietary attitude and dietary intake of adolescent athletes. Nutrition education program providing personalized school lunch by Food Exchange Units may improve dietary behaviors and dietary intakes of adolescents.

Serum Ferritin and Risk of the Metabolic Syndrome in Some Korean Rural Residents (농촌 지역 주민의 혈청 Ferritin 수준과 대사증후군과의 관련성)

  • Ryu, So-Yeon;Kim, Ki-Soon;Park, Jong;Kang, Myeng-Guen;Han, Mi-Ah
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between serum ferritin and the metabolic syndrome (MS). Methods : We conducted a cross-sectional study of 1,444 adults over age 40 and under age 70 that lived in a rural area and participated in a survey conducted as part of the Korean Rural Genomic Cohort Study (KRGCS). The MS was defined as the presence of at least three of the followings : elevated blood pressure, low high density lipoprotein cholesterol, elevated serum triglycerides, elevated plasma glucose, or abdominal obesity. After adjustment for age, alcohol intake, menopausal status, body mass index (BMI), high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), odds ratios (ORs) for the prevalence of the MS by sex were calculated for quartiles of serum ferritin using logistic regression analysis. Results : The MS was more common in those persons , with the highest levels of serum ferritin, compared to persons with the lowest levels, in men (37.1% vs. 22.4%, p=0.006) and women (58.8% vs. 34.8, p<0.001). In both sexes, the greater the number of MS components presents, the greater the serum ferritin levels. After adjustment for age, alcohol intake, and menopausal status, the OR for metabolic syndrome, comparing the fourth quartile of ferritin with the first quartile, was 2.21 (95% confidence interval; CI=1.26-3.87; p-trend=0.024) in men and 2.10 (95% CI=1.40-3.17; p-trend=0.001) in women. However, after further adjustment for BMI, hs-CRP, and ALT, the ORs were statistically attenuated in both sexes. Conclusions : Moderately elevated serum ferritin levels were not independently associated with the prevalence of the MS after adjusting for other risk factors. Further studies are needed to obtain evidence concerning the association between serum ferritin levels and the MS.

The Influences of Meles meles Oil on Health Status, Diabetic Index and Serum Lipid Profile in Non - Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Patients (오소리 지질이 인슐린 비의존형 당뇨환자의 건강상태 당뇨지표 및 혈청지질농도에 미치는 영향)

  • 박성혜;백승화;한종현
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.1139-1146
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of Meles meles oil as an functional resource. To assess the effects of Meles meles oil in 25 non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (DM) persons, we examined changes of fat intake level, hematological and chemical variables, serum DM indices and lipid contents during the Meles meles oil supplementation. Polyunsaturated fatty acid and ω3 fatty acid intake were significantly increased by Meles meles oil intakes. The levels of LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride were significantly decreased while HDL-cholesterol was significantly increased. Iron status improved during Meles meles oil intakes. These results show that modest dose of Meles meles oil supplementation can decrease serum triglyceride, cholesterol level without any changes in blood glucose level in NIDDM patients. These results indicated that Meles meles oil diet is effective therapeutic regimen for the control of metabolic derangements in diabetes mellitus. Also, these results imply that Meles meles oil can be used as possible food resources and functional food materials. However, large amounts of Meles meles oil should be used cautiously in NIDDM patients.

Nutritional Status of the Oldest-elderly Population in Sunchang County (순창군 장수인의 영양섭취 실태)

