• Title/Summary/Keyword: integration point

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Web-based Data Integration System Implementation for Reliability Improvement of a Product (제품의 신뢰성 향상를 위한 웹 기반 데이터 통합 시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kyung, Tae-Won;Kim, Sang-Kuk
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2005
  • This study proposes an integrated monitoring system for data reliability improvement in a steel manufacturing industry. The data obtained from existing steel manufacturing process is not micro data which is gathered at the occurring point, but average value (macro data) which is gathered from the occurring point to ending point. This kind of macro data is not only difficult for a detailed analysis for an error causing factor, but it might cause a fatal influence as well on the quality of produced goods even if the error is within an error tolerance. And during the process of steel production, thousands of data is produced in a second, thus requiring database plan to manage abundant amount of data. Therefore, the following proposed system is capable of collecting as well as analyzing all the data generated from the process of product production. And the system was able to raise the efficiency of the database server by planning the database to handle large capacity data. Also, by applying web-based technology, inquiries and analysis of data with no limit on time and space was possible with PC connected to the intranet. Hence, the system was able to work on effective quality improvement of manufactured products, plus able to raise the reliability of the product. Also, accumulated data from long period of time was used for fundamental material for new controlling model, operation technology, and new product development.

Motion Analysis of Two Point Moored Oil Tanker (2점 계류된 선박에 대한 운동 해석)

  • Lee, Ho-Young;Lim, Choon-Gyu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.232-236
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    • 2003
  • The anchor is laid on seabed and the main engine is worked to against incident environmental loads in typoon. As the main engine is broken down in the storm, the anchor chain is cutted and the vessel is drifted. Although a ship is moored by two point mooring lines to keep the her position, a ship is crashed into a rock because of typoon and the accident of oil spilling may be occured. In this paper, we studied the position-keeping of a ship which is analyized based on the slow motion maneuvering equations considering wave, current and wind. The direct integration method is employed to estimate wave loads. The current forces are calculated by using mathematical of MMG. The two point mooring forces are quasisatatically evaluated by using the catenary equation. The coefficeints of wind forces are modeled from Isherwood’s emperical data and the variation of wind speed is estimated by wind spectrum. The nonlinear motions of a two point moored ship are simulated considering wave, current, wind load in time domain.

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Drift Motion Analysis on Horizontal Plane of a Two-Point Moored Oil Tanker (2점 계류된 선박에 대한 수평면상 표류운동 해석)

  • 이호영;임춘규
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.8-12
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    • 2004
  • The anchor is laid on the seabed, and the main engine is working against incident environmental loads in a typhoon. As the main engine is broken Mum in the storm, the anchor chain is cut and the vessel drifts. Although a ship is moored by two-point mooring lines to maintain her position, it has crashed into a rock because of a typhoon, resulting in a possible accidental oil spillage. In this paper, we studied maintenance of a ship's position, which is analyzed based on the slow motion maneuvering equations considering wave, current, and wind. To estimate wave loads, the direct integration method is employed. The current forces are calculated, using MMG (Mathematical Modeling Group). Th two-point mooring forces are quasi-statistically evaluated, using the catenary equation. Th coefficients of wind forces are modeled from Isherwood's empirical data, and the variation of wind speed is estimated by wind spectrum. The nonlinear motions of a two-point moored ship are simulated, considering wave, current, and wind load, in specific domain of time.

On the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a uniform multi-span beam carrying multiple point masses

  • Lin, Hsien-Yuan;Tsai, Ying-Chien
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.351-367
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    • 2005
  • Multi-span beams carrying multiple point masses are widely used in engineering applications, but the literature for free vibration analysis of such structural systems is much less than that of single-span beams. The complexity of analytical expressions should be one of the main reasons for the last phenomenon. The purpose of this paper is to utilize the numerical assembly method (NAM) to determine the exact natural frequencies and mode shapes of a multi-span uniform beam carrying multiple point masses. First, the coefficient matrices for an intermediate pinned support, an intermediate point mass, left-end support and right-end support of a uniform beam are derived. Next, the overall coefficient matrix for the whole structural system is obtained using the numerical assembly technique of the finite element method. Finally, the natural frequencies and the associated mode shapes of the vibrating system are determined by equating the determinant of the last overall coefficient matrix to zero and substituting the corresponding values of integration constants into the related eigenfunctions respectively. The effects of in-span pinned supports and point masses on the free vibration characteristics of the beam are also studied.

A Clinical Application with the Principle of Hanging Point In the Sling Exercise Therapy (슬링운동치료에서 Hanging Point의 원리와 임상적 적용)

  • Kim, Suhn-Yeop;Kim, Taek-Yean;Park, Sung-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.25-45
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    • 2003
  • Sling exercise treatment(S-E-T) is a therapeutic exercise based on scientific studies for the purpose of treating musculoskeletal or neurological disorders thereby improving strength, endurance, and skills for sensory-motor integration. Exercise resistance and intensity can be modified in various ways by changing the length of rope, patient position, therapist's manual resistance, and using elastic rope. The therapist can also progress to successively higher levels of exercise resistance and intensity by changing the position of the hanging point: the subject of this article. In brief, there are three axial components in S-E-T; hanging point, motor axis, and suspension point. The hanging point can be changed in several ways in relation to the joint; axial, superior, inferior, medial, and posterior hanging points. The position of the hanging point affects the amount of load on agonist and antagonist muscles as well as on the range of motion. To create an advanced exercise program, selection of hanging point can be two-dimensional such as superior-lateral or anterior-medial. Therapists, therefore, can freely but carefully select the best hanging point based on the purpose of the exercise and their level of knowledge in S-E-T.

