• Title/Summary/Keyword: intelligence information society

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Application of diversity of recommender system accordingtouserpreferencechange (사용자 선호도 변화에 따른 추천시스템의 다양성 적용)

  • Na, Hyeyeon;Nam, Kihwan
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.67-86
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    • 2020
  • Recommender Systems have been huge influence users and business more and more. Recently the importance of E-commerce has been reached rapid growth greatly in world-wide COVID-19 pandemic. Recommender system is the center of E-commerce lively. Top ranked E-commerce managers mentioned that recommender systems have a major influence on customer's purchase such as about 50% of Netflix, Amazon sales from their recommender systems. Most algorithms have been focused on improving accuracy of recommender system regardless of novelty, diversity, serendipity etc. Recommender systems with only high accuracy cannot satisfy business long-term profit because of generating sales polarization. In addition, customers do not experience enjoyment of shopping from only focusing accuracy recommender system because customer's preference is changed constantly. Therefore, recommender systems with various values need to be developed for user's high satisfaction. Reranking is the most useful methodology to realize diversity of recommender system. In this paper, diversity of recommender system is represented through constructing high similarity with users who have different preference using each user's purchased item's category algorithm. It is distinguished from past research approach which is changing the algorithm of recommender system without user's diversity preference level. We tried to discover user's diversity preference level and observed the results how the effect was different according to user's diversity preference level. In addition, graph-based recommender system was used to show diversity through user's network, not collaborative filtering. In this paper, Amazon Grocery and Gourmet Food data was used because the low-involvement product, such as habitual product, foods, low-priced goods etc., had high probability to show customer's diversity. First, a bipartite graph with users and items simultaneously is constructed to make graph-based recommender system. However, each users and items unipartite graph also need to be established to show diversity of recommender system. The weight of each unipartite graph has played crucial role changing Jaccard Distance of item's category. We can observe two important results from the user's unipartite network. First, the user's diversity preference level is observed from the network and second, dissimilar users can be discovered in the user's network. Through the research process, diversity of recommender system is presented highly with small accuracy loss and optimalization for higher accuracy is possible controlling diversity ratio. This paper has three important theoretical points. First, this research expands recommender system research for user's satisfaction with various values. Second, the graph-based recommender system is developed newly. Third, the evaluation indicator of diversity is made for diversity. In addition, recommender systems are useful for corporate profit practically and this paper has contribution on business closely. Above all, business long-term profit can be improved using recommender system with diversity and the recommender system can provide right service according to user's diversity level. Lastly, the corporate selling low-involvement products have great effect based on the results.

