• Title/Summary/Keyword: international family

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A Study on Family Caregiver Support Programs in the U.S.A.: The Case of the State of Georgia

  • Cho, Kyungjin;Kim, Yun-Jung
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2016
  • This is a descriptive study that introduces programs that support family caregivers looking after the elderly, by focusing on the case of Georgia, in the United States. The U.S. is one of the few countries that support family caregivers by law. In this study, we focus on the evidence-based interventions implemented through the Alzheimer's Disease Supportive Services Program (ADSSP), a federal policy that complements the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP). Our findings show that one-on-one evidence-based programs (EBPs) for family caregivers are both economical and effective in assisting caregivers. In our discussion, we highlight how the implementation of the latest EBPs can build an infrastructure to support family caregivers. ADSSP funding is useful as it constructs a caregiver support through the implementation of programs in the local community. The result is the creation of a well-coordinated division of labor among government agencies, academia and NGOs, which produces a synergetic effect in funding, research and development, translation and implementation of programs, and staff training. We conclude that the implementation of EBPs funded by the government is a useful reference for Korea and other rapidly aging countries, if we are to create an infrastructure for caregiver support, which can effectively prevent a crisis in caregiving.

The Impact of Government Support on Family Farm - A Chain Mediation Model: Empirical Evidence from China

  • YANG, Mei;GAO, Jing
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.325-332
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    • 2022
  • The aim of this research is to use a conceptual model to experimentally evaluate the mediating impact of government financial and training support on structural social capital and non-financial performance of family farms. Questionnaires were used to collect data from family farms in Guangxi, China, from August 25th to September 8th, 2021. There were 759 valid responses, accounting for 94.99 percent of the total number of respondents. The scales' reliability and validity, and the research's mediating effects and hypotheses, are tested using SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 26.0. The findings suggest that the impact of government financial assistance on family farms' non-financial performance cannot be substantiated. The intermediary chain connection of financial and training support, on the other hand, has a significant mediating effect between structural social capital and family farm non-financial performance. Direct financial assistance could be thought to encourage family farms to rely too much on funding, making them less competitive in market competition, innovation, and long-term operations. According to the conclusions of the study, government assistance to family farms could take a variety of forms, including providing diversified skills training programs in farming practices, managerial skills, and other areas.

Effects of Family Functions in Multicultural Families on Quality of Life: The Mediating Effect of Parenting Attitudes

  • Hwa-Sil JANG;Won-Sop SHIN
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aimed to enhance understanding of multicultural families in South Korea by examining the impact of family functions on their quality of life and exploring how parenting attitudes in multicultural families influence the relationship between family functions and quality of life. Research design, data and methodology: This study obtained a total of 124 valid surveys with the assistance of the Cheonan and Asan Multicultural Centers. Using SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0, the study conducted frequency analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, reliability and validity, and correlation analysis. To test hypotheses, the study conducted simple (multiple) regression and three-step mediation regression analysis. Results: The results revealed that family functions in multicultural families have a significant impact on parenting attitudes, and parenting attitudes have a significant impact on the quality of life. Additionally, except for autonomy and rational parenting attitudes, parenting attitudes were found to have partial mediating effects between family functions and the quality of life. Conclusions: It was empirically demonstrated that parenting attitudes, along with family functions, are crucial factors for improving the quality of life. The study suggests various methods at the levels of multicultural families, local communities, and the national level to enhance the quality of life in multicultural families.

A Learning Experience from ISTO Examination

  • Croft, Nigel;Park, Young-Hyun
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.145-150
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    • 2001
  • The revised ISO9000 family of standards represents a significant improvement on the 1994 version and, if implemented well within organizations, should facilitate the development of effective, process-oriented Quality Management Systems. This paper describes how the International Standardized Testing Organization (ISTO) tests the understanding of ISO9000 : 2000, and presents an analysis of the results of the first examinations held in the UK, USA, Mexico and Hong Kong, in February and March 2001.

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Daesoon Jinrihoe in Perspective: New Religions and their Development over Time

  • FRISK, Liselotte
    • Journal of Daesoon Thought and the Religions of East Asia
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.61-79
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    • 2021
  • In this study, Daesoon Jinrihoe is compared with five international new religious movements (The Church of Scientology, The Family International, The Hare Krishna Movement, The Family Federation, and the Osho Movement) concerning the development of charisma and institutionalization, as well as organizational changes and relationship to society. The material consists of previous research about Daesoon Jinrihoe and two interviews with representatives for the group. In many respects the development of Daesoon Jinrihoe has similarities to the international groups. Since its inception, it has changed from a group with charismatic authority to a rational-legal authority, through a development of organizational complexity, initiated by the three consecutive charismatic leaders. Today there is no charismatic leader, but a president who has an administrative function. Similar to several of the international groups, there have been charismatic challenges in Daesoon Jinrihoe on several occasions. Differences to the international groups are mainly related to macrosociological factors in the shape of the occupation of Japan. Daesoon Jinrihoe was against the occupation, but in spite of that worked to keep the tensions with society low, even though the organization at times was forbidden. In the international groups, the tensions to society were generally high, and had different reasons. In several of the international groups the final arrival of children influenced organizational changes: this was not the case with Daesoon Jinrihoe as there had always been children in the group. As in the Church of Scientology, the children are not much engaged in the religious life of Daesoon Jinrihoe, but can join as adults. Today, Daesoon Jinrihoe works as a denomination, with a positive relationship to society partly due to many welfare projects.