  • Lee, Mee-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.255-265
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    • 2009
  • This study was investigated nutrient intakes and dietary evaluation index of the healthy subjects over 85 of Sunchang County to explore the improved dietary pattern for healthy aging of the elderly. The survey was conducted by personal interview to 161 elderly subjects (59 males and 102 females over 85) in 2006, and their daily dietary intake was assessed by 24-hr recalls and weighing one meal. The daily energy intakes of males were 1,335 ± 67 kcal, and those of females were 1,095 ± 38 kcal comprised of 66.8% and 68.4% of the EER for the age group of 75. The proportions of energy from carbohydrate : protein : lipid were 70.7 : 14.6 : 14.6 for males and 68.6 : 14.0 : 17.4 for females. The average protein intakes were 95.4% for males and 85.0% for females of RI, and the average calcium intakes were 54.3% for males and 43.6% for females of RI. The daily vitamin intakes were below 70% except vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. The proportion of the relative risk groups of protein, phosphate, iron and vitamin A ranged 40-49% of RI over 75 year groups. The other nutrient intakes showed that there were over 50% risk groups. Especially for nutrients such as calcium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, folate and niacin over 70% of the subjects were under risk. The median value of all nutrient intakes did not reach AI. The INQ of nutrients were over 0.8 except for folate and vitamin C. Calcium intakes were relatively low and needed attention. However, the ratio of calcium and phosphate showed 1 : 1.6, which appeared to be superior to the other districts. The DVS were higher as the dietary balance scores, KDDS were higher, and the groups with high KDDS had high intakes of nutrients compared to the groups with low KDDS. The high risk groups as judged by simple nutrition screening test had lower nutrient intakes than the groups of middle risk or low risk groups. The subjects in Sunchang area had relatively low intakes of several nutrients. However, judging from the desirable patterns of the energy proportion from three major nutrients, ratio of calcium and phosphate and INQ of nutrients there is a possibility that extended healthy aging might be related to the quality of nutrients and relative ratio between nutrients. To improve nutrient status of the elderly of the surveyed area further application involving KDDS and DVS appeared to be required.

Study on Relationship between the Obesity Index and the Refractive Power in Adolescent (청소년기 비만도 지수와 굴절력과의 상관성 연구)

  • Lee, Wan-Seok;Ye, Ki-Hun;Shin, Bum-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.329-339
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: In this study, nutrient intake during the adolescent period is a critical time for the development of the vision. Therefore we analyzed the relationship between the obesity index and the refractive power. Methods: We used the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010 document. The obesity index is classified as Broca index (less than 80.0% is low weight, 80 to 89.9% is underweight, 90.0 to 109.9% is normal, overweight is from 110.0 to 119.9%, 120.0% or more is obesity) and body mass index (BMI)(less than 18.5 is underweight, 18.6~22.9 is normal, 23.0 to 24.9 is overweight, and obesity is higher than 25.0). We analyzed correlation with the body mass index and refractive error in adolescent. Results: As shown in the statistics, according to Broca index and body mass index (BMI), the refractive power and the obesity index showed a statistically significant correlation in the ages 15 to 18. Under weight subjects are ingested 43.84% dietary fiber, vitamin C 56.55%, 35.20% iron, 31.84% of, and 38.03% potassium less than the average food intake by the standard group. Conclusions: Moderate weight with a broad variety of taking nutrition and good eating habits seems to have an effect to the good growth and the good vision.

h Study on Dietary Practices of Juvenile Delinquents in Korea (비행청소년과 일반청소년의 식생활 비교 연구)

