• Title/Summary/Keyword: insurance education

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A Study of Institutional in Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Application for Unpaid Family Worker (무급가족종사자의 산재보험 적용에 관한 제도연구)

  • Seo, Gyu-Seok;Kang, Kyung-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.495-505
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    • 2009
  • Unpaid Family Worker is blind area of industry safety. Danger of industrial accident is some high but because was excepted in industrial accident compensation insurance application. In most case, because paltry Unpaid Family Worker is no opportunity to take safety education to prevent industrial accidents and there are few safety facility and safety equipment, etc., among business, it may be said that probability to suffer industrial accidents on a trifling mistake or carelessness is higher than general worker of business. Consider such difficult actuality of Unpaid Family Worker and our country must give these benefit of industrial accident compensation insurance application, as opened the door of insurance application in recognition of worker position by "Industrial accident compensation insurance Law" to middle·smaller enterprise's business proprietor or special form labor employees.

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Savings Accounts, Savings Insurance and Private Financial Clubs and Their Determinants (도시근로자 가계의 저축, 저축성보험, 계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim SoonMi;Yang JungSun
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.9
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of household characteristics on savings account, savings insurance, and private financial clubs. Data for this study were collected from the 2001 Household Income and Expenditure Survey consisting of a sample of 1,801 salary and wage earners' households. Tobit analysis was peformed to investigate savings accounts, savings insurance and private financial clubs. The results showed that 76% of households held savings accounts, 77% savings insurance, and 12% non-institutional assets in private financial clubs. Sender, age, education, job, spouse employment, family type, location, home ownership, number of children, and family income were significant determinants of investment in savings accounts, savings insurance, and private financial clubs. Family income was the most powerful variable.

Factors of Welfare Recognition toward Health Insurance and Health Care: Using 2013 Korea Welfare Panel Study (건강보험 및 보건의료에 대한 복지인식에 영향을 주는 요인: 2013년 한국복지패널 자료를 이용하여)

  • Park, Young-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : This research was performed to investigate the characteristics and determination factors of health care policy satisfaction and welfare recognition for health insurance & health care financing. Methods : The utilized data were 4,174 cases who responded to a welfare recognition survey in the 8th wave of the Korea Welfare Panel Study (2013). The statistical methodology used in this study is the multiple regression model. Results : The significant affecting factors of health care policy satisfaction were age, education, household income, welfare attitudes, and health status. Medical utilization & private medical insurance were not related to health care policy satisfaction. The affecting factors of health insurance reinforcement were age, health status, welfare attitudes. The affecting factors of health care financing expansion were age, economic activity type, medical utilization, welfare attitudes. The affecting factors of welfare attitudes were age, economic activity type, household income, health insurance, and health status. Conclusions : Health care policy satisfaction, health insurance reinforcement, and health care financing expansion were all affected by age and welfare attitude; but this was not the case for private health insurance. This study recommended that the Korean government provide active planning for reinforcement of health insurance and publicity of the health care system in order to accord with the prospects of people.

The Determinants of private health insurance purchasing decisions under national health insurance system in Korea : The expanding of private health insurance market, for the better or worse (민간의료보험의 선택에 영향을 미치는 요인 : 민간의료보험 활성화에 대한 함의)

  • Yoon Tae-Ho;Hwang In-Kyung;Sohn Hae-Sook;Koh Kwang-Wook;Jeong Baek-Geun
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.161-175
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    • 2005
  • Since the introduction of mandatory health insurance in In, the Korean national health insurance(KNHI) has grown rapidly. In 2004, about $96.9\%$ of the total population are covered by the KNHI and the remaining $3.1\%$ by the Medical Aid program. Despite national health insurance system in Korea, private health insurance market has grown rapidly. In 2004, the size of the private health insurance market was estimated at 6,568 billion won. The purpose of this study Is to identify the factors that determine the purchasing decisions of supplementary private health insurance under mandatory national health insurance system in Korea. The data from n04 Busan Health Survey were analysed for the Purpose. The variables in this study are demographic factors, health status and health behavioral factors, health care systemic factors, and socioeconomic factors. For statistical analyse, we used logistic regression. The Findings show that female, economically active age group(especially 35-49 years), persons with better health status or experience of health screening test are more likely to purchase private health insurance. And higher household income and expenditure, higher education level are more associated with the increased probabilities of private health insurance purchases. This results imply that the expanding of private health insurance market could widen the gap between the have and have-not in terms of equal health care accessibility.

