• Title/Summary/Keyword: insured cost

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Generic Utilization in the Korean National Health Insurance Market; Cost, Volume and Influencing Factors (한국 국민건강보험시장에서의 제네릭 의약품 사용 양상과 영향 요인)

  • Lee, Iyn-Hyang;Park, Sylvia;Lee, Eui-Kyung
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2014
  • This study explores the prescribing pattern of generic drugs and the relationship between socio-demographic factors and the use of generics in South Korea. The analysis was based on claims data of 2011 from Korean National Health Insurance. We examined utilization, costs, and market share of oral preparations by original and generic product. Multiple logistic regression was performed to evaluate the predictive factors of generic use among multi-source medications. Generics accounted for 37~41% of utilization and 34~41% of costs in the insured market of oral preparations. In the generic market, costly generics made up about 58~61%, 56~66% of volume and value, respectively. Other things being equal, institutional factors affected generic use to the largest degree. The odds of having generics were 6 times higher in clinics, 4 times higher in hospitals, and 1.7 times higher in general hospitals than in teaching hospitals. Those in metropolitan or rural area were more likely to prescribe generics than those in the capital area. While generics were frequently prescribed for off-site pharmacy (OR=1.173), the odds of having generics was 0.88 after weighting the data by units prescribed. This study empirically presented the pattern of generic prescribing, confirming the widely accepted view that costly generics were more likely to be utilized in the Korean market. Up to two thirds of the generic market consisted of costly products. The strongest factors affecting generic use were institutional variables.

General Radiography Usage and Exposure Dose of Korean Elderly: Based on Data from Aged Patients in 2016 (한국 노인의 일반촬영 이용량 및 피폭선량: 2016년 고령환자데이터 기반)

  • Gil, Jong-Won;Yoo, Se-Jong;Lee, Won-Jeong
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.495-502
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to provide basic data for elderly health insurance policy and medical radiation safety management by analyzing the general radiography usage and exposure dose of the elderly in Korea. The effective dose for each general radiography was calculated using the ALARA-GR program for 260 general radiography codes selected from 'National Health Insurance Care Benefit Cost'. The usage of general radiography was analyzed in the 2016 elderly patient data of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, and the effective dose for each general radiography was applied. The general radiography usage and exposure dose per person aged 65 years and over was 6.47 cases and 0.56 mSv. Females showed higher value than males as 7.15 cases and 0.66 mSv(p<.001). By age, those between 75 and 79 showed the highest number as 6.97 cases and 0.62 mSv(p<.001). Those who were supported by Medical Aid showed higher value than those who were insured by National Health Insurance as 8.82 cases and 0.76 mSv(p<.001). In addition, the ratio by radiography was in the order of Chest 20.85%, Knee Joint 15.58%, and L-spine 14.67%, and the exposure dose was L-spine 29.40%, Chest 15.82%, Abdomen 7.97%, and Entire Spine 7.20%. General radiography, which is widely used due to the high frequency of diseases in the elderly population should be taken into consideration when establishing health insurance policies. In addition, it is necessary to check whether the general radiography with high exposure dose is performed as a routine examination without considering medical necessity.

General Radiography Imaging Usage and Effective Dose of Inpatients: Based on Data from Inpatients in 2018 (입원환자 일반촬영 이용량 및 피폭선량: 2018년 입원환자데이터)

  • Jong-Won Gil
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we analyzed the use of general radiography imaging and effective dose in inpatients. Our aim is to help reduce national medical radiation exposure doses and develop rational health-care financial policies. The effective dose for each general radiography was calculated using the ALARA-GR program for 53 types (total: 260 codes) general radiography codes selected from 'National Health Insurance Care Benefit Cost'. The usage of general radiography was analyzed in the 2018 inpatient patient data of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, and the effective dose for each general radiography was analyzed. 89.00% of inpatients undergo general radiography imaging at least once, with an average of 12.63 scans per person and an effective dose of 1.00 mSv. Those who received support from Medical Aid showed a higher value compared to those who were insured by National Health Insurance, with 17.39 cases and 1.43 mSv (p<.001). Chest had the highest usage rate at 23.12% for general radiography imaging, while L-spine had the highest effective dose at 24.53%. It is estimated that 420 inpatients patients undergo 121 to 820 general radiography imaging procedures per year, and 233 inpatients are estimated to have an annual effective dose of >20.00~58.25 mSv. Rational use of health-care finances and the practice of medical radiation safety management are essential for the well-being of individuals, the enhancement of quality of life, and the improvement of health-care quality.