Are you a Machine or Human?: The Effects of Human-likeness on Consumer Anthropomorphism Depending on Construal Level (Are you a Machine or Human?: 소셜 로봇의 인간 유사성과 소비자 해석수준이 의인화에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Junsik;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.129-149
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    • 2021
  • Recently, interest in social robots that can socially interact with humans is increasing. Thanks to the development of ICT technology, social robots have become easier to provide personalized services and emotional connection to individuals, and the role of social robots is drawing attention as a means to solve modern social problems and the resulting decline in the quality of individual lives. Along with the interest in social robots, the spread of social robots is also increasing significantly. Many companies are introducing robot products to the market to target various target markets, but so far there is no clear trend leading the market. Accordingly, there are more and more attempts to differentiate robots through the design of social robots. In particular, anthropomorphism has been studied importantly in social robot design, and many approaches have been attempted to anthropomorphize social robots to produce positive effects. However, there is a lack of research that systematically describes the mechanism by which anthropomorphism for social robots is formed. Most of the existing studies have focused on verifying the positive effects of the anthropomorphism of social robots on consumers. In addition, the formation of anthropomorphism of social robots may vary depending on the individual's motivation or temperament, but there are not many studies examining this. A vague understanding of anthropomorphism makes it difficult to derive design optimal points for shaping the anthropomorphism of social robots. The purpose of this study is to verify the mechanism by which the anthropomorphism of social robots is formed. This study confirmed the effect of the human-likeness of social robots(Within-subjects) and the construal level of consumers(Between-subjects) on the formation of anthropomorphism through an experimental study of 3×2 mixed design. Research hypotheses on the mechanism by which anthropomorphism is formed were presented, and the hypotheses were verified by analyzing data from a sample of 206 people. The first hypothesis in this study is that the higher the human-likeness of the robot, the higher the level of anthropomorphism for the robot. Hypothesis 1 was supported by a one-way repeated measures ANOVA and a post hoc test. The second hypothesis in this study is that depending on the construal level of consumers, the effect of human-likeness on the level of anthropomorphism will be different. First, this study predicts that the difference in the level of anthropomorphism as human-likeness increases will be greater under high construal condition than under low construal condition.Second, If the robot has no human-likeness, there will be no difference in the level of anthropomorphism according to the construal level. Thirdly,If the robot has low human-likeness, the low construal level condition will make the robot more anthropomorphic than the high construal level condition. Finally, If the robot has high human-likeness, the high construal levelcondition will make the robot more anthropomorphic than the low construal level condition. We performed two-way repeated measures ANOVA to test these hypotheses, and confirmed that the interaction effect of human-likeness and construal level was significant. Further analysis to specifically confirm interaction effect has also provided results in support of our hypotheses. The analysis shows that the human-likeness of the robot increases the level of anthropomorphism of social robots, and the effect of human-likeness on anthropomorphism varies depending on the construal level of consumers. This study has implications in that it explains the mechanism by which anthropomorphism is formed by considering the human-likeness, which is the design attribute of social robots, and the construal level of consumers, which is the way of thinking of individuals. We expect to use the findings of this study as the basis for design optimization for the formation of anthropomorphism in social robots.

UX Methodology Study by Data Analysis Focusing on deriving persona through customer segment classification (데이터 분석을 통한 UX 방법론 연구 고객 세그먼트 분류를 통한 페르소나 도출을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seul-Yi;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.151-176
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    • 2021
  • As the information technology industry develops, various kinds of data are being created, and it is now essential to process them and use them in the industry. Analyzing and utilizing various digital data collected online and offline is a necessary process to provide an appropriate experience for customers in the industry. In order to create new businesses, products, and services, it is essential to use customer data collected in various ways to deeply understand potential customers' needs and analyze behavior patterns to capture hidden signals of desire. However, it is true that research using data analysis and UX methodology, which should be conducted in parallel for effective service development, is being conducted separately and that there is a lack of examples of use in the industry. In thiswork, we construct a single process by applying data analysis methods and UX methodologies. This study is important in that it is highly likely to be used because it applies methodologies that are actively used in practice. We conducted a survey on the topic to identify and cluster the associations between factors to establish customer classification and target customers. The research methods are as follows. First, we first conduct a factor, regression analysis to determine the association between factors in the happiness data survey. Groups are grouped according to the survey results and identify the relationship between 34 questions of psychological stability, family life, relational satisfaction, health, economic satisfaction, work satisfaction, daily life satisfaction, and residential environment satisfaction. Second, we classify clusters based on factors affecting happiness and extract the optimal number of clusters. Based on the results, we cross-analyzed the characteristics of each cluster. Third, forservice definition, analysis was conducted by correlating with keywords related to happiness. We leverage keyword analysis of the thumb trend to derive ideas based on the interest and associations of the keyword. We also collected approximately 11,000 news articles based on the top three keywords that are highly related to happiness, then derived issues between keywords through text mining analysis in SAS, and utilized them in defining services after ideas were conceived. Fourth, based on the characteristics identified through data analysis, we selected segmentation and targetingappropriate for service discovery. To this end, the characteristics of the factors were grouped and selected into four groups, and the profile was drawn up and the main target customers were selected. Fifth, based on the characteristics of the main target customers, interviewers were selected and the In-depthinterviews were conducted to discover the causes of happiness, causes of unhappiness, and needs for services. Sixth, we derive customer behavior patterns based on segment results and detailed interviews, and specify the objectives associated with the characteristics. Seventh, a typical persona using qualitative surveys and a persona using data were produced to analyze each characteristic and pros and cons by comparing the two personas. Existing market segmentation classifies customers based on purchasing factors, and UX methodology measures users' behavior variables to establish criteria and redefine users' classification. Utilizing these segment classification methods, applying the process of producinguser classification and persona in UX methodology will be able to utilize them as more accurate customer classification schemes. The significance of this study is summarized in two ways: First, the idea of using data to create a variety of services was linked to the UX methodology used to plan IT services by applying it in the hot topic era. Second, we further enhance user classification by applying segment analysis methods that are not currently used well in UX methodologies. To provide a consistent experience in creating a single service, from large to small, it is necessary to define customers with common goals. To this end, it is necessary to derive persona and persuade various stakeholders. Under these circumstances, designing a consistent experience from beginning to end, through fast and concrete user descriptions, would be a very effective way to produce a successful service.