  • 박선주;최혜미;모수미;박명윤
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.512-525
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    • 2003
  • The relationship between dietary practices and juvenile delinquency was studied using a dietary survey. Subjects were selected from juvenile delinquents who were under the supervision of the Seoul Probation Office of the Ministry of Justice. The study group consisted of 52 male and 52 female delinquents. As a control group, 104 exemplary high school students were selected in Seoul. A questionnaire was designed to find out the subjects' general characteristics, dietary habits, lifestyle, eating behavior, food frequency, and nutrient intake using the 24-hour recall method. Compared to the exemplary students, the juvenile delinquents were significantly different in education level, family status, monthly allowance, residence status, breast fed, parents' education level, parents' concern. In dietary habits, fifty-eight percent of the juvenile delinquents ate 2 or fewer meals per day, preferred to eat with friends, and liked hot tasting foods. The juvenile delinquents consumed more ion drinks (OR = 9.26 CI: 3.83 -22.37), rameon (OR = 7.67 CI: 3.21 - 18.33), cola (OR = 6.75 CI: 2.91 - 15.69), soft drinks (OR = 6.12 CI: 2.53- 14.81), steamed korean sausage (OR = 5.34 CI:2.31 - 12.32), hamburger (OR = 5.15 CI: 1.91 - 13.87), kimbab (OR = 3.63 CI: 1.76-7.46), ddokbokgi (OR = 3.17 CI: 1.58-6.38), candy (OR = 3.08 CI: 1.41-6.73), white rice (OR = 2.59 CI: 1.19-5.64), hotdog (OR = 2.52 CI: 1.31-4.86), and less rice mixed with grains (OR = 0.02 CI: 0.01-0.05), tangerine (OR = 0.06 CI: 0.02 - 0.20), milk (OR = 0.29 CI: 0.14 - 0.60), roasted fish (OR = 0.32 CI: 0.28-0.99, anchovy (OR = 0.35 CI: 0.17 - 0.72), seaweed (OR = 0.37 CI: 0.16 - 0.83), and tofu (OR = 0.48 CI: 0.23-0.99) than the exemplary students. With respect to the juvenile delinquents, the nutrient intakes lower than 75% of the Korean RDA were for riboflavin (75.0%) and calcium (47.9%) among the boys, and calcium (46.9%) and iron (60.4%) among the girls. To prevent juvenile delinquency, nutritional education and well-balanced school food service meals should be emphasized so as to improve the management of dietary practices. (Korean J Community Nutrition 8(4) : 512∼525, 2003)

Effect of 8 Weeks of Low Calorie Diet on Body Composition and Blood Parameters in the People with BMI Greater than 23kg/m2 (체질량지수 23kg/m2 이상 남녀에서 8 주간의 의학 영양 치료에 의한 저열량 식이 섭취가 체격지수 및 혈액학적 지표에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yun-Young;Lee, In-Hoe;Lee, In-Seok;Choue, Ryo-Won
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.725-731
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    • 2008
  • The principal objective of this study was to assess the effects of low-calorie diets(LCD) for 8 weeks of medical nutrition therapy in individuals with BMI in excess of 23kg/m2. 41 over-weight or obese individuals (male=14, female=27, age 28.6±8.9yrs), none of whom were diagnosed with a medical disease, were administered MNT 4 times over the study period. Approximately 1,1001,300kcal/day were prescribed by a dietitian, via individualized counseling. Anthropometric parameters, daily nutrient intake, and blood levels of leptin, insulin, and lipid profiles were measured prior to and after the 8 weeks of the intervention period. We noted significant reductions in body weight, body mass index (BMI), fat mass (FM), visceral adipose tissue (VAT), abdominal skin-fold thickness, and waist circumference in both men and women. The mean body weight losses in men and women were 3.2±0.6kg/8 weeks and 2.8±0.6kg/8 weeks, respectively. However, the % of lean body mass (LBM) in men and women was shown to increase significantly (p<0.05). The daily intake of calorie, fat, protein, vitamin E, folate, and iron were significantly reduced during the LCD period. Blood levels of lipids and glucose were in normal range, and evidenced no changes after LCD. However, the serum levels of leptin in female subjects were significantly reduced (p<0.00l) from 8.9±4.8ng/mL to 6.9±4.8ng/mL. In conclusion, 8 weeks of LCD with individualized counseling by a dietitian effectively reduced body fat and visceral fat in both men and women with BMI in excess of 23kg/m2.