Convergence effect of dental insurance knowledge and oral health knowledge of adults on dental health insurance recognition satisfaction (성인의 치과보험지식 및 구강건강지식이 치과건강보험인식만족도에 융합적으로 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Sung-Uk
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of the study was to analyzed the convergence effect of dental insurance knowledge and oral health knowledge on dental insurance recognition satisfaction of adults. Dental health insurance satisfaction recognition, "Need expand the number of treatment subjects of dental treatment" was high, "satisfied cost of dental treatment covered by dental insurance" was low. Dental insurance knowledge was high teeth whitening, orthodontic treatment. Oral health knowledge was high, "the food you eat affects your teeth.". Dental health insurance recognition satisfaction was high when enrolled in private dental insurance. Dental health insurance recognition satisfaction showed a positive correlation with dental health insurance knowledge. Collectively in order to increase the dental health insurance recognition satisfaction, systematic education on dental insurance knowledge and oral health knowledge should be provided.

preference of dental insurance-related and dental health insurance professional qualifications (치과 건강보험 교육이 자격증 취득에 미치는 영향)

  • Son, Eun-Gyo;Kim, Young-Jin;Jung, Hwa-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.386-394
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate how employed dental hygienists (graduates) and alumni are aware of dental health insurance and how to organize their classes for running efficient dental health insurance courses, and therefore to suggest opinions on the introduction of professional dental hygienist qualifications. The analyses was carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0. Sixty-nine students (56.1%) preferred one semester dental health insurance course as two semester courses and 63 students (51.2%) preferred theoretical course as practical course. Ninety-six (78%) students preferred dental health insurance claimants as others for their most necessary certification. Ninety-three dentists (75.6%) thought of the dental hygienist as the appropriate occupation for dental health insurance claims. The correlation coefficient was significant at the 0.01 level (both sides) and all showed a positive correlation. The effect of subjective understanding of dental health insurance and the perception of dental health insurance claim on students' intention to complete those courses explained 32% of the response, and the effect of the intention to complete those courses on the willingness to earn a certificate explained 22.3%. This study reveals the willingness of students to complete those courses to acquire qualifications in order to achieve a competitive advantage in employment, and suggests the necessity of institutional improvements such as changing the method of dental insurance education, varying the class time distribution, and introducing dental health insurance professional dental hygienist qualification in the country.

Financial Portfolio Analysis of Single Households: Monthly Saving and Financial Assets (1인가구의 금융포트폴리오 분석)

  • Samho Jeong;Se-Jeong Yang
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.62 no.3
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    • pp.409-426
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the financial portfolios of single-person households. For the analysis, data from the Korean Labor Panel Survey (2021) was utilized, comprising 2,905 single-person households. The major findings are as follows: First, the proportion of households with monthly savings was 32.0%, while the proportion of households holding financial assets was 72.1%. Second, regarding the composition of monthly savings, single-person households predominantly held savings accounts (93.3%), followed by insurance (4.7%), with cumulative funds at a mere 0.8%. The composition of financial assets showed that the majority were in bank deposits (78.5%), followed by risk management assets (18.0%), and investment assets (2.4%). Third, multivariate analysis results revealed that younger age, higher education level, and better financial factors were associated with a higher probability of having monthly savings. The results for financial assets were largely similar, with females showing a higher likelihood of asset possession compared to males. Fourth, the proportions of both bank savings in total savings and insurance generally had opposing effects. Fifth, age group had the greatest influence on the proportions of safety and insurance assets, followed by income group. Middle-aged households had lower proportions of safety assets but higher proportions of insurance assets compared to young households, while the opposite trend was observed for elderly households. Middle-income households had higher proportions of insurance assets compared to low-income households, whereas high-income households had higher proportions of investment assets. Lastly, cluster analysis categorized single-person households' financial portfolios into five groups: Group 1 (32.2%): "Old-Sustain" characterized by insufficient current income but economically stable retirement. Group 2 (29.4%): "Financially Active" engaging in various financial activities due to relatively high education and employment rates. Group 3 (28.0%): "Financially Inactive" classified as elderly groups with minimal financial activities. Group 4 (9.1%): "Risk Financial Structure" consisting of relatively young individuals focused on risk management assets but facing issues in financial asset management due to high-risk assets and financial loans. Group 5 (1.3%): "Stable-Insurance Oriented" with high financial assets and income concentrated in insurance for both savings and financial assets.

