• Title/Summary/Keyword: inverter

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Performance Analysis for Auxiliary Resonant Commutated Pole Inverter with Clamping Diodes (클램핑 다이오드를 갖는 ARCP 인버터의 성능 분석)

  • Lee, Yoon-Seok;Kim, Jae-Hyuk;Han, Byung-Moon
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.67 no.12
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    • pp.1611-1618
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    • 2018
  • This paper proposes a new auxiliary resonant commutated pole (ARCP) inverter which has a modified auxiliary circuit. The proposed auxiliary circuit includes two auxiliary IGBT switches, an LC resonant circuit, and two clamping diodes. In order to analyze the performance of proposed ARCP inverter, computer simulations with PSCAD, and hardware experiments were carried out. Through analyzing the experimental results, it is known that the proposed ARCP inverter offers efficiency improvement of 1.5% compared with the hard-switching inverter.

A Study on Operation Algorithm of Grid-Connected 3-Level NPC Inverter Considering Common-Mode Voltage and THD (공통 모드 전압 및 THD를 고려한 계통연계형 3레벨 NPC 인버터의 운용 알고리즘 연구)

  • Hye-Cheon Kim;Jung-Wook Park
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2023
  • A grid-connected 3-level NPC inverter is a power conversion device that connects renewable energy generators, such as photovoltaic or wind turbines to the grid. Although many studies have focused on this inverter, commercializing it requires strictly satisfying various safety and power quality-related standards. Among many standards, leakage current and grid current total harmonic distortion(THD) can be affected by external factors such as installation environment, aging, and grid conditions. Hence, inverter operations that can satisfy these standards need to be explored. In this study a 3-level NPC inverter operation algorithm using the Phase Opposition Disposition-PWM method that can effectively reduce leakage current and switching frequency adjustment to reduce THD effectively has been proposed.

Zero-Voltage-Switching High Frequency Inverter for Electrodeless Fluorescent Lamp (무전극 램프 구동용 영전압 스위칭 고주파 인버터에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Hee-Jun;Joe, Kee-Yun;Kye, Mun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.35S no.8
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 1998
  • Driving the electrodeless fluorescent lamp, the high ac voltage with high frequency is required. The linear power amplifier has been widely used as a driving circuit of electrodeless fluorescent lamp. However, the low efficiency of the power amplifier causes the driving circuit to be replaced by a PWM switching inverter. In order to use a PWM switching inverter as the driving circuit to be replaced by a PWM switching inverter. In order to use a PWM switching inverter as the driving circuit of an electrodeless fluorescent lamp, the high switching frequency is required. But due to the switching loss at switches of the inverter, the limitation of high switching frequency appears in the inverter. One solution to this limitation is to reduce the switching loss by using the zero voltage switching technique. In this paper, zero voltage switching resonant inverter for driving an electrodeless fluorescent lamp is discussed. The results of analysis about the inverter are presented and the equations for design are established. And the validity of the analyzed results are verified through the experiment.

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A Ringing Surge Clamper Type Active Auxiliary Edge-Resonant DC Link Snubber-Assisted Three-Phase Soft-Switching Inverter using IGBT-IPM for AC Servo Driver

  • Yoshitsugu, Junji;Yoshida, Masanobu;Hiraki, Eiji;Inoue, Kenji;Ahmed, Tarek;Nakaoka, Mutsuo
    • KIEE International Transaction on Electrical Machinery and Energy Conversion Systems
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    • v.2B no.3
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents an active auxiliary edge-resonant DC link snubber with a ringing surge damper and a three-phase voltage source type zero voltage soft-switching inverter with the resonat snubber treated here for the AC servo motor driver applications. The operation of the active auxiliary edge-resonant DC link snubber circuit with PWM voltage is described, together with the practical design method to select its circuit parameters. The three-phase voltage source type soft-switching inverter with a single edge-resonant DC link snubber treated here is evaluated and discussed for the small-scale permanent magnet (PM) type-AC servo motor driver from an experimental point of view. In addition to these, the AC motor stator current and its motor speed response for the proposed three-phase soft-switching inverter employing Intelligent Power Module(IPM) based on IGBTS are compared with those of the conventional three-phase hard-switching inverter using IPM. The practical effectiveness of the three-phase soft-switching inverter-fed permanent magnet type AC motor speed tracking servo driver is proven on the basis of the common mode current in a novel type three-phase soft-switching inverter-fed AC motor side and the conductive noise on the mains terminal interface voltage as compared with those of the conventional three-phase hard-switching inverter-fed permanent magnet type AC servo motor driver for the speed tracking applications.

A Study on the Generation of Stable Negative Voltage for IT Equipments (IT기기를 위한 안정된 마이너스 전압 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Chang
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.14-19
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, a method of constructing an inverter circuit that can generate negative voltage required to operate an IT device in a stable using an inexpensive buck device is presented. To do this, the problem of constructing the inverter circuit using the existing buck device was examined, the principle that could prevent this problem was analyzed, and a circuit that could solve this problem was presented. In order to prove the effectiveness of the proposed method, the experimental circuit was constructed and the experiment was conducted. Compared to the operation of the inverter circuit by the existing overcurrent prevention circuit, it was confirmed that the stable operation was performed without an overcurrent phenomenon. Accordingly, it is expected that the performance of the circuit can be greatly improved while a number of peripheral devices for configuring the devices for processing various analog signals used in IT devices as a single power supply can be omitted.