Analysis of utilization and profit for CT and MRI after implementation of insurance coverage for CT (CT 보험급여 전후의 CT 및 MRI검사의 이용량과 수익성 변화)

  • Suh, Chong-Rock;Yu, Seung-Hum;Chun, Ki-Hong;Nam, Chung-Mo
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 1997
  • In order to analyze the shifts in the volume and profits of Computed Tomography(CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) utilization for a year before and after the implementation of insurance coverage for CT, this study has been undertaken examining CT and MRI cost data from 'Y' University Hospital situated in Seoul, Korea. Following are the results of this study: 1. The medical insurance payment for CT, implemented on January 1, 1996, increased CT utilization from January 1996 to April 1996 due to low insurance premiums: however, from May 1996 the number of CT cases significantly decreased as a result of strengthened medical cost reviews and the new 'Detailed standards for approval of CT' announced near the end of April 1996 by the insurer. 2. Since the implementation of insurance coverage for CT, CT fee reduction rates for reimbursements by the insurer to the hospital were 50% and 40% for January and February, respectively, and 31% and 15% for March and April. A significant point in the lowering of the reduction rate was reached in May at 11%; furthermore, since June the reduction rate fell below the average reduction rate for reimbursements for all procedures. If the 'Detailed standards for approval of CT' had been announced before the implementation of insurance coverage for CT, CT utilization would not have been so high due to the need to meet those 'standards'. In addition, loss of hospital profits resulting from the reduction for reimbursements would not have occurred. 3. The shifts in MRI utilization showed that there was no particular change with the beginning of insurance coverage for CT, and the introduction of the 'Detailed standards for approval of CT' made MRI utilization increase because MRI is free of restrictions imposed by the insurer. 4. The relationship between CT utilization and MRI utilization showed that they were supplementary to each other before insurance coverage for CT, but that CT was substituted for MRI because of strengthened medical cost reviews after t~e beginning of insurance coverage for CT. 5. The shifts in volume by patient characteristics showed that the number of inappropriate case patients, according to the insurer's "Standards for approval", decreased more than the number of appropriate case patients after the introduction of insurance coverage for CT. Therefore, the health insurance fee schemes for CT have influenced patient care. 6. The shifts in profits from CT utilization showed a net profit decrease of 31.6%. In order to match the pre-coverage profit level, 5,471 more cases would need to be seen and productivity would need to be increased by 32.7%. This profit decrease resulted from a decrease of CT utilization and low reimbursements. With insurance coverage, net profits from CT were 24.4%, and a margin of safety ratio was 39.6%. Because of the net profits and margin of safety ratio, CT utilization fees for insured appropriate cases could not be considered inappropriate. 7. The shifts in profits from MRI utilization before and after the introduction of CT coverage showed that in order to match pre-CT coverage profit levels, 2,011 more cases would need to be seen and productivity would need to be increased by 9.2%. The reasons for needing to increase the number of cases and productivity result from cost burdens created by adding new MRI units. But with CT coverage already begun, MRI utilization increased. Combined with a minor increase in the MRI fee schedule, MRI utilization showed a net profit increase of 18.5%. Net profits of 62.8% and a 'margin of safety ratio' of 43.1% for MRI utilization showed that the hospital relied on this non-covered procedure for profits. 8. The shifts in profits from CT and MRI utilization showed the net profits from CT decreased by 2.33billion Won while the net profits from MRI increased by 815.7million Won. Overall, these two together showed a net profit decrease of 1.51billion Won. The shifts in utilization showed a functional substitutionary relationship, but the shifts in profits did not show a substitutionary relationship. From these results, We can conclude that if insurance is to be expanded to include previously uncovered procedures using expensive medical equipment, detailed standards should be prepared in advance. The decrease in profits from the shifts in coverage and changes in fees is a difficult burden that should be shared, not carried by the hospital alone. Also, a new or improved fee schedule system should include revised standards between items listed and the appropriateness of the fee schedule should constantly be ensured. This study focused on one university hospital in Seoul and is therefore limited in general applicability. But it is valuable for considering current issues and problems, such as the influence of CT coverage on hospital management. Future studies will hopefully expand the scope of the issues considered here.