ICT Company Profiling Analysis and the Mechanism for Performance Creation Depending on the Type of Government Start-up Support Program (정부창업지원 프로그램 참여에 따른 ICT 기업 프로파일링과 성과창출 메커니즘)

  • Ha, Sangjip;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.237-258
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    • 2022
  • As the global market environment changes, the domestic ICT industry has a growing influence on the world economy. This industry is regarded as an important driving force in the national economy from a technological and social point of view. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the ICT industry are regarded as essential actors of domestic economic development in terms of company diversity, technology development and job creation. However, since it is small compared to large-sized enterprises, it is difficult for SMEs to survive with a differentiated strategy in an incomplete and rapidly changing environment. Therefore, SMEs must make a lot of efforts to improve their own capabilities, and the government needs to provide the desirable help suitable for corporate internal resources so that they can continue to be competitive. This study classifies the types of ICT SMEs participating in government support programs, and analyzes the relationship between resources and performance creation of each type. The data from the "ICT Small and Medium Enterprises Survey" conducted annually by the Ministry of Science and ICT was used. In the first stage, ICT SMEs were clustered based on common factors according to their experiences with government support programs. Three clusters were meaningfully classified, and each cluster was named "active participation type," "initial support type," and "soloist type." As a second step, this study compared the characteristics of each cluster through profiling analysis for each cluster. The third step carried out in this study was to find out the mechanism of R&D performance creation for each cluster through regression analysis. Different factors affected performance creation for each cluster, and the magnitude of the influence was also different. Specifically, for "active participation type", "current manpower", "technology competitiveness", and "R&D investment in the previous year" were found to be important factors in creating R&D performance. "Initial support type" was identified as "whether or not a dedicated R&D organization exists", "R&D investment amount in the previous year", "Ratio of sales to large companies", and "Ratio of vendors supplied to large companies" contributed to the performance. Lastly, in the case of "soloist type", "current workforce" and "future recruitment plan", "technological competitiveness", "R&D investment", "large company sales ratio", and "overseas sales ratio" showed a significant relationship with the performance. This study has practical implications of showing what strategy should be established when supporting SMEs in the future according to the government's participation in the startup program and providing a guide on what kind of support should be provided.

Analysis of Munitions Contract Work Using Process Mining (프로세스 마이닝을 이용한 군수품 계약업무 분석 : 공군 군수사 계약업무를 중심으로)

