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Seismic Response of Concrete Walls with Steel Boundary Elements (강재 경계요소를 갖는 콘크리트 벽체의 내진 성능)

  • 조순호
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.290-297
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    • 2000
  • A new form of construction utilizing structural steel as the boundary elements in ductile flexural concrete walls is proposed to solve the bar congestion problems associated with such a heavily reinforced region. Two wall specimens containing rectangular hollow structural sections(HSS) and channels at their ends respectively were constructed rectangular hollow structural sections(HSS) and channels ar their ends respectively were constructed and tested under reversed cyclic loading to evaluate the construction process as well as the structural performance. One companion standard reinforced concrete wall specimen was also tested for the comparison purpose At an Initial stage all three specimens were carefully detailed to have the approximately same flexural capacity. Analysis and comparison of test results indicated that the reversed cyclic responses of the three walls showed similar hysteretic properties but in those with steel boundaries local bucking of the corresponding steel elements following significant yielding of structural steel was prominent. Design procedures considering local instability of the structural steel elements and the interaction between steel chord and concrete web members in such composite walls are presented.

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Modification of the experimental method for measuring acoustic impedance of perforated elements with grazing flow (스치는 유동이 존재하는 원형 천공의 음향 임피던스 측정 방법 개선)

  • Lee Seong-Hyun;Ih Jeong-Guon;Peat Keith
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • spring
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    • pp.297-300
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    • 2004
  • Perforated elements are extensively used in mufflers for the intake and exhaust systems of various fluid machines. Perforated elements are usually exposed to grazing flow or cross flow. For analyzing performances of mufflers, the impedance of perforated elements with mean flow is very important. The impedance of perforates under both conditions are measured with different experimental setups. Even if there is no flow, the preceding experimental method for grazing flow shows different values with both theoretical ones and measured under cross flow setup. Using high-order analysis considering phase differences, the experimental method for grazing flow can be modified. The acoustical impedance of perforated impedance contains interaction effects between orifices. After correcting these effects, the measured impedance with grazing flow setup show similar results with both theoretical impedance and measured ones under cross flow setup.

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Approximate Wave Functions of Dynamic Infinite Elements for Multi-layered Halfspaces

  • Kim, J.M.;Yun, C.B.;Yang, S.C.
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 1993
  • This paper presents a systematic procedure to obtain shape functions of the infinite elements for soil-structure interaction analysis. The function spaces are derived from the analytical solutions and appropriate assumptions based on physical interpretation. The function spaces are complete for the surface wave components, but approximate for the body wave components. Three different infinite elements are developed by using the wave functions of the derived function spaces. Numerical example analysis is presented for demonstrating the effectiveness of the present infinite elements.

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Experimental study on laterally restrained steel columns with variable I cross sections

  • Cristutiu, Ionel-Mircea;Nunes, Daniel Luis;Dogariu, Adrian Ioan
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.225-238
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    • 2012
  • Steel structural elements with web-tapered I cross section, are usually made of welded thin plates. Due to the nonrectangular shape of the element, thin web section may be obtained at the maximum cross section height. The buckling strength is directly influenced by lateral restraining, end support and initial imperfections. If no lateral restraints, or when they are not effective enough, the global behaviour of the members is characterized by the lateral torsional mode and interaction with sectional buckling modes may occur. Actual design codes do not provide a practical design approach for this kind of elements. The paper summarizes an experimental study performed by the authors on a relevant number of elements of this type. The purpose of the work was to evaluate the actual behaviour of the web tapered beam-columns when applying different types of lateral restraints and different web thickness.

Development of Analytical Two Dimensional Infinite Elements for Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis (지반-구조물의 상호작용 해석을 위한 해석적 2차원 무한요소)

  • 윤정방;김두기
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, two dimensional analytical infinite elements which can include multiple wave components to model a underlying half-space are developed. Since these elements are expressed clearly and simply using Legendre polynomials of frequencies in frequency domain, these are very economical and efficient in computing the responses of strip foundations in frequency domain and are easily transformed for SSI analysis in time domain. To prove the behavior of the proposed two dimensional analytical infinite elements, vertical, horizontal, and rocking compliances of a rigid strip foundation in layered soils are analyzed and compared with those of Tzong ' Penzie n(17) and with those which calculated by numerical infinite elemen t(1) in frequency domain, and good agreements are noticed between them. As an application for a further study, a new scheme for SSI analysis in time domain are proposed and verified by comparing the displacement responses of the soil with a underlying rock due to a rectangular impulse loading with those of a soil modeled extended FE meshes.soil modeled extended FE meshes.

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Analysis of 3D wall building structures dynamic response

  • Chyzy, T.;Kretowska, J.;Miedzialowski, Cz.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.33-52
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    • 2006
  • Three-dimensional description of building structure taking into consideration soil-structure interaction is a very complex problem and solution of this problem is often obtained by using finite element method. However, this method takes a significant amount of computational time and memory. Therefore, an efficient computational model based on subdivision of the structure into building elements such as wall and floor slab elements, plane and three-dimensional joints and lintels, that could provide accurate results with significantly reduced computational time, is proposed in this study for the analysis three-dimensional structures subjected to dynamic load. The examples prove the efficiency and the computing possibilities of the model.