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What Can Koreans Learn from the Dutch Experiences in Reforming the Health Insurance System? (한국의료보험제도(韓國醫療保險制度)의 개혁필요성(改革必要性)과 네덜란드의 경험(經驗)이 주는 교훈(敎訓))

  • Kwon, Soon-won;Sunwoo, Duk
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.47-69
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    • 1990
  • The measures taken to reform the Dutch health insurance system hold valuable lessons for countries such as Korea, where there has been increased concern regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the health services provided. The growing literature on comparative health insurance policies suggests that nations can learn from each other. In addition, Korean policymakers have shown great interest in the health insurance systems of foreign countries, particularly in Japan. The development of Korea's health insurance scheme during the past 12 years has made a significant contribution to the increased accessibility of health care services. Although the insurance coverage is universal, the health insurance system today in Korea is by no means a product of systematic and planned efforts. Moreover, it lacks due considerations of insured's needs as well as the long-term objectives of the social security health care system. There are growing gaps in premium burdens and benefits between the rural health insurance program and the employee's health insurance programs. Furthermore, the regional health insurance program is experiencing financial difficulties in spite of the fact that the amount of the government subsidy has been sharply increased in recent years. Under the present payment method solely based on the fee-for-service schedule, both consumers and providers are encouraged to utilize and prescribe more services. The combination of the utilization-inducing reimbursement system and continuous pushes for expanding health insurance has played a crucial role in raising the country's medical bills. Current trends in Korea's health care sector and those anticipated in the near future necessitate changes in the structure and funding of health care. As indicated in the above, there are various shortcomings in this context, the health policy authority in Korea can draw valuable lessons from the Dutch experiences in reforming their health insurance system. The main elements of the Dutch reform measures are a restructuring of the insurance system and a greater role for market forces in the health care system. On this basis a new system will be created which reflects the social nature of health care while at the same time containing sufficient mechanisms to allow the health care sector to operate in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

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Medical Expenses during the last 6 Months of Life in Cancer Patients (암 환자의 사망 전 6개월의 의료비용)

  • Park, No-Rai;Yun, Young-Ho;Shin, Soon-Ae;Jeong, Eun-Kyeong
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.109-113
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : Because we don't have inappropriate health care system for the terminal cancer patients, there were abnormal behavior patterns of health care utilization. So, There were needs to develop the comprehensive care for terminal cancer patients. Increased attention is being paid to the futility of life-sustaining treatment and high cost of management of terminal cancer patients Materials and Methods : This study was performed on cancer patients, registered in 1996 Central Cancer Registry, who were as insured person of Korea Medical Insurance and died from January 1997 to June 1998. We studied the day of medical care and medical expenses of 151 cancer patients evaluable. Results : The mean day of inpatient care was 39 days, and the mean days of outpatient care was 14 days in study subjects. Mean expenses per day of medical care, day of inpatient, and day of outpatients care were 85,392 won, 105,908 won, and 40,173 won. 95% of medical expenses is paid to the general hospital, and 85% of medical expenses was paid for inpatient care. About half of all medical expenses in th last 6 months were incurred in the last 60 days of life, and about 30 percent were incurred in the last 30 days. Expenses of outpatients care increased between 6 month and 3 months, after which they decreased. Expenses of inpatients care increased during all last 6months Conclusion : The distribution or medical expenses during the last 6 months in our study is similar to the distribution of American Medicare costs. We need to study medical expenses during the last year of life with large scale and details in order to develop the plan about the management of terminal cancer patient.