  • Joo, Yong Seon;Kim, Su Hwan
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.41-59
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    • 2022
  • The timely procurement of military supplies is essential to maintain the military's operational capabilities, and contract work is the first step toward timely procurement. In addition, rapid signing of a contract enables consumers to set a leisurely delivery date and increases the possibility of budget execution, so it is essential to improve the contract process to prevent early execution of the budget and transfer or disuse. Recently, research using big data has been actively conducted in various fields, and process analysis using big data and process mining, an improvement technique, are also widely used in the private sector. However, the analysis of contract work in the military is limited to the level of individual analysis such as identifying the cause of each problem case of budget transfer and disuse contracts using the experience and fragmentary information of the person in charge. In order to improve the contract process, this study analyzed using the process mining technique with data on a total of 560 contract tasks directly contracted by the Department of Finance of the Air Force Logistics Command for about one year from November 2019. Process maps were derived by synthesizing distributed data, and process flow, execution time analysis, bottleneck analysis, and additional detailed analysis were conducted. As a result of the analysis, it was found that review/modification occurred repeatedly after request in a number of contracts. Repeated reviews/modifications have a significant impact on the delay in the number of days to complete the cost calculation, which has also been clearly revealed through bottleneck visualization. Review/modification occurs in more than 60% of the top 5 departments with many contract requests, and it usually occurs in the first half of the year when requests are concentrated, which means that a thorough review is required before requesting contracts from the required departments. In addition, the contract work of the Department of Finance was carried out in accordance with the procedures according to laws and regulations, but it was found that it was necessary to adjust the order of some tasks. This study is the first case of using process mining for the analysis of contract work in the military. Based on this, if further research is conducted to apply process mining to various tasks in the military, it is expected that the efficiency of various tasks can be derived.

A COVID-19 Diagnosis Model based on Various Transformations of Cough Sounds (기침 소리의 다양한 변환을 통한 코로나19 진단 모델)

  • Minkyung Kim;Gunwoo Kim;Keunho Choi
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.57-78
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    • 2023
  • COVID-19, which started in Wuhan, China in November 2019, spread beyond China in 2020 and spread worldwide in March 2020. It is important to prevent a highly contagious virus like COVID-19 in advance and to actively treat it when confirmed, but it is more important to identify the confirmed fact quickly and prevent its spread since it is a virus that spreads quickly. However, PCR test to check for infection is costly and time consuming, and self-kit test is also easy to access, but the cost of the kit is not easy to receive every time. Therefore, if it is possible to determine whether or not a person is positive for COVID-19 based on the sound of a cough so that anyone can use it easily, anyone can easily check whether or not they are confirmed at anytime, anywhere, and it can have great economic advantages. In this study, an experiment was conducted on a method to identify whether or not COVID-19 was confirmed based on a cough sound. Cough sound features were extracted through MFCC, Mel-Spectrogram, and spectral contrast. For the quality of cough sound, noisy data was deleted through SNR, and only the cough sound was extracted from the voice file through chunk. Since the objective is COVID-19 positive and negative classification, learning was performed through XGBoost, LightGBM, and FCNN algorithms, which are often used for classification, and the results were compared. Additionally, we conducted a comparative experiment on the performance of the model using multidimensional vectors obtained by converting cough sounds into both images and vectors. The experimental results showed that the LightGBM model utilizing features obtained by converting basic information about health status and cough sounds into multidimensional vectors through MFCC, Mel-Spectogram, Spectral contrast, and Spectrogram achieved the highest accuracy of 0.74.

A Study on Industry-specific Sustainability Strategy: Analyzing ESG Reports and News Articles (산업별 지속가능경영 전략 고찰: ESG 보고서와 뉴스 기사를 중심으로)