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The Dietary, Blood and Urinary Levels of Lead, Iron and Copper in Self Selected Dietary Rural People (일상식이를 섭취하는 일부 농촌 성인 남녀의 식이, 혈액 및 뇨중의 납, 철분, 구리 수준)

  • 승정자
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.716-723
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    • 1993
  • This study was carried out to estimate intake level of Pb, Fe, Cu in rural area of Korea(12 males and 18 females). Analyses for the nutritional status of the record, duplicated diet collections, 24-hour urine collections, and venous blood sampling before measuring of blood pressure. The mean age and blood pressure of the subjects were 45.8±11.1years and 117.5±22.2/80.8±15.6mmHe in males, and 41.9±11.0years, 110.0± 11.9/73.9±8.5mmHg in females, respectively. In respect to both males and females, mean BMI were 22.0±2.3, 23.1±3.0, mean Rohrer index were 131.8±14.8, 142.4±20.2 and mean skinfold thickness were 12.4±5.9mm, 25.3±7.4mm, respectively. The daily mean intakes of Pb, Fe, and Cu estimated for 3 days were 277.2±111.2μg/day, 12.7μg 7.6mg/day, and 3.0±1.4mg/day in males and 192.0±72.4μg/day, 13.3±5.8mg/day, and 3.7 ±1.7mg/day in females, respectively. The mean concentrations of serum Pb, Fe, Cu were 11.0±2.0μg/dl, 131.1±42.6μg/dl, 120.3±25.7μg/dl in males and 9.0±1.2μg/dl, 112.2± 35.9μg/dl, 117.3±17.9μg/dl in females, respectively. The mean levels of Hb and Hct were 15.1±1.1g/dl, 45.2±3.3% in males and 13.1±0.8g/dl, 39.8±2.6% in females, respectively. The 24-hour urinary excretions of Pb, Fe, Cu were 35.5±10.0μg/day, 0.16±0.12mg/day, 60.12±0.02μg/day in males, and 25.3±11.0μg/day, 0.24±0.20mg/day, 70.07±0.03μg/day in females, respectively. In conclusion, the Pb intake in self selected diet of this subjects was not in the level that antagonized to Fe and Cu metabolism seriously.

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Effect of different bedding depths of rice hulls on growth performance and carcass traits of White Pekin ducks

  • Nuwan Chamara Chathuranga;Myunghwan Yu;Jun Seon Hong;Elijah Ogola Oketch;Shan Randima Nawarathne;Yuldashboy Vohobjonov;Dinesh D. Jayasena;Young-Joo Yi;Jung Min Heo
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.504-513
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    • 2024
  • Duck meat is recognized as a healthier poultry product that contains higher amounts of unsaturated and essential fatty acids, iron, and excellent amounts of protein. It has been found to possess the ability to reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and subsequently, blood pressure in the human body; and improve the immunity system. The current study investigated the appropriate bedding depths of rice hulls as a preferred bedding material by evaluating the growth performance and carcass traits of White Pekin ducks raised for 42 days. A total of 288 one-day-old White Pekin ducklings were randomly allotted to floor cages with one of four bedding depths at 4 cm, 8 cm, 12 cm, and 16 cm. Ducklings were fed standard duck starter (days 1-21) and finisher (days 22-42) diets. The birds were stocked at a rate of 6 birds/m2 with 6 replicates per treatment. Growth performance evaluation for the body weight, average daily gain, and average daily feed intake were measured to calculate the weekly feed conversion ratio. Breast, leg, and carcass yield were assessed as carcass traits. The muscle color and proximate composition were also analyzed for meat quality. Footpad dermatitis was also evaluated on day 42. Ducks reared on 16 cm bedding depth over the 42 days recorded higher (p < 0.05) body weight, average daily, average daily feed intake, and improved feed conversion ratios compared to other groups. The crude fat in breast meat also lowered (p < 0.05) in ducks reared at 16 cm (1.02%) when compared to ducks raised at 4 cm bedding depth (2.11%). Our results showed improved redness (p < 0.05) when the depth of bedding materials was elevated. Except for the breast meat fat, the dissimilar bedding depths did not affect (p < 0.05) the breast and leg meat composition, footpad dermatitis, and mortality for the current study. In conclusion, this study indicated that the bedding depths would directly or indirectly affect the growth performance and meat color of White Pekin ducks; and the bedding depth of rice hulls at 16 cm improved the growth performance of White Pekin ducks for 42 days.