• Title/Summary/Keyword: inverse-distance weighting

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Effects of Local Climatic Conditions on the Early Growth in Korean White Pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc.) Stands -Relation between Annual Increment and Local Climatic Conditions- (지역별 잣나무 초기생장에 미치는 미기후의 영향 - 연년생장과 미기후와의 관계-)

  • Chon Sang- Keun;Shin Man Yong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 1999
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of local climatic conditions on the annual increment of Korean white pine planted in Gapyung and Yaungdong. For this, stand variables such as mean DBH, mean height, basal area per hectare, and volume per hectare by stand age were measured and summarized for each locality. Based on these statistics, annual increments for 8 years from stand age 10 to 18 were calculated for each of stand variables. A topoclimatological technique which makes use of empirical relationships between the topography and the weather in study sites was applied to produce normal estimates of monthly mean, maximum, minimum temperatures, relative humidity, precipitation, and hours of sunshine. Then, the yearly climatic variables from 1990 to 1997 for each study site were derived from the spatial interpolation procedures based on inverse- distance weighting of the observed deviation from the climatic normals at the nearest 11 standard weather stations. From these estimates, 17 weather variables such as warmth index, coldness index, index of aridity etc., which affect the tree growth, were computed on yearly base for each locality. The deviations of measured annual increments from the expected annual increments for 8 years based on yield table of Korean white pine were then correlated with and regressed on the yearly weather variables to examine effects of local climatic conditions on the growth. Gapyung area provides better conditions for the growth of Korean white pine in the early stage than Youngdong area. This indicates that the conditions such as low temperature, high relative humidity, and large amount of precipitation provide favor environment for the early growth of Korean white pine. A ccording to the correlation and regression an analysis using local climatic conditions and annual increments, the growth pattern of Gapyung area corresponds to this tendency. However, it was found that the relationship between annual increments and local climatic conditions in Youngdong area shows different tendency from Gapyung. These results mean that the yearly growth pattern could not sufficiently be explained by climatic conditions with high variance in yearly weather variables. In addition, the poor growth in Youngdong area might not only be affected by climatic conditions, but also by other environmental factors such as site quality.

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Spatial-Temporal Interpolation of Rainfall Using Rain Gauge and Radar (강우계와 레이더를 이용한 강우의 시공간적인 활용)

  • Hong, Seung-Jin;Kim, Byung-Sik;Hahm, Chang-Hahk
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how the rainfall field effect on a runoff simulation using grid radar rainfall data and ground gauge rainfall. The Gwangdeoksan radar and ground-gauge rainfall data were used to estimate a spatial rainfall field, and a hydrologic model was used to evaluate whether the rainfall fields created by each method reproduced a realistically valid spatial and temporal distribution. Pilot basin in this paper was the Naerin stream located in Inje-gun, Gangwondo, 250m grid scale digital elevation data, land cover maps, and soil maps were used to estimate geological parameters for the hydrologic model. For the rainfall input data, quantitative precipitation estimation(QPE), adjusted radar rainfall, and gauge rainfall was used, and then compared with the observed runoff by inputting it into a $Vflo^{TM}$ model. As a result of the simulation, the quantitative precipitation estimation and the ground rainfall were underestimated when compared to the observed runoff, while the adjusted radar rainfall showed a similar runoff simulation with the actual observed runoff. From these results, we suggested that when weather radars and ground rainfall data are combined, they have a greater hydrological usability as input data for a hydrological model than when just radar rainfall or ground rainfall is used separately.

Spatial Interpolation of Hourly Air Temperature over Sloping Surfaces Based on a Solar Irradiance Correction (일사 수광량 보정에 의한 산악지대 매시기온의 공간내삽)

  • 정유란;윤진일
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2002
  • Spatial interpolation has become a common procedure in converting temperature forecasts and observations at irregular points for use in regional scale ecosystem modeling and the model based decision support systems for resource management. Neglection of terrain effects in most spatial interpolations for short term temperatures may cause erroneous results in mountainous regions, where the observation network hardly covers full features of the complicated terrain. A spatial interpolation model for daytime hourly temperature was formulated based on error analysis of unsampled site with respect to the site topography. The model has a solar irradiance correction scheme in addition to the common backbone of the lapse rate - corrected inverse distance weighting. The solar irradiance scheme calculates the direct, diffuse and reflected components of shortwave radiation over any surfaces based on the sun-slope geometry and compares the sum with that over a reference surface. The deviation from the reference radiation is used to calculate the temperature correction term by an empirical conversion formula between the solar energy and the air temperature on any sloped surfaces at an hourly time scale, which can be prepared seasonally for each land cover type. When this model was applied to a 14 km by 22 km mountainous region at a 10 m horizontal resolution, the estimated hourly temperature surfaces showed a better agreement with the observed distribution than those by a conventional method.