  • WonHee Kim;YoungOk Kwon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.287-316
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    • 2023
  • As global energy crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have emerged as social issues, there is a growing demand for companies to move away from profit-centric business models and embrace sustainable management that balances environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. ESG activities of companies vary across industries, and industry-specific weights are applied in ESG evaluations. Therefore, it is important to develop strategic management approaches that reflect the characteristics of each industry and the importance of each ESG factor. Additionally, with the stance of strengthened focus on ESG disclosures, specific guidelines are needed to identify and report on sustainable management activities of domestic companies. To understand corporate sustainability strategies, analyzing ESG reports and news articles by industry can help identify strategic characteristics in specific industries. However, each company has its own unique strategies and report structures, making it difficult to grasp detailed trends or action items. In our study, we analyzed ESG reports (2019-2021) and news articles (2019-2022) of six companies in the 'Finance,' 'Manufacturing,' and 'IT' sectors to examine the sustainability strategies of leading domestic ESG companies. Text mining techniques such as keyword frequency analysis and topic modeling were applied to identify industry-specific, ESG element-specific management strategies and issues. The analysis revealed that in the 'Finance' sector, customer-centric management strategies and efforts to promote an inclusive culture within and outside the company were prominent. Strategies addressing climate change, such as carbon neutrality and expanding green finance, were also emphasized. In the 'Manufacturing' sector, the focus was on creating sustainable communities through occupational health and safety issues, sustainable supply chain management, low-carbon technology development, and eco-friendly investments to achieve carbon neutrality. In the 'IT' sector, there was a tendency to focus on technological innovation and digital responsibility to enhance social value through technology. Furthermore, the key issues identified in the ESG factors were as follows: under the 'Environmental' element, issues such as greenhouse gas and carbon emission management, industry-specific eco-friendly activities, and green partnerships were identified. Under the 'Social' element, key issues included social contribution activities through stakeholder engagement, supporting the growth and coexistence of members and partner companies, and enhancing customer value through stable service provision. Under the 'Governance' element, key issues were identified as strengthening board independence through the appointment of outside directors, risk management and communication for sustainable growth, and establishing transparent governance structures. The exploration of the relationship between ESG disclosures in reports and ESG issues in news articles revealed that the sustainability strategies disclosed in reports were aligned with the issues related to ESG disclosed in news articles. However, there was a tendency to strengthen ESG activities for prevention and improvement after negative media coverage that could have a negative impact on corporate image. Additionally, environmental issues were mentioned more frequently in news articles compared to ESG reports, with environmental-related keywords being emphasized in the 'Finance' sector in the reports. Thus, ESG reports and news articles shared some similarities in content due to the sharing of information sources. However, the impact of media coverage influenced the emphasis on specific sustainability strategies, and the extent of mentioning environmental issues varied across documents. Based on our study, the following contributions were derived. From a practical perspective, companies need to consider their characteristics and establish sustainability strategies that align with their capabilities and situations. From an academic perspective, unlike previous studies on ESG strategies, we present a subdivided methodology through analysis considering the industry-specific characteristics of companies.

Prediction of Key Variables Affecting NBA Playoffs Advancement: Focusing on 3 Points and Turnover Features (미국 프로농구(NBA)의 플레이오프 진출에 영향을 미치는 주요 변수 예측: 3점과 턴오버 속성을 중심으로)

  • An, Sehwan;Kim, Youngmin
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.263-286
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    • 2022
  • This study acquires NBA statistical information for a total of 32 years from 1990 to 2022 using web crawling, observes variables of interest through exploratory data analysis, and generates related derived variables. Unused variables were removed through a purification process on the input data, and correlation analysis, t-test, and ANOVA were performed on the remaining variables. For the variable of interest, the difference in the mean between the groups that advanced to the playoffs and did not advance to the playoffs was tested, and then to compensate for this, the average difference between the three groups (higher/middle/lower) based on ranking was reconfirmed. Of the input data, only this year's season data was used as a test set, and 5-fold cross-validation was performed by dividing the training set and the validation set for model training. The overfitting problem was solved by comparing the cross-validation result and the final analysis result using the test set to confirm that there was no difference in the performance matrix. Because the quality level of the raw data is high and the statistical assumptions are satisfied, most of the models showed good results despite the small data set. This study not only predicts NBA game results or classifies whether or not to advance to the playoffs using machine learning, but also examines whether the variables of interest are included in the major variables with high importance by understanding the importance of input attribute. Through the visualization of SHAP value, it was possible to overcome the limitation that could not be interpreted only with the result of feature importance, and to compensate for the lack of consistency in the importance calculation in the process of entering/removing variables. It was found that a number of variables related to three points and errors classified as subjects of interest in this study were included in the major variables affecting advancing to the playoffs in the NBA. Although this study is similar in that it includes topics such as match results, playoffs, and championship predictions, which have been dealt with in the existing sports data analysis field, and comparatively analyzed several machine learning models for analysis, there is a difference in that the interest features are set in advance and statistically verified, so that it is compared with the machine learning analysis result. Also, it was differentiated from existing studies by presenting explanatory visualization results using SHAP, one of the XAI models.