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Utilization Patterns and Determinants of Oriental Medical Services : Focused on the Residents of Taegu City (한방의료의 이용행태 및 이용결정요인 분석 - 일부 대도시 지역주민을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoo Wang-Keun;Ryu Kyung-A
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to examine utilization patterns and determinants of oriental medical services. Data were collected from 545 residents in Taegu city The results of this study are summarized as follows 1) 37.8% of subjects used oriental medical services in the past year. Especially, the female, the ages of 50 and 60 over, the single. low-educated. high-income class, white-collar class, medical insured tended to use more oriental medical services than another groups. 2) 46.7% of users of oriental medical services reported that number of visits in the past year was 2 - 5 times 37 1% of them was 1 times, and 4.5% over 10 times. 3) According to the reasons to choose the oriental medical facilities, most was 'on their own judgement'(48.8%) and 'by the advice of relatives and friends'(42.0%) Regarding to the objectives of using oriental medicine, 68.3% was 'treatment', 31.7% 'health counselling and promotion'. And among diseases of users, diseases of musculo-skeletal system was the highest(54.5%). 4) 57.9% of oriental medical services users had experience of utilizing western medicine on the same diseases. Among peoples with experiencing western medicine on the same diseases. 54.4% received oriental medical services 'in addition to western medicine', 45.6%'in place of western medicine 'And 41.2% of using both services reported that they had difficulty in deciding to choose the type of services -oriental medical services or western medicine-for their diseases. 37.3% of them answered that 'providing relevant information' was the most desirable measure to solve this problem, 27.3% 'establishment of effective referral system between oriental and western medical facilities '23.6% 'cooperative medical treatment systems in the same facilities', 11.8%'integration of oriental medicine into western medicine 5) According to the satisfaction level with each items of oriental medical services, the respondents had positive views on efficacy, kindness, and side-effects. They, however, had negative view on the cost of oriental medical services. 6) In regarding to the priority of improvement of oriental medical system,'expansion of insurance benefit package 'ranked first. 'expansion of insurance benefit Package 'ranked second, 'improvement of scientific methods and diagnostic technique 'third, and 'safety of herbal medicine' fourth in order. 7) The significant factors influencing the utilization of oriental medical services were kindness of oriental medical practitioners, efficacy , travel time, age To be brief, utilization rate of oriental medical services in urban area generally tends to be high. There, however, have been various barriers to limit oriental medical services, such as incomplete benefit package of oriental medical insurance and lack of coordination and referral system between oriental and western medical services, lack of scientific diagnostic procedures, high price etc . For the development of oriental medical services, Much attention to remove these limiting factors should be placed. In addition, kindness of oriental medical practitioners , which is expected to be more important factor in the consumer - focused health care environment than ever, should be kept high consistently. Since this study was conducted for specific residents of an urban city. further research including more sampling in different urban areas should be required to generalize the results of the study.

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A Consideration on the Instituting Home Health Care in Korea (우리나라 가정간호제도화 방안에 관한 고찰)

  • Yun, Soon-Nyoung;Hwang, Na-Mi;Hyun, Hye-Jin;Choi, Joung-Myoung;Kwon, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.2
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    • pp.5-18
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    • 1995
  • While the socioeonomic status of Koreas has been dramatically increasing in recent years, chronic and geriatric diseases have also been on the rise, bringing about many changes in our health care system. The basic goals of the home health care are to reduce health care costs, to increase the attrition rate in general hospitals, and to care for patients effectively and conveniontly at home. The purpose of this paper is to review and examine the current status of the home health care in Korea throughout the reports, surveys, other informations and education system of home health nurse. We identified the various types of home health care services programs, such as hospital-based home health care operated in public sector(demonstration project) and community-based home health care in health centers or in private sector, that is, Korean Nurse Association. Hospital based home heatlh care model was established as an alternative to traditional in-patiet services. Quality assurance and client satisfaction is an important measure of care received and establishment of payment and reimbursement for home health care services is important in promotng the home health care. We found out a fee-per-visit system composed of three kinds of fees : a basic service fee(16,000 Won), a travel fee(5,000 Won), and per-service fees (variables). Like fees paid for in-patient care, insureds pay 20% and insurers pay 80% of the basic and per-service fee. The travel fee is borne totally by the insured. Home health care continues to be viewed as not only the most preferred way to provide care to clients, but also the most cost effective. Home health care is that component of a continuum of comprehensive health care whereby health services are provided to individuals and families in their places of residence for the purpose of promoting, maintaining, or restoring health, or of maximizing the level of independence, while minimizing illness. Services appropriate to the needs of the individual patient and family should be planned and provided, nursing is to be a force for positive change and enhanced the nursing professionalism. Whatever type of involvement of home health care, it is essential to remember that home health care is highly service-oriented and highly touch health car deilvery system.