The Self-esteem of the Elderly and Relative Influence of Variables (노인의 자아존중감과 변수들의 상대적 영향력)

  • Jin, Yean-Ju
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.263-277
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate levels of self-esteem and related variables among the elderly. The data is from the Korea Welfare Panel Study conducted in 2007. The data was gathered from 2077 elderly, over 65 years old, and was analyzed by Step multiple regression analysis. The major results were as follows. First, the overall level of self-esteem was in the middle range, with an average of 28.18 points. Second, self-esteem levels showed significant differences in terms of gender, age, education level, health, spouse, health insurance, job, monthly household expenses, national pension, assets, home ownership, satisfaction with spouse, satisfaction with leisure, satisfaction with social network, economic services, medical services, and other services. Finally, Model 1 showed meaningful influences from gender, age, education level, health, spouse, and health insurance. Model 2 showed meaningful influences from education level, health, spouse, health insurance, job, and national pension. Models 3 and 4 showed meaningful influences from education level, health, job, satisfaction of spouse, satisfaction with leisure, and satisfaction with social network. In other words, the factors that had the most significant impact on self-esteem were satisfaction.

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A Study on the Health Insurance Management System; With Emphasis on the Management Operating Cost (의료보험 관리체계에 대한 연구 - 관리비용을 중심으로 -)

  • 남광성
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 1989
  • There have been a lot of considerable. discussion and debate surrounding the management model in the health insurance management system and opinions regarding the management operating cost. It is a well known fact that there have always been dissenting opinions and debates surrounding the issue. The management operating cost varies according to the scale of the management organization and component members characteristics of the insurance carrier. Therefore, it is necessary to examine and compare the management operating cost to the simulated management models developed to cover those eligible for the health insurance scheme in this country. Since the management operating cost can vary according to the different models of management, four alternative management models have been established based on the critical evaluation of existing theories concerned, as well as on the basis of the survey results and simulation attempts. The first alternative model is the Unique Insurance Carrier Model(Ⅰ) ; desigened to cover all of the people with no classification of insurance qualifications and finances from the source of contribution of the insured, nationwide. The second is the Management Model of Large-scale District Insurance Carrier(Ⅱ) ; this means the Korean society would be divided into 21 large districts; each having its own insurance carrier that would cover the people in that particular district with no classification of insurance qualifications arid finances as in Model I. The third is the Management Model of Insurance Carrier Divided by Area and Classified with Occupation if Largescale (Ⅲ) ; to serve the self-employed in the 21 districts divided as in Model Ⅱ. It would serve the employees and their dependents by separate insurance carriers in large-scale similar to the area of the district-scale for the self-employed, so that the insurance qualifications and finances would be classified with each of the insurance carriers: The last is the Management Model of the Multi - insurance Carrier (Ⅳ) based on the Si. Gun. Gu area which will cover their own self- employed people in the area with more than 150 additional insurance carriers covering the employees and their dependents. The manpower necessary to provide services to all of the people according to the four models is calculated through simulation trials. It indicates that the Management Model of Large-scale District Insurance Carrier requires the most manpower among the four alternative models. The unit management operating costs per the insured individuals and covered persons are leveled with several intervals based on the insurance recipients. in their characteristics. The interval levels derived from the regression analysis reveal that the larger the scale of the insurance carriers is in the number of those insured and covered. the more the unit management operating cost decreases. significantly. Moreover. the result of the quadratic functional formula also shows the U-shape significantly. The management operating costs derived from the simulated calculation. on the basis of the average salary and related cost per staff- member of the Health Insurance Societies for Occupational Labours and Korean Medical Insurance Corporation for the Official Servants and Private School Teachers in 1987 fiscal year. show that the Model of Multi-insurance Carrier warrants the highest management operating cost. Meanwhile the least expensive management operating cost is the Management Model of Unique Insurance Carrier. Insurance Carrier Divided by Area and Classified with Occupation in Large-scale. and Large-scale District Insurance Carrier. in order. Therefore. it is feasible to select the Unique Insurance Carrier Model among the four alternatives from the viewpoint of the management operating cost and in the sense of the flexibility in promoting the productivity of manpower in the human services field. However. the choice of the management model for health insurance systems and its application should be examined further utilizing the operation research analysis for such areas as the administrative efficiency and factors related to computer cost etc.

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Determinants of Out-of Pocket Health Insurance Expenditure by the Employed in the US. (미국 근로자 가계의 의료보험지출과 영향요인)

  • 김혜연;홍성희
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the factors associated with health insurance expenditures of the employed in the US. The data were from the 1994 Consumer Expenditure Surrey and the sample selected was admits aged 18 to 64 who were either a single head of household or part of a married couple. Results of Tobit regression indicated that age, education, and occupation of household head, region of residence, number of earners, homeownership(as a proxy for wealth), total expenditure(as a proxy for income), health care expenditures(as a proxy for health status) are significantly related to out-of-pocket health insurance expenditures by the employed.

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