Application of spatiotemporal transformer model to improve prediction performance of particulate matter concentration (미세먼지 예측 성능 개선을 위한 시공간 트랜스포머 모델의 적용)

  • Kim, Youngkwang;Kim, Bokju;Ahn, SungMahn
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.329-352
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    • 2022
  • It is reported that particulate matter(PM) penetrates the lungs and blood vessels and causes various heart diseases and respiratory diseases such as lung cancer. The subway is a means of transportation used by an average of 10 million people a day, and although it is important to create a clean and comfortable environment, the level of particulate matter pollution is shown to be high. It is because the subways run through an underground tunnel and the particulate matter trapped in the tunnel moves to the underground station due to the train wind. The Ministry of Environment and the Seoul Metropolitan Government are making various efforts to reduce PM concentration by establishing measures to improve air quality at underground stations. The smart air quality management system is a system that manages air quality in advance by collecting air quality data, analyzing and predicting the PM concentration. The prediction model of the PM concentration is an important component of this system. Various studies on time series data prediction are being conducted, but in relation to the PM prediction in subway stations, it is limited to statistical or recurrent neural network-based deep learning model researches. Therefore, in this study, we propose four transformer-based models including spatiotemporal transformers. As a result of performing PM concentration prediction experiments in the waiting rooms of subway stations in Seoul, it was confirmed that the performance of the transformer-based models was superior to that of the existing ARIMA, LSTM, and Seq2Seq models. Among the transformer-based models, the performance of the spatiotemporal transformers was the best. The smart air quality management system operated through data-based prediction becomes more effective and energy efficient as the accuracy of PM prediction improves. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the efficient operation of the smart air quality management system.

Exploring Mask Appeal: Vertical vs. Horizontal Fold Flat Masks Using Eye-Tracking (마스크 매력 탐구: 아이트래킹을 활용한 수직 접이형 대 수평 접이형 마스크 비교 분석)

  • Junsik Lee;Nan-Hee Jeong;Ji-Chan Yun;Do-Hyung Park;Se-Bum Park
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.271-286
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    • 2023
  • The global COVID-19 pandemic has transformed face masks from situational accessories to indispensable items in daily life, prompting a shift in public perception and behavior. While the relaxation of mandatory mask-wearing regulations is underway, a significant number of individuals continue to embrace face masks, turning them into a form of personal expression and identity. This phenomenon has given rise to the Fashion Mask industry, characterized by unique designs and colors, experiencing rapid growth in the market. However, existing research on masks is predominantly focused on their efficacy in preventing infection or exploring attitudes during the pandemic, leaving a gap in understanding consumer preferences for mask design. We address this gap by investigating consumer perceptions and preferences for two prevalent mask designs-horizontal fold flat masks and vertical fold flat masks. Through a comprehensive approach involving surveys and eye-tracking experiments, we aim to unravel the subtle differences in how consumers perceive these designs. Our research questions focus on determining which design is more appealing and exploring the reasons behind any observed differences. The study's findings reveal a clear preference for vertical fold flat masks, which are not only preferred but also perceived as unique, sophisticated, three-dimensional, and lively. The eye-tracking analysis provides insights into the visual attention patterns associated with mask designs, highlighting the pivotal role of the fold line in influencing these patterns. This research contributes to the evolving understanding of masks as a fashion statement and provides valuable insights for manufacturers and marketers in the Fashion Mask industry. The results have implications beyond the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of design elements in sustaining consumer interest in face masks.