Spatial distribution of particulate matters in comparison with land-use and traffic volume in Seoul, Republic of Korea (서울시 토지이용과 교통량에 따른 미세먼지의 공간분포)

  • Jeong, Jong-Chul;Lee, Peter Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2018
  • To sustainably monitor air pollution in Seoul, the number of Air Pollution Monitoring Station has been gradually increased by Korea's Ministry of Environment. Although particulate matters(PM), one of the pollutants measured at the stations, have an significant influence on human body, the concentration of PM in Korea came in second among 35 OECD member countries. In this study, using the data of PM concentration from the stations, distribution maps of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations over Seoul were generated, and spatial factors potentially related to PM distribution were investigated. Based on a circumscribed hexagon about a circle in radius of 500 meters created as a basic unit, Seoul was sectionalized and PM concentration map was generated using the interpolation technique of 'inverse distance weighting'. The distributions of PM concentrations were investigated with commuting time by administrative district and the outcome was related with land-use type and volume of traffic. Results from this analysis indicated distribution pattern of PM10 concentration was different from that of PM2.5 by administrative district and time. The distribution of PM concentration was strongly related to not only the size of business and trafficked areas among the land-use type, but also the existence of urban green. Further analysis of the relationship between the PM concentration and detailed land-use and urban green maps can be helpful to identify spatial factors which have an impact on the PM concentration on the regional scale.

Comparison of Precipitation Distributions in Precipitation Data Sets Representing 1km Spatial Resolution over South Korea Produced by PRISM, IDW, and Cokriging (PRISM, 역거리가중법, 공동크리깅으로 작성한 1km 공간해상도의 남한 강수 자료에서 강수 분포의 비교)

  • Park, Jong-Chul;Kim, Man-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.147-163
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to compare precipitation distributions in precipitation data sets over South Korea produced by three interpolation methods. The differences of precipitation caused by interpolation methods is an important information when the interpolated precipitation data sets were used in researches such as ecological and hydrological modeling as well as regional climate impact studies. In this study, the precipitation data sets were produced by IDW(Inverse Distance Weighting) and Cokriging in this study and the PRISM(Precipitation-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) data set obtained from Climate Change Information Center of Korea. The spatial resolution of the precipitation data is 1km. As a result, there was a great precipitation difference caused by interpolation methods in data of mountainous watersheds in general. Especially the difference of monthly precipitation was 10~20% or more in the mountainous watersheds near the Military Demarcation Line dividing North and South Korea, Mt. Sobaik, Mt. Worak, Mt. Deogyu, Mt. Jiri and Taeback Mountain Range. It means that a final result of a research can be affected by adopted interpolation method when an interpolated precipitation data set is used in the research for the these study sites.