DC voltage control by drive signal pulse-width control of full-bridged inverter

  • Ishikawa, Junichi;Suzuki, Taiju;Ikeda, Hiroaki;Mizutani, Yoko;Yoshida, Hirofumi
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.255-258
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    • 1996
  • This paper describes a DC voltage controller for the DC power supply which is constructed using the full-bridged MOS-FET DC-to-RF power inverter and rectifier. The full-bridged MOS-FET DC-to-RF inverter consisting of four MOSFET arrays and an output power transformer has a control function which is able to control the RF output power when the widths of the pulse voltages which are fed to four MOS-FET arrays of the fall-bridged inverter are changed using the pulse width control circuit. The power conversion efficiency of the full-bridged MOS-FET DC-to-RF power inverter was approximately 85 % when the duty cycles of the pulse voltages were changed from 30 % to 50 %. The RF output voltage from the full-bridged MOS-FET DC-to-RF inverter is fed to the rectifier circuit through the output transformer. The rectifier circuit consists of GaAs schottky diodes and filters, each of which is made of a coil and capacitors. The power conversion efficiency of the rectifier circuit was over 80 % when the duty cycles of the pulse voltages were changed from 30 % to 50 %. The output voltage of the rectifier circuit was changed from 34.7V to 37.6 V when the duty cycles of the pulse voltages were changed from 30 % to 50 %.

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High-Efficiency Dual-Buck Inverter Using Coupled Inductor (결합 인덕터를 이용한 효율적인 단상 듀얼-벅 인버터)

  • Yang, Min-Kwon;Kim, Yu-Jin;Cho, Woo-Young
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.396-405
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    • 2019
  • Single-phase full-bridge inverters have shoot-through problems. Dead time is an essential way of solving these issues, but it distorts the output voltage and current. Dual-buck inverters are designed to eliminate the abovementioned problems. However, these inverters result in switching power loss and electromagnetic interference due to the diode reverse-recovery problem. Previous studies have suggested reducing the switching power loss from diode reverse-recovery, but their proposed methods have complex circuit configurations and high system costs. To alleviate the switching power loss from diode reverse-recovery, the current work proposes a dual-buck inverter with a coupled inductor. In the structure of the proposed inverter, the current flowing into the original diode is divided into a new diode. Therefore, the switching power loss is reduced, and the efficiency of the proposed inverter is improved. Simulation waveforms and experimental results for a 1.0 kW prototype inverter are discussed to verify the performance of the proposed inverter.

The Characteristics of Control Scheme and Inner Feedback Control with HC of Current-Controlled PWM Inverter (전류제어 PWM인버터의 HC에 대한 제어방식과 내부 피이드백제어의 특성)

  • 정동화;배진호
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.41 no.9
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    • pp.1031-1041
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    • 1992
  • Existing current-controlled inverters with hysteresis controller (HC) result in the dependence of the inverter on its load characteristics, poor inverter utilization due to too much or too little supply voltage, and the current error in the hysteresis band(HB) which causes deterioration of operation of the supplied motor. In this paper, techniques and results of modeling the operation of current-controlled three phase power inverter with HC are presented. Four symmetrical control schemes are considered: the so called three independent control, three semi-dependent control(a), three semi-dependent control(b) and three dependent control each using three current controller. The dependence of the inverter on its load has been studied. To overcome this difficulty, an inner feedback control has been introduced and optimum parameter has been determined. With the addition of an inner feedback control, adjustment of the switching frequency to a desired value is possible. Also, this modification improves operating characteristics of inverter by enforcing a switching pattern of low dependence on the load, resulting in significantly improved quality of the output current.

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Equivalent RMS Sine-wave Modulation of the Step-pulse type Multi-level Inverter (스텝펄스형 멀티레벨 인버터를 위한 RMS 등가형의 새로운 사인파 변조법)

  • Jin, Sun-Ho;Kwak, Jun-Ho;Jo, Kwan-Jun;Oh, Jin-Seok
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2006
  • This paper suggests a new modulation strategy for step pulse type multi-level inverter. The proposed strategy is simple to determine the switching angles without regard to increase of levels. Designed to extract the equivalent RMS value compared to ideal sine wave from inverter, it can be applied effectively to high level step pulse inverter. Also this paper proposed modulation strategy for modified H-bridge 13 level inverter which has different cell source voltages with simulation and experiment. The modulation characteristics from simulation and experiment, agreed very well with tracing sine wave about modified structure of cascaded H-bridge multi-level inverter.

A Novel Flyback-type Utility Interactive Inverter for AC Module Systems

  • Shimizu Toshihisa;Nakamura Naoki;Wada Keiji
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.518-522
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    • 2001
  • In recent years, natural energy has attracted growing interest because of environmental concerns. Many studies have been focused on photovoltaic power generation systems because of the ease of use in urban areas. On the conventional system, many photovoltaic modules (PV modules) are connected in series in order to obtain the sufficient DC-bus voltage for generating AC output voltage at the inverter circuit. However, the total generation power on the PV modules sometimes decreases remarkably because of the shadows that partially cover the PV modules. In order to overcome this drawback, an AC module strategy is proposed. On this system, a small power DC-AC utility interactive inverter is mounted on each PV module individually and the inverter operates so as to generate the maximum power from the corresponding PV module. This paper presents a novel flyback-type utility interactive inverter circuit suitable for AC module systems. The feature of the proposed system are, (1) small in volume and light in weight, (2) stable AC current injection, (3) enabling a small DC capacitor. The effectiveness of the proposed system is clarified through the simulation and the experiments.

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