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Development of Customer Satisfaction VE Process during Design Phase using Axiomatic Design Theory (공리적 설계를 활용한 고객만족형 설계VE 프로세스 개발)

  • Park, In-Woo;Cho, Kyu-Man;Hyun, Chang-Taek;Hong, Tae-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2009
  • Value Engineering(VE) at design phase(so-called Design-VE) becomes quite a compulsory solution for better customer satisfaction, cost reduction, higher product performance, and, eventually, insured predominance in the competition. Unlike intended, however, the customer requirement on Design-VE has not been fully reflected in reality. Furthermore, the Design-VE occasionally does not progress in regular sequence; Preparation for measuring customer requirement - Function analysis - Idea creation. Therefore, this study suggests Axiomatic Design Theory to be adopted in Design-VE process expecting that the functions required by the customer could systematically reflected in VE process. Post-occupancy Evaluation(POE) is also represented as a method to measure and arrange the customer requirements. The customer satisfaction Design-VE process creates ideas defining functions in more detailed, to reflect the concrete user requirement. This approach helps function analysis and idea creation linked closely because function and idea are developed zigzag (i.e. function - idea - function...) in being decomposed into level down. The application of the process proposed by this study will be helpful to improve the customer requirement measurement and clarify a link between functions and ideas.

An Awareness of Welfare Facility for the Elderly and It's Related Factors of College Students (노인복지시설(老人福祉施設)에 대한 대학생(大學生)의 의식(意識)과 관련요인(關聯要因))

  • Jowa Yooun-Teak;Nam Chul-Hyun;Park Chun-Man
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.87-111
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    • 1998
  • For the newly approach of policy with the old aged era at hand, the result which examines the 1,200 students attending professional colleges and upward in three small-to-medium sized cities, for two months, from October 1, 1996 to November 30, in order to know the change of consciousness of the growing modern young intellectual age group is as follows. 1. The objects of survey consist of 72.1% of women, 40.4% of 20 to 21 age, 49.1% of atheists, and people from big cities and fishing and agrarian village occupy equally 40.2%. Concerning the long-termed residents, 49% of them dwell in big cities. In case of the parents' age is more than 55, 31.5% in fathers, and 10.9% in mothers. 2. The types of housing in which they desire to reside in their getting older are : 72.8% of them hope to live in individual houses, 16.6% in apartments or villas, and 3.4% in social welfare facilities. Out of respondents, compared with other groups, man rather than woman, those who are 20 to 21 age group and from fishing and agrarian villages and have over 7 family members and live with their parents have a higher preference for independent houses. 3. The districts in which they hope to live when they are old are : 41.6% of them, with the highest percent, hope to live in farming villages, the older they are, the more they hope to live in agricultural district, and women of 21 years and upward hope to live in big cities. On the other hand, the preferable degree for social welfare facilities is higher each in people who are 24 years and upward, buddhists, self-boarding students, and the more poorly they are off, the higher the percent is. 4. The types of preferable welfare facilities for the elderly are : 58.2% of them think silver towns desirable, 28.4% think the charged (or free) elderly welfare facilities. Compared with other groups, the percentage which prefer silver towns is higher in women, people from big cities, residents of main family, long-termed city residents, people with higher income, people having grandparents alive, and people who had experience of taking lectures on hygienics or social welfare. 5. 50.3% of the respondents insist that provision of living expenses against old age should be insured by social security system, and 42.8% by the elderly themselves. The percentage of the former shows higher in people of 21 years and upward, women, residents of fishing and agrarian villages, christians, people in more needy circumstances and people who have experience of using a medical institution. 6. Compared with other nations, 54.5% of the respondents have an opinion that elderly welfare and welfare work in Korea stays in insufficient level and most of them are women, people from farming village, residents of head family, people having younger parents and people being worse health condition, and they have a more positive attitude about the elderly welfare work. 7. 92.3% of the respondents answered that a national budget for the elderly welfare is scarce, and the percentage is higher in people who are older, residents of big cities, people in lower living condition and people in worse health condition. 8. 35.2% of the respondents answered that the proper cost of their old age must be over 220mi11ion. The more a family's total income is, the higher the percentage is. 9. The factors which have an effect on the preference of silver towns are sex(p<0.01, the type of the present residence(p<0.05), and a family's total income(p<0.05). 10. From the survey result of the above, we comes to the conclusion that, for the sake of welfare of the increasing elderly population, government authorities and parties concerned must exert their utmost for the elderly welfare by increasing a budget of it and establishing a number of facilities of the elderly welfare and silver towns located in fresh and comfortable villages. In addition, they have to set up a course of hygienics in all the colleges and instruct the contexts on hygienic welfare as well.

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