A Study on Family Conflict and Life Satisfaction for Immigrant Women (국제결혼 이주여성의 가족갈등과 생활만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jung-Sook;Kim, Jin-Hee;Park, Ok-Im
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the differences among families in terms of conflict, life satisfaction according to socio-demographic variables, and self-esteem, and to analyze the effects of these variables influencing marital satisfaction for immigrant women. The subjects of this study were 127 immigrant women in Sunchon. Trained researchers interviewed the subjects with structured questionnaires. The data were analyzed using Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, Duncan's test, Pearson's r, and stepwise multiple regression. The statistical package of SPSS is used to perform these analyses. The result of this study is summarized as follows: The family conflict scores of the immigrant women were lower than the median. The average score of life satisfaction was higher than the median. The family conflict of the immigrant women showed significant differences according of age.

A Study on the Design Characteristics of Communal Spaces in multi-family Houses - Focused on Case Studies on Europe, Japan and Middle America - (해외 집합주택의 공유공간 계획특성 연구 - 유럽, 일본, 중미지역사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Min-Seok
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.174-182
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research is to find applicable design characteristics of communal spaces in multi-family houses. With this goal, international multi-family housing projects are selected and their communal spaces are identified. The purpose of study lies in analyzing on recent 10 years trends of shared space of multi-family houses in Europe, Japan, central America. The design characteristics of the communal spaces are analyzed with a special focus on the four Aspects such as Organization of space, access roads, parking, pedestrian movement In terms of the framework for analysis, community, rest, separability, rambling, territory, distribution, entrance, openness, view, prospect and aesthetic characteristics are reviewed. As a result, the communal space of the analysis are integrated in plans and sections throughout the multi-family houses. Openness and connection with surrounding urban environments are articulated by communal spaces. Communal identities and aesthetics are emphasized by various space for dweller and the other inhabitant. For a further research, it is necessary to combine a design method study with new multi-family houses for the future.

Family Conflicts and Crises due to COVID-19 and Countermeasures (COVID-19에 따른 가족갈등 및 위기실태와 대처방안)

  • Shim, Moon Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2022
  • In December 2019, the world faced a crisis in the international economy due to the coronavirus pandemic. Korea has made efforts to stimulate the economy in various ways, including basic income support for all citizens and income support for small business owners. The purpose of this study is to examine how prolonged COVID-19 affects the family, the basic unit of society, and each family member. The family conflicts and crisis solutions due to COVID-19 are as follows. It is to have intensive support for the family, program support for strengthening bonds between household members, and recognition of equal values.

A Study on the Family Cooperation Doctrine in Gesellschaft: Lee Sun′s Our Children (게젤샤프트 속의 가족공동주의 -이순의 우리들의 아이를 중심으로 -)

  • 전혜자
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.161-178
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    • 2001
  • This study investigates how Korean traditional family consciousness interacts with Korean industrialization in the 1970s. In Our Children, Lee Sun depicts a family's struggle within the turmoil brought about by rapid industrialization to escape from the ranks of the working class. It is well known that one of the consequences of industrialization was the breakup of the larger family structure into nuclear families, but Lee Sun presents Korea's industrialization in the 1970s in the light of the traditional Korean family culture before the breakup. In other words, he gives us a portrayal of Gemeinschaft in Gesellschaft in his description of the extended family's struggle to overcome the day-to-day pressures of modernization and urbanization. The novel presents three generations of a traditional extended family. The eldest son is portrayed as a knife, strong and sharp. His wife has a temporary job that she hopes to give up once they own a house, which symbolizes the family's escape from the working class. The relationship among the family members reveals the core aspects of the ideology governing traditional extended families: the husband is the despotic monarch of the household, solely responsible for the family's economy; the husband is the sky and the wife the earth; and children (the more the better) are expected to lead to stability, welfare, and prosperity. One curious aspect of this family relationship as portrayed by Lee Sun is the expectation that being the eldest son, who already is or will become the patriarch of the family, is the fastest way of reaching middle-class status. And, despite a slight reversal, the novel has a happy ending wherein the family's expectations are fulfilled without much suffering. This aspect should be considered in light of the revolutionary romantic idealism of the novels of the 1930s. The lack of suffering and the easy happy ending may be attributed to the fact that Korea's industrialization came about rapidly and radically, and therefore it is likely that Lee Sun was not able fully to appreciate the full costs of industrialization. This limitation calls for a deeper investigation into the social structure and class consciousness of the 1970s, and also a study of the intertextual relationship of Our Children with other novels of the time.

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A Study on the Relationship between Changes in Family Life due to COVID-19, Daily Stress, Work-Family Balance Conflict and Job Satisfaction of Married Working Women (기혼 직장여성의 코로나 19로 인한 가족생활 변화와 일상스트레스, 일-가정양립갈등 그리고 직무만족도 간의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Hyo-Jin
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.251-260
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the relationships between changes in family life due to COVID-19, daily stress, work-family balance conflict and the job satisfaction of married working women. The subjects of this study were 1,934 married women wage workers who were extracted from the data of the 8th year of the female family panel survey surveyed in 2020. Path analysis was conducted to analyze the hypothesis using AMOS 21.0. The study results revealed that family life change doesn't directly affect work-family balance conflict, but increases job satisfaction. But family life change indrectly affects increasing work-family balance conflict and decreasing job satisfaction through daily stress. And daily stress affects increasing work-family balance conflict and decreasing job satisfaction. Additionally work-family balance conflict has an effect on reducing job satisfaction. Based on the results, practice and policy suggestions were made to reduce work-family balance conflict and increase job satisfaction of married working women.