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The Effect of Sensory Integration Intervention Program on Body-scheme and Praxis Ability in Children With Developmental Disability (감각통합치료프로그램이 발달장애아의 신체도식과 실행능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ho;Yoo, Byung-Kook;Jang, Yong-Su
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2009
  • Objective : Purpose of this study is to study how Sensory Integration (SI) Intervention Program affect body-scheme and praxis ability of children with Developmental Disability (DD). Method : The SI intervention was programmed based on the theory of SI by Jean Ayres. Thirty children with DD underwent the SI program for six weeks. The effect of the SI intervention was evaluated in terms of body-scheme and praxis ability. Assessments used in this study are One-Point Imitation Test (OPIT) and 6 Body Puzzle Test (6BPT) for body-scheme; Praxis Test Sheet (PTS) for linguistic order, oral motor control, sequential praxis and Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) for postural praxis. Data of this study was analyzed by the paired t-test to compare before- and after the SI intervention. Results : Results of this study are (1) in the OPIT, there is significant difference on body-scheme ability (p<0.01); (2) in the PTS, there is significant difference on all three items (p<0.01); and (3) in the SIPT, there is significant difference on sensory integration and praxis function. Conclusions : From the results, it is concluded that sensory integration intervention is effective on body-scheme and praxis functions for children with developmental disability.

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A Study on NEMO-partially DMM based E2E Seamless Data Integration Transmission Scheme in SOC Public Infrastructures

  • Ryu, Wonmo;Caytiles, Ronnie D.;Park, Byungjoo
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2020
  • Nowadays, distributed mobility management (DMM) approaches have been widely adopted to address the limitations of centralized architectural methods to support seamless data transmission schemes in wireless sensor networks. This paper deals with the end-to-end (E2E) integration of Network Mobility (NEMO) basic support protocol in distributed wireless sensor network systems in structural health and environmental monitoring of social overhead capital (SOC) public infrastructures such as bridges, national highways, tunnels, and railroads. The proposed scheme takes advantage of the features of both the NEMO basic support protocol and partially distributed network-based DMM framework in providing seamless data transmission and robust mobility support. The E2E seamless data transmission scheme allows mobile users to roam from fixed-point network access locations and mobile platforms (i.e., vehicles such as cars, buses, and trains) without disconnecting its current sessions (i.e., seamless handover).

Transient response of 2D functionally graded beam structure

  • Eltaher, Mohamed A.;Akbas, Seref D.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.75 no.3
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    • pp.357-367
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    • 2020
  • The objective of this article is investigation of dynamic response of thick multilayer functionally graded (FG) beam under generalized dynamic forces. The plane stress problem is exploited to describe the constitutive equation of thick FG beam to get realistic and accurate response. Applied dynamic forces are assumed to be sinusoidal harmonic, sinusoidal pulse or triangle in time domain and point load. Equations of motion of deep FG beam are derived based on the Hamilton principle from kinematic relations and constitutive equations of plane stress problem. The numerical finite element procedure is adopted to discretize the space domain of structure and transform partial differential equations of motion to ordinary differential equations in time domain. Numerical time integration method is used to solve the system of equations in time domain and find the time responses. Numerical parametric studies are performed to illustrate effects of force type, graduation parameter, geometrical and stacking sequence of layers on the time response of deep multilayer FG beams.

Analysis of Free Vibration and Damping Characteristics of a Composite Plate by Using Modified 3-Dimensional 16-Node Elements (수정된 3차원 16절점 요소에 의한 복합재 판의 자유진동 및 감쇠특성 해석)

  • 윤태혁;김상엽;권영두
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.990-1004
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    • 1995
  • A modified 16-node element for composite plate has been proposed and compared with the 20-node element to check the validity of it. The fields of numerical inspection include mode analysis and specific damping analysis. By symetrizing the conventional unsymmetric damping matrix in the analysis of specific damping capacity, we could compute the specific damping capacity and make a program, effectively. In addition, we could predict the errors caused by reduction of integration order in thickness direction depending upon the number of layers.

A Study on Management and Development Models of Large-Sized Software Projects Based On System Integration (대형 소프트웨어과제 관리 및 개발 모형에 관한 시스템 통합적 연구)

  • 한영근;이규봉;권순기
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.19 no.40
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 1996
  • In order to accomplish large-sized information systems successfully, one of the most important factor is the system integration(SI) of individual software projects which consist of the systems. Developers of each project should consider aspects of SI through the development cycle, and managers of the entire system should manage, control, and evaluate each from an SI point of view. In this research, management models for the system managers, development models for the developers of unit projects, and standardized output documents for the management and evaluation purpose are presented based on the SI concepts.

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