Research on Design of Mixed Reality Interface Based on Spatial Perception

  • Wei, Li;Cho, Dong-Mi
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.815-824
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    • 2021
  • Based on the theory of space perception, this paper concludes that the mixed reality application under the theory of space perception has a three-level definition of visual hierarchy and then analyzes the component elements of interface design and the classification mode of interface windows. Next, carry out case practice research through this theoretical definition, and finally conduct the survey and analysis of questionnaire data, verifying that the mixed reality interface design based on spatial perception theory meets the user experience elements of Usability, Availability, and Attraction. The conclusion is that the constituent elements of interface design and the window classification mode can provide specific and practical design specifications for mixed reality interface design, reduce the interaction cost of completing tasks, reduce users' cognitive load, and make it easier for users to receive interface information

A Structure and Framework for Sign Language Interaction

  • Kim, Soyoung;Pan, Younghwan
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.411-426
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    • 2015
  • Objective: The goal of this thesis is to design the interaction structure and framework of system to recognize sign language. Background: The sign language of meaningful individual gestures is combined to construct a sentence, so it is difficult to interpret and recognize the meaning of hand gesture for system, because of the sequence of continuous gestures. This being so, in order to interpret the meaning of individual gesture correctly, the interaction structure and framework are needed so that they can segment the indication of individual gesture. Method: We analyze 700 sign language words to structuralize the sign language gesture interaction. First of all, we analyze the transformational patterns of the hand gesture. Second, we analyze the movement of the transformational patterns of the hand gesture. Third, we analyze the type of other gestures except hands. Based on this, we design a framework for sign language interaction. Results: We elicited 8 patterns of hand gesture on the basis of the fact on whether the gesture has a change from starting point to ending point. And then, we analyzed the hand movement based on 3 elements: patterns of movement, direction, and whether hand movement is repeating or not. Moreover, we defined 11 movements of other gestures except hands and classified 8 types of interaction. The framework for sign language interaction, which was designed based on this mentioned above, applies to more than 700 individual gestures of the sign language, and can be classified as an individual gesture in spite of situation which has continuous gestures. Conclusion: This study has structuralized in 3 aspects defined to analyze the transformational patterns of the starting point and the ending point of hand shape, hand movement, and other gestures except hands for sign language interaction. Based on this, we designed the framework that can recognize the individual gestures and interpret the meaning more accurately, when meaningful individual gesture is input sequence of continuous gestures. Application: When we develop the system of sign language recognition, we can apply interaction framework to it. Structuralized gesture can be used for using database of sign language, inventing an automatic recognition system, and studying on the action gestures in other areas.

Plastic hinge length of RC columns considering soil-structure interaction

  • Mortezaei, Alireza
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.679-702
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    • 2013
  • During an earthquake, soils filter and send out the shaking to the building and simultaneously it has the role of bearing the building vibrations and transmitting them back to the ground. In other words, the ground and the building interact with each other. Hence, soil-structure interaction (SSI) is a key parameter that affects the performance of buildings during the earthquakes and is worth to be taken into consideration. Columns are one of the most crucial elements in RC buildings that play an important role in stability of the building and must be able to dissipate energy under seismic loads. Recent earthquakes showed that formation of plastic hinges in columns is still possible as a result of strong ground motion, despite the application of strong column-weak beam concept, as recommended by various design codes. Energy is dissipated through the plastic deformation of specific zones at the end of a member without affecting the rest of the structure. The formation of a plastic hinge in an RC column in regions that experience inelastic actions depends on the column details as well as soil-structure interaction (SSI). In this paper, 854 different scenarios have been analyzed by inelastic time-history analyses to predict the nonlinear behavior of RC columns considering soil-structure interaction (SSI). The effects of axial load, height over depth ratio, main period of soil and structure as well as different characteristics of earthquakes, are evaluated analytically by finite element methods and the results are compared with corresponding experimental data. Findings from this study provide a simple expression to estimate plastic hinge length of RC columns including soil-structure interaction.

A Study on the Interactive Television Advertisement's Effect through the Involvement of and Interaction with Audience (수용자의 상호작용성과 제품관여도에 따른 양방향 TV광고 효과)

  • Yang, Young-Jong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2008
  • This study researches the effectiveness of interactive TV advertising focusing on the factors of audience involvement and interaction. The study began with the effective measurement of interactive television advertisements. Interactive television advertisements have different concepts than existing television advertisements. This study mainly focuses on the characteristics of audience interaction and experiments based on the data of 78 persons for measurement. In the experiments, the characteristics were categorized according to search time, specifically the number of searched pages about interactive television advertisement. Hypothesis 1 reveals that the interaction of the audience increases when the advertising attitude, brand attitude, and purchase intentions also increase. Hypothesis 2 finds that the involvement of the audience increases when the advertising attitude, brand attitude, and purchase intentions also increase. By studying these consumer characteristics and behavior, a new method of effective measurement for interactive television advertisement is uncovered. The new method includes not only existing measurement elements of television advertisement which include attitude about advertising and brand, and customer purpose, but also the features of interactive television advertisement like customer search time. According to this research on interactive television advertisement, the interaction with and involvement of the audience are highly influential variables.

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