• Title/Summary/Keyword: ion-ion hybrid resonance

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Localization of Ultra-Low Frequency Waves in Multi-Ion Plasmas of the Planetary Magnetosphere

  • Kim, Eun-Hwa;Johnson, Jay R.;Lee, Dong-Hun
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.289-295
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    • 2015
  • By adopting a 2D time-dependent wave code, we investigate how mode-converted waves at the Ion-Ion Hybrid (IIH) resonance and compressional waves propagate in 2D density structures with a wide range of field-aligned wavenumbers to background magnetic fields. The simulation results show that the mode-converted waves have continuous bands across the field line consistent with previous numerical studies. These waves also have harmonic structures in frequency domain and are localized in the field-aligned heavy ion density well. Our results thus emphasize the importance of a field-aligned heavy ion density structure for ultra-low frequency wave propagation, and suggest that IIH waves can be localized in different locations along the field line.

Synthesis of α-oximinoketones, Precursor of CO2 Reduction Macrocyclic Coenzyme F430 Model Complexes

  • Kim, Gilhoon;Won, Hoshik
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2017
  • Ni(II) containing coenzyme F430 catalyzes the reduction of $CO_2$ in methanogen. Macrocyclic Ni(II) complexes with N,O shiff bases have been received a great attention since metal ions play an important role in the catalysis of reduction. The reducing power of metal complexes are supposed to be dependent on oxidoreduction state of metal ion and structural properties of macrocyclic ring moiety that can enhance electrochemical properties in catalytic process. Six different ${\alpha}$-oximinoketone compounds, precursor of macrocyclic ligands used in $CO_2$ reduction coenzyme F430 model complexes, were synthesized with yields over 90% and characterized by NMR. The molecular geometries of ${\alpha}$-oximinoketone analogues were fully optimized at Beck's-three-parameter hybrid (B3LYP) method in density functional theory (DFT) method with $6-31+G^*$ basis set using the ab initio program. In order to understand molecular planarity and substitutional effects that may enhance reducing power of metal ion are studied by computing the structure-dependent $^{13}C$-NMR chemical shift and comparing with experimental results.