The Study on Flood Runoff Simulation using Runoff Model with Gauge-adjusted Radar data (보정 레이더 자료와 유출 모형을 이용한 홍수유출모의에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Young-Hye;Kim, Byung-Sik;Kim, Hung-Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2010
  • Changes in climate have largely increased concentrated heavy rainfall, which in turn is causing enormous damages to humans and properties. Therefore, it is important to understand the spatial-temporal features of rainfall. In this study, RADAR rainfall was used to calculate gridded areal rainfall which reflects the spatial-temporal variability. In addition, Kalman-filter method, a stochastical technique, was used to combine ground rainfall network with RADAR rainfall network to calculate areal rainfall. Thiessen polygon method, Inverse distance weighting method, and Kriging method were used for calculating areal rainfall, and the calculated data was compared with adjusted areal RADAR rainfall measured using the Kalman-filter method. The result showed that RADAR rainfall adjusted with Kalman-filter method well-reproduced the distribution of raw RADAR rainfall which has a similar spatial distribution as the actual rainfall distribution. The adjusted RADAR rainfall also showed a similar rainfall volume as the volume shown in rain gauge data. Anseong-Cheon basin was used as a study area and the RADAR rainfall adjusted with Kalman-filter method was applied in $Vflo^{TM}$ model, a physical-based distributed model, and ModClark model, a semi-distributed model. As a result, $Vflo^{TM}$ model simulated peak time and peak value similar to that of observed hydrograph. ModClark model showed good results for total runoff volume. However, for verifying the parameter, $Vflo^{TM}$ model showed better reproduction of observed hydrograph than ModClark model. These results confirmed that flood runoff simulation is applicable in domestic settings(in South Korea) if highly accurate areal rainfall is calculated by combining gauge rainfall and RADAR rainfall data and the simulation is performed in link to the distributed hydrological model.

Spatial Estimation of Point Observed Environmental Variables: A Case Study for Producing Rainfall Acidity Map (점관측 환경 인자의 공간 추정 - 남한 지역의 강우 산도 분포도 작성)

  • 이규성
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.33-47
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    • 1995
  • The representation of point-observed environmental variables in Geographic Information Systems(GIS) has often been inadequate to meet the need of regional-scale ecological and environmental applications. To create a map of continuous surface that would represent more reliable spatial variations for these applications, I present three spatial estimation methods. Using a secondary variable of the proximity to coast line together with rainfall acidity data collected at the 63 acid rain monitoring stations in Korea, average rainfall acidity map was cteated using co-kriging. For comparison, two other commonly used interpolation methods (inverse distance weighting and kriging) were also applied to rainfall acidity data without reference to the secondary variable. These estimation methods were evaluated by both visual assessments of the output maps and the quantitative comparison of error measures that were obtained from cross validation. The co-kriging method produced a rainfall acidity map that showed noticeable improvement in repoducing the inherent spatial pattern as well as provided lower statistical error as compared to the methods using only the primary variable.

Groundwater level behavior analysis using kernel density estimation (비모수 핵밀도 함수를 이용한 지하수위 거동분석)

  • Jeong, Ji Hye;Kim, Jong Wook;Lee, Jeong Ju;Chun, Gun Il
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.381-381
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    • 2017
  • 수자원 분야에 대한 기후변화의 영향은 홍수, 가뭄 등 극치 수문사상의 증가와 변동성 확대를 초래하는 것으로 알려져 있으며, 이에 따라 예년에 비해 발생빈도 및 심도가 증가한 가뭄에 대한 모니터링 및 피해경감을 위해 정부에서는 국민안전처를 비롯한 관계기관 합동으로 생활 공업 농업용수 등 분야별 가뭄정보를 제공하고 있다. 국토교통부와 환경부는 생활 및 공업용수 분야의 가뭄정보 제공을 위해 광역 지방 상수도를 이용하는 급수 지역과 마을상수도, 소규모급수시설 등 미급수지역의 용수수급 정보를 분석하여 가뭄 분석정보를 제공 중에 있다. 하지만, 미급수지역에 대한 가뭄 예?경보는 기준이 되는 수원정보의 부재로 기상 가뭄지수인 SPI6를 이용하여 정보를 생산하고 있다. 기상학적 가뭄 상황과 물부족에 의한 체감 가뭄은 차이가 있으며, 미급수 지역의 경우 지하수를 주 수원으로 사용하는 지역이 대부분으로 기상학적 가뭄지수인 SPI6를 이용한 가뭄정보로 실제 물수급 상황을 반영하기는 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 미급수지역의 주요 수원인 지하수의 수위 상황을 반영한 가뭄모니터링 기법을 개발하고자 하였으며, 가용량 분석이 현실적으로 어려운 지하수의 특성을 고려하여 수위 거동의 통계적 분석을 통해 가뭄을 모니터링 할 수 있는 방법으로 접근하였다. 국가지하수관측소 중 관측기간이 10년 이상이고 강우와의 상관성이 높은 관측소들을 선정한 후, 일수위 관측자료를 월별로 분리하여 1월~12월 각 월에 대해 핵밀도 함수 추정기법(kernel densitiy estimation)을 적용하여 월별 지하수위 분포 특성을 도출하였다. 각 관측소별 관측수위 분포에 대해 백분위수(percentile)를 이용하여, 25%~100% 사이는 정상, 10%~25% 사이는 주의단계, 5%~10% 사이는 심한가뭄, 5% 이하는 매우심함으로 가뭄의 단계를 구분하였다. 각 백분위수에 해당하는 수위 값은 추정된 Kernel Density와 Quantile Function을 이용하여 산정하였고, 최근 10일 평균수위를 현재의 수위로 설정하여 가뭄의 정도를 분류하였다. 분석된 결과는 관측소를 기점으로 역거리가중법(inverse distance weighting)을 통해 공간 분포를 시켰으며, 수문학적, 지질학적 동질성을 반영하기 위하여 유역도 및 수문지질도를 중첩한 공간연산을 통해 전국 지하수 가뭄상태를 나타내는 지하수위 등급분포도를 작성하였다. 실제 가뭄상황과의 상관성을 분석하기 위해 언론기사를 통해 확인된 가뭄시기와 백문위수 25%이하로 분석된 지하수 가뭄시기를 ROC(receiver operation characteristics) 분석을 통해 비교 검증하였다.

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Providing the combined models for groundwater changes using common indicators in GIS (GIS 공통 지표를 활용한 지하수 변화 통합 모델 제공)

  • Samaneh, Hamta;Seo, You Seok
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.245-255
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    • 2022
  • Evaluating the qualitative the qualitative process of water resources by using various indicators, as one of the most prevalent methods for optimal managing of water bodies, is necessary for having one regular plan for protection of water quality. In this study, zoning maps were developed on a yearly basis by collecting and reviewing the process, validating, and performing statistical tests on qualitative parameters҆ data of the Iranian aquifers from 1995 to 2020 using Geographic Information System (GIS), and based on Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), Radial Basic Function (RBF), and Global Polynomial Interpolation (GPI) methods and Kriging and Co-Kriging techniques in three types including simple, ordinary, and universal. Then, minimum uncertainty and zoning error in addition to proximity for ASE and RMSE amount, was selected as the optimum model. Afterwards, the selected model was zoned by using Scholar and Wilcox. General evaluation of groundwater situation of Iran, revealed that 59.70 and 39.86% of the resources are classified into the class of unsuitable for agricultural and drinking purposes, respectively indicating the crisis of groundwater quality in Iran. Finally, for validating the extracted results, spatial changes in water quality were evaluated using the Groundwater Quality Index (GWQI), indicating high sensitivity of aquifers to small quantitative changes in water level in addition to severe shortage of groundwater reserves in Iran.

Two-dimensional Spatial Distribution Analysis Using Water Quality Measurement Results at River Junctions (하천 합류부에서의 수질계측결과를 활용한 2차원 공간분포 해석)

  • Lee, Chang Hyun;Park, Jae Gon;Kim, Kyung Dong;Ryu, Si Wan;Kim, Dong Su;Kim, Young Do
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.343-350
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    • 2022
  • High-resolution data are needed to understand water body mixing patterns at river junctions. In particular, in river analysis, hydrological and water quality characteristics are used as basic data for aquatic ecological health, so observation through continuous monitoring is necessary. In addition, since measurement is carried out through a one-dimensional and fixed measurement method in existing monitoring systems, a hydrological and water quality characteristics investigation of an entire river, except for in the immediate vicinity of the measurement point, is not undertaken. In order to obtain high-resolution measurement data, a measurer has to consider multiple factors, and the area or time that can be measured is limited. Although the resolution might be lowered, an appropriate interpolation method must be selected in order to acquire a wide range of data. Therefore, in this study, a high-elevation measurement method at a river junction was introduced, and the interpolation method according to the measurement results was compared. The overall hydraulic and water quality information of the river was indicated through the visualization of the prediction and interpolation method in the low-resolution measurement result. By comparing each interpolation method, Inverse Distance Weighting, Natural Neighbor, and Kriging techniques were applied in river mapping to improve the precision of river mapping through visualized data and quantitative evaluation. It is thought that this study will offer a new method for measuring rivers through spatial interpolation.